(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Gathering on 21 July
I'll be joining the gathering (with DH & son) but confirmed will be late as I need to wait for my boy to wake from his "beauty sleep". He can't z in other people's house leh. Will be too excited or scared to fall asleep. If he misses his nap, he'll be very cranky in the afternoon. Anway, just proceed with the makan 1st ok. I'll bring some tropical fruits along. ^_^</font>

Jiat lat lor, thats why I am hoping everyday will be a better day. Regarding chinese sinseh, it didnt cross my mind to see one. Maybe I discuss with my PD for suggestion 1st.

Last nite before I went to bed,I tried to give him some milk abt 12.15am, he refused to drink. He push the milk away and continue sleeping. Haizz... when he dont want, he refuse to drink. when he wants means he wants... have to suit his timing!

Oh.. your boy also needs extra feed in middle? what is his schedule like in the middle? Hubby arh.... he travels on and off, also cant depend on him la, he is very garang one, afraid he spill the milk powder, think i rather do myself. Anyway, when boy cry, i will be awoken too..since woken up alrdy... just mix water + powder lor, since they are in my room.

Spoken to my MIL abt letting my boy cry to wean him, she discourage lei. She say cry too much, air will enter, making it worst... also heard tat when they treated like tat, they will be emotional and mentally insecure and this can affect their confidence level. Overall, its not good for their growing up.. haiz.. so many theory... really confused. Think i will discuss with his PD and decide. My MIL also said my hb used to be a 3hourly drinker till 2-3years old..
Yes SS1, I'd received your address! And I think i'll be there at 1pm instead.

Date: 21st July (Sat)
Place: SS1 house ( Thomson area)
Time: 12pm
Mode: Potluck.
1) SS1 (Fried Mee Siam, Yam kuih, drinks)
2) Ivy (Dessert) (myself/son/hb)
3) Little_nana (727 durian puffs and crepes)
4) shawny17 ( katong laksa) (Myself/2 dds/helper)
5) sponge (have a craving for pizza hut's drumlets, so drumlets it shall be!)
6) Fates (chicken nuggets) (myself/bb)
7)Pooh (snacks from old chang kee)
8)Angelzwynd (also dunno wat to bring!!brainstorming)
9)Taurus (still thinking wat to bring)
Congrats my_dodo77 on your number 2!!

Now you fetch X to your own home everyday? He used to stay at your mum's place for the weekdays hor?

My boy wakes up every morning very happy leh~! After his milk feed in the middle of the night, he will go back to sleep happily

I will try every night.....if it still doesn't work, will complain to Jocelyn Khoo!

Yes, Jarrett will usually wake up about 1 or 2am for his feed. Sometimes, when the moon is blue, he will skip that and wakes up at 5am+ to drink. *Usually one or two times a week* I hope the moon is blue every night manz

i rec'd ur PM of yr address liao. realised our hse tel last 3 digits are the same !!haha

any1 going after 1 pm..me will reach around 2pm. btw, i got 2 gals and a helper for the gathering.thks
Hi mummies,

So happy to hear tht will b having gathering soon...can't wait 2 meet mummies and little darlings...eagering to join, but HB will hav appoinmnet wf his frens too at the same time..I'll see how first...maybe able to join this gathering too...


can u advise ur address? my contact 97651618
Hi SS1, i might not be able to make it for the gathering since my hubby might need to go back to work tomorrow.

fates, tiff,
agree that very sim tia when my gal cry for so long, feel that it's so cruel & she's so kelian, but just like what CP says, we are actually assisting them to acquire good sleepin habits since they cannot do it themselves. in the end, we stood firm with this notion & heng, she oni cry for 2 nites.

same as u, i used to carry & rock my gal to sleep too (oso my biggest regret). but now, after giving her the last feed before she sleeps, she can sleep on her own after drinking most of the time. even if we haf to carry her, only less than 5 mins & wil put her down once she's asleep. even at nites, when she wakes up, we oso try not to carry her anymore. i oso notice that she oni wants me to carry her wen she wakes in the nites. t4, i sleep further away from her so she cannot see me & wun cry for me. guess that it all's abt reducing the habit to carry her too much & long. however, my hubi & i think that this time is best to train rather than waiting for few more mths when these habits will be too difficult to wean off.
Hi mummies, wld really love to join this gathering. If my appointment ends early on sat (likely to be ard 2pm bah), i might just pop by with some ice-cream. ;-)

SS1: wld you be able to email me yr address?

Date: 21st July (Sat)
Place: SS1 house ( Thomson area)
Time: 12pm
Mode: Potluck.
1) SS1 (Fried Mee Siam, Yam kuih, drinks)
2) Ivy (Dessert) (myself/son/hb)
3) Little_nana (727 durian puffs and crepes)
4) shawny17 ( katong laksa) (Myself/2 dds/helper)
5) sponge (have a craving for pizza hut's drumlets, so drumlets it shall be!)
6) Fates (chicken nuggets) (myself/bb)
7)Pooh (snacks from old chang kee)
8)Angelzwynd (also dunno wat to bring!!brainstorming)
9)Taurus (still thinking wat to bring)
10) ino (ice-cream)
Date: 21st July (Sat)
Place: SS1 house ( Thomson area)
Time: 12pm
Mode: Potluck.
1) SS1 (Fried Mee Siam, Yam kuih, drinks)
2) Ivy (Dessert) (myself/son/hb)
3) Little_nana (727 durian puffs and crepes)
4) shawny17 ( katong laksa) (Myself/2 dds/helper)
5) sponge (have a craving for pizza hut's drumlets, so drumlets it shall be!)
6) Fates (chicken nuggets) (myself/bb)
7)Pooh (snacks from old chang kee)
8)Angelzwynd (also dunno wat to bring!!brainstorming)
9)Taurus (still thinking wat to bring)
10) ino (ice-cream)
11) Yvonne (I will bring something - dim sum or something okie)

SS1, can you email me your address?
[email protected]
Hi ladies, Amber's confirmed down with bad thoart infection so will not be able to join you gals afterall.....hiaz guess there'll be a next gathering.

Have fun!!!
Great fun at SS1's house the other day! Thanks for opening your house! Very nice

Good seeing all mummies and babies too! They grow so fast right!

bbloh ~ Ethan is a very good boy

Those who took pics, can share with me? [email protected]

was so busy catching my rascal that i din take much photos!
email me at [email protected] if you have picts of the gathering?

Due to numerous requests, here is another gathering:

Venue: Botanic Garden ( Near to Swan Lake)
Date: 4th Aug ( Sat)
Time: 9am.
*Pls bring your picnic mat*

1) Ivy

Got any other dates not har ?? 04 Aug I not in town ley .... otherwise will have to give this gathering a miss ....

Oh yes .... dun forget to bring balls for the kiddo to play ...
<font color="0000ff">ss1,
Thanks for hosting last Saturday's gathering. Your house is lovely and neat.

Thanks for the compliment. Surprisingly, he was rather well behaved that day but he's a TERROR at home! My mum told me that he refused to drink from 3 different AVENT teats yesterday and threw the milk bottle (with my EBM), onto the floor. Finally settled for NUK teat but wasted some of my EBM. So heartpain!

Photo sharing
Maybe we can create a blog to post all our gathering pictures or videos online, something like this?
Venue: Botanic Garden ( Near to Swan Lake)
Date: 4th Aug ( Sat)
Time: 9am.
*Pls bring your picnic mat*

1) Ivy
2) gabby+hubby+ Sien (Michele) & Gabriel

Meet where Ivy?
gathering this Sat.
Change to sand play at East Coast!

Venue: East Coast( Meet at the hawker centre)
Date: 4th Aug ( Sat)
Time: 9am.
*Pls bring your picnic mat and buckets for sand play*

1) Ivy
2) Helen
little nana...
Sentosa huh? Can also lah. Me and helen chin chye one...But u joining bo?!

can bring but dunno have time or not...After all the building of castles...
me going alone with baby also!
haha...no rollerblade then. We do sandplay!
Looking for buckets now...

Venue: Sentosa!!!
Date: 4th Aug ( Sat)
Time: 9am.
*Pls bring your picnic mat and buckets for sand play*

1) Ivy
2) Helen
3) Anna

Anna: Where to meet? Tell us since you just went sometime back...
Venue: East Coast( Meet at the hawker centre)
Date: 4th Aug ( Sat)
Time: 9am.
*Pls bring your picnic mat and buckets for sand play*

1) Ivy
2) Helen
3) Anna
4) gabby + hubby + Sien and Gabriel

Maybe late. But will be there.... if it rains? what are the other plans. Will bring some snacks.
Yo, gabby, the venue changed to Sentosa already ... dun meet us at the wrong place hor ...kekek


Palawan beach good ... got carpark and the food court.... nasi brani very nice ... OnZ
Venue: Sentosa!!! Meet at Palawan Beach
Date: 4th Aug ( Sat)
Time: 9am.
*Pls bring your picnic mat and buckets for sand play*

1) Ivy
2) Helen
3) Anna
4) Janet
5) Gabby ??

If rain then we go and eat/play/SHOP at vivo city!
Bringing J for jab tomorrow. If he's ok then will meet you mummies at <font color="ff0000">sentosa</font>. Very far leh........punggol beach can or not?
<font color="0000ff">CP,
Thanks for sharing the URL. It's quite funny.

<u>Taking naps</u>
My DS has been skipping his daytime "beauty sleep" these few days and he looked SO tired when I reached home after work. He can't sleep well at night (frequent wakings, makes noise in his sleep) too as I think he's overly stimulated in the day. How to encourage him to have his nap again as he really looked weary and was rubbing his eyes at night?

Though it's a bit late, I'm thinking of writing a blog for DS and would like to have some ideas (layout, contents, pictures ...) on how to do it. Anyone care to share your blog with me? You can send your URL to me via PM if you don't wanna post it online. TIA.</font>
Hi gals

I hope everyone is well.been so busy with work and my toddler.

Any toddler in play group?Thinking of sending my gal end of this year, any advice
hi bbloh
I wanted to let Wanqi drink Meiji fresh milk but she still reject leh.
I dont know what to do. cant stop breastfeeding. stress. Have you stop breastfeeding.

Wanqi also wake up frequently at nite dont know why. I am afraid she is hungry but shouldnt be hor. Hopefully my supply didnt drop
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
I let Ethan try fresh milk once and he rejected it too. Maybe the taste is too strong.

I'm still breastfeeding him and he's crazy about "neh neh" these few days - always pull my top down and kept saying "neh neh"!

Ethan has also lost his food appetite and only likes banana, apples, and BM. Been very cranky lately and I really lose my cool sometimes. Am actually glad to be working as it offers me a short relief from mothering. hahaha!

BTW, he's cutting several tooth now. Maybe that explains his appetite and behaviour issues.

Is Wanqi cutting new tooth?</font>
I realise its because she has some rashes near the buttock there cos she is sensitive to diaper. Ever since i stopped her from wearing diaper she is ok lia.

Ya Wan Qi also crazy about neh neh these few days keep saying neh neh when i got back from home. Hee sometimes i feel that its very funny cos when i want to feed her she will laugh.

But its true that if she is cutting new tooth she will be cranky then i will give her FEI ZHAI SHUI she will be alright after a while. If you suspect thats the reason you might want to give Ethan some cos it really work on Wanqi. :>
Hi mummies,
would like to chk with your what shampoo are your using on your bbs?My gal's hair is so rough.Change a few brands still the same
bbloh ~ I guess majority of us had given cow's milk! (formula)

As for goat's milk, my boy likes the karihome sweeties.

littletot ~ I am using the burt bees shampoo for my boy

<font color="0000ff">Ethan has been fully on BM and EBM (i.e. not taking any FM) for quite some time already and I've heard and read that for babies over 1 yo, it's not necessary to give FM. In fact, only countries like SG (and maybe Malaysia?) give their kids follow-on FM. Lots of other people give fresh cow's or goat's milk (provided no allergy) to their kiddos already. In addition, though FM's composition is getting closer to BM (now about 30 or more components), they can never achieve BM's composition of more than 300 components. In addition, FM is made of by-products of milk, stuff like casein or whey, which actually helps the milk company to recycle their waste (eeks!). Not to put people off, but I'm a bit sceptical about FM now and would like Ethan to go straight to fresh milk (maybe warm it a little before serving) without FM.

Is your Ethan still on BM? What are the practices regarding kid's milk consumption in USA?

<u>NDP Fireworks</u>
Is anyone watching the fireworks tomorrow?</font>
