(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

CHM - for age 4-8 huh? oops. but can start as a "picture" book where u intro facts to her first mah. not for her to self read yet lah. :p
good morning.

Govt aid for having more kids. hmmmm....
Back to the fundamental - we are the parents, rightfully we have to shoulder all the cost and responsiblity for the kids. I think the govt is trying their best to "GIVE" as much as possible.

Personally view - if govt started to give too much then the purpose of having kids are so different.
That's true too ah.

Wah, but I still have yet to start her on the sight reader leh cos she still likes the pelangi ones for the time being...so I guess I'll pass this time.
CHM - sure. as long as she likes the books.

hong - ya, true in the sense...
but financial help is always welcome. and it's also partial govt tat cause the cost of living to be so high in Sin (read ERP etc. hahaha)
some pple may have misinterpret the purpose of the govt aids. Infact dun get con by all the aids, the govt may help us now by giving some many "Ang Bao" but once the kids hit Primary or Sec or Uni. Not much already.

BTW, where is ep? She went on Holiday?

Are U going to NATAs fair?

Anyone going to Natas fair?
hong - true. watever freebies they give, they will collect back somewhere somehow like more ERPs, increase in this fees/tat fees etc :p

NATAS - wow, planning for hk uh! shiok shiok.
Yah wanna go and see if I can get any good package for HK. I went to Chan Brother counter at Suntec and they quote me 2N Shamrock hotel, 1N Disney + passes + flying by CX + airport trf for 4d 3n is ard $800++ near to $900 (incl of airport taxes).
If we were to extend another nite will be $125 per nite, per room. Look like extension is much more cheaper.

If I dun urge my hubby to go and book the HK trip, soon we will all end up in BKK or worse only Gentings. So must do it quick before he change his mind. hahaha..

I never being to HK before leh. Comparing to those go Korea or Japan. I think HK really nothing. hahaha..
hong - oh ok ok.. go go go.

i love holidays!! But i also tinking i shd stop going for a while to save some $$ :p
Hong, quick go & book then...dig yr hb's pocket bef he decide otherwise..ha..
yr 4D3N package like ok leh..My breakdown for my recent trip per adult =
Package for 4D3N (2N 4* hotel & 1 N at Disney)
$788 + $99(all taxes) + $40 (hol surcharge)
We extended 2 nites = $185 x 2
Morn Mummies,
Reporting from Genting Highlands, Coffee Bean. Waiting to catch our coachback to SG. Had a fantastic time here & Kay enjoyed herself so much! She was so happy that she started singing the moment she woke up in the morn. We rode on all the indoor amusement rides, watch foc movie, magic show etc.

Can see that Kay enjoys herself more than the previous 2 times. Mayb cos she's older now & can understand better. We took Transtar First Class coach & Kay slept all the way up.

Wat do u mean by having gd news in Aug before u consider having #2?

Can I check something....what is the weight and height of your kids ah? As you know, G is still not eating solid as much as an average toddler. So, I need to keep track on his growth.

G is 10.2kg and 82cm

Thanks in advance! :)
i am waiting waiting waiting....no trial runs leh....how ah??? very sian and back going to break liao....but she still dun wanna come out!!!

i just checked the health booklet - G is in the 25th percentile for ht. and 10th for wt.
Jul - Talk to Emma like how I did with Gianna. After DH and I talk and talk, she finally came out and very quick too. Yup, I chart the health book too coz I need to ensure that his weight/height does not go to zero percentile.
We ask K to tell her to come out every night.

Yours too quick liao la....i need my epi! Think hb will have panic attack if so fast! hahaha

Is G doing better with solids now after therapy?
Jul - DH feels that its a waste of time and $$$ lor coz whenever he ask the doctors & therapists, they seem to say that he is very choosy and when they see my DH's shocked face (the face that say...Har, you mean you can tell what's wrong with my son?)..they will say maybe its due to oral sensitivity,etc,etc. However, when they conducted tests, its all NEGATIVE...haiz!!!
So seems like therapy also not much help huh? Maybe G is just pickier than most kids....just give him whatever he is willing to eat. He seems pretty ok to me from the last time i saw him and definitely has grown from the recent pics.
Jul - Yup, we now on the "all go" mode. Whatever G wants to eat, we will give. As long as he eats and get his system working. Thanks for the reassurance! We takes lots of photos of G also coz my family and relatives are worried about G too. So, seeing his growing ease their hearts a little
Hi JP - The last time i weigh E was 12kg and height abt 83cm... he's a shortie lah.. hehe

Jul - Can imagine, if ur labour fast, ur hubby will be like a ganchong spider. not enough time to prep himself for daddy the 2nd time ;p

eeyore- think previously May joined GUG. U thinking of bringing Char to gug arh?
Jp I knwo what u mean when u spend time nad $ on the test, put the child in distress and the doc just say 'everything is fine' Of coz we do hope that everything really turns out fine lah.. but for $ spent and nothing has improved. At least shld give u many many other advices on how to make G eat more etc..
eeyore - near to ur place meh? or ur parents will do the send/pick huh?

I wld think GUG would be better (but more ex right). GUG hv bilingual class... maybe shd aim for tat instead of single language too.
MT, both near my place, I only intend to send her for weekend class so dun need to be near parents. actually both have bilingual class and gug is more ex by $68 only, which I'm not very concern.
JP's G is 10.2kg ht. 82cm
Jul's K is 15kg, ht. 90 cm
PM's E is 12kg ht. 83cm
MT's Z is 14kg ht 89cm
Hong's Ju is 14kg ht 91cm
mine is only 3* hotel. At least I have something to compare at the fair. Thanks...

May be go somewhere nearby so dun have to spend so much but apparently HK is not really cheap.
JP's G is 10.2kg ht. 82cm
Jul's K is 15kg, ht. 90 cm
PM's E is 12kg ht. 83cm
MT's Z is 14kg ht 89cm
Hong's Ju is 14kg ht 91cm
CHM's A is 13.8kg ht 92cm
eeyore - oh weekend huh. i tot to replace her talentplus class :p

but tat time pm/hong says their zoophonics trial was v bad right? GUG - must choose teacher one.
why not go for trial for both then decide.
PM - Ya lor...haiz! Hopefully, its really just G being fussy and picky! Looks like G is the smallest size...so, E is no shortie lah!

Thanks Jul, PM, MTDT, Hong & CHM for sharing your tods H/W with me.
My nephew only weight 10kg when he was 2yo and he was not much taller than Julian. Infact Julian has already towered him BUT my nephew is very bright. So size doesnt matter. hahaha..
that's why i'm asking who attended gug before, wanted to ask about the teacher... zoo-phonics: i dun like the carpark, very limited.
JP's G is 10.2kg ht. 82cm
Jul's K is 15kg, ht. 90 cm
PM's E is 12kg ht. 83cm
MT's Z is 14kg ht 89cm
Hong's Ju is 14kg ht 91cm
CHM's A is 13.8kg ht 92cm
Yunma Y is 11.0kg ht.82cm

actually i would prefer yun to be a shortie leh, at least will be till she older than need a ticket for the mrt ride. muahahahha "cheapo mummy"
Char also on smaller side...

JP's G is 10.2kg ht. 82cm
Jul's K is 15kg, ht. 90 cm
PM's E is 12kg ht. 83cm
MT's Z is 14kg ht 89cm
Hong's Ju is 14kg ht 91cm
CHM's A is 13.8kg ht 92cm
Yunma Y is 11.0kg ht.82cm
eeyore's C is 10.5kd ht 83cm
u a point too. hahaha...
Julian may look tall but he has a baby look. Hopefully I can pass this way.
Haahaha....ya la. That day he told me he need to revise...then I blur blur ask him revise what? He say he need to read what he need to help me with in the labour ward...*faint*

I told him pls la...when the time came for K the last time, he also forgot everything, just ask me to push and count to 10. Just rem that can liao.

I not stress also let him gan cheong till stress....haiz!
when my nephew turns two my sister also asked the PD why his son was not gaining weight and why is he so small size. Luckily my nephew eats but still so thin and petite.

The PD said if she insisted, he could refer her to NUH for a series of test to check wats wrong with my nephew but the test was going to make the kid quite stressful and not going to be cheap, furthermore the result may not tell much.

My sister dropped the idea eventually.

Are you breastfeeding? Can Garrick pick up BM again?
actually I went to do revision leh. I took out the note when I attended the course. Trying to recall how to breathe, checking my note on wat to take note and wat to do when there is a show.

But I never get to use it.
hahaha....that's what he tells me sometimes! He really does silly things sometimes. K also full of tricks these days and it's all becoz of his father la. =P

You very hardworking leh. I just go by memory...though not much left... I rem last time breathe also no use. But hot showers do help. Best just go straight for epi. hehe. =P When the time comes, just listen to doc and nurse can liao....too chaotic to recall or think also.

Saw from FB, that you not feeling well. DO take care!

haiz....so sianz...

iz's sch called up..said iz fell down n hurt his arm...bleeding but iz said arm pain so asked us to bring him go for x-ray....wahlau...very the sianz manz....lucky hb on leave today...hope nothing serious
