(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

eeyore - ya ya, I also like to ask zav questions now. he will nod and shake his head! so cute. nothing to ask.... I will ask boh liao stuff. zavier loves mummy... nod head
zavier wan to kiss kiss mummy... shake head
hahhaa :p

dsii - wow... so early today!!

Isaac ok liao boh?

just read this... useful for us.

Getting bored of the same old game of peek-a-boo with your toddler? Fortunately, there are more ways to entertain your little one than simply covering your face or popping out from behind a chair!

1. Build a tent. Even little kids love a good tent. Drape a sheet over two or three chairs to form a cozy space and let your child hang out in there. Give him a bowl of Cheerios, a book and a couple of toys and hell be happy for a good ten minutes or more!

2. Pick up. This game is a good way to teach cleaning up skills, too! Get a box or a bag and hold it open, while asking your child to put a toy in. If he doesnt understand, show him by picking up a toy and dropping it into the box. Then clap and cheer. He will certainly want to imitate you. Dont be surprised if the fun gets started all over again by dumping out everything you just picked up.

3. Water play. Obviously, this is best done outside, or in the bathroom. An adult should always supervise when a child is playing with water. Fill a shallow baking pan or a plastic tub with a couple inches of water. Add some bubble bath mixture or shampoo if you like and use a whisk to create bubbles. Let your toddler splash away in the water and use measuring cups to scoop and pour. She might get soaked, but she will have a blast.

4. Create an obstacle course. The key to doing this is not to make it too difficult or your toddler will get frustrated. Place a toy or food at one end of the room and make it harder to get to by putting cushions or chairs in the way so she has to move things or crawl under them. Once your child has finished, start all over again from the other end!

5. Take it out. Fill up a small tote bag with toys, books, and household items like keys and cd boxes. Give it to your toddler and he will stay occupied taking everything out one by one.

6. Batting Game. Put a hook into a joist or beam in the ceiling and hang a long cord from it with a light toy attached to the end. This should be within easy reach of your child, so he can bat it around. WARNING: Do not ever leave your toddler unattended with this game as he could get the cord wrapped around his neck and choke. Take down the toy when he is finished playing.

7. Lotto. Buy a simple Lotto game. Although your toddler wont be able to actually play, he will have fun sorting through the cards. You can help by showing him that some of the cards are the same. Or lay two or three out in front of him, name the items and ask him to point out one of them. For example, if he knows what a dog is, ask for the dog. He will be delighted to show you which card has a dog on it.

8. Draping. Sit on the floor with your child in front of you, facing you. Flip a blanket over both of you and lean in close to kiss her. Slide the blanket slowly off and then flip it back over again. Kids adore this game!

9. Non-sand sandbox. Take a childs pool or a large plastic bin and fill it up with rice. Give your toddler some cooking utensils and trucks to play with and he will have a blast mucking around in the rice. Rice is far easier to clean up than sand and can quickly be swept up off the floor.

10. Fill an empty tissue box with silk scarves, handkerchiefs or baby socks and let your child pull them all out again. This activity can keep your toddler busy for quite some time, especially if you fill up a couple of boxes so you can hand the next one to her when she finishes with one!

These are just a few of the ways to keep a little one busy and happy. With some observation and creativity, you are bound to come up with even more!
Morning mummies,

PM, Yenny, Eeyore,
I PM u later.

charlene very guai leh. Like MTDT, i also feel like talking to air when i am talking to Julian.

Thanks.. All the boys here are Yan Dao category. haha.
I didnt take my graduation cos they dun have my uni gown and I dun want to search high and low for it. I buy an extra hr but we didnt fully utilise it. Very lugi. I told my BIL to take more with her gf but he said no need. I think we are all too tired.

I am from a Stat board.
Sorry the graduation part shld meant for YB. No I didnt take up the graduation photo with foto-u.

i have sent out the reminding Chinese Garden Tix yesterday morning.
Pls check ur mail box.
Hong , mtdt, actually I'm used to singing to cow so talking to her is small case... at least she respond me abit, like come over to hug me... haha and same response when i ask her to kiss me... and she loves to come over and curdle me and used her head to push me... purpose is to play with me...
mtdt...cos sch holiday and no kopi session with the aunties..so early online loh..hahaha....no life hor???

isaac feeling better liao..but wanna him to rest at home loh
eeyore - ya, now our kids more responsive, very wen xin to be with them. now I really hope to be SAHM hahaa.

when I ask zav to kiss kiss me... he will "tu" his mouth and kiss me. ask him 2nd time, still do it. ask him 3rd time, he will shake his head liao! hahhah I like to "disturb" him like tat. hahaha :p

dsii - ooh... isaac also got sch hols one huh. so now 2 rascals at home uh. :p
ya lah...his sch holidays same same with the pri 1 loh...so now is 1 week holiday..then nov 16 last day..then long holiday till pri 1...heehehe..ya two terrors at home..,,,,headache!!!!
if i ask ian to kiss me..he will turn his head keftn right...to avoid my 'sexy' lips..hahaha...but hor..when he did something n i scoldeed him..or he practise his' parrot' screams, i will scold him..then he will look at me and hugz me then will auto open mouth big big to kiss me...then my turn to turn head left n right..then he will do it over n over again...till he kiss u..hahaha...
playing "hard to get" mummy hah..they so cute now hor, tis am my Char wake up, climbed sown the bed, crossed over jie jie mattress and squad down near my feet to tickle me to wake me up..I was still sleeping then, luckily i nvr use my "fei mao tui" to kick her off..
dsii - hahaha!!! both mother and son likes to play hard to get huh!!! hahaha :p

KLCC - aiyoh... ur fei mao tui very dangerous leh!! :p
MTDT, Eeyore, Dsii,
ur boy so sweet. Julian doesnt really do that to us.

ger is so sweet hor. I miss the day when Janelle is ard this age.

hahaha.. aiyo luckily man.

nvm lah. treat me kopi next time.

Janelle also on holiday this week. I am bringing her to watch Baby Love tmr.
September Gathering for July Babies !

<font color="ff0000">Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang</font>

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii

ANYONE KEEN? Gathering is next week!
Haha...last night while shopping at Hougang Mall, bought a Hello Kitty lantern for Kay. Only $5. She loves it so much! Keep wanting to cuddle the kitty...

oh...gathering is 16th ah?
tot 23th...aiyo..
ya hor...y this mth no one keen on the gathering???

MTDT!!!! u going gatehring bo???
YB...wah..so fast bought lanterns liao ah? haha...i think ian the very 1st to get lanterns leh...last sat...a kopi soh carried ian and went to buy him latern..but now spoilt liao...haiz..all the parts came off...
I go i go...

September Gathering for July Babies !

Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
ya, void deck - drink chinese teh, eat mooncakes while daddies go and accompany the boys take lanterns. hahaa. must see whose void deck dark dark one.
missmoon - why void deck... shd be basketball court or playground then can see the moon mah. :p

gathering on 16th huh? not 23rd? i check my hubby's calender then update again ok.
September Gathering for July Babies !

Date: 16 September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm onwards till evening (bring lantern for own bb)
Venue: Pooh's lovenest in Hougang

Pls add in ur name if u are going...
1) YB
2) dsii
4) yenny
5) Hong

i dun know the fireworks timing leh.
void deck - got table and chairs lor...if not, where to put mooncakes leh? can view moon anywhere also mah, no? so long as there are open spaces ard. hahaa
missmoon.. put a mat and sit on the floor. :p

void deck - block view mah. hahah :p
okok... then best go beach, mountain etc to view lah. :p
haha...mtdt...whuch mountain??? bt timah hill??? siao ah..then whole body must spray the insect repllent and oso patch whole body leh...

lollypop...haha..u MIA ah???

Ya lor, busy busy everyday cos PTT mah, no maid to do hsework and take care of kid. Bo bian, so slog, slog, slog.

Btw, when is Mooncake Festival huh? I think I really mountain tortise liao, hiding in KL. Hee...
actual day is on 25th sept...

u go wife lah...me PTT.. but still lazy to do hsework and cook..hahahhaa....
yup, near cantonment ... hehhee.. do you mean ur company is IXX?


oh you also stat board??


ya loh... she just go off just like tat..
Oh ya,

Need to seek some of the mummies' advice. How to motivate my boy to walk more? What else can I do huh? I am at my wits end liao. He simply refused to walk although he can walk a few steps liao. Headache...
Ok onz... dark dark void deck bo... but hor, my hse there upper multi storey carpark got garden... ONZ bo???? there got playground somemore... can go there la teh, the boys with daddy go play lantern, we gossip there.. ahhahahhahahhaha
Oh ya,

Need to seek some of the mummies' advice. How to motivate my boy to walk more? What else can I do huh? I am at my wits end liao. He simply refused to walk although he can walk a few steps liao. Headache...
Put mozzies pads loh... stick the whole body.. ahhahahhhaha

Oooiii.. my sis says hor, buy those got sound slippers can help to motivate them to walk.. that's what my sis bought for Kayden... Tell me abt it loh... Mine simply mai walk at all loh... haiz..

Aiyo, already bought a pair of Mickey squeakies for him since his birthday liao. He likes to wear it but not walk with it. Pengz...
dsii - hahaha... patch the whole body huh?
maybe also no use... on the mountains are commando mos! haha :p

zav also hv a pair of mickey squeakies... I find it cute but zav prefer to wear his crocs.
put mat sit at the void deck or maybe just a small table also can.. wah.. like that also lomantic ley... block view??? No la... busy enjoying the teh and mooncake ley... and of cos busy gossipping.. ahhahahhah

Yah, I find the Mickey Squeakies' sole too hard, uncomfortable for them to walk. He also got a pair of Combi, nice n comfy to walk in it but he simply refuse to budge...haiz...

Your place's garden is nice ley. Got playground somemore, but 1st must inform HDB to do fogging that afternoon, hahaha...
