(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi Tracy,
We can't massage our breasts? But we're supposed to apply stretch mark cream on our breast to prevent stretch marks, right?

YB, I believe Tracy meant the nipple area which I have heard over-stimulation can lead to labour when we are near term.

All, finally my turn for the Level II scan this afternoon. wish me luck!
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for the well wishes.

Good luck to u!!

Dont think too much! Stay happy and pray for God. Sure God will guide u along the way..

Yup! Think positif and rest more
oh, gee, i didn't realise rubbing/massaging tummy & breasts will cause that! i've been rubbing oil onto tummy and undersides of boobs cos it itches and also i want to avoid stretch marks...thanks for the tip!!!

noif, thanks...i will try to do that, and of cos pray very hard
Kite, I have that thumping heart feeling occassionally also. Like the heart going to pop out of the chest! Usually will go away after resting for a while.

Angeline, my hubby can't feel anything too!

And the thing about parents and parent-in-laws taking care of baby....I think they probably dote on them so much and so afraid that they might be hungry, so make sure the eat their fill. I think Maids won't bother, if baby refuse to eat then don't eat lor :p......I think not all maids are like that lah, my SIL's maid quite good, her baby so pui pui. so cute!
Hey Mummies!

I suppose most of us will be breastfeeding at least for the first few months....so do we need to buy the bottles?

What brands to buy? and How many? There are so many brands out there, so difficult to choose. Any recommendations?
Hi Poppy,

Even though u'll be breatfeeding, it'll be easier for u to express out & let some other ppl to help u in feeding while u rest.

So far I've bought 4nos 120ml bottles (last for 1st 3mths) & 3nos 240ml bottles.

I also bought NUK silicone teats cos the shape is different from normal pigeon teats. Seems easier for baby to suck on.

The NUK rubber teats will change colour when u sterilise them for too long.

So far, I find that Pigeon is the cheapest.

Heard that Avent is not universal. Both Pigeon & NUK is universal.
Hi Sandy,
preparing for a wedding can be stressful as there are so many little things you need to take care of... especially when the big day is coming and everything seems unstable. But look on the positive side okie? Wedding is only 1 day but your marriage is everlasting. So look forward to your big day as it is only once in a lifetime and after that, I'm sure everyone will be looking forward to your little bundle of joy in July. :)

If we think about it, it's not really expensive to have a baby, especially if you are breastfeeding. We just have to make a little sacrifice here and there and I'm sure we'll all be doing just fine.

I guess abortion is always a quick fix many people turn too when they think they can't cope but like all quick fixes, it comes with a whole load of side-effects like guilt and depression of killing innocent baby, unable to conceive after that, etc. Having a baby on the other hand is a bundle of joy without those side-effects. So let us treasure and enjoy what we are blessed with. It's really a blessing to be able to have a baby! Cheers!
Tracy>> Thanks alots. I think there is alot of patient to learn. My parent also tell me that my HB is in the middle very difficult for him too.
I realise i started getting less patient with my HB from the very first day, my MIL wants back her master bedroom. ( Only after we actually painted the room and was looking for furniture ).
And the room we now using for customary....it actually share the same wall as the ancestor table. According to my mother that room cannot be use as bridal room else the couple will kept quarelling. True enough.. I really every tiny bit & little thing also rise my voice at him. I just cannot control my temper.
Some time i just feel like slaping my MIL if i could.
Hi Sandy,
Oh dear. Sorry to sound pangtang, but I heard from a Feng Shui Master that the room which shares wall with the ancestor altar should not be occupied by married couples. As this will cause lots of quarreling & unhappiness. Worst case is separation.

Only children below 6yrs & old folks above 60yrs can sleep in the room.
YB>> yah you are right. I am almost at the verge of wanting to separate from him. We didn't even officially sleep in that room but systom already start showing.
Never play play with Feng Shui.
We never quarell when we sleep in the master bedroom for a year after ROM. My mother-in-law is very selfish., even my "Ping JIN" & 4 Din Jin also wants my HB to pay for it. She don't even need to support the housing loan or anything. The money she earn for selling fishball etc is a pure profit cos my FIL pay for the stock and utilities.
Angeline, Jape,
Well her 1st day is ok. Just that she has been harass but a male classmate and she cried. Other than that she is very active. Still not very use to sit down classroom mode of learning. Cos all the enrichment class she attended are those movement kind.

I was told to keep Jan at hse cos there are case of HFMD and my sister (staff there) said better to keep her at home scare she keep crying the immune system will drop.

Sadly this morning my MIL reported that she got alot of ulcers in her mouth but no fever n not blisters on her hand and foot yet. I was super sian when i heard this.. Why so unlucky!

Cos i went to see my doctor this morning due to my cough so will bring my little gal to see her PD at night. Hopefully is just normal ulcers and not HFMD else she will have to stay at home for 10 days...
Sandy - Hang in there, ok? I know its easier said than done + with our hormones going wild...haiz! But, as others have written, think of your bb. Things will work out A-OK eventually. If the man on top decided to give us a baby, he will definately provide accordingly.
Living with MIL is never easy! That's why I often "ren" too. Thankfully, my DH is my hero always!

missmoon - Don't worry too much, OK? I often hear that the placenta will move upwards slowly but surely.

Lok - That sounds awesome ~ Phuket!!!
Good luck with the scan!

Ageline - Yup and DH is loving it!
Don't worry too much...I think your DH will be able to feel the kicks SOON!!!
Good luck...I am sure it would be fine!

jazzyjas - OIC! Good luck with the detailed scan! I am sure you will love it as much as we did!

Tracy - Yeah! I am sure your DH was thrilled!
Hong - lol, we posted at the same time, I think!
Aww..so sorry to hear that your girl-girl was harrass by a male classmate and about the ulcers! *hugs* Hope its not HFMD!!! Sending your girl-girl lots of +++ vibes!!!
Hi Sandy,
Is there anyway of talking nicely to ur MIL? Afterall, u'll need a bigger space to put the baby cot & access to the bathroom.
japepearl, thanks
m trying to take it in stride, trust that all will be well. btw, m expecting a bb boy
can update when u've got more to update lah
japepearl, thanks
m trying to take it in stride, trust that all will be well. btw, m expecting a bb boy
can update when u've got more to update lah
Hi everybody, I'm back from the scan. BB's doing well, considered medium-sized, all clear. Gained 4 kg and gynae says that's good, an achievement for me (becos I am on the skinny side). Think my boy is very active, at least that's what she said at every scan. He was doing all kinds of funny things like scratching his head, showing the "victory" sign, hands crossing like ultraman, sticking out his tongue etc. Very fun to watch him!

Also got the blood test results. Haemoglobin count a bit low (i.e. anaemic), need to go more iron supplements *sigh*. Have to go for another round of test 2 mths later to monitor the situation. Other than this, no problem.

Btw, I saw the Bumbo Babysitter at TMC pharmacy. Also selling at $79.90. Wondering if we have the FBI card, does it means another 5% discount?
lok, that's really good news indeed
it's always fascinating to see your own flesh and blood growing and moving inside of you. wonderful

dun worry abt the low haemoglobin...i have it too...so long as it's not excessive low, shld be ok. btw, how many iron pills r u on a day?
must have really been thrilling and exciting to c your boy..

seems like u really have a tough MIL to live with..
so u must try to "ren" for now.. dun be upset with yr HB and for your bb's sake, keep positive and happy..

yr girl must be really pretty!! hope she gets well soon..
me also din noe abt the massaging thing at first and was always applying it and massaging it..

it was only when my frn went for her scan and realised that her placenta was low, then was being advised by the nurses not to rub the tummy so often..
Show profile:

The first-ever BabyCare Festival, Mar 10 - 12, brings together a host of creative and audience-specific activities, creating a vital meeting point for all pregnant mums and parents of infants and toddlers.

Highlights include a Celebrity Baby Talk show with popular MediaCorp mums Ivy Lee and May Phua, Evelyn Tan and MediaCorp/Fly Enterainment Allan Wu, a Baby Idol contest, A Star Is Born photo contest, Baby Marathon Crawling competition and a Toddler Telematch.

Come and have a ball at BabyCare Festival enjoying games, contests, food and loads of free gifts! It promises mums, dads, babies, toddlers and everyone in the family a wonderful time!

Event hours:
11.00am to 9.00pm (10 & 11 March 2006)
11.00am to 8.00pm (12 March 2006)

MediaCorp Publishing Pte Ltd
Tel: 65- 64837118
Fax: 65- 64812309
email: [email protected]
YB>> My HB already told her in advance that our room now after puting furniture is not enough to put baby stuff so the baby will be sleeping with her.
And the baby stuff will be put into her room. That mean she got to help us take care of baby at night.
She ask for it.
My FIL is ok with us continue using the room as to him , the bedroom is just for sleeping. Not like us, i need the room to study, my HB need the room to serve net for price. Hiaz.. In short.. my MIL is just being SELFISH. No wonder she work in the market.. got alot of fish there. LOL
Kiddy Fest
Public-Free Admission
Hall 5B
17-Mar-06 to 19-Mar-06
Start Time: 10:00; End Time : 22:00

Show Profile:

Kiddy Fest 2006 aims to be a fun filled extravaganza for children. There'll be a huge inflatable play area, yummy food stalls and lots of fantastic finds.
Come join us from 17th to 19th March at Singapore Expo Hall 5B.... see you there!

FM Special Events Pte Ltd

Tel: 65 6748 2127
Fax: 65 6286 1655
email: [email protected]
Tracy & missmoon, regarding the massaging/rubbing of tummy & breasts, when we apply mosituriser, using circular motion & tapping sd be ok rite?
For tummy, i wd do it like stroking.
How 2 do then is rubbing?
jazzyjas, i dun use circular motion leh, just stroking upwards until more or less absorbed, usually less than a minute i'm done. i read from somewhere earlier in this thread, the stroking will also calm bb? for breasts, i just lightly tap the oil onto areas that itch, i dun bother wif entire area.
Morning gals
Need to check with you gals.. do you all have rashes? Itch type especially in the middle of the night?
babycare at expo.

Tracy, she is not pretty but i dun mind u brand her cute.. hahahaha..

thanks. We are waiting for the sympton to come. Look like just uclers only and not blisters on her hands and foot. My MIL told me that the uclers in her mouth have gone down quite alot. So have to further monitor, may be not HFMD.
fruitee, i dunno if they're rashes but my stomach area itches. sometimes wake up middle of night to scratch. sometimes there are red dots around the tummy/abdomen area but they're not itchy.
Me too.. doesnt look like mosquito bites at all ley... stomach area think due to expansion that's why itch but I got put stretch mark cream ley... My back also very itch... haiz...
BabyCare Festival 2006
Public - Free Admission
Hall 5B
10-Mar-06 to 12-Mar-06
Start Time: 11:00; End Time : 21:00

Show profile:
The first-ever BabyCare Festival, Mar 10 - 12, brings together a host of creative and audience-specific activities, creating a vital meeting point for all pregnant mums and parents of infants and toddlers.

Highlights include a Celebrity Baby Talk show with popular MediaCorp mums Ivy Lee and May Phua, Evelyn Tan and MediaCorp/Fly Enterainment Allan Wu, a Baby Idol contest, A Star Is Born photo contest, Baby Marathon Crawling competition and a Toddler Telematch.

Come and have a ball at BabyCare Festival enjoying games, contests, food and loads of free gifts! It promises mums, dads, babies, toddlers and everyone in the family a wonderful time!

Event hours:
11.00am to 9.00pm (10 & 11 March 2006)
11.00am to 8.00pm (12 March 2006)

MediaCorp Publishing Pte Ltd
Tel: 65- 64837118
Fax: 65- 64812309
email: [email protected]
missmoon, same here.. for breasts i only apply those itchy area, esp the sides. Ya, when bb kicking, u can stroke bb & it wd calm bb. I tried & it works.

fruitee & missmoon, last nite my right lower calf itchy.. scratched a while, now abrasion, a bit "sore". At times, esp b4 sleeping, my arm, body wd itch oso. Got once, woke up middle of the nite, coz the breast side area itchy.

fruitee, i am only applying moisturiser, its cooling, reduces the itch i find. B4 sleep, i wd apply my body, arms & legs.. juz in case mah.
jazzyjas, fruitee
ya ya, side of breasts most itchy part. heng they're hidden areas so not visible during day time when wearing lesser

sometimes i find myself second guessing wat bb wants when he kicks...wondering if he's not comfortable that's y the movement or he's just getting my attention. heee

any of you experience that feeling of the uterus/tummy moving wif u when u turn from side to side when lying down in bed??
My wife always experience it. And she can tell me where the baby position is when she turn.

My wife seems to have problem now fitting into her shoes. Need to get buy a few pairs for her later.
liverpool11, i heard from my friends wif kids, their feet go up by 1 size, so that could be true leh. is it more of water retention that she's unable to fit? i can feel my shoes a bit tighter now too.

wow, she is good! i can only tell where bb is when he kicks.
fruitee, i am juz using johnson's & johnson's 24hr mosituriser. Find it ok, easily absorbed & not too oily. Bot a kinda powder from Guardian for itch oso, bt i hv not started using.

missmoon, har noh.. bt kinda pek chek when it itchy, now kinda rough to feel.
Me too!!
When she kick n move ard, i wonder isit sth she wants.. bt i know she dun like me to cross legs. Yest she kicks whenever i did.

Umm.. i know wat u meant, like tummy slide 2 the other side rite when u turn??
Last nite leg itchy, cant sleep, toss & turn, got this feeling, qte uncomfy, end up lie on my back.

jazzyjas, ya ya
exactly!!! i try to sit straight these days, and dun cross legs cos they say can cause blood clots?? ya, getting woken up by itchiness really annoying and i get frustrated, so end up scratching them.

yes, that feeling tummy moving wif u as u turn. ya lor, sometimes just get that uncomfy feeling and end up tossing and turning to get the position right. end up not sleeping well.

sometimes i can feel my entire leg wanting to cramp up also leh.
