(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

lok, MTDT,

dunno leh...the gynae say its abit too gain too much...my 2nd visit only gain 0.6kg...3rd visit gain 4kg...i ask her wat is the average, she say 2kg wor...

Jazz & Missmoon
Think bb is trying to play with us too... when they know we trying to feel their movement!
dear, mtdt
now i'm worried. i thot it's normal to gain rapid weight during the 2nd tri? cos bb's growth quite fast during this time, no?
missmoon, yes u r rite. Its normal 2 gain quickly as bb is growing at a faster rate in 2nd Tri. Dun worry too much. If ur gynae knows abt this & he din say not ok, then it sd be fine.
The other day only i juz worried when i still din gain any weight.

fruitee & missmoon, juz now i tapped my tummy lightly & she responses!!
Lightly kicks back 2x.

Btw, when then we wd feel regular bb movements? And when sd we panic if its irregular??
Hi Fruitee, jazz and missmoon,

my baby movement is also rther erratic. sometimes it's quite 'tame' and only occasional bubbles bursting feeling. But a few times when I yawn, the baby will kick me hard. Hahha..

Last nite, my hubby read poetry to the baby and immediately, we saw slight movement. As I was lying down, i actually saw my pyjamas below my navel area 'tilting' up and down. It's as if its the baby's heart beat. That was amazing!!!

I'm going for my detailed scan this afternoon. Wish me luck. I'm quite worried too.
jazzyjas, thanks.
i think during late 2nd tri (hv to go read up again), should become more regular. also, i cannot remember specifically which week onward movements will be lesser cos they got less room to move about then but should still feel bb's kicks - this shld be in 3rd tri

anyone feeling more ditzy these days? my memory is really getting poorer
dear - maybe ur gynae means gain too fast...
only 1 visit apart - u gain 4kg. but of cos, hv to see how far apart are ur 2 visits.

think at 2nd tri.. the ave is abt 0.5kg per week.
so in a mth, shd only gain abt 2kg.

so far, mine weight gain is those steady steady one... now i see my gynae every mth... ave weight gain is 1+kg. so think it's ok.
Yr bb so responsive.. so cute..

My mum trying to feel his movement after I told my mum he was being active... then stop.. ahahha.. maybe playing games with my mum.. ahahhah.. Good luck for yr scan this afternoon.. keep us update ok?

I started to be really forgetful start when I was preggie.. I seems like in a daze very frequet.. not sure you also?
ahhahah... ya ya.. sometimes when ppl talk to me, I have to think quite sometime before answering... although it's just a simple Yes or No.. Gosh, wonder if its normal..ahhaha
hmmp.. so many of u know the gender of ya baby and i still do not know.
My baby seem to be coperative, my tummy not so big as compare to those going to 5th month. Me just a hump like i have a small tummy like most office ppl have. So lucky else, my wedding will be ... haiz
Hi Jazzyjas,
Sometimes we do not feel the baby kicking us cos either:
- Our own movements make it hard to detect kicking
- Baby sleeping OR
- Baby kicking towards inside

I think as long as we can feel movements everyday, should be alright? Cos baby is still very small, so got ample space to move around.
Mel, I did my detail scan last week at 20wk, baby is 320g, wonder if that's too small, baby has to gain another 3kg while we only left 20week before the baby is due?

Fruitee, when my hb place his palm on my tummy, baby also won't move, so naughty and the baby seems to be getting stronger nowaway, every kick and punch seems more powerful and sometime gave me a fright.
Hi Lok,
I'm 20 weeks this week & I've put on 5kg. My gynae says it's normal. We'll tend to pile on weight very fast during early 2nd trimester, then slowly gaining weight till 3rd trimester where we also pile up weight fast. There's a pattern.
I also used to b very worried cos suddenly gained 5kg, all in a mth. But after listening to my gynae, felt better.
Welcome back!! How was ur trip to BKK? I'll be enjoying myself in BKK too in 2 weeks time. Do u know of any place in BKK that sells good & cheap baby stuff?
Hi Daisyduck,

I also encounter some pain at my gums ever since end of 1st trimester. Luckily, it has been on & off. Dun think it's tooth decay cos I just had all my wisdom teeth extracted out, & all other teeth checked. I looked into the mirror & saw that the gums where my tooth ache is swollen & red. So I guess it must be the gums that's giving me problems.
I resorted to drinking lots of milk, hoping to stop the pain & it really helps. My pain has stopped now.
Hi gals,
Actually my wife can feel the baby movements as early as towards the beginning of the 4th mth. She always complain to me that the bb super active always turing around. But nowadays, the bb prefer to practice soccer during the 5th month. It was so amazing on Sat morning, when my wife ask me to put my hand on the tummy and I felt the bb kicking for the 1st time myself.

By the way, anyone can recommend me any websites for names? Wife have been asking me alot of times nowadays what should we name the bb boy.

At the same time, any one already starting to compile on the items to buy and prepare? Quite blur leh, dunno what I should get now. I can only think of bb cot and pram now. Not sure should I get those bottle sterliser, bottles, milk powder etc now.
Hi pepper,

Huh..i read a book which indicates at week 20 babay should be around 320g, oh no i am getting worried..morever i have put on 6kg!
But my gynae says its within the normal range..think i should cut down on food !!
YB - ooh.. u going BKK for leisure rite?

actually i only walk ard MBK for 2 hrs... rest of the time, i am stuck in the conference room.

so dun really noe where are the good places for kids stuff...
missmoon, u meant at some pt. in the months, bb mite not kick? I know less space in later mths bt wd still squirm abt rite?

missmoon & fruitee, i tend 2 forget small thgs like wat i wanna buy, or say etc esp if i dun act on it soon. Wd note down in my hp most of the times. Other than tat, seems qte ok still.
Take longer 2 reply mite be coz we r not "there" loh..
Mite be in wonderland wif bb!! Hehe..

YB, ya i thot so oso. Tol myself tat when bb is quieter.
Agree that bb is getting stronger every day...
Gosh, I still dun know the weight of my bb.. ahhahah

I agree! Wonderland with bb... mind wonder away.. ekeke..
Yesterday I went to a concert featuring a fusion of chinese orchestra and indian music. Whenever the Indian drums were played, bb will move around! Hmm... dunno whether to tell me he/she loves or is irritated by the beats. Haha, I personally found the Indian drums very interesting but I don't wanna bb practice drumming inside me! :p

Really envy those of you whose hubby can talk to bb and get his/her response... my bb haven't really hear his/her daddy speaking yet

Anyway, I have this WEIRD concern at night... If we sleep on our left handside and decide to change to our right handside to sleep, will our bb get "thrown around" in our tummy? coz I was thinking bb will get a 180 degree turn about leh. Will bb get dizzy?
Thanks for the comprehensive list you got there. Wau lau...think must start looking on what to get now. If not, how to finish getting all the things in the list.
jazzyjas, ah? really stomach flu ah? coz i sometimes also like that... just feel bloated, but dunno if it is stomach flu. Then I'll try to walk around a bit to help digest the food. I feel my stomach and intestines all cramped up if I sit down after meals...
i think yr gynae is worried becos of the sudden increase in yr weight from the last visit. but think we better not get too paranoid about weight as long as the baby is growing well..

i get scared when my bb has no movement especially when bb was so active the day before, then suddenly become so quiet!!

me too.. also dunno weight of bb!

btw do u gals have problem sleeping at night?
me get lots of backache.. gosh..
yes i have problem sleeping at nite. Dun know which position is the best.

Look like many have gone for detailed scan. I am still waiting for mine.

My baby also starts to kick more frequently.

Did the dentist give u any mouth wash to help to ease the pain? My dentist use to give me this solution to reduce "tooth problem" and quite effective.

5kg for the 1st 5 months is quite gd meaning 1kg a month. The norm is to gain 1kg each month.

pepper, Mel,
I think ur baby are in pretty gd weight! They gain faster now.
ashleywcy, i know wat u meant.. coz sometimes when i cant sleep, i toss & turn.. then i wonder oso if bb wd like "slide from left to right & vice versa". I try to turn carefully & slowly to minimise any disturbances for her.

Its bloated.. + gaseous.. got "wind". Now better, like u sugg, i went to the loo n back. Asked gynae b4, said its coz of the food i took. Its usually after lunch, long time ok, dunno y today came back.

Tracy, ya loh.. tat's how i feel too! Yest she is qte active, today more quiet. Perhaps she know i am working.. hehe..

When i felt uncomfy or cant sleep at nite, i wd ask hb to rub my back.
hi liverpool11,
Take ur time to look around. Dun buy everything at 1 go. It'll costs u a lot!!

I bought some of the necessities that can be kept i.e. milk bottles, steriliser, detergent etc at the recent Robinson Sale. The rest will wait for other sales then buy. Pram/stroller can wait cos ur baby won't need them so soon.

It's more economic to buy during sale time, else very ex. Can spend more than $1k on all these stuff.
Hi Hong,

I gain the 5kg all in a mth's time, that's y a bit worried.

I also toss & turn in the night cos irregardless of which position I lay i.e. sideways or back, my body will ache.
Think I gonna ask the gynae what's the weight on my detailed scan next week..

Thanks for the webby...
Hi ladies,

Daisyduck: It's normal for the gums of preggers to be extra sensitive. I first suspected I'm pregnant when my gums bled during gentle brushing.

Pepper: I'm like you, gain very little during first two trimesters, but not to worry, baby tends to gain the most in the third trimester.
My firstborn was abt 3.4kg at birth eventhough I gained less than 20kg during pregnancy, just rest more and relax....

I'm gettin more nauseated since last week, don't know why..do you ladies feel the same? Am now 18 weeks preggy, everywhere aching...difficult to find a comfy position to sleep
tracy, i hv not been sleeping well recently...partly bcoz of the leg pain & back pain...omg! i wish my nice sleep...hehehe
I guess its one of the things in 2nd trimester...pain here and there! Bsides pain here and there, one in a blue moon I get nausea too.

Happy shopping everyone and good luck to those who will be going for the level II detailed scan!!!
Hong, fruitee,
me gg for my detailed scan next week too!!
can't wait.. sooo scary and anxious..
hope all will be well..

sooo nice of yr hubby..

seems like all of us have problem with sleeping..
and it seems to attack our back so much..
nothing to be scary. Will be great to see the little one again. I got to wait till 21 mar.. look like a long wait for me. Haizzz.

oops sorry 1 month 5kg is abit abnormal. Just monitor that u gain too much for the next month. U are quite small size right? Cld it due to the medicine u taken?

Today i went Taka for my facial. Saw pigeon breastpad at 8.90. I think is a gd buy. If Taka baby fair is having it shld buy.
japepearl, there is a level II detailed scan? i dun understand.
Have not gone for the detailed scan yet.

Tracy, hb wd grumble bt he no choice. Ha!

I wd be nauseous once in a while.. esp when i am tired. My gynae said could be indegestion sometimes.

Fruitee, me too! U went for the details scanning already?
Tracy and Fruitee,
There is nothing much to be afraid of, the detail scan is pretty much the same as the normal scan. The only difference is the person in charge will measure very single parts to make sure that the baby is developing properly.

You all should be happy instead that you all will be seeing the babies soon.


I jus had my detail scan done and it's a princess! Everything seems well and my baby's weight was abt 315 g. Finally can start to shop for ger ger's clothes liao.

Can feel baby's movements everyday now and it was quite an experience
