(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

i think germayn is the 1st baby to be able to sit up by herself. so cute! I think Xavier will be able to do tat soon as hje likes to raise his bum bum high up into the air, maybe getting ready to sit up too.

kloe, twinstars
yeah my boy oso born on 10th of July. But i think Xavier is the oldest becos he came out just in time to watch world cup finals(2 hrs b4) ard midnite. In the end, i managed to catch zidane's 'heading'.
ya loh...sick again...but now getting slight better...must faster get well..cos no one taking care of the 2 boys. me isnt cannot sleep..is not enuff sleep..hahaha...woke up to feed ian loh..then washed bottle liao..come in see look see look awhile loh..hahaha..addicted lah..wahahaha...then surprised got mums posted at this hr too...wahahaha

ya loh...sahm dun hv mc..no leave..no extra help..especially me...dad dun no how to take care bb...think he can only handle isaac..then my in laws...and sister stays the other end of singapore...how to help out ? then sick still need to pump milk...

hahhaa....ya loh...'wee'wee' mums...now i dun usually pump in wee hrs liao(unless i feel my breasts'full'and uncomfy loh......last pump will be ard 11pm..then the next ill be ard 5 plus 6...cos pump liao need to prepare isaac for sch...the follow by ian...then need to send isaac to sch..haiz...time not enuff...
think of it this way, urs boys will be closest to u than any other ppl. they will know ur greatness and wat u did for them one...
zlia, yenny
ian oso like to do 'push up' but only the front manage to get up....bums too heavy liao...hahaha..but can see he is trying very hard loh...at times only bums high up...wonder when he start crawling or sit up...yenny, JP's son oso can sit liao...
Mummies.. anyone here leave in Sengkang ? If yes, have you heard any comment on the flat in Sengkang East Road Blk 202B. I wanted to buy a flat there but i am very fishy about the whole flat being emtpy for 5 years.
whole flat meaning unit??? or whole block??? if whole unit..mine too...mine was ballot one...the whole block got a few empty unit...mine under re-purchase..that means the owner sold the unit back to HDB. oso empty for abt 5yrs loh...so far ok lah....actually heard that HDB will have few empty units so that at times..it will be in balloting systems loh..
it is whole block empty. I want to book for a flat at Sengkang East Road. Then i can open my house for u all to come. hehe
wah...really ah??? hahaha...we will sure go..can can...but got alot of ppl book fort he flat bo? if have then ok lah...but can ask ard or even ask HDB why empty for 5 yrs...hehehe
yeah shld ask.. i think i will ask when i go HDB this sat to book. By the way, your BB got injection in polyclinic too ? What shld i do cos he is nt given oral Sabin from the 1st jab till the last one.
yes..mine at polyclinic..but hor...mine not package one leh....so i dunno abt that...mine is free one..every mth has to go and jab loh
Hi Sandy
my ger oso taking 5 in 1 at polyclinic, wat is oral Sabin? she is not given at all oso, maybe 5 in 1 jabs no need?

get well soon k? if u need anything or wat can call me since we stay so near
isaac had the same pose with the same clothing taken 5 yrs ago..hahahaa

learning to drive at this age???
thks alot...hmm...so next time i nede help i will look for u leh...can bo??? hehehhee..but of cos u may do so too lah...wahahhaa..but i hope i will not need ur help at all...cos that means i'm well enuff to do it myself mah!!!! hehehe
ur ger is so fast! kick n kick then sit up. *applause*

the boy in red is isaac or Ian?
hahahaha...ian loh...wahahaha...hmm....must go n find isaac's pic with this clothes then show u all liao..wahahaa
I don't know what is oral Sabin but i know it is a sweet liquid taken b4 any injection given on the same day.
u stay where ?
not every jab lah...for ian's case...taken with DPT/polio (3X)..

i stay pasir ris...quite nearby too...
hi gals...

wow!!! Germayn is soooo cute!!
my boy now only now how to push his bum high high.... :p

my boy also down with virus. yesterday hv fever too. can hear tat his nose are block liao. sigh...
no prob...ya my mum n MIL oso stay very far, like dat day i oso bad headache n vomit in d end gotta "summon" my hubby to rush home

ian so cute!!
downtown east?? no lah...with ian how to enjoy??? then i hv to chase after isaac...(think liao oso scare)...mayeb when ian is bigger bah...hehe
thks for the compliment...hehehe..ya loh..when i sick hb needs to apply urgent leave...so at times i oso very angry at myself...like so weak...big size yet weak....pengz
haha...big size small size oso will fall sick one wat. my hubby falls sick more often than me so when he pass d virus to me i will be so angry with him but he thinks it's not his fault to fall sick wat

if go downtown east u can ask your hubby to take care of issac then u take care of ian wat
Hi mums, I had a very bad weekend.

Emerson's fever was up and down and on Sun, he got rashes over his torso area and his legs. I was very worred and rushed him to KKH children's emergency.

At there, the doc confirm the rash was due to his fever and there was no cause for alarm.But they did a blood test for him and find out that one of his component is really low and he needs to be admitted to be put on drip since he hasnt drink anything since Thurs n there's risk of dehydration.

Before that, I was making a scene there already. Coz I had waited for vvvv long..for a whole 3-4hours and E was just not consolable! I understand the long Q and such but it was just a matter of throwing temper..and is extremely pissed with the nurses and doc there... until the senior consultant have to come and cool me down.
Haha. I'm very wilful one.

I was so heartache when they did the blood test and was just down there sobbing with Emerson. He cried til... i dunno like what. Before that I already had a long and tiring day, coz he was fussy and lethargic..and I hd guest at my place too. Had to walk him up and down here and there.. Very very tired.

The docs make us decide whether to want to admit E or not...but I said no, she tried v hard in vain to explain to us the consequences but I was just too pissed and dissapointed with their service. I thought E will be suffering if he will to be admitted..since they said his immue is really low, if he were to be admitted will he catch other viruses from patients there? Foreign environment and with a drip on, I think it b super hard on him. I was really at wits end and in a lost, coz I do not know if "protecting" him in this manner will cause him more harm. At last, they made me sign a letter of indemnity to say they are not responsible for anything if i insist of discharging.

Went home ard 2+am. E is still fussing and crying and crying!!!! and he finally slept at 4am til 8.30am. I didnt wink my eye at all... I decided to get a second opinion on admitting him. So I called up friends and relative to recommend me a PD in Gleneagles. So I went to this Dr Catherine Lam.

She explained that the viral infection virus had attack Emerson and suppressing his bone marrow from producing white blood cells. Thus the results of the blood test... plus he hasnt been drinking. She did not suggest him being admitted for the same ting I feared. So she gave me some appetite booster, wind drops and a phlegm syrup for E.. and ask me to stay away from crowds and isolate E til next week.

E's appetite is better now and is drinking, though haven fully recovered... but it beats sticking needles thru him. I really hate to see him suffer like that.., I wish i could be the one to sick instead of him.
what a day u went through. I will pray for the recovery of E , at the same time do take care of yourself. I can understand how u felt when u got to wait so long at the emergcy. I did that too when the stupid staff kept transferring me to different dept & i still cannot find where they shift my Dad to. ( they never update system) lol
Sandy, I stay at Sengkang too... and my flat was empty for 6 years before I moved in. So far, nothing. Hopefully wont have anything lah! *choy choy choy*

Thanks for yr wellwishes.
oh dear no wonder didnt see u online. glad dat emerson is gettin better..but i must salute u for being firm on your stand since u did not trust d doc at kkh anymore, if im u i probably would have given in to them n admit my bb. think d doc at gleneagles really more experienced cos i oso dun have a good experience at kkh d other time.

dun worry im sure under your tender loving care, emerson will slowly recover soon. maybe now should reject guests from coming to your place for d time being as well n pls take care of yourself too ya?
Catherine Lam??? hahahaa...she is GD!!!! isaac's PD...and a very elegant and nice PD!!! isaac visited her for 4 yrs.....hehehhee.....but ex loh....
u can trust catherine lam...like i said she is GOOD...even isaac now still remember her...and hor...her injection skill very gd...cos isaac never cry last time when having the jabs...all jabs leh..hahahaha...or maybe isaac a strong boy..wahahhaa...when i had ian, i dun like the PD at TMC..tot of going to Catherine lam...but too far and ex loh..me now not working..cannot afford leh..but if i still work..sure go to her,....hehehe
beside KKH, u can also try NUH next time. The nurses are gd and friendly. If u really need to go hospital.

I hope E is better soon. Low white blood cell is no joke. U take care too. Take some chicken esse.

Lam Baby & Child Clinic
4/6 Napier Rd #06-03/04 Gleneagles Hospital
Tel : 6734 7207
she has another clinic in Mt E...forgot which floor liao...she will be stationed at Glen E in the morning till 12pm or 1 pm..then 2or 230pm at Mt E during weekdays...saturday only morning session at Glen E. her chgs are?? i forgot her consultation fees liao...shld be ard $45 loh...
dr lam is in this practice for more than 22 yrs liao i think..my PD and gynae was recommended by my SILs..all my SILs was delivered by the same gynae and PD was catherine lam...and can u imagine my eldest niece is already 22 yrs old...going 23 this yr...even the nurses working there also long service award..cos that time my SIL and niece brought isaac to see dr lam...the nurse there still remember my SIL..hahaha...now i dunno the nurses still same bo...when i visited dr lam..i dun hv to tell nurse isaac's name...she saw his face know who he was liao...
your eldest niece is only 23. I am like only 2 year older than her and i am already Mummy. Never get to enjoy my early 20s. Lol
Hi dsii,
Yup. Tat's my hubby. My gal looks like me meh? Nobody says so leh..Yeah..my gal sucks her fingers, even in the pool & shower. sigh!

I saw from ur pix tat Ian is wearing mittens. U still let him wear arh?

Ur gal is SO STEADY! Can balance very well!

Hi Lucida,
No, I didn't buy any swimming accessories. Cos our bb is still too young to learn to swim. I jus hold her & use my hands to move her legs so she can learn to kick in the water.

Hi Sandy,
Mayb u can check wif the neighbours around & see if there's anything fishy going on? Have to b extra cautious when buying a hse cos u'll b living there & it's a huge investment.
Oh dear. Pray tat Emerson recovers soon. When I study biology in class, I remember white blood cells helps to strengthen our immune system. So I guess tis is really no joke. Also tell ur hubby to shower after coming hm from work before carry Emerson. Cos he may carry outside bacteria. U also gotta take gd care of urself, cos u r the main caregiver leh...
my niece lah...i meant the eldest one whose PD was catherine lam was 23...the eldest nephew is 29 liao loh....
my niece lah...i meant the eldest one whose PD was catherine lam was 23...the eldest nephew is 29 liao loh....
Hi gals... just back from JL Sale! haha

PM - oh, take care....ya, think better isolate E now. actually i also dun trust KKH. my colleague told me if anything, best to go Mt A A&E. they have a PD on duty one. not any general doc.
compare details huh? but my boy is jun bb leh.
nevermind lah.. let's hv fun!

Date of birth: 15 Jun 06
Birth Weight = 2860gm
Now = 9225gm (90%)
Height = 71cm (97%)

ya loh..still when mittens when sleeping...cos he hor...damn jialat one...will pull hair and scratch his face...u never notice got a big patch gone meh??? so now still let him wear...but hands too big so at times wear booties on his hands..hahahaha...hope when grow older he wont torture himself then no need to wear liao but of cos will take out so he can use his hands to hold things loh..
