(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Some pixs to share...






Hi CHeri,

At least your gal has fish and meat in her cc; my ger's cc doesnt seem to have any poultry stuff, let alone fish! But the food looks rather decent like soupy rice, porridge with carrots celery or kuay teow soup. Portion is generous and kids who can eat always ask for extra helping. Lunch end off with a fruit :)
Thanks! I got to get my epi lor....else I dunno how I am going to make it!!!

xin yang yang lei....=P let you carry till gian! hahaha.

nice pics!! which studio did you go to? foto-U? how much? been thinking of going again with K....but think have to wait till #2 come liao.
Nope..I went back to my wedding photographer. Hilarion. But this time, it's his disciple who took our photos while he supervise. Haha. Complimentary.

During my labour, I opt for epi the moment I reach labour room, even though I dun feel any pain at all then. Better to be early then late. Haha.
Soooo good! Free? Must ask my hb's fren faster polish up his skills then take for us...hahha

Last round, I wasn't feeling pain when i went in, waited till i cannot take it and only 2.5cm then I ask for it. But this time prob just ask for everything from the start. I dun want to feel the pain!!
Shhh...he took complimentary pixs for my preg photos too...so I 'beg' him to take for Kay's studio pixs too. Haha..friend friend mah...but cannot demand too much lor.

Yah, I ask for everything from the start..esp when everyone is around in the room..midwife, doc, admin staff etc. Cos afterwards when slowly waiting for cervix to dilate, only the mid wife will drop by once a while to chk. Abit diff to request for anything then.
that dress..... ahh hmmm.... look very familiar.
The photo are very well taken. One look and u know not the U-foto style especially the BW series. The one with the angel wing is also very nice.

my cervix can only open for 3cm after 7 hrs and I didnt use epidual. After my gynae told me 7 hrs more, I opt of epid immediate cos cannot take the pain anymore.
My dilation even slower...8 hrs only move from 1cm to 2.5cm! By then, I was already shivering from the pain....quickly ask for epi!
Haha...yes, it's Janelle's dress.

Yes, I guess foto-u has more poses. Hilarion is very free style. He won't show u how to pose, he'll just capture u @ ur natural. U notice there's no props too? Except the high stool. As for the wings, I happened to see it in the store room while I was changing, so I suggest to use it. The Minnie Mouse toys all I brought from my hse.
YB...nice pix leh. I like the B&w series & the angel wing..foc somemore so good... , I havent take bring V for studio pix yet, wait for meimei then go together..heehee

Dsii so our gathering where? n when? heehee

cheri..the cc V go also same, boil in 1 pot ,then mix rice with soup. U still got fish & meat? I never c any in V food lo.

Btw anyway ideal where i can buy study table & chair for V beside Ikea? n hor wher I can i find colour book ? those big pix for easy colouring kinda.
Just print out pix from internet & let V colour. No need to buy colour book. Save $$. Haha.

Oh..u were in advertising line? Didn't know tat...Yeah..Hilarion is a nice man. We engaged him for our wedding actual day, then he took our preg & Kay's studio pixs complimentary.

Ya... I was in advertising sales in a publishing firm for 5 yrs before working in a clinic to assist a paed cardiologist.

So nice hor? Complimentary ones...hehehehe. The pics are well-taken somemore.
YB -Very nice pics! Esp the last picture, so loving and all very natural
Make me gian to go for another PS too. But I dunno who/where to go, dun want to go Foto-U again...

Cheri - E's CC has this porridge too, think they call it Rainbow porridge. They do serve fish, but I'm not sure how it looks like coz I didnt see it before, but teachers told me they do and they have it in the menu. E's CC has boil soup for the kids too and teachers feedback that he likes to drink soup alot.
may & zita
hhmm looks like most ccs' cooking style is lidat hor...probably they feel most kids will eat at least a lil if they mix everything up. N's cc oso give apples after every lunch & some days will hv jelly too. But i'm like 'huh? why every day apple? no other fruits?'. But thinking back on her snack time in JG, they will give variety like apples, bananas, papayas, honeydew, watermelon, raisins but not all kids will take papaya for instance. Maybe apples is a more common favourite that most kids will like plus it's not as messy as watermelon, papaya etc.

maybe i'm a bit ks but after she comes back from her half day cc & wakes up from nap, i'll try to give her some nutritious snack like cheese/yogurt/fruits etc. Think that would be tough for kids on full day cc cos by the time they get home for dinner, would be 7 plus? hard to feed them much of anything else too. So food will really be an impt criteria for cc cos much of wat they will be eating will be provided by the cc!
really lovely B&W pics u hv there! i dun dare to take my ger for PS now...think she will be super dao & refuse to pose, smile etc...will waste my $, end up wif all the grouchy pics hhahah

soup is v good for them if it is boiled wif the rite ingred etc...N loves soup too!
E's CC has other fruits such as watermelon, pear and papaya... But so far his fav is still apple... He's always caught stealing apple from the kitchen table. faintz.. Haha. I also tell the teachers not to let E eat watermelon.

Ya loh, food really important. But seeing Emerson gain weight more than when I took care of him, I sort of not too worry abt it.... CC has dinner for him at 5.30pm, so when I fetch him at ard 7, I will bring along a bun/pancake etc not to fill him up, but let him remain sitted in the bus, else he monkey all over me..
keke steal food from the kitchen table...so cute!

full day cc has dinner there too? ya, if he's gaining weight then should be fine. Guess he likes the food there so may hv gone for second helpings haha
Cheri - Not all CCs have dinner, I chose one that has dinner then I dont have to rush for his dinner (imagine kids eat at 8pm) and he doesnt have to eat tabao food.

He will reject whatever I cook on weekends, so I think he really dun like my cooking :p So he takes whatever we eat now. Sometimes will even order kids meal for him.

I'm doing the same as u. On weekends, usually we eat out and he eats adult food. Sometimes order kids meal but kids meal are typically very unhealthy (fries, fish and chips etc.)


I havent seen J's CC menu for a while but when they briefed me last Dec, it included chicken rice (home-cooked one so not oily), porridge, macaroni, mee sua, sometimes rice with dishes,(like fish, tofu, chicken), soup etc. Fruits will vary everyday. BR's cook is dedicated to just cooking only. If the kids are hungry around 6+ o'clock, I have also seen them giving the kids cheese/biscuits. Or else, they will give an additional milk feed (if parents request) to tahan till the kids get home.


Very nice pics!!! I took my wedding pics with Hilarion's partner (Triston).

I met the nanny yesterday, the family came over for my nephew bday. We talked abt you, she said Emerson is very lovable and her kids like Emerson very much. Generally, the family like kids very much.

good that she can wear then the clothes are not wasted.
Hong - U didnt help me psycho her to look after for half day arh? So sad leh.. coz I think she dun want to look after for half a day.. Her kids? So far only her daughter seen E.. Haha..
She did tell me she will see how to balance the new PT work and if she wanna look after Emerson.

She told me u proposal to send ur 2nd kids to her as well. haha...

I did tell her how sad u were when U found out that she was taking up part time work.

Her kids are very hand on. The eldest is Sec 1 and 2nd is P4/P5. Aiyo all of her kids so big in size, sure can protect Emerson.
Coz I think her main objective is to earn $ mah, I also feel bad to half her pay. So if she's good and come Aug news is favourable to me, then will consider no2 and send to her as well loh. Must say something to entice her to look after E, since E's charm is not working... Hahahaha...

1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN confirms your pregnancy.
2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible.
3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.. -love this one
Preparing for the Birth:

1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.
2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that last time,
breathing didn't do a thing.
3rd baby: You ask for an epidermal in your eighth month ___________________________________________________
The Baby clothes:

1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color co-ordinate them, and
fold them neatly in the baby's little bureau.
2nd baby: You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and discard
only the ones with the darkest stains.
3rd baby: Boys can wear pink, can't they?

1st baby: At the first sign of distress--a whimper, a frown--you pick up
the baby.
2nd baby: You pick the baby up when her wails threaten to wake your firstborn.
3rd baby: You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical

1st baby: If the dummy falls on the floor, you put it away until you can
go home and wash and sterilize it.
2nd baby: When the dummy falls on the floor, you squirt it off with some
juice from the baby's bottle.
3rd baby: You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in.
Nappy changing:
1st baby: You change your baby's nappies every hour, whether they need
it or not.
2nd baby: You change their nappy every two to three hours, if needed..
3rd baby: You try to change their nappy before others start to complain
about the smell or you see it sagging to their knees.

1st baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing, and Baby Story Hour.
2nd baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.
3rd baby: You take your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner.
Going Out:

1st baby: The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call
home five times.
2nd baby: Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a number where you can be reached.
3rd baby: You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees
At Home:

1st baby: You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby.
2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older
child isn't squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby.
3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.
Swallowing Coins:

1st child: When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the
hospital and demand x-rays.
2nd child: When second child swallows a coin, you carefully watch for
the coin to pass.
3rd child: When third child swallows a coin you deduct it from his

ha ha ha..so entertaining!

sigh, Arin is still recovering from her illness...but she has not poo'ed for the past three days as she has not been eating solid food. She will only drink milk and take one or two mouth full of solid food compared to her usual two bowls...sigh sigh sigh.
Arin having fever? Milk is ok if the kid is sick. We give the kids milk and bread when they having high fever.

Did u try prune juice? It usually works very well.

haha.. quite true for me.

Hopefully she get back to you with good news. Did u meet her husband? The couple love kids very much.
Hong - Yup, I met the hubby. Both of them are nice ppl, Emerson hit off with the hubby well, in fact E played with the hubby while I spoke to the nanny..
Thanks mummies, for the concern.

Arin fever is gone liao, so left the blocked nose and cough...but PM, I also donno why Arin on milk but cannot poo leh...so strange...maybe she didn;t get enough food so all the milk absorbed liao...no waste produced...

have not tried prune juice leh...will go and buy later tonight.
Never say never hor. Wait to see up govt going to offer 1st. Who knows, 3rd kid allows u tax examption for 10 years, give SAHM 2K per month, etc etc.....maybe u pop another 2 or 3 more sia....LOLz
