(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

our thread mummies not v active hor? not like the june & july threads...maybe we can arrange meetups, trial classes or playdates etc. then we can connect more often? who r the sahms here? i'm one!

gabby - wat do u mean by Pediasure being 'complete' milk? other formulas r not? my ger has been taking Gain IQ so far ok.

ivy - i'm taking my ger to Chinese Garden one of these nites..they hv very nice Mid Autumn setups there now...but adult tix is $12 but our kids free though. They even have fireworks on some nites but it's at 10 pm...too late for me cos my ger sleeps by 9 pm. So think i'll probably miss the fireworks.

fates - hello! i joined ur babycenter spree...nice to c u here. i've tried giving my ger china barley since young. once a week, used it to make her formula for her...they say good for reducing heatiness. i've recently tried giving her vitagen...will drink half of it first myself then dilute the other half wif same amt of water n then let her drink using the straw they provided...she loves it..my pd says it's good for building intestinal health but must get the natural flavour one (beige) so that less sugar...n must dilute...my ger doesn't like other beverages like apple juice etc..maybe too sour for her...i myself oso hv nvr liked apple juice hahah


So busy with work lah...

honey - not yet still fears of botolism
ribena - super diluted though and not a sub for water... a reward
barley - just slightly sweetened

refusal to drink milk

yes at times she refuses to drink when she has a full feed.

Feeding schedule of Sien
7am 180 milk
8am bread/cheese/milo
11.30 porridge
3pm 180 milk
5.30 dinner (rice/veg/meat)
8.30 pm 180ml milk

Dont think she drinks any more milk than that so tries to force her to take cheese etc

A complete milk means that it has all the nutrients needed for the day. So those on complete milk will be less inclined to take solids.

honey - taken since he is young but haven gave him recently cos mummy din replenish stocks.
ribena - din buy cos daddy will be end up finishing all.
barley - once a fortnight with rock sugar
Yakult- maybe once in a mth or twice. Half bottle undilute, i din know must dilute...
He definitely love this cos if he dun give him, he will cry like mad. he is just as contented with straw and its empty bottle (mummy slurp it all up).
Milo- Once in a while
Fresh Milk- Once a week. straight from the fridge. Yummy for him.
Plain water- water parade every day..every time will subtlely pass him his bottle while he is playing and he will sip from it.
ah E..... Yoz reporting here!!!

Lets try to keep our thread ALIVE!!!

Yakult: Have not try leh.
Milo: Once in a while
Fresh Milk: Every weekend for breakfast

ah K hates plain water. asking him to drink is terrible but still have to force lor.


I am also thinking of bringing my boy to Chinese Garden this coming weekend. This year theme is Ocean right?
<font color="0000ff">Yo milo,
Long time no "see". Very busy with work?

150ml per session is quite good already considering that Jarrett's taking solids as well. Ethan refused to drink EBM at all, during the day.

How do you encourage Xavier to drink water? I'm at my wit's end trying to make him take more liquid. He just refuse to bulge.

Is anyone going to Chinatown or Singapore River for the lantern lightup? It's FOC leh.</font>
HI Cheri,

Good to see you here too! Yalor...May mummies all very busy no time to yak much i guess

Honey will still cause botolism? I thought should be okay after one year old..

Yakult so popular huh? So sweet n sometimes, sour! Maybe will let my boy try the no-sugar one.

bbloh......maybe Ethan is sick of EBM? When is the lightup?

My boy loves plain water too! He can drink quite alot if I pass him the bottle while he play halfway.

Most prob will be there abt 7-8+. U confirm going liao? I will check with ah lau first.


This period still ok. Was busy with CORS earlier on.
<font color="0000ff">fates,
Lightup started yesterday till 30 Sep.
Hmm ... Ethan still likes BM a lot but prefer the instant type lor - straight from mummy.
What type of bottle or cup do u use to feed Jarrett plain water? I use Avent Magic Cup and normal cup, but still can't encourage him to drink.

<font size="+1">How to encourage bb to drink more fluids (not only plain water)?</font>

I see. I'm bz with the new intake too. Got to plan lotsa orientation and training programs.</font>
hi..i'm a first time mum talking in this forum..my bb is also a may bb..but got a few things need to ask for help and recommendation..

i'm intending to send my girl to a childcare soon around central area coz i'm staying around redhill..any good recommendation coz my mother unable to help me look after also..need to let her learn more things thus the decision to

another thing..these few days my girl is like not sleeping well and keep waking up for breast milk until it's stressing me out..very tiring then when during normal meal times, don't really want to eat keep taking out the food..any solution have check for molar teeth but no signs or it though the top vampire teeth is like coming out..

"Pass-by" this thread quite often la, just didn't post. :p

U also from NUS? Which Dpt? Me used to, now no more, but still go there once a week.
BTW, I use pigeon straw cup for Isabel and she'll finish one whole bottle...one shot! oh, she's very chor lor when drinking water...can hear the gulping sound! Once in a while she'll drink the water from Kor kor's Rubbermaid bottle.

Gabby & Cheri,
About Pediasure, many "nutritionists" from other milk companies told me that don't give this as the only formula for young kids coz the nutrients might be too much for the kidney to handle. So now I only give 1 feed of Pediasure a day, except for these few days coz Isabel got diarrhea. Since Pediasure is not cow's milk based, so should be better for now.

Mummies who have stopped BF:
Do your babies look for your breast for comfort sucking nowadays? Mine does and I kinda feel like I'm back to BF...without milk! Weird leh...
Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!
hi ss1,
my gal is on pediasure (rec by PD coz she's underwt), mixed with similac....i wanted to give her full pediasure but she doesn't like...so no choice...got to mix for her
Re: Fluids

Ariel drinks almost anything & everything. From plain water to packet drinks to coffee! No alcohol thou!
No harm letting her try abit of everything.. the key is to drink in moderation.
<font color="0000ff">Yvonne,
Welcome to the thread!
Regarding teething, does your girl drool or suck her fingers? My boy sucks his finger(s) when he's teething. He's cutting his lower incisors now (can see a tiny bit of the teeth) and am nursing more often when I'm with him. Just bear with it for a while as the phase will pass ya.

For childcare service, check out:

I'm from ECE. Which dept are you from? Maybe we can meet for lunch (maybe with milo too), if our timings are ok. Can't comment on the breastfeeding part as I'm still nursing Ethan. Why don't you continue nursing Isabel since you're almost a SAHM? That'll help ease her of the "neh neh" addiction. kekeke

That's good for Ariel. Ethan only drinks fresh BM, not even EBM. Sometimes, he'll take soup and barley water, but not a lot. Don't know how to make him drink more fluids as he seems to be lack of water.</font>
xavier drink from his "rocket bottle" and my mug. But must always rem to pop the bottle to him as and when he is playing...

When you go NUS? me work near there, maybe you can drive by to collect "something" from me...hee...

Lantern festival:
Did not managed to go to Chinese garden over the weekned cos of the bad weather. Instead we went around looking for nice lantern for Xavier!
Did not managed to find one!!!! Those we saw are either paper( X being too young for it) or inflatable ones ( ugly), anyone got recommendations?
hi bbloh
like Ethan, Wanqi also only drink fresh breastmilk. How many time do you feed Ethan since i understand you are working too. For me i will feed her one at 6.30am and one at 10.30 or 11.00am and when i am back about 8 pm and before she sleep. But she still wake up in the middle of the nite. I cant seem to stop breastfeeding. You too rite but i am really exhausted lia hope to tong until she is two yrs old. I turned old lia. sign sign.
HEy! Where do u work now? Is it near enough to do lunch? PM/sms me leh... I'll be going to NUS almost every Wednesday + a few more days depending on situation.

Hoho! We're very nearby la... I used to be at Comcen, then away, now when I go there, I'll be at Blk E3A IDMI. So near leh! Sure, can do lunch with you and milo! This Wednesday?

On BF, I've already weaned off in terms of milk production leh, now she just comfort sucking. I think I really have to be firm and cut that off too coz I went to see doc today for Lasik test, kena from doc that I still let bb comfort sucking coz that somehow still stimulates the hormone which may affect the hydration level or cornea aka cornea thickness which I'm at borderline now. Anyway, long story lah...
hi mummies

if ur child takes fresh milk, u can try the smoo milk. comes wif vanilla, strawberry or chocolate flavour. the fresh milk can be found at NTUC or cold storage.

ivy, go bugis junction for nice lantern lar

My girl has a nice barney lantern that plays an awful sone. But she loves it... She always says, Bar.... NEY! Faint last night wanted to sleep with the lantern!!!
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
I'm still expressing in the day but has reduced the duration so as to wean off the pump. I will breastfeed him when I reach home at 7+ pm (he'll shout for 'neh neh' and try to pull my top down), nurse him to sleep, and throughout the night. He has never and still hasn't sleep through yet and will wake several times during the night to nurse. Very tiring but I'm sort of used to it now. These few days are extremely tiring as he's waking more often due to teething and I can feel his teeth rubbing on me!

That's very near, my office is located just in the middle of the slope! What time do u usually go for lunch?

BTW, u r doing lasik? Heard that it's advisable to stop bf for 6 months before that to stabilise the power. However, I know of some mummies who did it while still nursing.

LOL! Sometimes, it's really strange what little kid thinks. But it's their innocent thoughts and behaviour that makes them so lovable. Sometimes, my boy wants to sleep with a cup or bowl too! hahaha</font>
Maybe you can try out <font color="0000ff">AMK Central Blk 721, where is one bakery shop nearby</font> I got a Pooh bear lantern for K. Wonder still have Tigger or other disney character.. lanterns.. selling like hot cake.
Err...which slope ah? Seriously, there're so many slopes there!! My timing is flexible, I sms u tmr when I'm done ok?

My doc said need to take about 3 months break from nursing before lasik. I'm now still at assessment stage coz mine is borderline case, cannot risk the precious cornea thickness. :p Ya, there're so many places doing lasik now, it's so commercialised that for the sake of biz, some doc just do what the patient wants lor, i.e. can do even though still nursing. Actually if the patient don't declare about nursing, the doc won't know too. For me, play safe better lah.

Is it becoz Ethan hardly drinks during the day so he kept on nursing at night? Ya, there're times where Isabel wakes up a few times at night too, maybe not feeling well that time. BTW, I totally refrained her from BF (for comfort sucking) last nite, had a BIG "fight" with her of course, but gotta be firm lo. sob...sob...
<font color="ff6000">SS1</font>,
Err..I thought have to stop bf for sometime b4 u can actually take Lasik operation. I did mine 1yr+ before preggie.The 1yr review check up was postponed becos i was preggie that time... same reason.. homo changes affect...
<font color="0000ff">ss1,
The slope next to the construction site above the bus stop. I usually go at 11.30 am to avoid the crowd but it's ok to meet a bit late too. U text me lor.

Another things about delay of LASIK until after breastfeeding is the use of anti-biotics after surgery, which may go to the BM. My DH also ask me to go for LASIK but I'm not keen to do so. A bit "pa pa" (afraid) of surgery.

It's really not easy to reject bb when the little one wants to feed directly. Really have to be hard hearted. I share your feelings of denying a loved one of something that both of you shared for so long, as it's not easy and I don't think I can do it (I'm too soft hearted).

For Ethan's case, guess it's reverse nursing. He used to drink EBM 3 - 4X a day but since 3 weeks ago, he totally rejected EBM. Still can't figure out the reason.

U work very near home? Or start work late? If not, why can feed Wanqi at 10+am?</font>

thanks..My sis got a cute oil paper lantern with bulb for him. Only $2.90! Safe, nice and cute...
Heng, its bulb, cos he start shaking it the moment we gave him. If its candle, will burn down the whole house.

Smoo milk
Yes, yes, its very nice. Rich in taurine somemore..X love it, esp if we gave him the packet...cos he wan to squeeze the packet!

my son now will bring his lego for shower together with him! If you take away the lego, he rather not shower..haha..
they have new ideas each day.
<font color="0000ff">bbloh</font>,
Lasik isn't painful and the operation for both eyes only takes around 10mins. I had mine @ JB. You only bear a while after e operation. The feeling is like 'chilli run into e eye'. Sharing my experience, i went for sushi buffet after e operation then walked back to the hotel that took 10mins walk.(had to put on e sunglass). Err.. hopefully, wont scare u or anyone.

<font color="0000ff">Ivy</font>
Wah! hard to find such lantern liao.K already broke e plastic handler when he started to play with his lantern.Really can faint..
ya bbloh my workplace is near to my place hee. I think i will feed Wan qi till she is two. Hopefully by then she will like fresh milk but it seems like the addiction is stronger and stronger haha
U also work at NUS ah? Had a nice lunch with bbloh. We're thinking of doing lunch again...maybe next week together with milo and perhaps you if you're nearby... Keen?

Nice catching up with u!
<font color="0000ff">ss1,
Nice meeting u on last Wed. It's really good to talk to u. Hope to catch up again, maybe next Wed?

BTW, don't think matsu is not working in NUS la. She just said that her workplace is near her house.

Ivy & milo,
Possible to meet for lunch next Wed? If yes, where to lunch? Ivy, how near are you to NUS? Anyone else wanna join us?</font>
Hi mummies,

I am keen to join this forum. I know I am a bit late. I have a girl born in May 11 2006 and a boy born Nov 2004. Can i join u all?
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
On your working days, you feed Wanqi at 6.30am, 10+/11am, then 8pm. I presume you're not expressing between 11am and 8pm since Wanqi does not take EBM. So on your non-working days, do Wanqi feed more frequently in the day, even between 11am to 8pm? Will milk supply be affected?</font>

<font size="+1">The Shocking Dangers of MSG You Don't Know</font>
A silent killer thats worse than alcohol, nicotine, and drugs is likely lurking in your kitchen cabinets and even your childs school cafeteria. Its monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer thats known widely as an addition to Chinese food, but thats actually added to thousands of the foods you eat.

In this telling three-part video series, youll find out why Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon, describes MSG as a dangerous excitotoxin, and learn how this toxin could be making you fat.


Babies in the womb and young children up to about age 3 are most threatened. Expectant mothers need to be mindful of their diet. When babies are born, mums may want to watch out for formula. Nearly all formulas contain processed milk or soy proteins, which is broken into MSG and later into excitotoxins!
<font color="0000ff">To add on, MSG in food can bear the names of:</font>

Casein or caseinate
Autolyzed yeast
Hydrolyzed protein

For more info, log onto www.CBN.com

next wed shld be okie. I drive, so its very near lah.

With regards to MSG,
there is no way we can afford it. Unless you keep the kid at home with pure home cooked fresh food.
Hi ladies

so long never visit this thread, glad it is still alive :p

anyway, talking abt MSG, wondering if you gals have introduce your babies 'outside' food?

so far my daughter has been taking porridge from home. last wkend we went to genting for short holiday. its quite a headache as she doesnt like the nestle porridge i brought. luckily she is ok with the pigeon porridge, but i bought a box. so sometimes she will take rice and gravy and soup from the restaurants.

sometimes its really hard to avoid if we bring them out.
hi Isabel,
bbloh is rite i dont work in NUS. :>

Yes she will want to drink during 11am to 8pm. I dont know if that will affect my milk supply or not. cos i never pump so i actually dont know if my girl is consuming enough. Sign. How to know if i have enough supply cos Wan Qi is those babies who dont cry for food one. She will say drink milk milk and once i feed her she will be ok sometimes i wonder if it is jus comfort sucking
<font color="0000ff">Re: MSG consumption
Yes, it's definitely unavoidable but just try to reduce the intake, perhaps by taking more homecooked food.

I fed my boy table food quite some time ago as he's more interested in our food, than his own. However, we still try to cook for him if we're at home.

Seems that Wanqi is satisfied with what she's getting. In this case, you need not worry.</font>
like to chk whether any of your bbs cant walk yet?Mine still need to hold her on both hands.Otw she'll quickly sit down and crawl instead
<font color="0000ff">littletot,
My boy just started to walk without aids only recently (1.5 wks ago) though not for long distance. He still prefer to hold one of his hands onto us (the other hand is free) but we're not too worried since he's making progress. BTW, he still has not mastered crawling. Give your girl some more time since she's started walking with aids already. Try not to rush her into it as I think it'll enable them to develop their leg muscles slowly. I believe that kids will accomplish certain milestones when the time is right. ^_^

ss1, milo & Ivy,
It's really nice having lunch with you. Hope to catchup again. BTW, is the discount code for "xxx" for one-time usage only? If not, can share? Very tempting leh! hehehe</font>
thanks bbloh,
for the assurance cos i always worry if she has enough. :>

ya littletot
dont worry your boy will be able too eventually my girl Wan Qi only know how to walk when she is sixteen mths and even now when she walks is still wobbly.
bbloh, ss1, milo,
it was a good lunch...but right after i reach office, got a call that xavier had a nasty fall! Rushed to pd then to kkh...bloody clothes , blood all over face and head...sigh..Now he is a 'harry potter'.
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Oh dear! I hope Xavier feels better now.

Has Kaeden's fever subsided?

BTW, I just realised that our birhdays are quite near to one another:

milo: 8 Sep
me: 9 Sep
Ivy: 11 Sep

Any other Sep-born mummies?</font>

leejen and bbloh,

yes, he is feeling alright now. but will still cry cry a bit now and then. Else he is still active. BUT...the doc say the scar is there to stay! on the forehead somemore...so little hair..how to cover up...jialat.

my heart really stop when i saw him at the hospital then he was traumatised by the cleaning the mending part..no choice. Have to tie him up like a mummy in order to prevent him from moving about. I hope he learnt his lesson now.
