(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi Mummies,

How have you all been? I been reali busy with work and lots of stuff.

Xaria growing cuter each day. See her everyday grow and when so tired at work, come home liek forget everything liao.

Celest start primary 1 oreadi. She seems to be enjoying school alot.

Wah, now seldom see Fruitee online liao hor? She help you all buy quite along of stuff from Bangkok right? She very nice man, if me I dunno can I buy so much stuff back anot also.

Hi mums, E is slightly better now at least fever is gone and appetite's abit better now. Thank god... that I didnt make the wrong decision for admitting him, otherwise dunno now discharge already or not....but come to think of it, I also no choice but to go KKH... coz if I wld still prefer a PD to see him even if I got GlenE A&E, it wld still be a GP stationed?

OC, I not as firm as u think, coz the doc keep asking my hubby to say something, like asking him to persuade me to admit.. but he just kept looking at me to make the final decision, I was very very luan at that time...

Food Jar - Dont think I be so steady to bring porridge out for BB. Lazy mummy. Tmr going to be my first attempt to cook for him, now I only give him instant cereal. So lazy right....

Mich - Glad that Celest likes her sch. She's so friendly I m sure she will make lots of friends.

I started work last week, trying to adjust to working life.. no time to even come into the forum.. have been waking up 5.30am to bfeed my girl, get ready, drive my girl to my mum's place then go to work.. quite zombified already.

So many mummies and babies sick, just want to wish you all "Get well soon!"
Dylan has 2 meals of solids a day. In the morning he has fruit with a scoop of rice. In the afternoon he has vege with 1.5 scoops of rice. He really loves what I cook for him and would have more if I allow him but I don't cos he drinks less milk when he has as much solids as he chooses. He used to have more rice (2-3 scoops) than fuit or vege but I've moved him on to mostly fruit/vege and the rice is just to give the puree texture.

I haven't offered him chinese rice porridge yet as I'm in the UK and weaning him the ang moh way. ;-p My midwife is ang moh and she suggests things like weetabix with milk for breakfast and little pieces of toast (the size of a stamp) and pasta for him to feed himself at mealtimes or snacks when he turns 6 months. He's gonna love it, being given the chance to self-feed. And I'm looking forward to offering him such fun. I know it'll be very messy but I like watching him have a good time ;-p
JP, wow! Garrick so fast!!! makes me wonder why my boy is so lazy!btw, i still giving him his usual amt og milk which is 200ml after his feed of solid abt 3-4hrs later. he very auto.. will cry for milk when the time is up...

lucida n oc, now i dunno if i shld stop liao.
seems my personal testimony on stopping BF have affected some of you B-p

well, last night baby very cranky. We are wondering is it because stomach not feeling well as recently we start to mix Isomil with the NAN HA milk powder (as advised by PD).. If i still got BF (even partial also good), I can just offer my breast and my baby would "shut up". But, I got nothing to offer and both me and hubby end up very tired carrying him and in the end just wake up.. very sleepy now. Me not so bad as most of the time my hubby is tryng to sooth him..
But again, this is case by case. My baby got reaction to diary's product so his stomach more sensitive. BF would be better.
.. haiz... I really miss the BF days lor. Even going shopping centre BF room also quite fun talking to other mothers in the room..
Wow. seems a number of babies can take solid well. Mine just take a few sip of cereal and dun wan already.. I'm using Earth Best Organic Brown rice cereal. What did you all use??
morning mummies..
it is common for BB to reject after a few sip. Maybe u have make it too watery or the cereal not "fragrance" enough to attract him.
I use Frisocrem ( for 4 mth) from 4th to 5th. Now he is eating Nestle Cereal step 2.
Would you want to have the freezer cubes tray.. I bought mine from the BP, I have 3 and would like to let one go, unopened.I bought mine at abt $14 last yr during offer. I using one tray now. Have not open the rest.can let you have at $10. let me know.
I am now expressing once a day in the morning before going to work. Well, I am also trying to wean off soon since baby is already 6 months. My girl doesn't latch in the 1st place, so no breast to offer. Well, the only concern is if I give full FM, will my girl still be able to poo so smoothly.

I am also yearning to wean off and not being so restricted....

Does your baby's constipation only happen after you wean off completely? I thought Nan HA is quite heaty, so I give Similac to my girl.
Kin, I am interested in the freezer trays too. Let me know if u still wanna sell.

Lucida, actually I am in the midst of stopping, but I just let it happen "naturally" coz I haven been pumping since I moved and only latch him at night, even now still but I can sense that the amt is gettng lesser because BB is not satisfied and I usually need to give him FM before I latch... I also like the feeling of him sulking and I cuddled him while he's drinking, sometimes I make him wake up to drink so that I could fall asleep. Haha.

lala, for Emerson, there's some changes to his poo pattern, the amt, the consistency, the colou and the smell now. If u wanna total wean of BM, then must give water so that its not so heaty.
Hi LaLa, You used NAN HA before? Why did you use HA milk? Is it your baby also reaction to diary product? So you use Similac and it's ok? Is it recommended by PD? If it's ok also I'm thinking of buying the small tin to try..
My first attempt to cook porride today.

I boiled some ikan bilis stock and use them to cook the porridge. Shedded carrot and put inside slow cooker with the porridge. I wonder how it will turn out.

*cross fingers* that Baby likes.
good morning mummies!!!!1
ian is having Nan 1HA since birth...so far shld consider ok bah..hehehe...but this morning he poo abit only..and not the soft or semi watery type he used to poo...but 1 lump loh...not much though...but not hard hard type one lah..put u can pick it up using ur hands...wahahaa...hope no one is having late b'fast or early lunch now...hehehe...paiseh ah...i oso dunno wanna stop bf bo...hb said 6 mths enuff liao...but i think a bit sayang leh...i sayang not BF not becos the bonding (cos from birth till now...ian dun like to latch direct, so all along i pump the milk loh) but becos FM VERY EXPENSIVE...wahahaha..so been telling myself to continue...at least per tin can last for about 2 weeks ...or slightly longer...if not every week must finish up 1 tin ah..damn siong leh...
last time i just cut the carrots(1 big pc) and cook with the porridge..so the porridge got carrot taste and hor..by the time porridge ready the carrot oso soft soft liao..then i mash the carrot and mix with the porridge and let isaac makan...hehehe...u still shed the carrot to slices...wah..me damn lazy one...
so your Ian also doesn't latch ... just like my Charisse. We have benn bonding with machines... hahahaha

No, my girl doesn't have reaction to diary product but just find that she seems very thirsty when takes NAN HA. She seems better when we switch to Similac.

I am also letting it happen naturally. Will continue to pump once a day until the day when I wake up, no more milk to express. Yep, I also realise Charisse's poo pattern has changed. She used to have those watery poo daily (due to bm) but now, soft long poo and at times, she will only poo once in 2 days. PD said okie even if didn't poo for few days as long as poo is not hard.
hahaha..ya loh...with the pump..wahahaha....but at least i got to know how much he drinks loh...if latch on...i dunno....
Besides knowing the amount of bm baby consumes, expressing out also allows mummy more time to rest since baby drinks more and zz longer.
HI dsiitan,

I think carrots and broccoli are fine...what it says in the website is that we should NOT use back the water for boiling carrots or brocooli cos nitrates might have sip in. After boiling the carrots..throw away the water.
Hi Sandy,

not sure abt that..but I'm sure there are other sources of foods where we can get Vit C right?

Btw...anyone giving their bb Friso2? I have a free tin (900g i think) not open befoer and I'm giving away cos I give my ger similac stage2.
maybe better to buy organic. i think worth it. for me, for roots such as carrots, sweet potatoe i will buy organic coz these roots absorb nitrates as well as pesticides. most roots contain higher level of pesticides becoz they are retain in the soil.
Some websites say that bbs an toddlers take in a lot more veg in quantity than we think becoz they don't really eat a lot of other components of food still.however, it is also the pricing. it is really v expensive.my mum takes pure organic due to her being in remission fr cancer. so almost every weekend, my mum goes up to the lim chu kang farms to buy. cheaper really by a lot.
blessing, if steam, then the nitrate stay in carrot... eat also...so scary.maybe i will give organic until 1 yr old, than to normal food...
Lol.. Blessing Vitamin C is also destroy in heat. That is why we are told to stir- fry fast and best is drink the water if u boil veggies.
Message online not everything is truth and recognise by WHO. I have a visitor to my HPB (Health Promotion Board) booth questioning me why i kept encouraging people to drink more milk.He read from somewhere that milk will cause osteoporosis. He question which school i grad etc. I let him talk finish (already boiling inside) , then i ask where he got the knowledge from ? He says INTERNET. *Faint *
ah.. mummies...
reading your msgs so much about cooking.

i know i'm going to sound suakoo...

but.. how do you steam veggie? n how u know it's done?
Lala, i also have the same thots as u..felt abit restricted now...and somemore i hav BF for alomost 6mths already.. but i guess i cure can't bear to stop.. will sure wait till nature take its course and wean naturally...
u mean u steam method to make soup ar.. that i never try b4. I use carrot to make porridge too, no worries just wash clean can already.
Yes, infact, many times I can't bear to stop but on the other hand, really want some "freedom". Unless you purposely expressing lesser or shorter time, I believe the supply will continue to be there. I am now expressing lesser and lesser and maybe in 1-2 weeks' time, the supply will be gone. Actually saying that now makes me sad. I don't really want the supply to be gone ... dilemma
har?? no lah...make soup will hv to boil the carrot and potato together then cwill hv the taste mah..hehehe...aiya..bochap lah...think once a while ok lah..hehehehe...if not really dunno what to eat liao...
hahha...me too...at times i told my hb that i feel so pekchek to pump milk always...go out for too long..must rush home to pump..go MIL's place must bring pump..aiyo..so many barang barang liao still need to bring pump..then alot of stuff cannot makan...damn sianz...but when he told me to stop 6 mths later..i like 'bu she de'..siao right???
hey gals...

tat time a few mummies wan to buy the playyard rite? it is from cheong choon?
can somemone give me the contact person/details etc to buy from?

have a fen interested.

Where can I find a good range of organic baby as well as fresh foods in Singapore? Have only recently been to the one in Great World City. Any recommendations which are not overly-priced? Many thanks.

Can you pls give me details of the Lim Chu Kang farms? Thanks. And I intend to give organic where possible till my little fella's 1 yo as well. Cos 'Due to their smaller size, fast-growing speedy metabolisms, and less varied diets, infants are more vulnerable to health and developmental damage.'

Dylan's on Heinz Organic rice cereal. There aren't any brown rice cereals in the supermarkets here so I'll start offering him that in Singapore.

of cos will reply u....
how are you doing... u miss so many gatherings liao.

miss u n bb xaria v much!
Love ur boy eyes. very nice.

Garrick can pull himself up now. WOW... it is not a bad point to be light something.
MTDT and dsiitan, your boys are so cute! MTDT, love your boy's cheeks, chubby and rosy!

Mummies, I also hope to give my baby organic food till she turns 1 year old. A bit troublesome and cost more but think it is worth while since her digestive system is not fully developed yet.

Do you have any idea whether there are any organic shops selling fruits and veg in the North area? Thanks!

Zoe, regarding organic rice cereal. You can also buy health times cereal and earthbest. I wanted to buy Heinz organic rice cereal but didn't get it in the end because it may contain traces of soy and wheat leh. I read that it is not advisable to give wheat to our babies at this stage.

Today, I gave my girl 2 teaspoons of healthy times brown rice cereal and she loves it! Had fun feeding her!
You can have the tray. i think i need only one. i actually bought 2 more coz my friend needs. i asked her and she say prob no need so, sell to you also.Just PM me..will do.

Zoe, will check my mum and let you know. in the mean time, cold storage does sells organic if you really need convenience. but i think only carrots are suitable. If you go paragon, market place, they even have organic apples....and much more. Price a little steep though.

bellamy is quite tasty also. FOund in ntuc.l Vivocity has vitakids shop just outside the kids playground area. They carry quite a bit of dried and bottled baby food
