(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Fed my Ethan BM exclusively till he was 9 months, and after that milk supplied dried up already. You are right, over here in US, ppls start giving their kids fresh cow milk (not FM) once they turn 1 yr old. Part of the reason is becos fresh milk is much cheaper, yet still providing all the nutrients they need, and the kids will have to switch to fresh milk later anyway. Also, I read that the next stage FM (for kids 9 mths and above) contains a lot of other unnecessary additives and sugar.
But having said so much, I'm still feeding him FM leh...
cos his appetite very inconsistent and I dont want to worsen it by switching milk.
But I'm aiming for fresh milk at least by the time he's 18 months..

Some practice that they do here is to mix in fresh milk with FM gradually until they get used to the taste. Or some will let their kids go cold turkey.

hi Race C,
my gal took MMR jab after her 1st bday.She's allergic to egg white so she had the egg free version. No side effects for her

Bought her for chicken pox vaccine today.
re mmr vaccine

any one has idea if this can be postponed n if so, till when?

little tot - i hv been using Gaia shampoo for my ger since birth...so far so good...but she doesn't hv that much hair...wat abt ur child? maybe he/she needs hair conditioner if lots of hair...
firefly - yes, i'm oso toying wif the idea of sending her to a playgroup next year...but still checking out good places near my home...where do u stay? i'm at bukit timah area...
her hair alot.Will give yours a try if this doesnt works.

Can anyone tell me if there's such thing as free trial classes for our kiddos? Now that i am more settled with my no.2, am thinking of bringing my gal to try out?

Thinking of sending Sien to either Growing up Gifted or Julia Gabriel. My no 1 liked Julia Gabriel so thinking of sending Sien there to!
Hi Cheri,
I asked the nurse before and she said can be postponed fot 2 mths.
I also will postpone her MMR ject cos i suspect she is allergic to egg so nurse advise to try again and therefore postpone. worst come to worst will take the eggless MMR ject
<font color="0000ff">CP,
Thanks for sharing the info on milk.

<u>MMR jab</u>
What's the difference in protection between "With Egg" and "Eggless" MMR jab? If there's the eggless option, why don't they make it the official jab? Do you have to pay extras?</font>
Hi bbloh
According to the nurse, with egg MMR is more effective. Last time is eggless MMR but they discovered that with egg is more effective thats why now polyclinic one is with egg. If its without got to go other clinic or KK hospital. If you had paid the package you will need to pay another sum for the eggless
matsu - only can postpone for 2 mths ah? i was hoping longer cos my concern is not so much allergy to egg but cos some research hv linked it to autism in kids...

gabby - i hv been going wif m ger to JG playnest since she was 10 mths old...but will prob not continue in Playclub there cos i feel as she gets older, it's better not to do mother child prog or she will become too sticky n might not like to be dropped off in sch later...
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
Thanks for the MMR explanation.

<u>Some info on MMR vax</u>

According to HPB (Health Promotion Board), MMR is usually taken between 1 - 2 years old.

<u>Penalty for not vaccinating my child against Measles</u>
Note that the only two compulsory vax are Measles, not MMR, and Diphtheria only.

However, I've known parents vaccinating their child(ren) only prior to entering Primary 1 (i.e. at 6 years old) as they don't want to introduce too much virus into their kids' bodies at too young an age, and maybe to delay the possibility of MMR really causing autism.

<u>Some FAQs on MMR</u>
Hi littletot,

You can buy burt bee's shampoo from some pharmacy locally, or you can join the LV spree.


Why are there so much concerns about MMR jab? If your baby is not autistic now, will the MMR jab cause him/her to be one immediately?

ya...thats the concern. there been studies and reports that a normal growing child becoming autistic after mmr jab..Of cos, there is no definite link at this point in time. But better to err on caution side.
i supposed these days, the more you read, the more things you end up doing...hee hee...
Ivy....ICIC....so you're delaying X's MMR jab till after 2YO?


You can try gymboree, mygym, or tumbletots for some physical play. I am not too sure about kindermusik, but will like to enrol my boy for a trial because he loves to sing & dance
Why so quiet here? *echo* *echo*
Anyone went for this fair? Any good buys?

<font color="0000ff">Baby Fair
16th Aug 2007 to 2nd Sep 2007

At this fair, you can find lots of savings at great prices on all baby necessities from diapers to strollers to baby clothing and toys for all mums and mums-to-be.

Time: 10am to 9.30pm
Venue: Takashimaya Square B2, Ladies' shoes department
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
How long do you intend to delay the MMR jab?

<u>OT - Maple Story</u>
Just started playing the game not too long ago when I can squeeze some time during work (Ops! "Eating snake" hehe). Any maplers here? Maybe we can form a Guild?</font>
Is the chance of getting autistic lower if we delay the MMR till 2.5yrs old?

Sorry I didn't really research into this........My SIL shared with me the dangers of NOT injecting MMR, thus for me, no intention to delay :p

Haven't played Maple Story b4......

The fair nothing much huh? OK no need to go liao
Hi I am new here in this thread. Like to check with mummies here if you encounter the same problem.

My 15 mth old girl is a poor eater on weekends. She eats well in infant care. The min I put her in her high chair, she starts to protest. When I put the spoon close to her mouth, she pushes away. She been a poor eater all along but will at least eat half a bowl...now not at all. She rather go hungry.

Anyone can share your experience? Even bring her out for feed doesn't help. Giving her a bowl and spoon to feed herself doesn't work. Is this just a phase or will this be a permanent thingy.

Ariel went for her MMR jab ard 3 weeks ago, and thankfully all's well.
Wanted to let her go for the mercury-free measles jab at 1st, but hubby says its better to go for the MMR instead. *shrugs*


My girl hates to be in her highchair. So what i do is to place her in her exersaucer so that she will play while she eats. Or sometimes I will switch on the TV to distract her. Main idea is to divert her attention. Once she is 'hooked' onto the tv programme or her exersaucer toys, its very easy for me to feed her.
re mmr jab

checked wif my pd today...acc to her, it's ok to delay the mmr jab till 2 years old provided we dun go to countries like m'sia...forgot to ask her why only there? she says cos their babies there only require mmr later unlike Sporeans who hv herd immunity cos most of us r immunized from young. Re my concern abt its possible link to autism, she says i can wait till she can speak few words well enough then no need to worry...but i oso know that diff pds may say diff things so just to share...
sponge - my ger is oso in the phase where she starts getting cranky when she eats in her high chair..however, we try to distract her wif other things like our mobile phones etc. We hope that we would not hv to resort to using TV cos our family dun believe in having dinner when TV is on...hope to preserve dinner time as a time for us to talk n share...
thanks for sharing. I suppose its total fine to delay a while esp if toddler dun travel much and also not in any childcare centres.
so you delaying as well?
Hi Sponge,I tried all ways to keep her entertained while being fed but...unsuccessful.
Hopefully it's just a phase. I even tried switching on the TV. Well she end up eating very slowly and pushing the spoon away.
Hi Jackie,

How does the infant care caregiver feed your girl? Do they put her in a high chair as well? I believe if she is growing well and still putting on weight, it shouldn't be a concern? For me, my boy sometimes will reject the highchair if I am the one feeding him. If my MIL feeds him, he's ALWAYS sitted on the hairchair

*He knows who to bully..
Hi Fates, they feed her on high chair. Sometimes with 1 or 2 other kids beside her. At home, sometimes she starts to protest even before I put her down on her high chair. When we dine out, it's the same thing too. Depends on her mood. Got to use toys to distract her but not for long. Ya,...she only bully mummy.

So far her weight is ok. But the thought of her not eating is very depressing especially when I put in so much effort in her meals.
<font color="0000ff">Jackie,
My boy has been rejecting food these days too and I agree that it's sometimes depressing when we put so much effort in the food preparation, only to have the kid rejecting it. However, he likes plain porridge (w/o stock) nowadays. Maybe you can try that too.

He also refuses to drink EBM in the day and wait till mama reach home, and latch on immediately. I'm now wondering if I should continue pumping EBM at work. My nipples are so sore from the frequent nursings. Ouch!</font>
Very tired

I am very tired as I have to be lone ranger taking care of Sien. And that naughty girl loves to wake up in the middle of the night and scream mama then when i reply... yes? She realises that I am around and then falls asleep. Sigh this goes on for at least 3 times a night!!!!
Hi Jackie,

If things doesn't get any better, I'd suggest you don't put her on high chair for feed. You wouldn't want her to develope a phobia for eating...How about trying the hard way ie follow her around while feeding?

Understand how you feel ...


You champion already loh.....now still breastfeeding! hehe! If your boy likes it, continue!


Sien having nightmare isit? I also lone ranger taking care of my boy at night leh! Tired tired.
hi mummies out there, my gal haf been eating lesser solid lately... wil teething cause this problem? howver her milk in-take was ok... any suggestions to improve?
Hi Doris

u may wan to check whether she is teething ??

My gal who loves rice stop eating for 2 days liao..realised her molar is out and her gum is veri swollen and saw stain of blood as the teeth is cutting her gum. thus, too painful to chew. she is taking some porridge and milk since then.
Hi Bbloh,
I will try your suggestion of plain porridge and see how. Actually, I started to give Pediasure when she rejects hers meals on weekends. Better than no intake at all.

Wow, you still breast feeding. Very good. Mine dried up long ago.
Hi Jackie

My peds said that pedisure is a complete milk, so baby will be satisfied from taking that. He said unless despaerate, try not to give. This is so as the baby will not feel the need to take solds. My girl also rejecting solids. So when I asked he said that.
Hi Gabby,

I only give Pediasure when she has little or no intake. That is really when I have no choice or when she is sick.

Thanx for sharing. I'm so afraid of weekends now.
<font color="0000ff">Mid-autumn Festival at Singapore River
13.09.2007 to 30.09.2007
Singapore River * Hong Lim Park
Free entrance</font>


Hi bbloh,

No leh....my boy still loves his milk but drinks very little. 150ml per session.

Besides milk, what type of beverage do you mummies give your tod?

- honey?
- ribena? (can or not?)
- barley
