(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

me also have dreams about bb.. my hb say me too nervous about this whole thing.. trying to keep me calm too.. hai..
my detailed scan on the 8th of march..
think all mummies get pains in some place or another.. i get serious backache especially when i sleep..
its torturous
Address for BB hyperstore:
69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Ind Pk Singapore 417947
Tel : 6844 1123
There is another BB kingdom a few doors down.
Most of them says there is more variety for bulky items (like strollers, car seats). Not always cheaper but more choices under 1 roof.

MTDT, it's definitely more ex to raise a kid than the cordlife thingie!

Sandy, don't worry too much, bb's health is more impt. Can u take an OTR empire gown if your existing gown cannot be altered? My friend's wife did the 2nd March-in in a traditional kwa. She was expecting twins then, so the bump was growing quite fast.
tracy, ya, my hb also says the same thing. hard to control wat we feel lor. it's coming very soon, a week to go!! good luck!

i get backache when i sit too long leh, not so much during sleep. i try to sleep on my left side, cos lying flat quite uncomfortable.

chrys, i wonder if can use hot water bottle to relieve the aches?
Angeline , Jasline

Thanks for ur concern. I underwent the aminocentriosis test last fri, so rested a few days at hm, nw back at work, will only noe the results 2-3 weeks later. OBGYN said its 99.99% accurate, so its either yes or no.
Still very worried n stressed, though im tryin my best to stay relaxed....
dun understand y im at such high risk though im only 24...
Hi jurong_gal,

Hope you are feeling better now. Did you doc explain to you what she was concerned about and why she recommended amniocentesis?
u can find this bb seat selling at a lot of places..
it actually helps the bb to seat upright even at a very young stage.. and its very convenient when u wanna bring yr bb outdoors e.g beach or picnic, u jus place the bb on the chair for feeding and its washable..
heard its good for the bb's back too.
Hi May,

Bumbo seat is a seat designed for babies whom can already support their head but yet to be able to sit on their own. It's very useful cos sometimes, baby do want to sit upright, rather than on his/her back all the time, and when it's time to feed baby solid, it comes in real real real handy. I got mine second hand at $45.... a real bargain indeed. Very worth the purchase.

Jurong gal,

Don't be stressed over the tests. Sometimes, it's really not the age that matters. I had a friend whom conceived when she's 22 and gave birth at 23... she went to a gynae whom took it for granted that since she's so young, there's no need for her to go through lots of tests.... and end up, she gave birth to a down syndrome baby. It's just for precautionary sake.... don't worry too much ok?


Don't worry about tummy too much. Seriously saying, should feel proud that you are pregnant now. Reason being..... the number of women who failed to conceive are on the rise..... Be happy for yourself, your marriage, and your baby ok? Best of luck and wish you happiness.


Now, where are you?
Lok - of cos.. tat's just a joke.

Bb hypermart and kingdom - can bargain with them one. so dun blur blur just go and pay.
hi Joan,

cos my triple test results indicate i belong to high risk group, so gynae say to do aminocentriosis to make sure. in fact my risk is as high as a 40 year old mtb, ard 2 %. dunno y too.
I accoy my daughter to her Childcare today. 1st day mah.. U busy with 1st bday. No wonder i wanted to ask u has u finish all the preparation.

I didnt let my daughter choice the items. too lazy and i have big head organising her 1st bday.

JUrong gal,
everything will be fine! pray for u!
My malay frd also have very bad result from Triple test but she feel that no matter wat is the result she will still keep the baby so she refuse the test and the baby turn out ok. I went to visit her and baby look ok.

Why didnt they suggested OSCAR test? They also have very high rate to detect whether baby is DS and dun have to go thru the pain and risk.

wah so fast. U went to get bumbo seat.

i dun really find baby hyperstore cheaper. Better to compare price before buying.

baby growing mah. How to hide the tummy? i think the relatives and frds will be happy for u. Dun worry so much ok! Be a pretty and happy bride cum MTB. Is really double happiness for u.
Hi Fruitee, Lok, MTDT,
Thanks for the info on the Baby Hypermart and Baby Kingdom. I will go and see see look look.

Hi Tracy,
What colour Bumbo did you buy? I saw the Bumbo at Carrfour at $99 first. Find it quite cute. Want to buy 2nd hand, but cannot find one that is worth the price. $79.90 at Taka, can consider to buy liow.

Hi May,
Pictures of the Bumbo Baby Seat can be found at http://www.bumbobabysitter.com/

Hi jurong_gal,
Don't worry too much. Will pray for you.
Jurong gal - which part of ur triple test shows high percentge? i understand there is T21, T18 and NTD.

my NTD results also shows tat i am high risk...

Not too sure what is T21, T18 and NTD.
Is NTD the neck thickness test?

So did ur obgyn recommend any further test for u ?
hi mummies,
hope everyone is doing very well in their 2nd trimester now. i popped by this thread b4 but now rather busy so cant keep up. i scanned thru the thread n read something abt BUMBO seat.

my advice abt BUMBO seat is best to get ur bb 2 try it 1st b4 u buy. when my son was 4mths old and his neck was strong 2 be upright, he tried it and his thighs got stuck in the seat (as in when i lifted him out of the seat, the seat comes along wif him). i had to pull the seat apart (the part where one thigh goes in) to let go of his thigh 2 take him out. he also sunk into the seat and was probably uncomfortable so he arched his body back trying 2 get out. tat was very scary for me & husband then cos if he was any stronger, we wont know wat damage he'll do to his neck & head then.

i've come across bbs who can sit in bumbo seat very well but these bbs dun have thunder thighs like my son. i've also come across some bbs who also cant sit in the bumbo seat like my son, due 2 their size.
me bought the purple colored one.. wanted to buy green but hubby said purple looks more calming..
u can consider the blue one also.. u having bb boy right? blue also very nice but me still dunno sex of bb, so bought purple..

heehee me kiasu.. and after comparing prices $79.90 seems to be at its lowest..
jurong_gal, MTDT,
don't worry so much okie? Triple tests have high rate of false results. Low risk doesn't mean no risk while high risk doesn't confirm anything. Don't put unnecessary stress on yourself and your baby okie?

As long as we love our babies for who they are, we won't go wrong. Rite? :) Down's Syndrome babies are special too... they teach us the simple meaning of love. When my 1st baby was diagnosed with Edward's Syndrome (Trisomy 18), my hubby and I wished he had Down's Syndrome... at least he could survive if he had Down's Syndrome. But the whole experience of loving my 1st baby until God called him home during the 30th week of pregnancy was an experience filled with inner peace and joy because we did our best to love our baby for who he is. This happened just last year and I was 26.

We know of a local couple who adopted a Down's Syndrome baby 18 years ago. The boy is now 18 yrs old. Inspiring isn't it? :) All we need to do is love and we'll enjoy our pregnancy with a little less stress.
joan - thanks. am not too worried. cheers.

Jurong gal - my gynae showed me the test results and explain to me in detailed. but as wat Joan says, it's only 60-70% acturate.

NTD - is something to do with the Spine.

My gynae was not really kan cheong about it and din request for me to do another test as my detailed scan was already scheduled the follow week... so during my detailed scan, we had a v v v detailed scan on his spine etc. and was given a clean bill. So we are confidence...

Oscar - from my understanding... it will only be accurate if tested before week 15. so at our stage, dun think can do Oscar test already.
Hi MTBs,
Walked pass Taka today & saw that the staff are busy setting up Baby Fair at the Atrium. It'll be on from 2 Mar to 19 Mar. Seems like there's a lot of stuff on offer. I.e. Disposable diapers, carseats, strollers & other small daily items.

I intend to go there check out on price of stroller & carseat before going to Baby Hypermart & Baby Kingdom to compare.
Jurong gal,
My bb's NTD was towards the high side too, but my blood test turn out fine. When I 1st saw that the gynae tried hard to take more readings just to make sure that the NTD measurement was correct and his concerned look, it was SCARY! I was worried during the 3 days wait for my blood test results. But somehow I feel that my "worrying hormones" may affect bb, like I dun trust him/her to grow well like that. So I kept telling bb that he/she must stay strong and no matter what happens, his/her parents love him/her anyway. Then bb can concentrate on just growing and developing well
Somehow I believe, if u stay positive, nothing can go really bad
Since worrying can't improve the situation, stay positive and shower more love and encouragement to bb
Just like everyone in this thread is doing to u
ashleywcy - how did u measure ur NTD?

i measured mine thru blood test... so no 2nd blood test to take.
May, Jazzyjas & Missmoon, thanks for the info. I guess I'll either sign up the parentcraft class with Mt A or TMC.

Most places are selling the Bumbo at $99. I think $79 is a good buy. But what Kelly said is also true. My friend's baby has thunder thighs also :D, now only 4mths already cannot fit in the leg hole. Looks as if the thighs are squashed and the seat will get stuck to the baby just like what kelly said

I realised some MTBs has detailed scan that measure the weight of baby. Mine didn't. Is this a norm? I realised different doctors vary slightly in the measurement and stuff they check. For mine, he checked the heart, lungs, stomach, spine, the length of bones on the arms and legs, fingers and toes count, head size, abdomen size, gender.....Anyone has more?
Hi mummies,
Yesterday went for the details scan.

The result turn out fine. Anyway, we received a wonderful blessing from GOD, we having a boy boy tis time.
Hello Mummies!
Been MIA for a week cos laptop was down and busy w work. So anyone going to Taka BB fair this week starting from tmr til 19 Mar?

Ask u all mummies. I have experienced numbness feeling like Ma2Bi1 right under my right breast. It can last for a few mins while lying on the bed or sitting down. After that it wil go away by itself. Anyone encounter that?

Also, at times really scare me off. I can feel my heart beating/pumping very hard n very fast as if going to pop out and i hv to breathe really hard for 2 to 3 times to let my heart pumps back to normal. Oh dear, wats wrong w me?

congrats u hving bb boy! wow ur instinct correct ah. wat did ur instinct tell u initially?

my discharge very watery too, make my panty very wet but wat to do. It shld be normal cos 2nd tri, u wil tend to encounter more discharge.

Yes stil hving intimacy w hubby. maybe like once per fornight. hehe

NZ very beautiful country! I went to NZ, south island 2 wks self drove for my honeymoon last yr. So when u planning to go end mar? its gd to take a short break

wow seems like alot of ppl gg on holidays, so nice


congrats on ur bb boy! Yes i hv signed up Parentcraft with TMC conducted by Mrs Wong on sat. Will be starting on 18 Mar tis mth. If u apply the FBI (first born incentive) card, u can get 10% discount on parentcraft. As for FBI card, we paid $98 instead of $128 using Citibank credit card.

how r u?
wow ur bb weighing 450g. I stil dunno my bb weight. wil ask for it next appt. eager to know her weight.

i might be storing my bb's cordblood. Cos hubby encourages that. Since i signed up the FBI card at TMC, there are some discount for cordblood storing w cordlife.

MTDT & jurong gal,
Oops sorry, it's NT (Nuchal Translucency) scanning, not NTD. I got confused with the extra "D" :p
It's actually part of the OSCAR test which includes the ultrasound to measure NT (reflect the amount of fluid at the back of babys neck) and blood test. My bb's NT is very above average and barely within the range of normal NT measurements. In general, the thicker the NT at a given gestational age, the higher the chance of a problem

Do you feel your little one kicking you harder these days? I do...even DH can feel the kicks. Anyone's bellybutton pop-out already?

May - Its best to follow your obgyn's stats. At first I thought my EDD was 7th July but after the OSCAR and the detailed scan, its now 3rd July.
Wow, the 3D scans are amazing and expensive too!!!

jazzyjas - So, where are you going for the classes? Sign-up already? I think yoga is a wonderful exercise!

Lok & MTDT - Thanks for the info about cordlife!!! Wah, the baby fair is here...just in time for us MTBs to shop, shop, shop!!!

Jasline - Baby Hypermart? Bumbo baby seat? How does it look like?

Sandy - Don't panic!!! Is it too late to get a baby doll type of dress? Then you can still hide!

Tracy - Don't worry too much! Good luck with the detailed scan ~ 8th March is just around the corner!!! Take one day at a time coz worrying is not good for little one.

YT - Thanks for the info about the talk!

missmoon - Good luck with your detailed scan!!! I am sure you will love it as much as we (MTBs have gone for it) did! Don't worry too much coz its not good for bb!

chrys - Yup, have backaches too! DH massages (lightly) and it helps a lot.

Fruitee & Lok - Thanks for the info about the Baby Hypermart!!!

jurong gal - Hang in there, ok? Just wait for the results! I know its hard but always think to put your bb first ~ worrying too much is NOT good for bb!!! Sending you lots of +++ vibes!!!

Angeline - Wah, that's an awesome buy!

Hong - How was your girl-girl 1st day at childcare?

kelly - Thanks for the info about the BUMBO seat!!!

Joan - Thanks for those beautifully written words and the website!

NOIF - Glad to hear that your detailed scan went well!!! Congrats for getting a prince!!!

kite - Welcome back! Numbness? I get that at my left arm at nite...so DH massages me. I dreamt that my little precious was a boy-boy lor...lol.

Table Updated:
<table border=1><tr><td>NAME</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> OBGYN</TD><TD> HOSPITAL</TD><TD> GENDER</TD><TD> NAMES </TD></TR><TR><TD>japepearl</TD><TD> 03 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.L.C.Cheng</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>zita27</TD><TD> 07 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.T.Tan</TD><TD> KK/SGH</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Li May</TD><TD> 07 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.K.Lee</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTDT</TD><TD> 07 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Yvonne Soong</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleepygarfield</TD><TD> 09 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.E.S.Teoh</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>millie</TD><TD> 10 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Adrian B Woodworth</TD><TD> TMC / Mt.A</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joan</TD><TD> 10 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Douglas Ong</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> Julian </TD></TR><TR><TD>liverpool11</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.L.C.Cheng</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pepper</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.H.Chan</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mel</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr Chandra</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jurong gal</TD><TD> 11 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.C.H.Koh</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kin</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.S.C.Chew</TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>NOIF</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. John Tee</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Tham</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poppy</TD><TD> 12 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Lisa Chin</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lego_mom</TD><TD> 15 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lawrence Ang </TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasline</TD><TD> 15 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. K.T.Tan</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fruitee</TD><TD> 15 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Adrian B Woodworth</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sandy Kerk</TD><TD> 17 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Chen </TD><TD> Mt.A </TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lala</TD><TD> 17 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hong</TD><TD> 18 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>May</TD><TD> 18 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lisa Chin</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessie Seah</TD><TD> 18 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Y.W.Lim</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>littlebaby~Val</TD><TD> 19 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr Tham</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>YB</TD><TD> 19 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Kowa </TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>missmoon</TD><TD> 19 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Christopher Chen</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dear</TD><TD> 20 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.L.N.Sim</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lok</TD><TD> 20 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jazzyjas</TD><TD> 20 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.K. Chow</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Z-Lia</TD><TD> 23 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Selina Chua</TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Upie</TD><TD> 24 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Ho</TD><TD> Mt.A</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline Neo</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Clifton Chan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>eeyore</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.K.K Ho</TD><TD> Mt.E</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laura</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Adrin Tan </TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshine</TD><TD> 25 Jul 06</TD><TD> Prof. Mary Rauf</TD><TD> NUH</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tracy</TD><TD> 26 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Adrian Tan</TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashleywcy</TD><TD> 29 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.W.K.Tan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chrys</TD><TD> 30 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Joyceline Wong</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>RT's Wife</TD><TD> 30 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr. Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joline</TD><TD> 31 Jul 06</TD><TD> Dr.Y.Y.Tan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> -</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Good morning Mummies...
Me actually not in the mood like u all to welcome my baby. Everything is so unstable for me. My job, staying with that MIL and financial burden when the baby is born.
I wish i never make the decision to keep this child on another hand, i don't want my HB to blame me if i couldn't give birth after abortion. Hiaz...
Being in a roller coaster ride this few month. No mood to work too.
morning everyone!!

japepearl, thanks

i'm having a bb boy
opposite of what i dreamt the night before the detailed scan. the only bad news as far as i can tell is, i've got low placenta and my gynae seemed quite anxious over it
sandy, try not to think too much now. bb your priority. i always believe things will straighten out itself, so no point worrying over it lor. i know it's easier said than done lah but for bb sake n your health, try lah...especially now, hormones changing all the time and affect moods
kite, yup, i agree that NZ is a very scenic place. I went backpacking with my gal friends in the South Island abt 5 years ago. Enjoyed ourselves very much. This time, I went to New Plymouth, it's the energy province of NZ, not really for tourist. Thinking of going to Phuket in end March, was there last year and they gave us free 3D2N accomodation in Laguna Phuket area (no, it's not Banyan Tree Phuket). Have to check 2 mths in advance whether the rooms are available. If not, then probably redeem miles to go somewhere else.

Don be so upset over the low placenta issue. I was also told by my gynae that I'm having low placenta during my last pregnancy. He said to prepare to stay in bed or early delivery.... but I maintain a positive mind.... and we succeeded in conquering the odds.... I delivered at 38 weeks and I was always around shopping.


I was in the same position as you when I first found out I'm pregnant. We were both almost penniless, with no savings and no nothing! I was only months with my company, when I found out I'm pregnant... the fear in me that they will kick me out.... it's terrible... and no roof over my head. Gotta live with MIL. My hubby also got into a terrible debt over the bust of his 4 credit cards by his ex-gf..... Things looked dark and stormy.... and worst of all, my family forced me to marry him.... cos to erase the shame.

But it all finally settled inside me. It's a life that is growing in me. If I really do not want it initially, I should be responsible to myself and prevent such accident to occur. Since it happened, I should be responsible and will work my way out of the dark life. And it did happen! After marriage, my work stabilized, my hubby really dote on me and fully supported me during my pregnancy, though I did have lots of clashes with my MIL over lots of teeny weeny bits of issues, the beauty of her around slowly became evident. Don't burden yourself with all the uncertainties now. YOu should focus more on building up a beautiful family with your hubby.... have a wonderful relationship with MIL... not as easy as it sounds, but it can be done. Don't put yourself in such foul mood... it will affect baby. Be happy for your baby to be willing to stand against all odds with you.... Cheer up ok? Be a beautiful bride. Nothing is impossible to resolve.


Your hubby also can feel the kick? Hmm... must be I'm having too much fats around my tummy. My hubby felt nothing. Ha ha ha....


You are back here posting. I supposed what you felt is heartburn. It's very common for preggie.... I was taught by Gynae to relax and breath deeply and calmly.... and the feeling will go away. You take care ok?


Congrats on having a boy! Happy for you.


I agree that not all babies are suitable for the bumbo seat, it's according to their size. My friend once told me something which is very real. Babies taken care by MIL or own mother, we can don't bother to buy the bumbo chair, cos they will be too fat to fit in. Babies taken care by maids or caregiver, go ahead and buy, their size will fit in nicely. Till now, I really wonder is it true or not.


My prayers for you. Am sure everything will turn out fine.


Whenever there's a baby fair, I always cannot resist buying a thing or two. Do have a look. The most worthy fair I'd been to is those held at expo. It's cheaper than those selling in Taka.


How was your gal's first day at the childcare? Everything went fine? My MIL is quite a reserved person and when my son was taken care by her, they seldom went downstairs for a walk. I am quite worried now that he might become introvert and will be hard blending into the childcare culture. Cross my fingers....

In 2 day's time, it's the party! Hope everything will go on fine.
Angeline, many thanks for this
i hope i can psyc myself up to think positive!! hopefully maintaining that positive note, the "prob" will right itself over the coming weeks/months
Hi Kite,
I also do encounter numbness around my ribs when I'm lying down on my side in bed. Dunno if it's the same as ur situation.
My gynae said it's very normal to have heart palpitations during pregnancy cos our heard is working extra hard to pump more blood to baby. If you have difficulty in breathing, better let ur doc know.

Btw, how much u pay for TMC parentcraft? I intend to sign up during my 7th mth.
japepearl, no idea when going for the classes. Thot wd decide after the detailed scan on Week 22.

missmoon, Congrates!

i thk u outa rest more. Did ur gynae gv u any home rest? Btw, dun thk u sd go for the yoga now rite?
Everythg would turn out fine.
YB/jazzyjas, the lady from TMC parentcraft will advise the best date to start based on your EDD. If interested, better to book earlier.
dun worry too much.. i heard that it is not advisable to rub the tummy so much if your placenta is low.
and my frns told me that we should not massage our breast as it will stimulate the cervix to open causing early birth..
try not to do these two things and have as much rest as you can..

dun stress yrself too much..
me also staying with MIL.. beginning is always difficult and a lot of things really have to close more than one eye..and there are many things or issues we dun really see eye to eye.. but in order not to give pressure to my HB, jus have to "ren" lor..
as for $$ wise, really have to be budget lor.. cos me not working now and depending solely on HB's income.. sometimes thinking about it is really scary.. but have to really tell yrself these are the difficulties one has to go thru in life..
