(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

i gave yoke to her a week ago and she's ok with it. So today i gave half yoke with a bit of white and she get rashes liao.Xia si wo leh!!!! Call PD and he say it's definately allergy.But as long as not breathless or eye swell then not so bad. Give her a few hrs and the rash will go away.So monitoring her now..
the blue 1 i think is the latest design so more ex la.But it does seems nicer. kekeke... Still cant decide, if get that, next time bb gets up from zzz will start roaming ard the room without you knowing!!

wah.. the effect of egg white manz.. i dare not let K try it yet cos i read somewhere that a mummy after feeding egg white to her baby, the little one's head went swollen


wishing ah J <font color="0000ff">HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND STAY CUTE ALWAYS</font>
ohh i did give those fried egg or steam egg with minced meat which white n yolk mixed liao .. he ok with it.. haven't give directly egg white to him yet. Maybe can try tomorrow..
oh! i bot this bed since last dec. I like it cos initially k slept on the mattress that i laid on the floor; to prevent him from falling again, flip here and there until out of the mattress. Hence the four corners act as gd blockage. K doesn't have this problem anymore now. He stay to flip only right or left. (Think, this bed train him..haha).

he will stand and hand hold onto the corner (higher @ one of either both sides end)to practice his jumpering action (he is a crazy of jumperoo).
i sleep on the mattress next to him, so he will crawl out and "wake me up" by rocking me. He will "slap my hb face" to wake him up. heheh.. luckily he doesnt dare to do this slapping action on me. haha

Toast to all April & May babies. Come to think of it, we have aged 1years 10mths +... haha..:p
heard somewhere(old wives tales) that egg white alone reaction more jia lak.Was told to mixed both as they sort of compliment and balance out.But still.. reaction.Come to think of it, luckily nvr give alone cos it may turned out worse!

My gal's rashes has disappeared and moved down progessively. From ard her mouth to her neck and now to her stomach and legs liao.Looks like is slowly going off.Phew!
i like the way you decorated Ariel's birthday party. especially all the pink balloons at the ceiling very creative.

Ariel has got big eyes ya. so pretty.
Hihi Fates and Sponge, i already emailed you gals but the file is super big so i dunno if it went thru' successfully.

Let me know if u didnt get it okie.

Fates, did u manage to buy anything last Fri? The queue and crowd was terrible! I was so tired after all that.
<font color="0000ff">Just sharing.</font>

<font size="+1">Look Out for Your Baby's Health - Nestle buys Gerber</font>

Nestle SA recently bought Gerber Products Co. for $5.5 billion. This move gave Nestle, already the world's biggest food and drink company, the largest share of the world-wide baby food market.

Nestle was already the world's largest manufacturer of infant nutritional products, but sold no baby food in the United States. Gerber dominates the U.S. baby food market with a 79 percent share.

Nestle bought the company from pharmaceutical maker Novartis SA. Recently, Nestle also acquired Novartis Medical Nutrition and weight
control company Jenny Craig.

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

I have clear memories of Gerber baby food products when my twin brother and sister (who are 11 years younger than me) were growing
up. I thought that was the best food they could possibly have.

I held that impression even into medical school and believed that rice cereal would be one of the best foods to feed a baby once they started eating food.

But that was not at all correct.

Sure they needed some soft food, but a highly refined high-sugar cereal was not what they were designed to eat. Freshly pureed organic vegetables would have been far more nutritious. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake my mom did when she fed me.

Now, some high-rollers in the business world may applaud the purchase of Gerber Products by Nestle SA. However, there is absolutely no health upside to this news if you are a parent with a small child.


Chalk it up to one of the most unethical and devious marketing moves ever pulled in the history of the planet: Nestle's long and sordid
history of pushing third-world women away from breast-feeding so they could sell them their vastly inferior infant formula. Sacrificing the future health of innocent babies for profits is

How could you EVER possibly trust such a company to have any intent to provide a high-quality product?

The Gerber purchase also caught the attention of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) who pointed out, according to an
independent survey, that Nestle is one of the most boycotted brands in the world and tops in the UK.

Nestle's latest acquisition, IBFAN says, puts them in a stronger position to compete toe-to-toe with breastfeeding, the safest, healthiest means to nourish your child and protect your health. If you're unable to breastfeed your baby, I urge you to review this series of articles I posted on healthier alternatives to
conventional baby formulas.

Bottom line?

Stay away from Gerber. Avoid it like the plague. It was never that great anyway and now makes absolutely no sense. Take a few extra minutes and prepare your own baby food from scratch. It is far less expensive, but more importantly, it is FAR more nutritious and will go a long way toward providing your child with a firm foundation of health.
sponge...just view Ariel's bday pics at your blog...everything looks so pretty, you are so creative. Ariel's very pretty too with those big-big eyes!!! Happy belated birthday to Ariel!!!
hey matsu & shawny,

thanks for your comments! Started doing the decor bit by bit 1 month before ariel's bday. And very lucky that everything stayed in place! hahaha..


didnt get the video leh..?
Hi gals

Hows everyone?heeheee, dunno why but sthg wrong with my com, unable to access the forum.

Never some advice.
1. anyone knows where there is a huge range of tikes ride on/buggy?Looking for one for my girl.

2. Anyone using high chair , peg prego?
Hi mummies,
K had a wonderful birthday celebration parties and great that all the cakes managed to finish.. hehhe..
However, K kena high fever day after the celebration where the old folks comment "k kena scared or pantang" until now.
Brought him to kkh last 9 & quite mad over the way the nurse did to k. She basically forced my k to open (squeeze)his mouth wide to jab 6ml doses of medicine in. *Sigh!* Initally K doesn't have big difficult problem to take medicine... now he hates it, he push away..
Crazy enough to squeeze so much blood just to test whether urine infection or not. Somemore told me to monitor another 2 days, if high fever still didnt subside, has to bring back to check whether kena virus or not.
Checked with my ma, k still having high fever and v drowsy today, no appetite to eat. .whats a day for his real birthday.. pray not his heart that cause the problem.
hi firefly
i let Wanqi sit on the high chair when she is about 6 mths. Jane high chair think selling at $199 kiddy palace. However , she prefer to sit in her pram like going shopping i guess. hee. so my high chair is a white elephant now. sign
Matsu & firefly,
k doesnt like to sit on high chair oso. Luckily, i got Jane High chair,so currently just leave for future use as table and chair.
You so pantang? What's there to be scared about parties? hehe...He must've caught the virus from your guests & kids loh..KKH like that one lahh. Hope your K recover soon.

Jarrett had a great party too! Will post the pics soon, as it's still in the cam....

Oh and J went for his last pneumocoocal jab too! No fever! *phew* His next jab will be chicken pox jab two months later.
Annie, understand how you are feeling, don't we just hate when little kids get ill. Hope K will get well soon. Happy birthday to K!

Btw, about fever and virus...normally will take a while to recover. Fever will fluctuate and tend to rise during night-time.

^5. Claris also use bumbo seat for her meals...but seems like not cannot use liao...coz she alreadi succeed to get out from the bumbo...
ivy & pooh, that's what I bought the Bumbo for initially but we soon realised that it was not possible cos Amber was constantly trying to get out. So worried that she'll tumble over. I much prefer feeding her in the high chair.

haha, xavier will try to get out also..but have patience to tell him to sit inside...if he really get out, then he will sit on the floor to eat. High chair was good when he was younger..Now he feel that the highchair too restrictive and will cry out loud.
Good morning!
My boy, he sits on my maid or my lap when we're feeding him. Sometimes, he sits in his walker - but harder to feed 'coz he will 'walk' away to grab things! LOL

BTW, what present did you get for your baby's first year birthday? Toys? Books?
there was a period when lil Amber refused the high chair halfway through the meal. Aiyoh helper and I had to walk her to the neighbour's house and stand and feed her outside the gate, all because she wants to see the big doggy guarding the house.

Luckily, we wised up and insisted on her sitting back on her highchair during mealtimes.
bello, good question. I am also still wondering what to buy for lil Amber too. Will you be throwing a party for your darling?

at times my gal also wants to be carried and walk around the hse and feed her at the same time..but i dont like it...

i tried highchair on claris but she will purposely 'slide' down in sitting position from the highchair.

its tough nt to confine her on bumbo while feeding coz she kept crawling and cruising abt...very siong to feed her !
Ya, intend to celebrate my boy boy's 1st birthday, probably with family and some relatives.
Now thinking what present to get him and where to get a nice cake for him
Not i pantang!Old folks commented on when they heard k fell sick. I am happy cos my ma just told me that his fever already gone... on the way to recover.. now yelling to go downstair. (just called my ma & she said k kept pester her to bring him downstair, this guy really noes who can bully).

keane sits on the floor to eat. However & surprisingly, keane is ok to sit @ high chair with the belt on when we bring him to dine outside. Cant understand why. heheh.. my mil said that he loves to show off as "gd toddler" haha..
Edison too, he can't sit properly/quitely on chair..while feeding meal,we must let him play "somethings" while feeding..it is a bad habit... my fault.. failing to train him...
Afternoon leh...wah, seems like most of the babies, same pattern hor, cannot sit still to eat.

Mine oso, have to bring her close to window and see birds then she'll swallow her food or let her play something.

oh ya, i just celebrated Jeneil's birthday over last weekend. This is the cake.

tat aloha bungalow chalet, really very spacious and good for more ppl, got backyard and comes with 2 bbq pits.
overall, i think the guests enjoy themselves more than i did, i was chasing Jen to sleep and eat all the time, she is so "hong sim" (hokkien).
im super tired after the event and not much pictures take oso.

the cake from pine garden?? very nice....the soft toy bear sitting on the cake??

ya. aloha bunglow chalet veri big. have 4 bedrooms and all rooms attached toilets ! big kitchen too.kekeke
Hi leejen,
The cake is soooooo sweet!!!! Got lace some more! Almost like a wedding cake :D

The aloha bungalow - how to book? How much did it cost you? Thks!
close up pics har...need to rummage my camera and home computer, coz hubby take one. i see if have den post here.

yeah, iz from pine garden, got toy bear,fake pearl beads and ribbons on the cake, very princess cake.

piangz, the kitchen is big lor and all the utensils are there, even got a toilet next to it.
ya, very convenience to have attached bathroom to each rooms. this round i stayed the seaview bungalow, next time i hope to try the pool side terrace, looks good too but abit cluster though.
aloha bungalow, not cheap, 1 nite at big bungalow cost me $340, at aloha loyang.
you can book online, but if u are civil servants, got special rate.
need to register yourself, if you are a new user to the website.
Oh! Thanks leejen! I'd check it out 1st!

The cake, was the design off-the-shelf or did you request to customise it? Thks!
errr...off the shelve bah, coz i don't have special request for it, i only asked for 2-tier cake for a baby girl and they gave me this.

not too bad larz when i saw the cake, at least im not disappointed and the thing is the guests were ohh-arhh the cake, didn't feedback me whether the cake nice or not, or maybe the buffet make them full, the taste buds not strong liao.
actually i have a question, i see mummies selling or exchange for nepia seals, what is it for? i practically throw away the nepia packages when i finish the diapers.

leejen, the cake's really very sweet looking. My dd1 juz viewed and requested to have the same cake for her birthday. Can I check what flavour is the cake?

bello, I normally order from Ecreative but may just try Pine Garden since quite a few mummies recommended them.
