(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Wah! Ur eldest nephew older than me leh..hee..hee..ur sis-in-law much older than u arh...hee..hee...

Any good bargains at JL Sale? Wah, u so good, raining heavily also can go shopping?

I also tempted to tie up my gal's hands, cos she's always sucking her fingers. I.e. sleeping, eating, drinking, playing, swimming...sigh. Think it's becoming a habit for her already.
Sandy - use this quote "<table border=1><tr><td>Table Items</td></tr></table>"

YB - heard diaso hv. or get from BP loh

JL - actually dunno wat to buy also.
bb clothes - he have soooooo many liao
bb toys - i look here n there also dunno wat to get for him.

in the end, went to the ladies section n buy my own things! haha
oops... sandy, u can search for the details in "help - formatting - other formatting"

i try to post the link again

\ table {Table Items}
i think shld hv no space...u try no spacing...see can bo...i oso forgot liao..hahaha

ya loh....13 kids from my mil...then 1 died..if not 14 ah...all ard 1-2 yrs interval..only my youngest sil and my hb..3 yrs apart...thats y that day YB said after birth 1 kid..mummy's brain will shrink...and i was just joking with the mummies..my mil 'no brain' liao..cos 13kids mah...hahahahhaa
\ table {Nick BB's Name Date of Birth Weight at birth (KG) Weight now (KG) Height at Birth (CM) Height now (CM)
MTDT 15-Jun-06 2.86 9.23 (90%) 71 (97%)
Sandylove Benjamin 17-Jul-06 3.75 7.58 (50%) 51 64 (25%)}
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>BB's Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Wt at Birth</TD><TD>Wt now</TD><TD>Ht at Birth</TD><TD>Ht Now </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTDT</TD><TD>Zavier</TD><TD>15-Jun-06</TD><TD>2680</TD><TD>9225 (90%)</TD><TD>48</TD><TD>71 (97%) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sandylove</TD><TD>Benjamin</TD><TD>17-Jul-06</TD><TD>3750</TD><TD>7580 (50%)</TD><TD>51</TD><TD>64 (25%) </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
oh Mt A got PD on duty at A&amp;E ah? if i know last time shld bring my ger there instead of kkh A&amp;E but cos i deliver at kkh mah so dunno...dat time my ger's stools got blood so i went there, none of d docs on duty could check wat was wrong when it's only an anus tear, in d end admit my ger liao then i remembered one PD came still didnt managed to discover until next morning one senior doc came then managed to check...
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> BB name</TD><TD> Date of Birth</TD><TD> Wt@birth (kg)</TD><TD> Wt now (Kg)</TD><TD> Height @Birth (cm)</TD><TD> Height now (cm) </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTDT</TD><TD></TD><TD> 15-jun-06</TD><TD>2.86</TD><TD>9.23 (90%)</TD><TD></TD><TD> 71 (97%) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sandylove</TD><TD>Benjamin</TD><TD>17-jul-06</TD><TD>3.75</TD><TD>7.58 (50%)</TD><TD>51</TD><TD>64 (25%) </td></tr></table>
ya i saw d freezer cubes with lid at Daiso, i bought mine from NTUC

sigh...so sian raining cant go out, morning ate a piece of cake till now, so hungry...

dr sim told me that can feed again after 24 hrs the breast milk. i guess approximately there shld be OK la


brought to condo jacuzzi to go swim. hehe. didn't put sunblock also, but it wasn't THAT sunny. think short while shld be ok la.. brought her to dip for only 10 - 15 minutes. let her float in the pool (with my help)... hehe.. public pool abit more scared la.. but this one is at jacuzzi n no one in there at that time.. close one eye.. quickly go n bathe. dun let her drink the water. she'll survive!
OC - aiyoh.. why KKH docs so lousy one huh?
poor bb &amp; u, must be stressed out too.

sandy - haha, but u also figure it out mah.

wow... this littlejetplane another stalker? so fast noe tat someone looking for food tray! hahah :p

swimming - i also went to my sis condo pool. bathe at her home.
Aiyo thought what food container... I need one to keep my BB porridge or rice cereal so that it can still keep hot or easy to open and feed. So small how to put.. wahaha
sandy - can get a food jar from tiger.

it has 3 compartments. besides can keep warm, can serve as a bowl to feed bb too.

i use tat to bring porridge to zoo to feed zav. :p quite fun! haha
ya ya... can separate out the "liao" from the porridge... not bad lah.

can go check it out at major department stores.

I just bought one, Tiger brand, think the price range from $40+ to $60+. Must check with the salesman also how long can the food be kept warm. Some 6hrs, some 8hrs, some dunno even can last 4hrs or not. So must remember to check.

Wau, all your babies is fast, can already get up and sit on their own already. Gerrard cannot even sit on his own yet.

And do take care for everyone, seems like the rain is coming on n off again.
Hmm.. seem like KKH like to admit BB irregardless whether is it big or small matters. Then take a day or 2 to check, if over weekend is even worst.. they discharge your child already then send u the lab report a week later.
My SIL's daughter got admited because she kept vomitting but she is nt weak until cannot move. KKH admit her then discharge her 2 day later w/o informing my SIL the cause of vomitting. Only send lab report - " rotavirus negative" that all. Poor SIL &amp; her HB came to me and ask what is rotavirus ( lucky still remember ) . Very bad service.
Tiger - huh, think NTUC like dun sell leh.
i saw promoter at isetan (orchard) n taka.
think liverpool bought another model tat is one big jar n a small container rite?

Food cubes - not sure abt price. as dun intend to puree food. but past BPs, they order from usa i think.

KKH - really cross them out sia! haha
I cannot really remember, think about $50++, need to check with my wife. Bought it at Parkway Parade isetan, there got quite a fair bit of choices to choose from. In the end, we choose tiger brand, more reliable, and salesperson say this is the only one that can last 8 hrs.
ya can imagine, so i really hate goin thru inexperienced docs who check here n there so many things but still cant give u any answers
Goverment hospital tend to have trainee.. worst is they ask u to admit and let u wait for result. Inexperience parent will panic and do as it is told. Waste $$ &amp; time.
exactly! not trying to be nasty but sometimes really waste so much time n $$ due to their incompetence n inefficiency, worst still make worried parents even more stressful, moreover dat time my bb barely 2 mths so i was quite emotional oso. in d end when she finally got discharged, i was like "what d @#%$?!"

Cook porridge??? Chun bo, spoilt u buy me another bo. Nah, got plenty of other equipment to cook porridge, even got a small slow cooker just to cook gerrard food. He ma chiam like KING in the family...LOL
hahaha... i read from the forum one leh... i din get tat particular food jar. so i also dunno!! :p

ya ya, my boy also KING. last weekend, me, hubby n SIL was using the manual food set to prepare porridge for him. 3 adults preparing food for a small KING!! haha
so many things happen.. PM, i hope emerson ok liao... if me sure stress like dunno wat too..

Lucida.. u make me think twice abt stopping to BF.. now i am only doign it 2X a day.. already reaching 6mths.. i thot can stop already. .so i can have more time for myself.. and dun feel so restricted.. but after wat u wrote.. hmm.. i in dilema liao...

my boy is fine and doign well.. but i can feel his naughtness liao.. when i feed him solid.. he'll scream and scream cos i too slow for him..very naughty lor.. cannot wipe his mouth.. must feed him immediately..

btw..he HAVEN'T FLIP! he like very NUA(lazy)... even when we carry him, he likes to lean on us.. haiz.. very lazy!!!

will try to come in more often..gtg liao.. off work already..
Liverpool, MTDT,
yah this model can cook porridge but teochew porridge so bb still cant take.

I got that. I put my boiled soup into the jar, i had soup during lunch time and it was still pipping hot. I keep sound till 6pm and it was still warm. Like i say, is a very gd investment.

My sister, and mother got one after my recommendation and they said GOOD!
Wah...so many posts!!! Me very busy with Garrick these days!!! So active - crawling everywhere and now has begun to pull himself up so that he can stand. He did that at the PD when we went to check on his bronchiolitis. Garrick turns 6 months today and we started feeding him Heinz Rice Cereal today and thank goodness, he loves it.

If we are feeding our babies rice cereal for lunch, how many mls of milk does our babies need?
Lucida, misaryeo

i think it's very good dat u 2 can BF for so long already since both of u are working. i still enjoy BFing my ger, now only 1 to 2 times a day n i really dun wish to stop! it's such a wonderful feeling n my ger has been growing quite well too, no problems like constipation etc. but it's easier for me cos im a SAHM, so i tell myself for my second child i definitely want to TBF cos for my ger first time no experience...
wow ur your Garrick can crawl n pull himself up already! really quite fast! u must be so busy looking after him then

for my ger when i first introduced her rice cereal, like just a few tsp, i still gave her normal milk amt n she finished all. now if she managed to finish all her rice cereal, i wait 1 to 2 hrs then give her milk, so really depends on ur bb

Hi mummies! How much cereal are you feeding your baby per day? For Aden, I give him one scoop and a little bit. Is that too little? Too much?

By the way, I'm staying in Buangkok Crescent, near Sengkang. Tot of offering my house for next gathering.. but has to be skool hols!
