(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

ah soh,
Wah! u really mia for very long leh..how r u? Joining us for gathering tis sun?

Wah! U really onz MJ huh? Haha. 2 tables in ur hse somemore arh! Then who takes care of Seth?

Btw, how's Seth? Has he stopped vomitting? I understand he's been vomiting for a few days liao? So poor thing. He must be feeling really weak. Last time when Kay was down wif stomach virus & vomit through-out the night, she was really weak. Can't even sit up. All day lie down in bed & stare at ceiling. So frightening. See liao I also cry. Really wish it was me who's sick instead.

Btw, is Seth still coughing? Must refrain him from drinking & eating cold stuff for the time being.

The worst thing for us mummies is when our bb is sick. See them so xin ku, we really heartpain. Really feel like transferring their illness & pain to our body.

Hmm...I see Seth always sick, I feel so sorry for him. He's such a good boy! Try to let him rest more at home? Cos there're definitely more viruses outside the hse.

Last time when Kay was down, I quarantine her at home for 1 week. No doubt I'm bored to death, somemore can't even go out to pack lunch/dinner..have to eat bread + instant noodles through-out the whole week, but I feel it's our responsiblities as mummy to care for our bb + prevent the spread of the virus to strangers. Just my 2-cents worth of advise.

Mt - I might have some Jshopper orders once the Jibei is available...

I slept with Emerson just now at 10pm plus now very very awake... but by the time he wakes up i be feeling tired again..
hi mummies..

klcc - tomoro mite not be able to make it. hubby not free tomoro.. so not too sure how to get to hg =( oh ya.. d lanterns is at which part of chinatown? that day i went can't find .. hai
looking fwd to see yr Kristen leh..
the lantern stall is along smith street..
This thread is moving so fast. I must have missed out a lot of activities.

<font color="ff6000">MTDT</font>
For the lunch @ Orchard, can bring bbs?
Angi - ooh, Seth is not feeling well? Did u bring him to see a PD? Actually if he is not well or still recovering (immune system still weak leh), better to let him rest at home lah. Rest for a short while is for a longer route ahead mah... he recover faster, also good to u as a mommy rite.

CG - yes, of cos can bring bb... YB bring her kaylyn leh.

Date: 19th Sept 2007 (WED)
Time: 12noon
Place: Somewhere in Orchard.

2) Zita
3) YB + Kaylyn
4) CG + Bb
5) ??? no one already?? where are all the SAHM?? dun give face huh... hahah

Angi & Seth [Angi join next time ok... let Seth rest for more. I can understand sometimes coughing really takes a LONG LONG time to recover. Zav also always like tat.
aiyoh... PEACH - come lah... dun worry lah, we there to help u. Kristen so sociable

Hong - try ok... miss julian leh. our macho boy.
Thanks MTDT.

Date: 19th Sept 2007 (WED)
Time: 12noon
Place: Somewhere in Orchard.

2) Zita
3) YB + Kaylyn
4) CG + Bb
5) ??? no one already??
I can help u collect the spoon from Zoe when I see her tomorrow during the gathering then pass to u when u join us for lunch next wed. How? But u gotta let Zoe know 1st hor...
Hi mummies,
i shld be coming.

KLCC, can i go over earlier? say like 1pm? I will need to come back to put the kids to sleep then place julian at IL place and head dinner. The dinner is at orchard so must leave early.
roger MTDT thx...

YB, erm sorry 2 hear bout kay's episode but no worries, king seth's aint to that extend juz single puke once a day here & there alt days or there & then... guess its indigestion, still mtr so far so gd no worries still playing well destroying my stuff & eating...
now its juz cough & runny nose... thx dear...
this sunday got gathering ah? paiseh, have not been keeping track :p
we cannot make it leh, got family gathering.. all of u enjoy urselves.
hong..wah 1pm..so early ah? wahlau...u want heart to herat talk with klcc har?? hehehe...or u 2 wanna let ur princess n prince to 'xiang qing' ah? i think the rest will be there ard 3plus 4 leh...then u wait for us bo?
No prob.

Cough & runny nose arh? Got bring Seth to see doc? See wat the doc says. Hopefully after medication, Seth will recover soon!
Angi - cough & Runny nose best not to wait... young kids v prone to bronchilities.

Hong - huh? 1pm?? then wat time u intend to leave?
KLCC - tomolo I will bring ur jshoppers stuff ok.

huh... who else I owe things or/and need to bring for huh?? say now or forever keep ur peace. hahaha :p
Ermm..u forget liao arh? I owe me $$ leh..haha.must bring signed blank cheque tomorrow for me to fill in the amt leh. wahahaha! (just joking)
klcc, mtdt - i try lor. but very nervous handling kristen on my own outside. she has turned into a little terror. she walking everywhere n poke other children when we're out. today brought her shopping n couldn't get much done cos she wanted to walk.. dunwan to hold hands.. always go opposite direction from where i wanna go.. then always like to kiss the mirrors...

Wed can't go out for lunch... doing some small reno at my place so next whole week gotta stay home n supervise hahaha
not dun give face but unable to go out!!
peach - haha.. kristen so cute.
Kiss mirror = kiss herself loh! hahaha :p
come lah come lah... no worries.

YLC - ooh.. ok loh.
so after reno means can open for gathering huh?
so next mth ur plc is it! hahaha
*arrow shoot!!* :p
hahaha gathering my place?? CMI lah... still got lots more to do up n its super bb unfrenly. THis time round only reno small project... still got major one haven do yet!
the jshoppers bill is here

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item Code</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Price</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>Total </TD></TR><TR><TD>KLCC</TD><TD>J68202</TD><TD>A</TD><TD>105</TD><TD>1440</TD><TD>19.35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>KLCC</TD><TD>J69801</TD><TD>A: Red</TD><TD>110</TD><TD>2240</TD><TD>30.1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>KLCC</TD><TD>J66903</TD><TD>A</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>2040</TD><TD>27.42</TD><TD>76.87 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Pls pay the total amt to <font color="ff0000">POSB SAVINGS 096096852</font> Thanks.
aiyah... correct my english now huh!! :p
actually still got mezzo and may... but i think i email/msn them easier :p

klcc - no prob... give me cash later.

EP - u coming hor? i brining my frens stuff. :p
Hi mummies..
thanks all for coming over to my litle humble & hot hse js now
..hope u guys enjoyed yourself..
and thanks
Hong for the pie
Dsii for the pandan cake & mini cake
YB for the kueh
PM & MTDT for the cracker
Legomum for the self bake cake
yummy yummy...
Hi Klcc..tks for hosting, really enjoy ourselves...yr place cooling lah if Ian didnt switch off the fan...hahaha!...n the food hor veri nice..leh!

MT: I FINALLY MADE IT...didnt fly aeroplane!

To zavier, Emerson & Ian...aunty zita apologies on behalf ya! hope no major injuries created by v.

Lego mum, nice meeting u! do join us more often...& rem show us the pix...

Yeppie organise trial..hahaha! last week i juz noe that even before confirm can apply leave , mc & childcare leave..n matern leave is 4mth...so pro family hor..!

haiz my pc crash liao....can only chat tomm! now borrowing brother pc...
KLCC - Thanks for having us.
Sorry made a mess, yr maid must be cursing us now. Haha. BTW, the crackers are from MT I just help her to carry nia.. :p

Zita - No problems at all, Emerson is a bully too! Actually dunno why, sort of miss u and vernice..coz in the past we used to meet up every sat at BJG...then like so sek.. but now seldom see each other...

Lego mum - Nice to seeing u. Hope to see more new faces like Mamaanne, etc...

Who is organising a trial? Count me in hor!

Any one who has pic of naughty Emerson, pls email me: [email protected] TIA
Thx for inviting us over to ur plc today. Both Kay & me had a great time there. Wah! So much things to eat. I sure gain weight. Haha...sorry for messing up ur plc too!

Btw, Kay likes ur bee hoon leh.

Lego mum,
Thx for ur hb taking so much pixs leh. He's the official photographer today arh! hee..hee...Quick quick show us!
KLCC - Thanks for everything... the food yummy leh... esp the beehoon n chicken nuggets. :p

Zita - no worries lah... the kids are all still learning mah. :p

Legomum - nice meeting u... ya, i notice ur hubby keep snapping leh!! quick share the pics. for zav pics... can email to [email protected]. :p thanks

Trial - JWT Gym Global Playgroup (weekday ok?)
since we hv 50% off for trials voucher... thinking shd make full use of it. haha
But akan datang for details ok.
pm, yb - no problem with the mess..not v messy lah..my maid is v used to cleaning up le cos my 2 gers v expert in messing the house :p
Kay likes my Beehoon ah...she sure got gd taste..wohahaha..

btw, someone left a milk powder dispenser at my pl..2 tiers type..belong to who hah??

do email me for pic taken at the gathering js now..email add : [email protected]
KLCC - hahaha... u really does look like u are stun a few times...

must be thinking:
Sh*t... why did I offer my hse... wow... such a mess... all these pple from which planet, why so loud, so noisy, so messy!! like market!!! hahaha :p

*charm... think no one dare to "open hse" for next mth liao!! hahaha*
thanks for organising the gathering...really enjoyed ourselves. Xavier so shack out that he slept on the cab back. Oh yes, can help me keep the milk powder holder? will go ur house and take when i go my mil house at sengkang. thanks.
i was stun not by the mess lah...more like figuring out how to get across to the other side of the room with my pooh-like body with so many babies, toys & mummies sitting ard ..kekeke
The lunch next week can change to Tue instead? Cos Wed I might need to go do survey. Haha..earn some pocket $$ for Kay's milk powder.
The kids must have a great fun today. Too bad, every Sundays I will be at church, then dinner w families. So can't attend any gathering held on Sundays. Hb has been complaining that I am busy from Mon-Sat, keep going out.

<font color="ff6000">Klcc</font>
luckily you have a maid to help you to clean up the mess.

<font color="ff6000">MTDT</font>
Regarding the lunch on Wed, would you and Zita bringing your precious ones along?

Date: 19th Sept 2007 (WED)
Time: 12noon
Place: Somewhere in Orchard.

2) Zita
3) YB + Kaylyn
4) CG + Bb
YB - Tues I will be working from home leh...
hmm... like tat how?

can meet another week loh.

wat others think?

Zita - U still keen in going popular?
KLCC - hahhaa... ur look really funny when u "stunning" hahaha... :p

CG - nope, me and Zita are WORKING leh...
so no bbies.... but now YB Cant make it leh.

<font color="ff6000">YB</font>
Doing survey again? Good lobang! Then who helps you to take care of Kay? Every Tuesdays I can't. Is a weekly thing to meet my parents out, and for them to see Sha. Another day?
