(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Dunno leh. Dun think the 3rd party just spray paint the bumper. Must have changed something tat's y cost so ex.

Yah..insurance co will send someone to evaluate the car. Cos money comes from the insurance co. They sure try to bargain down. The thing I'm worried abt is the high premium next time lor...SIGH!!

Wah! Wat insurance kang tao? U got a lot lobang hor...

KKH is like tat one lor. Cos there's a lot of subsidy patients refered from polyclinic. So the whole place is like market place. Unless u pay for really top gynaes + ex wards..otherwise, will be treated like normal subsidy patients.

I ever considered going to KKH, but after hearing not so nice stories from friends & even KKH staff, I went to Mt E instead. Lucky me!

Wif Regard to the KKH..i have diff opinion!

I tink the lady choose B2 or did not request for JT to delivery cause need to pay extra.All this the clerk will explain in detail...there muz be some miscommunication somewhere.

If not for my gynae at KKH , Venice will not be here today! So i still have faith in them..n will choose KKH for my 2nd delivery.

For patient under B1 or A class..your own gynae will do the delivery( have to request & top up) unless is a immediately case n he cant rush back in time...! For B2 & below any officer in charge will do the delivery but yr gynae will be over rall in charge.

I was sent to delivery suit @33week..! I was B1 the nurse quoted me 20k for baby to be in ICU for 1mth, if i down grade to C is 6k..but my gynae will not delivery for me.., all this is clearly explained.

I still feel their standard is good if u choose to go private suite...under B1 or A lo.

i think she understood the terms & conditions but the errors they made seems ridiculous leh! Even the top dr also nvr go visit her until she went for 2nd opinion then he made the appearance! thats bad lor... i think his reputation also will be affected by this incident!
zita - Yah, the ger understood that JT wont deliver for her, but cos she single mum so she wanted to take B2 ward. Yah the standard is there only if u go private and the pricing is almost or even more ex than other private hospital, but the thing is why must differentiate level of service and the type of wards.
D's first shoes are Clarks too. He still wears them cos his other shoes, Nike's, are a bit hard. Well, they're prob not too hard but I see no harm in spending more time in the softer pair. He had a pair of leather sandals b4 the Clarks. I like them cos they're very airy for sheos and def comfy.
Ylc..JT is a veri busy doc! my colleague pay for him to deliver..but in the end is deliver by mid wife : (

PM..cause the hospital is trying to earn $$$ also mah, if there is no diff in service level then A patient will not choose to go KKH. If no Sub patient..then the Junior Doc cannot practice & improve their standard lo!

Junior Doc tend to misdiagnose lo. e.g when i go A&E @33wk, MO actually ask the nurse whether i can eat xxxx medi?..imagine a doc asking nurse in front of patient? then he precribe to me! I rejected & insist checking wif my gynae...& u noe wat? My gynae say i not suppose to take that medi...@#@%#

So ..if can afford go privte suite(KKH) or private gynae...! they give more personal service lo...cause if u go as sub patient..waiting hr is long, then doc also cannot make it.

But there are really good docter around...like Dr KT Tan...

Without her v might be gone..cause mine complicated case..hahaha

1st trim nightmare...with lots of bleeding & injection...! I got lots of encourgment from her.

33week i ward due to early contraction, 36wk heartbeat slow down,i dont wan to ward again, she personal call me & advise me to stay in!

The nite before i delivery, i ward in cause cervice open 4cm, she call me at 3am & ask me how am i?

Then 7am before i reach the delivery suite to induce..she is there for me liao....!

I am really veri touch by her lo, i feel she like my mother more then doc..!
here's my story to back up JT...

not like i like him alot but so far so good....

thou's he really hard to get, he still came for my delivery in e end...

my privi gynae worried bb too big & not exactly engaged in position for natural delivery @ 37wks but JT agreed to help me as i had dilated 3cm...

i was induced by e drip, lbr 9am-3pm w/o JT except doc on duty, finally surges worked hard enuf to push bb out but in e end i was exhasted...
bb's heartbeat faint, so forceps delivery w/o epi by JT personally in e end...

he was out of KKH for some mtg but made it back in time for my delivery or rather i managed to tong till he appeared? hahhah....

i guess i had better treatment from him as i was rather demanding & A' ward helped + my privi gyane was his frd...

overall KKH is pretty gd but only if u choose e better tier, but isnt it all e same for e other privi hospitals too?

btw i had a aborted pregnancy in mid 2005 coz bb heartbeat stopped but cause/effect unknown, warded & did a womb evac at KKH too, JT was my doc too...

thats y my gynae kia si this time pref to ref me to KKH if any complications, would be more afforable compared to TMC....

oso ref me back to KKH instead since i insisted rej his C'sect as i insisted natural w/o epi...

thats y King Seth is named Seth if u know e Bible....

thank God we're ok....
angi me also had a abort pregnacy in 2005 cause baby heartbeat stop: (

JT is veri experience & well known in KKH, so waiting time to c him is alway veri long lo! previously he was the HOD..so beside c paitent, he got others profoilo..! unlike private gynae..their 100% of time is patient..but hosp doc, they still need to do research, administration matter , training ...etc..etc lo!

Patient choose kkh is mostly sub patient..,civil servent or patient like us that might have complication & need to downgrade, KKH had the best equipment.

hee...i like debating..but hor i work in same industry mah, so can understand how busy they are lo...!
zita, angi,
I like that you bring up the other side of the picture. There's always another side to things. Like yourselves, I can't help but do this automatically. Don't mean to argue but just bringing it up, just discussing it. Don't mean that you're anti or pro something but to understand that there are many factors and one can't judge someone or something from a few incidents. Good on you!
There will always be a differentiation in levels of service. Even in the best private hospital you go to. This can't be helped. It's how society works. Unless you live in a hippie commune. Ha. Money eh? The root of all evil?
Yes. I've ever accompanied my friend during her checkup at KKH, bring pregnant myself at tat time. Wah! The waiting time is really long lor. Similar to polyclinic. Queue for ultrasound, queue to see doc, queue to take meds & queue to fix appt. Think can spend the whole day there. Even worst if have morn sickness..hahaha keep running to toilet & back.

Private suite is another thing. Just like private clinic. The diff is really great! Even the KKH nurse also comment the subsidies patients are so many. Like a marketplace.

However after doing some comparision, I discovered that KKH private suite is much more EX than private clinic!
Zoe..ya $$$ matter...got cash better service..everywhere the same.

Norm clinic will take half aday lo, cause u queue 1hr for each station.

private patient avg bill is around $60 to 80 cause not everytime scaning..if sub patient is $20 but everytime diff doc.

I have frez that delivery all her 4 children under sub...! so really is luck lo...! delivery fee is around $600 to $800...real cheap lo ..my B1 is 2k plus.

The private suite..i pay around $100/- scan every visit, 1hr done! so if private patient better to upgrade to private suite lo...!

For the lady case hor, since she already pay $80 per visit for JT...then wat the diff of paying that additional 1k for him to delivery cause that the most critical period mah! is a slip of mind . poor gal..have to go thr so much!
N hor! Consultant & Snr Consultant at Hospital might be better then Private clinic lo...cause they work 15 to 20 years to climb to that position. so they are veri experience...& earn the respect! Might even be the teacher for private doc.

Private gynae..they might juz finish their master, stay few yrs at the hosp to finish their bond..then open a private clinic & practice give themselve the title.

I saw lots of cannot make it doc..open own clinic..! so also not much faith in private doc lo although might be cheaper.
sorry..I need to vent my fustration here...

So piss with the $%#!*^% BMW guy. My workshop guy took a look at my car & said it's only minor damages. Fixed the dented carplate + out of shapr car hood on the spot in my carparl. If plus spray paint on scratches, only cost about $300+. So tat means the BMW repair cost will be lesser than me cos his damage even minor than me. Only slight scratches. Not even noticeable.

Sigh...the workshop guy told me normally BMW drivers are very stuckup. They'll attempt to change the whole rear bumper + reverse sensor. %$#^*^! too bad I didn't take pix of the BMW at tat time. Now kena cheated of my money. SIGH!!!

Tearing my hair out! Somemore I'm alone in S'pore wif Kay. Feel so helpless!!
YB..my BIL open the workshop, i check wif him yesterday! ya they tend to change lots of stuff cause can claim for insurance lo...no choice leh, unless u can nego wif him to bring to yr workshop & do the repair..cause u dont wish to claim insurance.
i also deliver in KKH wif Dr Han (same gynae wif OC), cannot remember his position, but also quite senior de. had quite a pleasant experience there. wat i dun like is the nurses not the dr. I also realise actually abit more ex to go private suite then to go private.
yr insurance company is paying for the BMW rite?? only yr premium go up.. u dun need to come out cash for repairs
YB, I suggest if u really wanna negotiate wif the guy, get a man involve. It'll be easier to negotiate things. haiz.. i also heart pain for u.
last may, JT saved my cousin in law.. jus before deliver, her pee was brown.. she was brought in for emergency c-sect. the bb came out blue, but they manage to save him. her main organs failed.. blood platelets low ,lungs collaspe, liver cannot process toxins, heart beat low etc.. when she woke up, she was attached to so many machines.. she had severe pre eclamsia.
both are well now. hispital cost $18k after medisave.
Here's the pixs taken at ur hse the other day...if u happen to have any Kay's pixs, can u send to me too? THX!!

I'm alone wif Kay leh..Hb not in town. Tat's y I think that BMW guy bully me. Asked him to wait for hb to come back, he refused. Asked him to send his car to my workshop to check, he refused. SIGH! CURSE HIM!! ^%#^*

Yup..paying thru insurance cos the amt is too big. Otherwise, hoping to settle privately. But he dun want..everything also dun want.
Ethel..wow 18k, glad that both are well! that time i give to choose 20K to stay wif Dr Tan or 6k to downgrade..i opt to stay wif Dr Tan..hahaha, but lucky me cause company pay..sure choose the best lah.

we choose experience doc not because of mthly visit but when come to delivery ,he is experience enough to make the correct decision, that the most critcal period for us..!

eeh..i am happy wif their inpatient service, maybe because i ward in too many time till frez frez liao..

At 1st dont like the A&E..2nd preggie..i go 3time a week for 1st trim till good term wif the nurse...but i really dont like the MO there lo.

YB...aiyo curse that guy lah, Wolf under a sheep..he really put u in chopping board..cause he noe no one around...#@%#^&@&.
zita, my privi gynae said super rare for our cases yet i find a frd who been thru e same painful ordeal hmmmm same timing even...

zoe, there's always 2 side 2 a coin...
thou i demanding in svc, but reasonable...
u pay for what u get, so $$$$ does matters...
Just let everybody here know. There is a free preview of Playhouse disney on Starhub Preview Channel from 1 - 5 Sep.

can let our kiddos enjoy the shows.
YB, actually, a similar incident happened to my hubby b4. cos if the BMW guy can claim from you, then he will prob bring to the sole agent, and the sole agent would prob suggest removing the whole bumper, removing the paint for the whole bumper, then spraying a few layers of paint, then put back the bumper. cos i think for some car brands, if there is an accident and u paint over the scratched part at the bumper, the car company, in this case BMW, will void your warranty for the bumper.
but u can still negotiate with him, cos i think his NCB will also be affected, then next yr he would need to pay higher insurance premium also. i think best is to settle privately. at least both parties can still keep the NCB. but this is provided he is willing to do the repair work without changing the whole bumper.

Just went to insert the IUCD today. painful sia. think my threshold of pain will very low. and i'm starting to bleed and have those menses cramp kinda pain now. feels abit funny, cos since i was pregnant with the twins till now, i only had my menses once.
Angi & Zita,

sorry to hear abt your previous pregnancy...

Guess there is 2 sides to KKH lor...
u r v fortunate to get such gd svc & doc but unfortunately for that girl, she experienced such unfortunate events for her first childbirth.. cant help but empathize her plight.
Angi & Zita,
sorry to hear abt ur case. Both of u are very fortunate to get gd doctor.

We have a photoshoot session with foto-u on sat.
Very tiring and Janelle was cooperative. I nearly want to throw her out of the studio when we take the most impt shoot. Family potriat.

Some photos to share.

Wat's NCB? Anyway, the case is already refered to insurance co liao. Dun think the BMW guy's premium will be affected. Cos he claiming from my insurance, not his.

Wah! IUCD! U intend to close shop liao?
Pity the mummy at KKH.

Very bad experience I've got too.... almost died and swear that I'll never go there ever again!

If he claim from your insurance then your premium will be affected right?? The last time i got kissed I quickly got the car for evaluation by an independant party...can't remember the name now...so that there's no dispute. We settled by cash coz it's minimal..this way both our premiums won't be affected.
But the thing is only my premium will be affected. Not tat guy leh. Cos it's very clear cut that I'm in the wrong by bumping into his rear while he was already stopping at the traffic light.

And Yes, my premium will increase next yr.
they are soooo cute!!
i also hv a PS with ofoto.. i hv not confirm the date yet..
wat must u bring? any tips?
hong - wow!!! Julian so "macho"
where is the family portrait!! :p

movie - so did u gals enjoyed it?
I did!! as Zav only watch the 1st 5mins and the lsat 5mins. haha but the activities area too small and not really for our kids age.

btw there is a 50% trial voucher for JWT Gym in the goodie bag... we can arrange one to make use of it liao! haha :p
Sorry i meant not cooperative.

at Foto-u lor

clothes, toys.
We are too tired to change to the last set.
ha...tin is like that lah...mine also, David ment kid at Cel & Jan age v diff to get their natural pose cos they koe too much le compared to the younger ones..mine smiled until like so fake..
i enjoyed the movie too..hehe...isaac was kooning when we abt to go into the threatre...he woke up due to the gd surround system..hmm..half an hr after the show started..then initially blur blur sat on my lap n watch..but after 15 mins..he warmed up liao n started to be notti and active..as usual loh..but still not that bad compared to the other side of the hall one...our side considered quite well behaved liao..hahahaha
Mummies, I just change my son's formula to US version (Enfapro to Enfamil/step 2 (US version of ENfapro), but seems like he dislike it. He puke after drinking some of it. I dun think the milk make him puke, more like he dun like then puke it out. After that, he refuse to dink anymore. Shld I change to another brand? Just wanna get a second opinion on this.
Jan refused to smile at all. Some of the pictures she make funny faces.

But i thot David is suppose to take the nature part of the kids but he kept asking the kids to smile etc.

Infact, we find those not smiling one also very nice.
I njoy too... the show as well as the companion... 1st half of the movie... althou' charlene is moving around but i still consider that as manageable cos we dun need to walk around to accomodate her, just that once she knows how to walk she kept wanting to stand and disturb pm's husband and wanted to say "ta" to him... haha... then the 2nd half, surprising she's suddenly felt so tired and dozed of in my arms...
