(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

hahhaa.. why suddenly all thinking jul pop buay? :p but today she no post yet.. maybe last nite! hahhaa :p

Zita - no lah. YB is right. the MCYS standard is 1:8. so 2:16 is still within standard.
is MCYS 1:8 ratio for playgroup age or older kids? If for pg, it's quite high leh! N's is 2:7 now but more new students joining in the next mths.

i agree wif u too that having smaller ratio doesn't compromise the child's ability to learn to be indep...even wif 2 teachers in N's group now, they still need to be v indep as the teacher's eyes cannot be on every child constantly. aside from wat u've mentioned re the hygiene aspects etc, during activities time, more teachers mean they can praise or encourage our kids as they r engaged in their painting/sorting/playing blocks etc..at this age, praises & encouragement can do wonders for their self esteem & confidence. The kids will naturally feel more loved too when the teachers r able to give them indiv attn from time to time.

Dimetapp din work for E ah? Aerius doesn't work for N either. Guess we just gotta experiment & find the best for them.
MT..no 1 (Main teacher) :8 Student , cause Assistant Teacher not counted, they are not qualify. That what is written from my MCYS Handle book leh.
This is the MCYS standard

Table 1: Programme Staff-Child Ratio
<table border=1><tr><td>2 months - 18 months</TD><TD>1: 5* </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 18 months - 30 months</TD><TD>1:08 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 30 months - 3 years</TD><TD>1:12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 3 years - 4 years</TD><TD>1:15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Above 4 years - below 7 years</TD><TD>1:25 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
zita - ooh assist teacher not counted huh. i tot as long as "adult" (except cooking/cleaning auntie lah) hahhaha :p

but also depends on how CC define their "assist teacher" so in a way CC can still get away.
MT..ya AT not counted unless their is qualify AT lah, but Qualify y want to choose to be AT &amp; not T. Most CC AT are part time bases lo. That what the prin told me.
think for playgroup is another set of rules...
for talentplus for eg: is 16kids to 1 teacher+1assist teacher.
MT,PM, Cheri,
Noted on the meals &amp; teacher's attention. There's nothing much I can do now except monitor closely during the 2-wks trial. There's still alot of uncertainties now. But I'll definitely be more observant &amp; know wat to look out for during the 2wks trial.

Worse comes worst, I'll put Kay back to PG lor. No hard &amp; fast rule. Anyway, I'm not working so still quite flexible.

Currently in Talentplus, there's 1 teacher &amp; 1 AT vs 9 kids, which is consider very gd liao. But the teachers dun really give full attention to each child unless something happens (fight/cries etc). There were even a few occasions when the kids were too rough &amp; fell/had bumps during class &amp; the teachers can't react in time.

Also, I hope Kay is older now so she can express herself better. For example nowadays, she can talk to me in complete sentences. I.e. tell me when she wants more food or specifically just more biscuits or milk; when she wanna go toilet (she'll scream 'xiao bian' @ me &amp; pull my hand towards the toilet); when her hands are dirty &amp; wants me to clean up; wants me to show her where the rubbish bin is so she can throw rubbish; wants me to play with her; runs to me to complain when her cousins snatch her toys or bully her (actually she doesn't lose in her fight wif her older cousins too) etc. So I hope when she's in CC, she can learn to express herself even better.
YB... 1 Main teacher to 13kids is too much cause Assistant teacher not counted.

Most CC is 8 kids to 1 Teacher &amp; 1 Assist T.
u have signed up for the CC for 2 weeks trial?
May be just try out 1st. If the teacher is good then consider the ratio again. I rbr u mention that the principal is planning to open another class of these is more kids then the issue will be solved.
Hong - Yah loh. So sad leh. I counter proposed to her that E be in full day care with her, but she needs to bring E to PG or watever classes and she quits her current job. She says she will get back to me tmr...
Engaged her in PT basis. As and when E sick will go to her place. One week a few days of half day first and count by per day basis. But I dont think she likes this idea, coz her main aim is to earn extra income.
Yb- haha kay now so many requests. So cute....

Zita - 1 teacher + 1 At to 8kids is luxury leh. I think usu is 2main teacher to 16 or the better ones wld be 2main teachers + 1AT to 12-16.
Hong - How are your kids? Back to pink of health?
Thanks for asking....quite tough taking care of 2 kids alone but surviving....he!he!

YB - Wow...Sept start work liao. Did he take a week or so to spend time with family before starting his new job? Wah, must travel more? Aiyoh...you OK with it bo?
dun lose heart. She said she get back to u. So let wait and see wat she say. I didnt know u want a nanny else I will introduce to u earlier.
Just checked with Carpe Diem. The have 2 teachers vs 13 kids. Both are teachers, not AT.

Yah..now super lotsa requests from Kay...

Yah..we're going to Genting wif Kay tis mth &amp; hopefully to Bkk without Kay in Aug.

I'm fine wif him travelling cos he usually works late too. So not much diff except I can use the car when he's not around. Yeah!
13kids is current right so Kay would be the 14th kid? shd ask for the max.. and when then they wld split the class...

but can ask when u start in aug lah. :p
Hi hi!
Nope I have NOT popped! hahaha....how come so many think I pop yest??
I also want to pop leh....but i guess she din want to share same bday as korkor...hehe =P

Went gyn in the morning so no time to come in till now. BB engaged liao. very low but still comfy inside I guess...gyn joking say maybe really like the date 080808, wait till then, then come out!

Just now, I was thinking back about the whole birth process then I suddenly got scared....

Thanks! K bday yest, so had a celebration for him with his class in CC. Then in the afternoon we brght him to the zoo. All 3 of us exhausted at the end of the day. I whole body still aching... hb also half zombie. hahaha. But K had a lot of fun and enjoyed himself. So that's all that matters.

My neighbour is a nanny. But she is currently babysitting a 14mth old liao. Want me to help you ask if she or her friends want to babysit?

K's class is 1 teacher and 1 AT to 6 kids now but official ratio is up to 8 kids. But the AT moves ard so not tied to his class.

Yest went K's CC then we realise that he bullies us!!! He's an ANGEL in school. Never needs disciplining. The teachers have never seen him throw tantrums. He started his tantrums the moment he saw us. Started to cry then dun want to sit down or look at cake, everything 'dun want'. Took us a few minutes to get him interested in his Barney cake! *faint*
jul//hahhaa...out kids really knows how to bully parents.but at least he dun gives u headache..the teachers nvr call n complain mah..wahahha..hope ian will behave in sch toooo...
hello Mummi

Really hope those kiddos who are sick get well soon. read already feel heartpain.

Wah didn't know so many things about CC. really learn alot from here. When I get back, sure need more help in finding a CC for Elliot. Dsii got lobang or not? in Tampines or Pasir Ris also can. I have no clue at all on this.

After reading the post on CC, now I feel stressed liao. Hopefully Elliot will be fine when he attended school in September.

few of my pasir ris thread mummies send their kids to carpe diem(CD)pasir ris branch..it is non aircon and thats is one of the main reason y they send there..and one of them actually went alot of cc to 'spotcheck' and find the teachers at the CD pasir ris still the best... 2 of the mummies send for half day cc..but at times if they need to run errands..then can pay a bit more for the day to let their kids stay there full day...hehehe...so far i dunno which one is better lah..cos i didnt search for CC..i search for N1 class....hehehe
ya man! no wonder his teachers never raise any discipline issues with me during the meet the parents session. Then his weekly report always say he is a jovial kid and keen on learning. He soooo GUAI in school!!! But all the pattern come out with me and hb! hiyo.....

We went to peek at him this morning, coming off the school bus. He was really happy. Then running ard the porch but teacher call only he respond and move. how come not like that at home huh?! sigh.

just now, he put his hand in his diaper and play with his poo and got it all over the sofa!!!!!!!! scold him still laugh at me! arrrrggghhhhh.....I wanna kill him man!!! HB have to change the covers tonight liao.

really no turning back liao....hahaha =P somemore i popping any time.... I get cold shivers from epidural and am really not looking fwd to that but better than the pain la...
K so different at school and at home.
AIyo play with poo poo. He didnt put into his mouth right!

Oh Happy Belated bday to Keagan!!
yes.......i soooooooo angry with him!!!!!!! he was watching barney on the sofa la... and he has this habit of sticking his hand in his diaper! beat him dunno how many times liao but he still does it! good thing only a little bit nia. tom send the covers for washing liao. qi si wo le!!

I called my hb to tell him abt it...then my hb thot i called to tell him i popping. he say he took deep breath before answering my call. wahahahaha.
thanks! ya lor...he really know who to play punk with. that's why the grandparents think we too strict with him, coz he always angel in front of them.

no. he din put in his mouth. yucks!
K is very clever. He knows how he shld behave at diff places.

Ur hubby sound super kam cheong leh. Ask him to relax.. hahaha.. 080808 is a very good date.
Jul - Yr hubby hor....! Hahahaha.. nothing to say.. too extreme liao, which is good!

Keangan is different arh? E is the same..not afraid of everyone even the principal
Teachers only complain is he never sit still! Never walk.. ONLY run.. faintz..
ppl call him he still pretend not to hear wan... Teachers all say he very diao!
Hong, PM,
Hb is one gan cheong spider la....now already much better liao. He know i will get irritated...so he will tell me ahead of time "the plan" but won't hurry me and TRY to be flexible. Last time worse...forever hurrying me, everything must plan plan plan...sianz. now we know each others' pattern liao then we accommodate and adjust lor.

Hahah...E still F1 driver huh! Keagan's hyperactivity is the same everywhere! hahaha....his teachers always comment that he cannot sit still. first month of CC keep running out of class. Now that he has been taught to sit during lessons, he can't wait for his teacher to tell them that it's play time. Then off he goes again! hahaha.
oh u can try that method. hahaa..
I think her older kids are more than happy to see a new baby coming. Her ger was very upset when my nephew went home.

hahaha.. that is wat charm u to him right!

I cannot tahan pple nag at me. I will flare up! hahaha..
good idea. Let wait for KLCC home warming lor. hahaha...

I shouldnt need to work on weekend so frequently and I hope to re-join the club again.
No!!!! He was very relaxed and flexi when we were dating.... I always tell him I kenna conned!!! hahaha =P

ooo....gathering...hopefully I can go out with Emma then!
Still rem my first gathering at Hong's place!
Haha...I still remember my first gathering at yenny's plc. Kanjiong like a spider cos 1st time bringing bb out alone. Then at yenny's plc see so many bbs crying, then dun feel so bad after all. Cos Kay not the only one crying hysterically.
AT not counted in the ratio? like mt, i always thot so long as adult counted liao...when i visited Creative O', they told me their AT is actually an aunty, no cert even...job is not to teach or sing etc, just bring kids to toilet, cuddle them when they cry etc. I was quite surprised cos i always thot AT has to be qualified.

btw those tots who r in cc, how r their lunch like? N's cc's food doesn't seem v appetising to me leh. They'll just boil/mix everything tog (carrots, potatoes, pork/fish etc) wif rice/noodles in a big pot &amp; then scoop one bowl for each child. Is this a norm or any cc actually serve rice, meat &amp; veg separately like in those plates wif compartment style?
YB - That's great...good to get out of Spore once awhile to R&amp;R!

Jul - Happy Belated Birthday to K once again!
Yup, does not matter if parents are zombies as long as our toddler had lots of fun on his birthday. Sounds like us when we brought G to GGB...ha!ha! Don't be scared lah...2nd time around is faster. Just keep fingers crossed that your epi work before you deliver and NOT like me. Har...playing with stools??? I think I will freak-out, man! Heng man, did not stick his fingers into his mouth.

dsii - Gathering ah? I will try to make it leh....now no more confinement, Gianna getting into a routine and Garrick...Garrick is as naughty as ever but can still manage lah! So, when, when, when? Yup, still remember our 1st gathering at Mich's house? Aiyoh, first time bring Garrick out alone...

haha..aiya...jul, jp now 2nd time mummy shld be manageable with babies bah..dun worry..u hv alot of mummies to help...i think the rest must be same as me...excited to see newborns leh..hehehehe....
