(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

hi brambles,

ya. i showed her a pix and she did some customisation on her end. she's quite willing to customise lar...and she's very accomodating too. ;-)

hi shawny,
woah! really admire yr determination to breastfeed! salute u! I stopped when my gal was 9 mths coz i was getting sick too often. ;-( i wished i cld continue beyond one
Hi shawny,

I will be going to NZ during Nov' too! Will be spending about three weeks there. Hopefully my MS will cease by then, as I don't intend to express while I'm there
Hihi Fates,

Saw yr BP thread. What stuff do u wanna order fr therE? Like not much variety leh.

U gog NZ in Nov? Which parts? South Island? Hai i have been wanting to go back to NZ since i grad in 2001. DH wanted to bring me and DS end of this yr too but i guess NZ is abit too far lah.

Thinking of going Perth. Anyone has good rec for places to stay or visit in Perth?

Hi Ino,

Such a Sweeetttt cake! I wanted to order from her too but i find her gals design superbly nice as compared to the boys cake design so i ended up ordering fr PG instead.
was it hard to total bf when there's another bb ard?Wont she get jealous? Also when total bf its hard to go anywhere without bb rite?My gal just turned 1 last week and my no.2 due mid jul.Most likely be expressing so can spend more time with my gal.
ino / pooh - sweeeeet cakes, wow....wow....nice..

ino / bbloh - the jack's place celebration, overall ok? food and presentation?

milo - wanted to hear your feedback abt ur HK trip wif K, u went disneyland?
hey fairysnowberry...we really should meet up....bumped into ino and natalie last sat and nat is an absolute darling...

and yes, i can give you some tips on perth...went there four times to visit hubby in 2004...loved that place and hoping to go visit soon...except that year end's very warm...as high as 40 deg!!!

yup, i went disneyland on K bday. was really small but feel tat its enough for us cos with bb mah. he took some rides and seems to enjoy it
tempted liao huh??? seriously hor, HK nothing for bb to eat leh. poor K have to eat cereal for the days that he is there.


is perth very hot during feb period?
fates, so which part of NZ. I'll be in Auckland. I am looking forward to it as SIL has been pushing for us to visit since late last year.
So many babies can walk already? Let's do a count:

- Kaelyn
- Keane

(who else???)

Yup I wanna buy some L/S shirts for my boy from that website. Limited designs but cheap

Since your DH wanna bring you and DS there, why not go? Not really far what....as DS will be about 17mths by then.

NZ ~ Will be going to Christchurch first, then free and easy from there

Haven't plan in details yet.
Hi ino,

Sorry to intrude here, im a june mummy I saw ur Birthday cakes and really so impressed. wow... really beautifull. Can i have the contact or email or the lady? I went to the blog but no contact.

Thanks so much.
ah fates..

you bringing J there?

i have been hoping K can walk.. haha but think my lazy boy still prefered to be carried
D u ask ivy? X should be able to walk, he is earliest bb that can crawl around.
Piglet's gal sofia can walk @ 10th mth. Think Yvonne's gal can since she also can crawl @ v earlier than others.
By the way, your J still cant meh? cannot be ...
acc 2 my gf whose currently stay there, so long its summer, its v hot and even e wind oso hot wind but one thing, its dry unlike our humid.. best to bring bb is either autumn period (around mid sept). Else have to bring sunblock.
hey milo66,
yes feb will still be quite warm...but then again, difficult to say in this time and age when we are experiencing the weirdest of climatic changes...safer would be after march if you ask me....whichever the case, i agree with you...baby's not going to enjoy much in terms of overseas holidays till much older but the family togetherness is so important....

hubby n i have taken a few trips since the arrival of the little one by now and for me, enough is enough...so, we bringing the little one along for trip to japan at end of may...hopefully we survive. haha....

indeed...baby-friendliness is an important consideration in destination choice...was wondering between melb and japan but decided against the former bec. of harsh winter conditions....keeping fingers x!
since our friend mentioned it, let me supplement by saying...uv protection is necessary at all times down under. the hole is biggest over there...rain or shine, winter or not.

thks for sharing

i heard that the summer in aussie is the hotest. only tasmania has the coolest weather during dec to feb period.

definitely u will survive! no matter how difficult its going to be.. as long as the whole family is tog, things will work out..

i agree that baby friendliness is the most impt.. HK is definitely a bad bad place! no lift no escalator.. aiyo terrible. i think the best place is US. its so baby friendly but think the flight there alone can kill!
you so funny milo....yes, that's another consideration too....japan not bad lah...got recce liao....nz aussie all good...disneyland, being kiddie place should have reasonable baby facilities right????
haha u bet! the place with the most bb facilities is in HK disneyland and airport! so i think japan shld have also
hi leejen,
jack's place food not bad lar. Staff are friendly but they get a bit confused with big orders all at one time. ;-)

as for the decor, we did it ourselves. We just have the Function Rm FOC.

hi chris,
hv u decided on the venue for the celebration already? hehe...
i also wanna meet yr christian lei. he looks so cuuuttteee on yr hubby's camera phone...=p

u going japan ar...F&E? woah...u speak japanese? i dare not go F&E. I went on package tour b4...but always visit temples...*faint*

I always gian to go Japan, esp after watching Japan Hour and just simply drool at the food they showcase...

hi kiki,
her email is [email protected]. I've her contact but tink it's not very nice to post here. If you want, pls PM me. Thanks!
Edison oso can walk liao, so yaya him..haha

We oso celebrated his birthday last Sunday, just bought a small cake 4 him...
Why can't be? When a baby don't want to walk, we also can't force them. Let nature take its own course.....they will spend their entire life walking anyways...no point comparing..

Whoa race! Edison also can walk liao! Small cake is ok la

<u>Walking Babes</u>

- Kaelyn
- Keane
- Edison
- Sofia

Yes Milo....I will bring J along to NZ

i also wanna go... haha..

wow wow so many babies can walk liao..

me so bored at work this week... still holiday mood

You been to too many holidays liao loh.......time for the rest of us to enjoy! But then, it's in Nov

haha.. but when it comes to holiday.. its never enough right :p

hey.. though its in nov but at least got something for you to look forward to mah. with each day, ah J will become more manageable and lesser barangs to carry with you
Fates, ya..agree with you on babies walking..some are slower and some are faster lor...cannt force one mah...the more we force, the more they dont like it ..keke...anyway, nothing wrong baby start to walk late.
all you of taking hoildays huh? the moment i think abt the barang to pack, i sian liao..think i wait for him to be 18mths then i will travel with him. My poor suaku boy..haha..

why you so shocked that babies cannot walk yet? I think each of them have their own development, no need to compare or force them to. I think my Xavier is happily crawling cos his crawl is faster than other babies' walk! haha...

Of course! Holidays the more the merrier!!!

Yes...that's why I will bring J along la....he will be more manageable. I need to recce and research more on how to go about going F&E in NZ. Something to look forward to


Ya.......i heard my colleague says better crawlers will walk late, and vice versa. Like what we'd always say, every baby is different and I will let him take his own time to achieve this milestone
of cos not forcing, u cant force bb to do anything. Only way to encourage them do and using correct method. My gf's bb stopped to crawl when this young little bb attempt to crawl and fell. (partly oso individual bb's personal character).
U noe my k oni Noes how to crawl @ 9mths+ after much effort that my parent put in to "train" k to crawl. They got a queen size bed n push all e way to a corner where 2 sides are directly to e walls. Each time, they put k in and they covered e other 2 sides with board, out of no choice, k tried to crawl to e side where he saw my ma or pa. I tried many times using cracker as encouragement for him to crawl, he only knew how to cry like hell and didnt want to crawl to get e cracker himself... haha..
k noes how to walk becos he "sees''his cousin can. (He loves to copy his cousin since v young age)..haha
why do you have to encourage/"train" bb to crawl/walk? i think this is a very naturally thing for them to do unless there is really some developmental problems. Or maybe i am a very carefree mummy..i always leave Xavier to do things by himself and i just sit back and see loh.
not shock liao, i thought your x can walk liao.. cos he is e 1st to crawl..hehe..
bb either can walk on 10mths or 15th mths, thats i read from book.
oh ya,
i think your parents are really great to put in so much effort to train your k to crawl! Put in some much resources and energy to get queen size bed and push it around just to encourage a baby crawl!
your book from where? dun read these books lah...where got fixed at 10mths or 15mths then can walk? Each bb is different...Is the book trying to say that if bb dun walk at 10mths, then have to wait till 15mths then can walk? if by 15mths, still cannot walk, then means got problem? Trash the book lah.
I didnt get my parent to train k. In fact, my ma trained k to crawl cos she alway woke up earlier than k, hence she alway did hsework in e kitchen while k still slept in e room.k that x didnt noe how to crawl, thats y he alway cried like hell and spilt out all earlier intaked milk on e mattress, thats cause extra work for my ma. after e training,k started to crawl out of the room. (of cos, many mattresses laid on e floor that led to living room to prevent k fell. These days, althrough k noes how to walk, he still crawl when he just wakes up.
Since my ma is the one that taking care of keane and she has hsework to do and oso cooking, i cant demand her more in this field. As for food wise, she follows my instruction thats i m content liao.

come back liao must tell me what barangs can no need bring hor..

my HK trip like zou law like tat, half the lugguage all ah K stuff!
Annie, v salute to ur parents...put in so much efforts 2 train K...4 me surely can't..think natural way more suits my son,else he'll get more frustrated...

ur book very special leh. never heard of one tat specify the age tat a baby must do this or that. everyone knows that each baby is different. even the health booklet also specify a period. care to share the title?
haha..somehow, i feel v paiseh that my parent make so much effort on training k. too bad, my training (by encouraging using cracker; his favourite doesnt work on k). He is a v stuborn bb, he can just cried and doesnt even tried, not even using his hand to try to touch e cracker...
The book oni stated the majority... doesnt really imply that bb has prob if cant walk after 15th mth. I cant even speak a single word until 4 yrs old. Until now, i still can remember my 1st auntie said i am a "ya ba" . when she said that when i was toddler.
And oso becos k alway puked out everything when he cried hard enough, my parents give in to him all the time. Like letting k to sit on their lap while they have lunch or dinner time. Can you imagine, my ma has to feed k and one hand to hold him tight in case he fell. Bring him downstair up to 3 times a day, just becos k will use this "crying" to scare my parent.
He doesnt dare to do that on me or even my hb. He noes how to get "help" when we abt to say him or hb going to punish him..(if my parents / in law around).
Race C,
If you were in my ma situation, i think you also will. She has to clean up e mattress each time k puked leh. If happend to me everyday, i think i will go crazy and cry while doing the cleaning mess.Somemore K only crawled @ 9mths +/

i stated the book title before. You even comment that like "training a pet"...
Race C,
high 5! Me also think let nature take its own course. If i wan to train something, might as well get a pet!

Wah, your mum is so nice to follow your instructions on food as well? I think i am really carefree as compared to you. You really think and read a lot.
I just let X's caregivers do watever they want cos i believed they are experienced in bringing up kids and i am not a believer of " Now and Last time different liao" theory. If we are brought up healthy then just let the old ppl do their own style and method as long as they are happy!

throw that silly book away lar !!

the more yr parents give in to ur boy, the more he will use his 'puking' method to get wat he wans.
