(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

got a shock when i on my pc & look into the forum & saw yr big & red posting...kekeke..
29 sept no problem, actually i m thinking of 22/23 Sept, we make it later in the afternoon and since it is near mooncake festival then evening time can let the kiddies go downstair (my side got a park, quite big) & let them carry lanterns..ok bo?
29 sept - I CANNOT!!! I GOING see birds!! :p
got FOC pass to Bird park

hong - PM u already.
btw those who got tickets - when u going? maybe we can meet in Chinese Garden.
wah!!! thanks mummies for the encouragement for me and my baby.. really appreciate that!!

So PM house also full of glass ah?? then no worries for mine liao, we will arrange one outing at my house when it is ready then.

Pediasure ah?? havent tried before... now we are introducing mamil gold to my son... 1 day only take 1-2 times... is that sufficient?
today again boh lang here?

btw mummies with baby boy...
any of ur boys start to "explore" their didi?
zav keep touching, pulling his "didi" leh. (lucky only during bathing time)
wat am I suppose to do? stop him? let him be? or wat?
same wif xavier! and everytime he does that, he will laugh, aiyo! but he started to do that long time ago. everytime i see him do that, usually during changing nappy time, i will stop him, scared become a habit...so it's normal?
i only notice these 2 nites during bathing.
but once out of the bathroom, he dun do it (even when waiting for diaper to be put on)

my fren says maybe he wan to pee....
but he just pee... so cant be right?

I think it's normal lah... they are exploring their body. "didi" always hidden behind diaper mah! hahaha. but just wondering wat shd i do. now I will just tell him... wat is tat, then take his hand away. but he keep touching, pulling. then up to one pt, i take his hand away, he scream at me! faintz! :p

DSII & EP - both of u hv elder boys!! Quick advise us! :p
hi MTDT,

my son din explore yet but whenever i take off his pampers, he will look at it... then i will make one sound "Wah..." then i will say "cutie bird bird..." then he will laugh...
ian 1-2 mths baCK ALREADY PULLING HIS DIDI LIAO LOH...ESPECIALLY WHEN HE IS DIAPER FREE...haiz...somemore pull till red red...so now when i change diaper for him..i will pin his 2 arms down with my power elephant leg..hahaha....as for isaac..we stopped him lah..but then he dun understand us still..so when he older..we explain to him...now ok liao...if now stillplay..sure 'hook' him till he jialat jialat..wahahaha...kidding lah...
i think it's ok to let him explore lah. at this age, they're all exploring stuff, so no harm...so long as they dun hurt themselves lah. ethan will look at his didi and use his finger to poke, then look up at me. haha.

hahaa, u so funny lo. wat power elephant leg to pin ian down...laugh until cry.
So the Sept gathering is at 23 Sept (Sun)? Gd idea abt celebrating mooncake festival together.

Not only boy hor...my kay also start touching her private parts when I put her on the toilet & during nappy change. Think they're just curious lah. I heard the more reaction we gave..the more curious they are & will keep wanting to touch. So best is ignore it & tell ourself it's just another body part. Haha.

I also only give Kay Pediasure 1//2 times a day. If she wakes up early or sleep later at night, will feed her 1 more time.
September Gathering for July Babies !

Date: 23 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 4pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang
Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
I read that you should ignore them and distract them (with toys for eg.) when they explore their private parts. Please don't react as it could have adverse effects
dsii, Pooh, YB,
yah I believe she can climb over cos normally when my eye on her until half her body over already then i carry her down... her arms are strong than i thot then she use her feet struggle to step on the vertical grills (YB, yes, u mentioned it's vertical grills) like army climbing over the wall...

YB, glad to hear Kay's ok on thyroid...

I oso start char pediasure but not completely cos haven't finished her enfapro yet... so far ok but i noticed she will normally leave 1 oz left over, whatever milk it is, she'll definitely leave so how??

MTDT, zavier's curious mah.. but hor when u toilet him without diaper it will be worst, he'll keep touching it oso... like what my nephew did... occasionally he'll touch there if he's w/o his diaper...

Hong, I oso wan the tui na's address leh... thanks in advance...
ok ok.... i noe it's natural. :p

zoe - ok ok.... shall act steady abt it. haha

eeyore - wow!!! Char v strong leh! so fast wan to go thru army training huh? :p

Yu guo - if nothing wrong, can still go? like adults go for "comfy massage"? :p
Mamaanne - Yah my house also full of glass. One long panel of mirror and my study room is glass de. U can try pediasure, its quite good. Got all te nutrition our babies need, very good for choosy eaters.

MT - Emerson jst did it yesterday. I find it so funny. I didnt stop him lah, i think its quite normal... Sometimes during bathing he pee and he use his finger to stop the pee.

zoe- React as in?
mamaanne - no lah.. just asking.
I just went for a relaxing back massage during lunch.... then read this kids massage, so wondering if zavier can enjoy such things (like mummy) or not. hahhaa

PM - ya, think all exploring now. :p
one nite, after bathing, as usual i put him on my bed to dry n wear diapers. then he keep struggling and wan to get down the bed. I was thinking he must be playful and notti again... so keep restraining him... going to beat his thigh liao. but the min he got down to the floor, he pee. wow!!! lucky!! if not, my bed going to kenna. then i realise his intention... so was quite glad tat at lesat he noes cant pee on bed. hhahaa
Hi PM,

Yours glass concept too? Mine too... my living room partition, dinning wall mirror, my shoe cabinet, my study room and kitchen and passage way and walk-in-wardrobe all glass or mirror....

Maybe after this mamil gold will switch to pediasure leh... so many good comments on it...
Don't scold them in effort to stop them repeating it. I can't find the article I read but this one explains it as well.

'Directly trying to get toddlers to stop touching themselves is a battle you cannot win. You can't just put the objects of their attention up on a high shelf out of reach. If you actively discourage kids from self-exploration, or if you punish them for "masturbating," then genital play becomes a forbidden fruit.

Two things happen when something becomes a forbidden fruit. The fruit will be tasted when the opportunity arises, and people will hide what it is they have done. They will learn to hide their exploration from you. This shameful hiding is the one outcome you don't want to produce.

If you feel that the genital play should be reigned in a bit, then I recommend that when you see it happening you pretend to ignore what he is doing. Try to distract him with some new engaging activity. Be as nonchalant as you can manage to be. (Rushing over out of breath is not subtle!) You want to communicate by your actions that he and his body are okay, but that there is also a whole world out there to discover and enjoy.'
Zoe - thanks for ur report.

Ylc & mamaanne - hahah... thanks.
my fren also says can toilet train liao. but he dun tell me leh... how i noe he wants to pee? haha. even poo also, he only come and tell me "chou chou" after he poo... not before leh. haha

worst is both me and hubby dunno how to whistle.
I see most pple use whistle to "encourage" right.ahaha :p

my colleagues told me only send your kids to preschool when he/she is able to talk or else ganna bullied at school also dunno how to express himself/herself... it scared me when i heard that... my son so naughty, wait the teacher torture my son then how....
MT..wow zav so clever can say cho cho some more! V dirty gal..she never complaint that she poo since birth..by time we notice..her backside red liao...

Hey learning vision good anot? My company got subsides day care...Infant care only $284, then children care..$200..cheap bo? consider putting her in when 18mth but then i need bring her to work..hahaha

YB..work still managable..but only 1st week, no lunch partner...so kinda feel bore lo
wah..zita so gd ah?? cheap!!! aiyo..poor ger...no lunch partner? then u jio them go lunch lah...like that got kaki liao...hehehe
September Gathering for July Babies !

Date: 23 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 4pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang
Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii

yb...4pm issit too late? cos normally we chat chat chat mah....hmm..maybe 3pm bah..then can chat n makan till 5pm...then go parade with lanterns...
September Gathering for July Babies !

Date: 23 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm or 4pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang
Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii

haha..dun care i add zita's name...die die must go...
for 18mos, they'll be in toddler class, a bit cheaper than nursery. at this age, i prefer smaller class group, where it's 1:6. the guideline is 1:8 or something like tat.

learning vision - depends on which centre lo but ex. even after government subsidies, it's still ard 700+ but there are a few award winning ones.
aiyo..y u laugh till cry....hmmm.....u laughing at my power elephant legs??? wahlau...u no gd leh....*sob sob*
Cos Pooh says evening can carry lanterns mah. If too early, then too bright.

Had a car accident just now!! Sob..sob..my leg must have slipped, cos even though I stop at traffic light..my car continue inching forward & hit the BMW in front. Then loud BANG!

The BMW only kena a few scratches..but my car a bit dent on the bumper & the signplate dented. Wah! Only a slight bump cause such damage. Tat BMW so hard.

Was abit blur..so tat guy suggest going to car workshop to find out how much it'll cost to fix the scratches. Dunno how much I gotta compensate tis time. So worried. Luckily, the guy see I'm a lady so nvr say anything much. Wah lau..if I'm a man..surely kena big time from him. He still asked me if Kay is okay cos she's sitting in the car seat infront.

Then called hb in Japan. He said as long as Kay & me are fine, then no worries. Haha..then so coincidental, the BMW is going same direction as me to Serangoon Gardens. Hb said shld have bump him one more time. Wah lau....

Hmm..must go buy the BMW number 6833. Cos he said today just collect the new car. Then kena bumped by me.
Wah! Ur company subsidies so much..consider very gd liao. Is the childcare near your co? If u dun need to work OT, then convenient for u to pick V up after class. If not, then better near ur mum's plc.
yb..yes...light laterns..but before that makan n chat leh?? hmmm...

aiyo..u 2 ok bo? aiyo...u miss ur hb har??? then kay got scared bo?? hmm....then when u know how much u going to compensate? then got go thru insurance co? or just between u 2?

are you ok??? your baby sitting infront?? is she ok? So scary... If this time, see the amount, if not reasonable, go straight to claim insurance.

should be wet road... sometime brake dun work anymore... it could be your tyres no lines liao... very dangerous....
OMG, luckily u & Kay r ok..the BMW also v lucky hor, 1st day drive only kana kissed by yr car le..Yr hb in Jap ah? u must sent yr car for 3rd party assesment 1st rite?

you n Kay alright? Must have been a terrifying experience! Yeah now rainy season must be extra careful on the roads! Maybe must go chk on your tires just in case.

Kay & I are okay. I was stopping at the traffic light & turn my head to Kay cos she was talking to me. Didn't realised the car inch forward & kiss te BMW in front. I think the driver also nvr realised. I waited very long for him to come out of the car. Mayb my foot slipped from the brake pedal as I as paying attention to Kay.

I wanted to claim insurance, but the BMW guy dun want. Guess will affect the premium next time
