(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB


BR = Babies Resort. They are located at AMK Ave 1. They are not franchise type (one and only CC) plus the 3 owners themselves have grandkids/kids (infants and toddlers) in there, so must take good care of their diet mah.

Wow liverpool's proposed govt plan so attractive huh! Even dsii also gian liao. Haha

Tax reduction - I tot in place already. Something like 2 or 3 kids before 30 is life time exepmtion of tax for mummy right?

CHM - lots of kisses to Arin. Just give her more water bah. Dun poo then all the toxin can't pass out also not good.
hooray...Arin finally poo'ed last evening. We saw her standing in a corner and crying but she refuse to let anyone carry her. So suspected that she was straining to poo...and finally did it!

Sorry ah...so gross early in the morning...
MTDT - Really arh? Teax exemption for life? Never mind, dun affect me anyway, coz I dont earn much, dun really have to pay alot of tax ;p

CHM - It's okay, we understand.. It's like waiting for durian to drop from the tree. =X and finally strike lottery.. hahaha
actually, last evening was quite funny. We were worried about Arin not pooing for so long that we decided to use the eneama to insert in her rectum to encourage pooing...but she saw me taking the tube out and starting crying no no no and waving her hands and refuse to let me go near her, so we gave up and decide to give her some bananas and wait one more day. After a few bites of the banana, she went to the corner to poo...so I guess the combination of the fear of the eneama or eating the banana helped...

In the past, there is a rule that if u have 2nd kid before 28YO, u get special tax rebate. Now, they scrap the age ceiling. Anyway, it's not exemption for life. Can't remember the figure but definitely still lugi a lot compared to the financial commitment of raising a kid..
Finally, I am back..it is so tiring to move hse...and my hse is like 85% ready nia..so cannot open hse yet :p
now the mummies & daddies are neck long long to see wat the govt gg to offer during the ND speech le..ha..
jul...and u r 1st july thread muumy i met n im the 1st u met too..hahaha..me so nice hor? went visit u..wahahahahha
she really lor....haiz. but i dun want national day bb leh....hehe...i not patriotic la.

ya ya...i still rem first time i see Ian, machiam 3 mth old liao...so big and chubby!!!
Tax exemption doesnt apply to me...wahaha. I am still waiting for the day i can pay tax leh.

Hope got good news of more $$$, Reduce maid loan, better sub of CC...wahahaha.

SAHM got 2k? wahahaha...then i will quit & stay home..wahaha

Jul target for 080808 lah, good date.
Why dun wan national day baby. Got lotsa freebies leh.

Good that Arin finally poo, she will recovery faster now

$$$ always not enough. If got free education till uni then lagi best. Hahaha in my dream land maybe.
how come u dun have to pay tax?

for 2nd kid, govt give 10K for ur tax deduction. U can share with ur spouse, by fault is given to mother.

good to know that Arin has poo. Must be very painful.
we worried not enuff hospital beds that day leh...coz hot date got a lot of c-sect. my gyn got one in the morning liao.

but maybe if so overbooked then we can get free upgrade...hmmm.....hahaha. *dream* that's what my hb is praying for. wahahaha.

I dunno leh....i dun like the idea of my kid's bday on national day. i also dunno why....hehe.

Only 10K huh? I calculated that it will cost me $100K+ for both Joshua & Jonas' 6 yrs of pre-school education. If only govt allow CC/IFC etc fees to be tax deductible!
Zita, if u're getting maid..can claim for maid relief(but not sure can transfer to hb if yr earning not taxable) and also can claim grandparent caregiver relief plus the parenthood tax rebat..yr hb and you (if taxable) can dun pay tax for at least for few years
I think Gerrard n Gerrain is already cosing me at least 1 ~ 1.5k every month. Which means its about 12 ~ 18k per year. In 6 years times, is about 72 ~ 108k. I only include Gerrard CC, have not take into account into Gerrain CC etc. And many other stuff like beds, toys, etc etc.


So I guess when lok mention 100k, I guess its easily over that amount for 6 years.

Chun bo, Life Time exemption? Since when Govt so good? If really, I am going to quote MTDT and call IRAS for my wife's tax refund!!

Here's my simple calculation assuming they stay in CC until Pri 1:
BR IFC fees = $900 X 16 mths = $14K
BR CC fees up to 4YO = $800 X 2.5 yrs X 12 mths = $24K
BR CC fees up to 6 YO = $700 X 3 yrs X 12 mths = $25K
Total for 1 kid (after govt subsidy) = $63K (so $126K for both Js)
Lok - actually right. after tat i also did a brief calculation. :p ard there... somemore havent cal inflation. :p

Liverpool - hahaha quote me huh. I heard from my frens one leh. maybe wrong info. :p i din bother as i over the 30yos criteria then. hahahha
YB - Very nice photos!!! A keeper indeed!!!

Jul - Don't play-play 2nd time around. Your labour maybe VERY short hor..So, when enter hospital, shout for epi...ha!ha!

CHM - Kisses to A!!! Sending over lots of quick healing vibes!!!

liverpool - I know what you mean, man! Having kids are very expensive!!! So, 2 is enough for us. You guys are planning for #3? Don't care what gov wants to give lah...in the end, its us parents who will suffer in the long run...imagine taking care of our kids till they have kids on their own...aiyoh!!!

dsii - #3 in near future ah? Wah!!! Superman ah? CUTE!!!

PM - So, are you going to send E to the new nanny?

Can I check something....what is the weight and height of your kids ah? As you know, G is still not eating solid as much as an average toddler. So, I need to keep track on his growth.

Thanks in advance!

Ian is so cute! Even got the lift off pose with the raised arm.

Wah, I never actually go and count, I didn;t know it is soooo ex to raise a kid! I also hope got more tax relief or cash bonus in the Aug National Day Rally announcement ah. Maybe free child care too!
I need govt support to convince my wife leh. Hoping she agreed to 3rd...if got the 4. Then yipppppeeeeeeeeee

wow 4kids... power man! :p
hope for twins lah.

July thread like dun hv twins hor.
jun thread like v easy get twins!! (got 3pairs now liao! hahaha)

AUG - high hopes man! :p FREE CC - best! hahaha :p
Liverpool - Wow! Yr wife high endurance level man.. I will scream for pain even mosquito sting. the garmen sure love u deep deep de.

MT - I dont think they will give free CC, for the moment I just hope they give alot more subsidy, so much so that the cheaper CC end up only pay abt $50-100, then makes the ex CC abt $400-$500. Hahahaha See.. I not "tham sim" hor..Den 2nd kid half the price, ie abt $200, 3rd kid free... lol. After pre sch, give a fix allowance to cover basic sch needs all the way to Uni.
mtdt - You planning to have twins this time around ah?

liverpool - I think beach volleyball lesser player, rite? Street Soccer team on the way then...if included your wife, then another baby can liao..ha!ha!
hahaha... u gals/man so cute. Beach volleyball best. only 2players mah. :p

PM - ex cc still needs $400-500? i think best is ex CC only 300-400! hahahaha :p
dsii - Not keeping my fingers crossed though....ha!ha! Spore Min of Home Affairs is paid ALOT...but SAHMs (Minister of Home Affairs) are NOT paid at all...haiz!!! Ha!Ha!
ya loh...shld pay us oso mah..we are working hard too..and daddies work at ease knowing kids are in gd hands..hahahahhaa
dsii - How come these days, bo lang here? Ya, should follow the Europeans...SAHMs get paid too. Then, sporeans will give birth more...
cos the big shots all paid so well..the wife can stay at home and shake legs..so they think all sahms same as theirs...hhb earns alot...they nvr think we hv low/middle income family tooo..that cc/maids are too ex for them...and some family dun hv alt caregivers..like mil/mums/relatives ...sianz manz
