(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


The movie experience was better than expected as I was prepared to walk out halfway if Joshua was unco-operative. He could have done better (was fidgety cos no chance to sleep since he woke up at 8.30am). Became restless towards the end until he bumped his head against the drink-holder (ba lu ku around the eyebrow area). Luckily he fell asleep during the last 5 mins.

dsii - u wake up liao boh? u brought Ian leh.. not Issac! haha :p

eeyore - ya, charlene was cute. then u and hubby very patient like explaining to her somemore. haha :p furthermore she is the queen leh... got daddy feeding her popcorn one! haha :p

Lok - ooh, so Joshua din sleep from morning till then ard 4? wow!!! Zav was awake from 7+am. thus by 2pm, he only manage to watch 10mins, then KO liao. but for that 10mins, he was very excitied about the big screen. keep pointing to me the mouse. :p
hong - ya lah.. i noe foto-u.
I asking u where is the family portrait... wan to see mah. :p

I agree also... i rather he takes a varity of expression instead of just "smiling faces"
Yup indeed, he's always like that one. Gets so excited with new things, don't want to sleep. He managed to stay awake for 1hr 45 mins of the show. Sit quietly for a while, shout at the rats at times, sometimes climb up and down (i.e. on me). My conclusion: if well rested, he will probably enjoy the show!
I also wanna see ur pix! Can send me the link?

So disappointed I miss the movie event yesterday. Was stuck in the massive jam. Originally wanted to take MRT, but was raining, so really troublesome. Luckily we went shopping instead so not so bad. Haha..met Lena & Mich @ Junction 8. So coincidental...
just treat it as 'po cai siao zai' lor. the good thing is u and kay are ok!

As for KKH, i had xavier delivered there and Dr Tony Tan was my gynae. he was a very good gynae, very soft spoken and thoughtful. KKH's service is good provided u are a pte suite patient. i remembered my hubby commented that pte suite reception area looks like a hotel reception when we were there for the 1st time. actually KKH has the best equipment and expertise for babies and children. In times of emergency, only KKH can save lifes when seconds and minutes matters a lot...

how much u pay for the package? i oso wanna see ur photos, can send me the link?

any babies suffer diarrhoea when drinking the new mamil gold?
haha...i let ian tried mamil gold step 3 when ntuc no stock for his nan3...then he constipate ah...or maybe not really constipate..but 3 days no poo...then after that tin finished..i changed him back to nan3...
why ian constipate but xavier lao sai, 3 times in 1 day somemore? did u feed him the new mamail gold, the one with IMMUNOFORTIS added?
Hi the movies is great,V was excited at the big screen & rat (but keep shouting cat) for the 1st 20min...phew then sleep thro..till 6pm!

MT...thanks for co-ordinating! I burst yr sms..! If not for u, i will faint in the jam...hahaha

Hong they so sweet, look so alike! at 1st i was wondering y u wan throw Jan out..hehehe

YB..your goodie bag is wif me! pass u mid sept ya.

You have a pair of beautiful kids. Very envy. KLCC, think you should book julian as ur SIL leh... he is so good looking...

All the babies here are very adorable and good-looking...
thanks.. Ur boy is also very handsome.

Dun know Charlene wants my Julian or not. There are so many handsome boys here. hahaha..
me really drowning liao.. 2 of my colleagues tendered their resignation.... best part i have to cover their work? i person do 3 person job!!!! how to cope??? *fainting* think in a short while really cant log in and chat liao....
anne - wat u working as? ur colleagues need to serve notice period rite? at the mean time quickly find replacement.

Julian so macho, so man... sure alot of gals wan!! :p
fruitee - faintz leh.... book julian for ur "future gal" uh!! hahhaha :p

at the movies on sunday, they hv this "spray art tattoo" too. at first dsii and me was planning to spray something for our boys... then we stand there and look at a boy doing it. eeekkk... it's so ugly and smelly. then we straight walk away from the counter! hahahha :p
oh those black black spray art..like these hah??

I have done pawprint on char bef..kinda of messy, it will fade off when touch, so ended up all on my hand
klcc - i think so... just tat there was only green paint.

ya, it's soooo messy on tat boy. once the lady spray it and took away the stencil, both dsii and me look at each other in disdain then "eye language" together says: let's get out! hahaha :p
mtdt..hahaha..ya loh...even i do my own tattoo..nicer on ian manz..hahaha..and dunno wat the design..looks like a wet wet thingy on the arm...u cantell its green colour ah? i tot black leh..wahlau...damn cham hor...

fruitee...dun want ian liao ah??? wahlau...hahaha

i work in the public sector... that one colleague just tender on sat where no one is around on my boss table and immediate apply long leave with no one approving it. She will only be back on 17 and then off she goes. SO irresponsible.. my the other colleague tendered hers on last fri. one fri and one sat with the same week... *faint* and no one can cover, my boss ask me to cover 2 officers... how can i one person cover 3 person jobs?
that means u need to do lots of OT then??? last time when i was working...my company retrenched staff then no intention to replaced...like ur boss...will hv to cover the work load...each will cover a few..but hor..pay only 1 person's $$...always tot to myself shld pay me the other 2 person's pay mah...then always OT till i very sianz..1st to reach office..last to leave...stress manz...thats y finally resigned...haha..then someone else must cover my work....

hopefully not.... my evening is reserved for my son and my family... no way they should eat into my time for other's ppl work... very unfair to me... esp only pay me 1 person salary...
I didn't receive ur PM leh. Can send to me again? THX!

Okay..no prob abt the goodie bag.

If ur colleague's leave is not approved, then she/he can't go on leve before leaving the co, right? Think she needs to compensate the co? Best ask Zita. She's in HR.
u also fr public sector! which ministry? convenient to reveal? Which part of Singapore?

public sector seldom got OT one lor, esp if u r of certain grade, no OT at all, u work extra on yr own expense
But then it's very hard to avoid OTs when the work are not completed lor.

I remember last time I occasionally need to do OTs. But boss will go around asking his staff y we're still in office after 7pm. Cos he doesn't want to look bad wif all his staff working late while he leave early. Cos of his 'face' prob.

she very bad one... she dun care liao..


central of singapore. my working colleagues drive white cars , scooters, motorbikes and sometime bicyles... and all around singapore(you know which ministry liao?). yours?
ya loh..OT but no OT pay..and thats y i very angry mah....if not dunmind cos mthend can see more $$..but no loh...same amt but my time gone for family!!1
ah...u near cantonement hah? if yes, then i koe le..kekeke..me also central of Singapore, ehmm...mine got to do with the future of Sing i.e infrasturure developments etc, got it?

damn sian hor like that, OT but no $$ and worst still no appreciation for some..will rather go home on the dot to play with children :p
Hong - Can send me the link??

regarding the movie - E was stoneing for the first 30mins, I thought he will sleep, but I was wrong. He became alerted after some kid scream.. then start of nightmare liao. Me and hubby keep transfering here and there... but one part quite funny, he actually watched it..and say "vrrrooom" when it was screening the race between the rat and the short chef...
Hong, me interested to see too!!

MTDT, i don't mind explaining to her... and heng ah she cooperative enough... nvr force both of us to walk out of the cinema...
eeyore - U're so patient. Soemtimes I really want to do that to E too, but no matter how hard i explain he never get what I mean.. still do his own way..Even when I become long winded and super naggy he also wont listen..
eeyore - you v patient.... good.

charlene so guai... very cute too.

PM - I am abit oppersite... I talk for awhile, then feel stupid like talking alone (or talking to a cow! haha) then I will stop. :p

anne - huh, ur company let her "go off without approval" cant HR penalise her? She boh chap doesnt mean there is no rules ard mah.

Hong - nice pics!!! Julian really Yan Dao leh!

btw how long u were u there? so many pple involved. :p
PM, it's like that one, she don't always listen to me... when she does her own way then i like mtdt, stop talking loh... but charlene very funny... daddy ask her "u understand what I'm talking..." she nodded her head then hubby ask her again " u understand what mummy saying?" she nodded her head again then look at us and smile... then we are wondering she really understand us anot...
