(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Oh nooo...how long is the 'scar'? My nephew, once fell quite badly too, and my SIL brought him to a plastic surgeon for stitching instead. You might like to give that a try?

Poor baby..
So sorry to hear about Xavier's fall...sounds really bad!
We were still talking during lunch about how he got bruises easily... Hope he recovers soon. We organise an outing when he recovers ok? Take care...

Confirmed, it's my friend who is teaching KM at Jurong CC. But the class that suits Ethan only starts 17 Nov. She asked me for your number to contact you, I didn't give her though. Do you want to give her a call instead?

Thanks for the sandles...Isabel can wear!! YEAH!
its abt 2.5 - 3 cm. Used epigule liao. Your nephew when did he stich? After the wound recovered? Will see how..since the wound still raw and cannot touch water for 5 days..
Now its getting itchy...so he will scratch scratch.
He's about 4 or 5YO when he fell from a cycling outing. No scar after visited the plastic surgeon. Sorry....don't know what is epigule...don't worry about the scar la, he's still so young, maybe when he grow up, it will disappear?
mummies, shall we have a gathering soon?
Any suggestions?

bbloh, milo and ss1,
the lego educational centre i mentioned can only accept 18mths and above for playground. So our Lego session will be arranged again in Dec?
<font color="0000ff">Ivy</font>
OMG.. Sorry to hear abt X, hopefully he gets recover soon. Must be v heart pain for you.

Personally experience on k, best don't let X scratch off those dry skin, else leave a mark.. K left a mark on his foot. Old wives tales, no dark sause like light soya sause oso cannot. :p

Aiyo so X fell down the same day as K having fever.. Haha i also rush hm in a cab after i returned back to office!!


Kaeden's fever ok liao but we didnt bring him out the whole weekend just to be on the safe side lor.. so wasted leh, i on leave on friday, tot can go for the Toyrus warehse sale :p


Hey next outing, ask Isabelle to wear and show show hor.


So how? Next gathering, where?
thanks. No matter scratch or not, will sure like a scar, cos its too deep liao...sigh.
Never mind, all the girls' mummies here have said that got scar more Manly, so i am sure he will still be handsome to all the girl girl here.

ya, jialat for you too hor...

botanic garden=scare will rain
house=too restricted for their age now.
Playgym= Not bad an idea, we can play for 2-4pm then go for a meal together!
How? Onz? This Sat? Vivo?
bbloh and matsu,
thank you for your assurance.She'll be 17mths in 3 days time.Getting abit worried cos speech wise also very limited.

My poor gal had fever since wed.Temp. yo yo-ing between 38-40 degrees.At 1st thought due to teething but temp cant seems to be under control even after given Bufen.Rashes started to break out on her body on sat.Bought her to A&E.Did blood test.Viral infection, suspect dengue.Luckily blood test on sun turn out to be dengue negative.Phew!

She hasn't been eating well.Refuse other fluids .Milk intake ard 500ml/day.Haiz...
Her rashes are getting worse.It's all over now.Even scaple also have

i think Kaelyn ( little nana's girl) is also having the same fever and rashes last week. Her pd say its the viral infection and high fever that cause the outbreak of the rash. Dun worry...it will be better soon.

How he fell? More like how he JUMPED! Go read my blog...

With the little ones how to BBQ? Hehe....

Ivy....Read your blog already. The scar is not very obvious so don't worry ok?

Anyone potty-trained your kids already?
Have u collected the spree things from Tan Leng Leng? Most of my items got lost too, but there's only 1 top from ON. Can I trouble u to help me pick up when you collect your items? U can pass to me next time when we have gathering... Can or not?
the blog pict not clear mah...wait till you see the real person.

Beach quite hard...cos it will be too packed. Let me ask someone with a pool and pit to see if she will open up her house...

Xavier plays with it like a toy. Haven really manage to train him.
little nana's gal had that too? I so ignorance, went to bath her thinking she'll feel better, but on those occasions she'll cry her lungs out.At first thought she throwing tantrum.After notice the pattern, i powdered bath her yesterday, the redness has gone down lots.

Hope your boy is feeling better now

Can la.. when there is a will, there is a way.. haha


U mean ur ils huh? Okie okie.. me gian to eat BBQ food leh. If me and ah lau BBQ nia, abit silly, so chio more ppl.

Ah K also having fun with my potty. He likes to put his 2 feet inside machiam leg spa like tat
About BBQ:

Ya, Ivy, ask your IL lah, wanna see the place! ;)

Milo & Fates
Maybe can ask DHs to do the BBQ, those with helpers bring helpers and look after babies...err...toddlers, we... chit chat!

BBQ @ Pasir Ris Park
Brought the kids there not too long ago and saw something shocking! A group of people were BBQing something that looks like whole pig/dog!! SERIOUS! I dare not stare, but at a glance, it's one whole animal! DH also saw and we were wondering if that's legal?? Eeeekkkk...

you are scaring me! whole animal? aiyoyo...

BBQ,yes, yes, i asking my future ils. She say ok! But date to confirm with her old man again. So wait for more news in this thread!

leg spa still not so bad. My son treat it like a hat! Jin jialat hor? Will take things slowly lah. No hurry yet..hee.

Haha very good, our sons so creative hor? Can la.. as long as mummy still working, still can afford diapers. I really bo lat to toilet train him and also diff cos my mum dun really support the idea also. Shun qi zi ran lor
muahahahaha ivy! i still thot its your real ILs leh..
abt lil X's scar, it adds character to his face la.. and now we can call him our mini harry potter!! hahaha.. anyway main thing is no infection on his wound then ok lor..

don't think i will join in this time.. ah lao going overseas on sunday.. want to spend family time on saturday.

I'm also a Sept baby! heh heh..

Ariel hates the potty. Dunno why..
SS1, ya one of my items was lost too!!!

So sway rite? Angry.....
Sorry but I collected my stuffs liao....see when is our gathering lo? If got time i go and collect for you.

One of my friend's tod is potty trained by age 2. So i felt abit pressured to potty train J now. I'll give it some thoughts...
<font color="0000ff">RE Potty</font>
I brought 4 difference but all white elephants. Out of 2 can convert to small chair. *Sigh* K loves to drag the potty around.

<font color="ff6000">RE BBQ</font>
I am looking forward hehe.. but whether can or not.. ?? :p

<font color="0000ff">Toyrus sales</font>
Not sure I heard wrongly or not, Tampines branch is having store sale now. Just went to the warehouse sales... Brought 3 items for k. Out of one has a missing hat on e pooh bear. Called to check with them. They indicated since its a warehouse sale, the price indicated already discounted,therefore some missing small parts or any default in the toys also dont allow to change, either <font color="0000ff">buy</font> the new part to replace eg. e battery for a motor car....
Re: potty training

Been trying to train my gal but my gal also fool ard with it. She knows how to tell us that she poo...but often it's too late for us to bring the potty. Sometimes, she's also mischevious. She will go to the potty and say "ng ng"....then she will sit down on it. After 3 sec, she will get up...then sit down again....aiyo....realli diff to train at this stage...so i also just take it ez lor. She doesn't like to poo while sitting...hehe
<font color="ff6000">Mummies</font>,

I am kind of sotong regarding this, anyone willing to share... I intend to bring k to attend 2 weddings.. I have no worry abt the buffet type @ e hotel.. @ least he can roam around.. however, i am worry e other tradition one.. ie. wedding dinner; chinese cruisine... how to keep k still in the baby chair for few hours?

dnt bring ur boy to wedding dinner lor. at this age, toddlers cannt sit still for so long lar..unless u mst be prepared to take him for a 'walk' during the serving...then adults also cannt enjoy and chit chat around ...and also some wedding ends veri late lei..
ya loh...dun bring him if you hope that he will sit in the chair..

I bot xavier to several traditonal wedding...it was fun for him but tiring for me...Hb and i have to take turn to eat and walk him ard. But then again, i enjoy walking ard with him cos he is so friendly to all my frens and relatives.

If you mind walking ard with him and yet want to bring him along, then make sure your hb dun mind taking care of him at the dinner.
\blue {Ivy & Pooh},

Thanks for sharing..Sigh!! k definitely won't sit long, he is kpo king.Hmm..in this case, I have to bring him along for my colleague's wedding...better than getting hb to take care of him along @ home...

Is Xavier ok? Not sure u believe or not,chicken, egg n prawn are not adviseable for wound cut... will slow down e healing process and stirring itchiness (itchness - personally,i don't believe but slow down e healing proces- i believe). :p

Sounds fun... if you girls dont mind coming to the East, can cometo my place at Pasir Ris... Perhaps can organise a gathering of sorts to go to gallop stables to let the babies see the horses first then come over for BBQ... interested??

I thinks its okay to bring babies along. I think people will be considerate and understanding. I forever bringing my 2 along and leave after photo taking...

since you offered, we shall take up your offer then!

BBQ at Gabby's house:
Date: gabby, pls advise since you are the host.
Food: Potluck of raw food and cooked food etc?
1) Gabby
2) Milo
3) Ivy
BBQ at Gabby's house:
Date: gabby, pls advise since you are the host.
Food: Potluck of raw food and cooked food etc?
1) Gabby
2) Milo
3) Ivy
4) Annie (If raw food - fishball, If cooked food- mee fun) <font color="0000ff">KS</font> :p
Hi ladies

Need to book bbq pit first... if cannot get pit in evenings do you mind in the afternoon? then can swim or etc?
u see what are the dates available for booking first...I am thinking if afternoon, it will be abit hot for bbq hor? but then again, if its evening, some babies may slp ard 8pm so we cannot drag too late also.
So my conclusion is
if its sat, then afternoon or evening okie. If its sun, then better be in the afternoon cos monday gotta work!


i just read abt you asked aboyt discount code for what xxx...i forgot about it after got scared by X's fall...
what is is about? maybe you wan to pm me? hee...
Hi ladtes

Have checked... All Sat evenings fully booked...

Shall we have it in the afternoon, then will get the roof top garden and get neighbour to book function room as well... tentative date will be 20 Oct Sat afternoon....
Hi ladtes

Have checked... All Sat evenings fully booked...

Shall we have it in the afternoon, then will get the roof top garden and get neighbour to book function room as well... tentative date will be 20 Oct Sat afternoon....
gabby, i am fine with that..l
good idea to have the function room as well. Aircon! haha...
come list down your names!
<font color="0000ff">ss1,
Can you give me your friend's contact? Thks.

Lego session - noted. Pls keep us updated. Thkx.
BTW, did your future IL pass her driving test?

Think you didn't really miss a lot on the sale as I heard that the toys are more suitable from older kids. Great that Kaeden has recovered.

Every child develops at a different pace. Don't worry too much. Maybe she's the more reserved type. If you're still worried, maybe you can check her progress with a PD or doctor?

Has her rashes clear? If not, you may want to check if it's due to the hot weather, viral infection or maybe allergies?

You're also a Sep baby? Which day ar?

<u>Potty training</u>
I haven't even buy a potty for Ethan. Maybe I should get going but am not going to rush the training though.

<u>Singapore Botanic Gardens</u>
Read that the <font color="ff0000">Jacob Ballas Children's Garden</font> has opened on Children's Day (1 Oct). Maybe we can bring our tots there.</font>

Opening hours: 8 am to 7pm daily except Mondays
Admission Fee: Free. The Children's Garden is open to children up to 12 years old. All children have to be accompanied by an adult.
I've sent u my friend's contact. BTW, she's having a holiday camp program some time in Nov, and she'll incorporate the positive focus together with arts and craft in the program. I'm not sure for what age group though...forgot to ask.

For the JG holiday program, I'm keen in the week 3 session for Zach. Anyone else keen?

I'll confirm my attendance nearer to date. Gotta sort my life in order for now.

The sandals that Isabel wore made her feet a bit "pong par"... :p gotta wear socks for the time being to break in I guess. Looks weird though!

I think bbloh is talking about the GAP code la. Let us know next time u have spree lo. BTW, what's your blog link?

What are the chances of recovering the items ah? Sigh...first time buying and kena, dare not buy liao!! Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to get the ON top (still too big for I), do you have any other items outstanding to collect from TLL? If got, will appreciate you doing me the favour if it's not inconvenient, if not, then don't bother la. I'll wait till the outcome of the missing item then arrange with her again.
yes, Jacob Ballas Children's Garden! i saw it building for a long long while. Finally done! But just opened, sure crowded..lets wait for a mth or so..

Julia Gabriel,
the holiday program is for weekdays leh...not tai tai cannot go..

my inlaw? she passed lah...but better drive far far away if you see her on the road! keke
Whoa Ivy! Not bad leh...your IL pass in first try ah?? Gong Xi! Err...ya huh? What's the car no?? :x

Wanna ask u about the Lego class, is there a website where I can find out more details?

Woah.. so much gossips.. ops..ops....

Sherri, bbloh..
Yes! Passed driving liao. My driving skill is so so onli. As a new driver it is not easy to drive into carparks, drive ard bends and turns.. Stress manz...
.Her rashes mostly cleared.Blood test show it's viral infection.Poor gal just hit 10kg, but now..must think of ways to beef her up again!

Her next review with PD in nov.Just wanna chk has anyone send your bb for chickenpox vaccine?
Hi mummies

Tentative date: Sat: 20 October for BBQ
Time: 10-2.30
Place: Pasir Ris, The Esparis

Hope to see you!
Toilet Training

Yesterday, my DD told my mum she wanted to poo poo... then she sat on a potty and out it came!!! So happy

Add your names in!

Sat: 20 October for BBQ
Time: 10-2.30
Place: Pasir Ris, The Esparis

1) Gabby
2) Milo
3) Ivy
4) Annie
