(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">littletot</font>,
Really heartpain to see bb weight loss. K had this viral infection before.

<font color="ff6000">Chickenpox vaccine</font>
K had it @ 12 mths; had fever for few days even Pd stated only 1% have fever after 7-10days, he is e lucky one.

<font color="0000ff">Bbloh</font>,
I think Gabby has get her neighbour to book the function room as well, cheers... no worry...

<font color="0000ff">SS1</font>,
Oops.. did i miss out something,err.. pardon me to ask,why need to sort your life in order? is it becos of new hse or Zach? Take care
eeecks! 20 Oct also cannot make it.. gotta be at the career fair.. work beckons even on weekends..

hey ask u mummies, how do u brush ur kiddo's teeth? When i tried to brush A's teeth, she will either snatch the toothbrush from me or she will bite the brush and refuse to let me brush. How?? Very scared her teeth will corrode..
ha3... exact same problem here. last resort, i used the finger-toothbrush, but she'll bite my finger!!! so everytime i use it, i'll say "don't bite... don't bite...".
but got to find a way to use the normal toothbrush....
any advice ... any one?
hi dodo,
i used to let her watch me brushing teeth.These days i'll let her play with her toothbrush for a while then take over.Hope it helps
<font color="0000ff">ss1,
I didn't receive your friend's contact leh. Did u send via e-mail?

<u>Brushing of teeth</u>,
I have a hard time brushing Ethan's teeth as well. He simply refused to open his mouth.

To get around the finger-toothbrush, I insert the stem of a normal toothbrush into the "finger" so that he will not bite our finger. It helped when he still let us use the finger toothbrush.</font>
Hi all,

Need urgent advice. Can anyone advise which website to rent car for a trip to New Zealand? For 4 adults for about 2 weeks. Thanks.
Re:Brush teeth

Both methods, be it the finger toothbrush or letting her hold something, it doesnt work for me.. My lil imp still refuse to open her 'gold mouth' to let me brush her teeth..
<font color="0000ff"><u>Gathering on 20 Oct</u>
Can't attend this time as my DH is flying that day. <font face="wingdings">K</font> Gotta handle baby on my own for a week. Oh! I'm gonna be very bz ...</font>
brush teeth...
Aiyo..i haven brush his teeth ever since his fall..haha..cos he was tramuatised at that time.
Before that, he is okie with brushing but of cos, got play with the toothbrush.
Must try again soon.

Yes, gathering!
How? Function room book liao or not? Let's get the thread going lah.
BBloh, send your hb to airport then come..Nearby only..
Hi girls

Managed to book only on 4 Nov Sunday as I cant get the other dates. SOrry
Have booked. so waiting for you ladies...

Will contribute space, and food... can I get sausage?
Hi joyfulmum,

You going to NZ? When? Me tooo!!!


I believed you went NZ too. Share if I should book my accomodation now or when I'm there? Planning our routes.....any must-see stuffs?


Sounds good! Don't mind bringing my boy there for a dip! Got a good friend staying at Esparis too
<font color="0000ff">Gabby</font>,

Is it change as follow?

Sat:<font color="ff0000">4 November</font> for BBQ
Time: 10-2.30
Place: Pasir Ris, The Esparis

1) Gabby -sausage
2) Milo
3) Ivy
4) Annie-fishballs
5) Anna

Milo, Ivy & anna can make it?
Most likely I can't join your gathering on 4 Nov, may go jia hong! :p

I sent u my friend's contact via phone biz card. Anyway, here's the details...I guess not an issue posting this info here hoh? U can let her know you're my friend, coz she might be expecting your call.

Kindermusik @ Jurong West
The Frontier Community Club
Room 304
60 Jurong West Central 3
Singapore 648346

Manager : Ms May Wong
Email : [email protected]
Contact : 9452-5200
<font color="0000ff">ss1,
I didn't rx leh. Maybe hp model not compatible (mine is a SE). I contacted her already. Thanks a lot.</font>
yea 4 Nov i can!

Havent bring ariel for a swim yet! Her thermal wetsuit still havent 'kai zhang' wor.. teehee~

Sat:4 November for BBQ
Time: 10-2.30
Place: Pasir Ris, The Esparis

1) Gabby -sausage
2) Milo
3) Ivy
4) Annie-fishballs
5) Anna
6) sponge

Think I have a friend staying in Esparis too..
Hi mummies

Response not so good for bbq in the afternoon... So how? I can try to change the booking to an evening slot. However, can only get Sun night? What do you think?

Shall we do gathering cum swimming at your plc then? Gathering with a potluck and we can bring the kids for a dip...not too big group also good. Easier for shower time.
How about that?

BBQ at year end= hard to get pits, and weather is so unpredicable!
re training pants
i bot some from jshoppers spree..but found the 6-layer type quite thick..take very long to dry when i tried one out...r the brightbots, babyfleur n happy heiny's ones better? anyone tried both jshoppers n these brands b4 to compare?

re toilet training
my hb recently bot this child toilet seat thingy for only $1...put on our adult toilet type...n she's pooing in it everyday successfully! in fact likes it better than those chair type potty that we got for her previously from KP...we r happy cos since this is so lightweight, we can bring it for travelling so it wun disrupt her poo habit. But not sure when i should start letting her wear the training pants to train for urine leh...some books say 18 mths...

i would love to join u all for the bbq too..any date yet?
Sat:4 November for BBQ
Time: 10-2.30
Place: Pasir Ris, The Esparis

1) Gabby -sausage
2) Milo
3) Ivy
4) Annie-fishballs
5) Anna
6) sponge
7) cheri (prefer evenings)
Little nana,
heard your gal was down with high fever + rashes recently..Wanna chk with you, after her recovery, did she start dropping more hair?
Lego class @ GWC
Bad news...they're shifting out from GWC end of this month. So Ivy, bbloh & milo, gotta shelve our mummies-coffee-break-with-the-kids-@-Lego plan.

Haha! u also got loot already huh?

Do you have an older kid? How old? U keen in homebased playgroup right... where is your place? I'm still compiling the responses and doing further planning based on the feedback. Really excited about this!
Okay... then we change to gathering at my place with a splash at the pool. Of course with pot luck.... then we can rearrange timing still same day then??
loot, prob abt another 2 weeeks, reaching vpost soon.

the babyfleur looks like those from jshopper.
where your hb get the $1 seat? i wan to try also! only $1...hee...

wats the plan on homebased playgroup? tell me leh, i can ask my aunt to bring xavier to join! haha..

they moving? to where?!

sure, let's say meet about 4pm? Swim till 5 plus ( including shower etc) then dinner with the potluck things!

we can buy BBQ chix for you to replace the craving for BBQing...
Lego GWC will move to Blk 87 Marine Parade area...same place as Crestar Edu Grp. I think our kids are still too young to benefit from this program. Wait lor...

Can shift to 8/11 Deepavali or that weekend or not? Err... ok, juz trying my luck here.

Homebased Playgroup:
Still at planning stage. I'm switching career, partnering with some people to explore this type of playgroup/enrichment. X wanna join hah...can...u gather people ard your area and find a volunteer for venue then we discuss lor... ai mai? I dun mind opening up my place (gotta shift furniture ard), but the objective is to minimize travel for the kids. Do give me your feedback here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/1021745.html?1192611695
stick on 4th Nov lah..dun go and eat wind. Come and drink water with us!

homebased playgroup:
ppl in my area all working leh! prob gog to send X to some playschool soon, still checking out. Anyhow, he still need to travel one lah. he is travel expert liao..haha...

the HH trainers, only that design is on offer, all others are at $26.50. So its still more exp than BW..will see how. X not ready for toilet training yet. But i am just exploring ways to save on my PAMPERS expenses! haha...

when is ur homebased playgroup estimated to start??coz i have something in mind for my gal also ..wan to plan in such a way that my 2 gals' classes wont crash. Can roughly let me know wats the programe for the homebased playgroup..im doing SM at home wif my kids..

PM me ok

Haha no problem

Me and ah lau went to order BBQ food from those wholesaler. On and off hungry, we take out to 'BBQ" in the oven!

Sick of eating Mac for supper liao. Really miss all the prata & satay... *Drooling*
Ya cheri....where you bought that $1 toilet seat? I bought the JS 6-layer training pants too. My boy only know how to tell me if it gets too wet. ~alamak!

Is the time for gathering confirmed? I'll wait for the final answer
combi shoes fan,

they are on sales at IMM kidsmall now! The sandal shoes is only $20.90 while the coverall shoes is $40.50! Sizes up to 15.5.
Go and grab if you want..i grabbed for CNY liao..haha
ivy & fates
will check wif him again tmr where he got the toilet seat from...he's asleep in Korea now hahah

Day: 4 Nov, Sunday
Time: 4- 8 ++
Place: The Esparis

1) Gabby - fried noodles
2) Cheri - let me think think first
Day: 4 Nov, Sunday
Time: 4- 8 ++
Place: The Esparis

1) Gabby - fried noodles
2) Cheri - let me think think first
3) Annie - Fishballs

Its very cute but if used to distribute to people esp small kids, i dun think they will bother to keep the red packet. Ended up our baby face will be all over the dustbin

Like to ask this question, anyone know whether Singapore Zoo selling <font color="0000ff">vegetarian food</font> in any of the food outlets there? Paiseh, I never take note of this issue when i went there once this year. :p

Appreciate anyone can give me an answer.. cheers..

zoo is full of animals...not a good place to to eat vegatarian! haha...
Seriously, no, there is no vegatarian food there.

Day: 4 Nov, Sunday
Time: 4- 8 ++
Place: The Esparis
Splash and Potluck

1) Gabby - fried noodles
2) Cheri - let me think think first
3) Annie - Fishballs
4) Ivy - maybe nuggets, or something better if i got time.
