(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Thanks for sharing your information. Much appreciated. Will check out Marketplace and Vitakids when I'm back. Babies don't consume that much at this age so I think it's still not too bad, spending the extra. I cook and freeze so even with the added organic cost, it doesn't cost too much. Compared to feeding him bottled food.

I checked my Heinz cereal box. Doesn't say traces of wheat anywhere and it says gluten-free. Perhaps UK Heinz's different from Spore Heinz? For me I think traces of wheat is fine cos we don't have a family history of Coeliac Disease or an intolerance or allergy to wheat.

For some strange reason I have an affinity to Heinz. ;-) Maybe it's to do with how I grew up on Heinz products and still prefer them to other brands. I like their branding also. ;-p
Will give Bellamy a try also. Checked out their homepage and it looks quite good. Anything found at NTUC will definitely be more convenient for me as that's the only store within walking-distance for me. Thanks.
Hi Kin,
Thx for offering. I wanna go Daiso have a look at their food cubes first. I let u know again, okay? Btw, how's the freezer cubes? Is it gd? How do u defrost the food?

Hi Mich,
How r u? Long time nvr hear from u liao!
Hello mummies... Am bringing Germayn for her jab tomorrow. Not sure if it's ok, cos she just recovered...
And ya, she fell down the bed again ytd! Sigh! Put her sis's bolster at her side, but she pushed it down, and went down together with the bolster. Think im quite dumb also la. It's not like the bolster is very heavy. Hai. Really scared she'll have some head injury.

Hello Mich, how are things now?

Hello Kin, does your elder gal have bronchitis often? How old is she? My elder gal keeps having bronchitis. And I dunno..think it's prob cos of me also? Cos i used to have childhood asthma. So sad.

Zoe, i like Heinz also, compared to Gerber and Nestle.

Lucida, Germayn doesnt wanna be spoonfed at all. When we feed her using a spoon, she'll 'buuuu' everything out and cry. I tried apple, rice cereal, brown rice cereal. my MIL tried porridge with pumpkin. All failed. haha. So only feeding her with brown rice cereal via bottle. But i stopped this for a few days cos she wasn't feeling well.

Sometimes i also feel like stopping bfg. cos i feel like..abit no life.. Can never lunch with colleagues cos gotta go pumping during lunch time. Then must try to eat healthy food so that milk will be better for baby. Then during the weekends i gotta rely on help to take care of my twins while im pumping. Then sometimes they'll be knocking the door and crying wanting to come into the room, then when i let them in they'll wanna play with the pump, then feel so stressed.
but well, i'll just continue to try, at least wanna do it till she's 8.5 months old. If not like..abit dui bu qi her, cos for the twins i stopped when they were 8.5mths old.

PM, how's the porridge?
Hi Mummies
I was wondering can we feed our babies 2 meals of solid food now eg 1 meal of porridge and 1 meal of cereal. My mum has started to feed my son fish porridge once everyday and he loves it. But the ironic thing is once he started on porridge which is suppose to be more filling, he drinks more milk now. Last nite, he had milk at 11pm, 2am and 5am. Wah my hubby and I were so tired. try not to feed him but he kept crying and refused to sleep. then after feeding him, he continued to sleep. why like tat? how?
hi Mummies...
I got so angry with my husband again. I got flu & nt feeling well. My BB also catch it from me. I have to rush home after work to look after BB and no dinner till he came back. I waited for him to come home at about latest 2030. But he never come home nor call back until i call him at about 2045. Guess what he say he got to go to his friend house help fix computer. I got so angry when i heard that, Wife & BB nt feeling well plus FIL & wife both waiting for him to pack food home.. never even bother to call home early to inform.
I really regret never insist on abortion. For him i go through so much physical & mental torture just because he says he wants the BB.
Worst, he kept telling ppl how "Wei DA" he is. Then make me such an evil women or useless mother. One day i will like that women who Die due to overwork. Study , work & take care of BB.
Now i understand what is "empty Vessel makes the most noise"
Hi Yenny,

Did you replace the solids intake with milk? Maybe your bb not getting enuff milk? Just a thot.

Looks like most mummies have given their bb solids. My ger not taking the cereal very well plus her recent case of rashes breakout which PD says its mild eczema. So I'm stopping solids for a while for now ..sigh.
Hi Z-lia,
yes, know what you mean by being fair. When I have my 2nd baby, I will also bf for at least the same time as my girl now.
You have been talking about your "long fong tai" (twins), can post their pics here?? Longing to see them

Did Germayn have a bump on her head after falling down? Is she okie ??
ian also fell twice from bed....heartpain...and worried abt head injuries..but after monitoring few days...no lump..no vomit...shld be ok bah...
my boy also fell from bed recently, my mother got so scare until she cry. lol But he is ok just a bump on his forehead , after applying the "green cream" the bump gone.
Hi May
No leh. after eating porridge he still drinks milk every 3 hours. B4 eating porridge, he can tahan abt 5,6 hrs without milk at nite. But now, he wakes up at 3hrs interval at nite to drink milk.

btw, how much milk r ur babies drinking now with solid food? I gave 180ml but hor everytime i pull out the teat after he finished, he will scream for more. shld i give more?
Hi Yenny,

Could it be the growth spurt? I remember my PD mention that the next phase of bb growth spurt is at 6 months.

I have not introduced solids. My ger drinks very little 150 ml every three hours. BUt she is still relatively heavy - 7.8 kg at 6 mths.

Btw..anyone here goes to Northern Hope medical at Punggol plaza to see the PD there? I send my ger to see the PD and think he's not bad. But anyone have any experience to share?
i think the first one is sometime during the third week of baby's birth. It did happen to my ger when her demand for milk suddently increase and a tremendous weight gain. But again, it does not necessarily happen to all babies.
hi yenny,
wat is d total milk intake daily for ur boy now? think can try increasing d milk amt for ur boy liao, quite likely he not drinking enuf cos at this stage milk still d main meal, at least 500-600ml daily. maybe can try give him 210ml?

hi sandy,
understand ur frustration, sometimes man really must "educate" one. i always "remind" my dh dat since he wanted d baby in d first place then he better do his part in helping out
my boy taking 2 time cereal/porridge. Still drinking 240 ml of milk every 4 hour after his porridge.
My husband older than me 6 year leh.. should be mature enough liao.. I tired of reminding him please ans his handphone , make effort to come home early. hiaz.. why we women always suffer.
ur hb seems ok mah...oh ya..pls thank him on my behalf...that day he helped me entertained cum carried ian.so i can enjoyed my makan..hahahaha..next time gathering ask him along ah!!!!
hmmm...after so many mths still like that ah? aiyo.....poor thing...but some need constant reminder one....sianz..but still hv to loh...dun give up ah!!!
Wah OC's husband so good, go to gathering with her. I think my husband will choose to stay in shop than to company me go gathering.=(
If we kept reminding , he will find us nagging so i am going to close my eyes and zipped my mouth till he realise something funny. LOL
height and weight can be measured ...the length is measured by nurse when i bring him for jab..weight oso..but at times i weigh myself loh...
cant help mah..he cant get our words into his head..then just keep nagging loh...till he wake up one day..if not i will just go on and on...then till he surrender..hahhaa
thats y he always tell me/frens that i am TANG SAN ZHAN...he is SUN WU KONG...cos i will nian jing gu zhou and he will get headache...wahahaha
wah....afew babies here drinking 200ml at one go now....my Ryan only drink 120ml every 2 or 2.5 hours...sometimes 1.5hrs...he cant take more than 120ml. I guess he is like me....more meals but in smaller portion.

Yes, he still drinks his milk after porridge and cereal...duration is still the same...not much of a difference I notice.
aiyoh, my hb veri "auntie" one, always go around carry other pple's babies without asking one, sometimes i oso pai seh cos some parents dun like mah...u dun see my hb like dat, he is a big kid himself, i veri "ming ku" oso sometimes gotta take care of my ger n 1 big boy at home...hahaha

men's age n their maturity dun seems to grow simultenuosly hor...sigh...

btw ur bb's appetite veri gd!
hahhaa...like that better mah...big kid himself can communicate with gillian better..hehehe...no generation gap...better than to hv a lao kok kok thinknig hb and daddy...hehehe..like very formal leh...thats my thinking lah...wahaha...i dun mind he carry ian leh...i more free ah....so he is a 'must hv' july daddy at our gathering..hehehe...
haha...dat was such a funny illustration! must share this joke with my hb, will tell him dun make me become TANG SAN ZANG, u little monkey!

after trying different methods like nagging, giving black face n cold war...d one dat works for my hb is still to talk to him nicely eg. "u know i would really appreciate if u came home early dat night cos....i understand u oso need some time of your own, perhaps we could settle d bb to sleep first?"
my boy is a JAWS, he must eat very fast. The spoon slower a bit only he will fuss. lol

your HB can endure your Nian Jung gu zhuo.. haha My husband will say i becoming more aunties..
hahhaa..ya loh...Sun Wu Kong cannot tahan then must surrender loh...cos Tang San Zang dun bother timing ...places..ppl...to start nian jin gu zhou mah...hahhahaa....
he can call me auntie if he wants..i dun care...i am auntie wat...i hv 2 boys liao mah...if u call me auntie and u can just contribute a bit of help..i dun mind one...hahahaha
Hi brambles,

See below, i extracted from the website :

Can I track my baby's growth at home?
Yes, you can, but it won't be as accurate as when the doctor or nurse does it. If you want to give it a try:
Weigh your baby. If you don't have a baby scale, then any accurate scale will do. Simply hold your baby and get on the scale. Write down that number. Then put your baby down and get on the scale alone. Subtract that number from your combined weight to get your baby's approximate weight.

Next, measure your baby's length. Lay him down and stretch a measuring tape from the top of his head to the bottom of his heel. It's easiest if you have someone to help, because you'll need to gently stretch your baby's leg straight to do this. Again, your number won't be exactly the same as the doctor's, but you'll get a ballpark figure.

To measure your baby's head circumference, wrap a flexible measuring tape around his head just above his eyebrows and ears, and around the back where his head slopes up from his neck. The goal is to measure his head at the spot where it has the largest circumference.

Once you have these measurements, plug them into our growth percentile calculator to find out roughly how your baby compares to his peers.
no lah, cos sometimes really no more energy to quarrel with d big baby liao after taking of d small baby whole day. hope u will find your "way" with your hb too :p

he will be so "ya ya" if i tell him your compliment abt him..."must hv" daddy at gatherings ah? wah so honored

ya hor any gathering this mth? my hse got dogs so maybe not convenient leh

been quite long never log in, q busy wf work.
hope everyone is in great shape!

i have try heinz and bellamy for him but bellamy is quite difficult to mix thou. also bought Healthy times oatmeal and teether biscuit but haven try-rather exp!!.

anyone try Ht also?..

hi mummies,

any of you are making apple puree for your babies? I read the recipe, need to boil the apples first? CAn i just dice the apple and put into blender to mash?
u ever tried prolonging her next feed then increase d milk amt? if not as long as she eating n growing well then ok lah

hi pooh,
u have a bb gal too? where did u deliver? my gal borned on 6th jul, a day after your's
Hubbies -->

My hubby is a young daddy so "nagging" dun work for him, will remind him of his mother. But praising n flattering him goes a long way. Hurhur.. hope he doesn't come in n see this forum then he knows my "trick" already.

When Kristen juz born, at the hospital he was the one who carried her n comforted her n he succeeded! So.. sing loud praises about.. how natural he is at it.. so good, so expert at handling. And so, he dun mind continuing to do it.

Then, now, sometimes tell him i read from here n there, n pple say this-that about the daddys.. then sing praises again about how wonderful he is n how grateful i am about the way he is.

Every other day, remind him how much I luv him n how appreciative I am for his effort n help. N how I cannot handle it without him.

Hurhurhur.. stoop very low.. but I do mean it that I very grateful that he is helping out. Works!!!
Hi Mrs T,
I didn't cook the apples. I just peel, cut & blend the apple into puree then serve. But must do fast cos apples oxidise very fast. My gal likes it very much. Mayb cos it's sweet.
can add 1 drop of lemon or lime so the apple wun turn brown.

What happen? aiyo must sleep in diff room.

aiyo dun say that. U never regret bringing him to this world right. Hubby is like that.. somemore he is a 1st time daddy. There is alot of adjustment need to be made, especially mentally.

My hubby who is a 2nd time daddy can make the same mistake too.

Cool down.

hi there! ya i disappeared for awhile then now back..haha
really our gals same birthday ah? if we know dat day at PM's hse shld let our gals take photo together
was your's an induced birth? i remembered i was looking at d clock while "pushing" her, it was close to midnite, few more mins to next day 7th jul,then i thot aiyah cant tahan d pain for another sec liao so she came out at 2354hrs lor. at dat point of time, 1 min like i year leh...so long still dun come out..haha
