(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

no offence to those babies who can walk, i heard the old wives' tale that if a baby starts walking when at young age, it means he or she will have 'lao lu ming' (have to work very hard for livelihood).
Race C,
Happy birthday to you too! You are born in the same mth as your son, so good!

haha..i heard abt this old wives' tale also. Dunno lah..this kind of things, hear liao then forget it loh...
dear kaelyn, its okie if you are lao lu ming, xavier will take care of you...hahaha.....
hi mummies

sorry, have mia-ed for a while!

Have been really busy at work, celebrated nat's bdae, went japan for holi, and have been falling sick for the past few weeks, horrid! so worried that i will pass to nat...

my gal still prefers to crawl, hehehhe, cos like what ivy said, she crawls faster than babies who walk! Yar, i believe they don' like it when we force them to walk... so just let it be!

Just asking, are you ladies bringing your young ones to any course, playgroup or what not? Am thinking of enrolling nat into one, and socialise with other babies. Cos now she has been interacting with all adults!

hehehehhe, i have been bringing her to ECP to rollerblade! it's fun! i blade, and push her stroller along! well, but the stroller cannot take the speed, it's wheels will run... but go slowly lor, but nevertheless, i think nat like's the motion! hehehehe... can try!
morning mummies, so much on the walking, i tot mine gal is the only slow one to learn walk, until now jeneil is still not able to walk but crawl.

wowo...holidays, do post your tips on holidays here and share leh, hope to get some experiences from you all.
i already told my parent many times, but you noe they alway said, bb puke too much not gd for tummy... sigh! k gets what his wants whenever he is @ my parent's place.
He really noes whose is the boss, he doesnt dare to use the puking method on me; cos u can said i really heartless.. he tried few times before, i just let him cried till puked, i just cleaned the mess and didnt even looked @ him.

Race C,
Wah! Happy belated birthday to you, next time can celebrate together with your bb & oso mothers day.

hmm.. i duno have you ever heard another old wive's tales if bb can walk @ earlier tends to have "walking limbing when old" (hokkien call "lam"); its like one side of the body is higher than the other.

haha I didnt get my ma to train k on anything. She trained him becos for her convenice. It's really extra work for cleaning the mattress each time when k cried till puked and these occured few times a day. As long as k woke up and found no one in e room, he started to cry hard (when he cant crawl that time). Even my sis salute to my parents that they can make k crawl.
However, k becomes more independent after he knew how to crawl. He crawl out of the room each time he woke up to the living room and search for my mother. If he sees my ma is in e kitchen (door gate locked) he will make some noise to let my ma sees and talk to him. He will go to play his toys after my ma "hong" him or praises him that he is guai or what..
hb oso said k did that when i went to jb that day. However, k still demand to go downstair 3 times a day. *phew*
Forget to say, k starts to walk when he sees his cousin can.. he alway "copy" his cousin (my niece does). I oso love to carry k but i cant to that often. My right hip nerve (duno e medical name for that) was pressed n shift when k laid flat during my preggie period... even after birth, the pain is still there.. i forgot whose was the mummy that did ask me whether am i long-short leg (in chinese).. cos she saw me walking limping. These days, i cant sleep @ right side, else the pain get even greater.. well, some friends said 2nd preggie might help to shift the nerve back..haha.
I also cant carry k long, cos the nerve will stir migraine attack.. anyway, how i wish if there is any extra pain on me that can take away the "hole in k's heart" illness that he is inborn with..
Forget to say, k starts to walk when he sees his cousin can.. he alway "copy" his cousin (my niece does). I oso love to carry k but i cant to that often. My right hip nerve (duno e medical name for that) was pressed n shift when k laid flat during my preggie period... even after birth, the pain is still there.. i forgot whose was the mummy that did ask me whether am i long-short leg (in chinese).. cos she saw me walking limping. These days, i cant sleep @ right side, else the pain get even greater.. well, some friends said 2nd preggie might help to shift the nerve back..haha.
I also cant carry k long, cos the nerve will stir migraine attack.. anyway, how i wish if there is any extra pain on me that can take away the "hole in k's heart" illness that he is inborn with..
you are making me envious! Me used to rollerblade alot before i was preg...Now my so expensive blades are hanging in the storeroom, dunno the bearings rust liao or not....
Maybe i shld try some time soon again....
Yvonne & Ivy, me also long to rollerblade. Good thing is I have a 5 yr old who's has expressed her desire to learn....some more nowadays have free trial class. Been close to a decade since I last skated. Longing to ice-skate too!
littletot, sorry for the late reply, was feeling abit under the weather yesterday. 1stly, congratz!! With regards to your query about tbf with another bb...yes especially since your 2 kids are quite close in terms of age. Till now my dd1 still ask to nurse when she sees her little sister nursing...but don't know why the thought of tandem nursing turns me off so I'll tell her that she's too old to be drinking 'nan-nan' that way.

It's good that you have read up and decided to express so as to spend some dedicated time with your 1st-born. Very important to remember cos esp in your case, she's going to feel very left out and wonder why she's no longer the baby/jewel of the family and yet she's not able to aptly express her feelings. Very importantly, cos despite all your good intentions, you will still be needed very much by your baby so remember to rope in your dh's help to spend quality time with your no1.
Our thread seem quiet... mothers day is just round the corner.. a big applause for we may mummy.. gradually "shen ji" to mummy for 1 yr (for 1st bb) & even bigger applause for those whose have their 2nd one. One sudden crazy thought of k celebrate mother day 4 me.. haha in my dream.. duno will come true or not.
Anyway, i guess many are busy for preparing birthday celebration for little prince / princess.. and oso celebration mothers day to our mummies... hoping more birthday cakes / parties photos to be posted up here...
Pardon me for kpo.. I wonder do i remembered correctly or not... d you buy baby signing time? Fates is getting Signing Time (for older bb), She asked me yesterday, not sure she asked you..
SO much on walking?!! Is it really true early walkers will lao lu ming? Aiyahhhh no wonder I have to work so hard till now!! cos i start to walk when I am 10-months old

<font color="ff0000">Rollerblading</font>

Yvonne ~ I rollerblade quite frequently with my hubby and J (in stroller) too! Sometimes I'll blade, while my hubby will push the stroller. A very wonderful way to spend quality time together
Annie, yup...if you k goes to cc then. But of course with the kids being so young as they are, pretty much the bulk of the artpiece is done by the teachers. LOL!
dnt worri abt can walk early ant lah...it is just a myth lor.anyway, i dont wish my C can walk so fast coz now she crawling and i so bo eng 'catching' her as she loves to crawl and climb to the staircase....imagine she starts walking and everyday walk up and down...make me more bo eng right..

gd investment for signing times! signing is indeed a beautiful 'language'.
woah... Ivy... Public postings leh, everyone reading ur msg leh... make sure ur Xavier will reali take care of her. Poor kaelyn... mummy and daddy has to save more future money for her... so that she won't hve lao lu ming!!

We always go there during late afternoons when it's not so hot. Won't be too crowded la..how about a rollerblading-cum-picnic at ECP next month? Any other mummies interested?
Haha..blades rusty, skills also rusty meh? Buy new blades!!

Oh besides ECP, now we go to the zoo pretty often too! We are friends of the zoo

I not worry la....I am enjoying looking at J crawling all over the house now! Especially when he sees me coming back from work...the speed he crawls at...WOW!!! Super fast!!!
Rollerblading...usually my hubby will blade and i will stroll around with my gal..but smetimes find it a bit boring just pushing the stroller around with the crowd.
Which part of ECP mummies usually go? Hubby usually 'park' us at mcdonalds..then he proceed to Carpark G and start blading from there.
Re: Rollerblade
Wow it has been ages since i've last bladed..but i'm an amateur la.. i always end up either falling on my butt or hugging trees! tsk!

Re: Walking
Ariel loves to walk BUT only with assistance..think she doesnt have the confidence to walk unassisted yet. And after walking for awhile, she MUST sit down to rest. Haiyo..

Race C,
Happy Birthday to uuuuuuuuuuu!!
hi gals

are ur babies very shy? my gal is not in any playgroup, and she is very shy with strangers. Any recommendations for play grp.

Also she cries when we laugh too loudly..
thks for the advice
.Hmm... am thinking of getting a present for my gal when bring back didi from hospital.Will tell her its from didi.But only thing is she'll be only 14 mths.Dont know she'll appriciate a not...
Hi Firefly,

My boy also started 2 cry when with strangers (especially men)when he was abt 9 mth+..then we let him BB talk/play with ppl ard more frequent,like bring him 2 playground 2 mix wf other BB/toddlers,let neighbour hug hug,everywhr we oso bring him along...more explosure..

Now he'll initiative 2 BB talk/smile wf ppl liao...
Just sharing with some mummies what I read off another forum.

Used to travel up to JB will my ex-colleagues for CNY shopping and eating spree. Hubby and I even thought of driving up with the kids for a short holiday but after reading this....think I'll shelve the idea.

JOHOR BARU: 28 yrs old Gang-raped in terror carjack while her husband went to toilet

The woman begged the men to let them go as she was pregnant but they instead took her to a secluded area and took turns to rape her.

JOHOR BARU: A woman who was waiting in the car while her husband went to a toilet was held up at knife-point and taken on a terror ride, gang-raped and robbed.

The 28-year-old woman who works in Singapore, was driven around Plentong for three hours after being abducted from the petrol station in Tampoi. Her three-year-old son was in the car with her.

The drama unfolded when the victim and her son had accompanied her husband to town on his way to work in Singapore at 4am several days ago.

The husband stopped the car, with his wife and son inside, at the petrol station and kept the engine running.

Soon after, the woman was shocked to see a man armed with a knife, knocking at her window demanding that she open the door.

The woman, fearing for her son's safety, complied and the suspect then drove the car to pick up his friend from a nearby area.

They blindfolded the woman and threatened to harm her son if she struggled.

The woman begged the men to let them go as she was pregnant but they instead took her to a secluded area and took turns to rape her.

They then picked up another man before dropping both mother and son in Permas Jaya and driving off with the car and her belongings.

Johor Baru (South) OCPD Asst Comm Shafie Ismail said that the car had been recovered two days after the incident in Majidee. He appealed to those with information to contact the police hotline at 07-221 2999 or the nearest police station.

Source: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp...989&sec=nation
Hi sponge,

I guess all babies will learn how to walk eventually, as they see us adults walking all over the house everyday

Jarrett been taking a 1 or 2 steps by himself lately too! But he's so eager it looks as if he's running

One boy and one girl...that's perfect!!

That's disgusting!! All the more I am not interested to drive to JB nowadays. So dangerous with robberies and now, gang rape. Eeeeeeeeee!
Hihi Chris,

Yeah we shd meet up w Ino one day. We can meet at one of our houses
I only bumped into Ino on the train but never met Natie ever since i saw her on the day she was born

When is a good time to go to Perth? I'm thinking of Oct, is it a good time? And which are the must go places? Hai i make it a point to travel once a year but ever since J came along, i have been grounded. I can't bear to go anywhere without J. Hubby gog Canada in June for work leh and everyone has been telling me to go w him. At first i wanted to bring J along but chickened-out when i think of all the logistics involved! So there goes my Canada trip also.

Was thinking that Perth shd be ok since its near SG. What will the temp be like in Oct do u know? I prefer to go when its not too cold.

Wow gog Japan, surely Christian will love it. His 1st flight wor! I have been to Korea b4 but not Japan. This is 1 of the places that i have been wanting to visit too.

Yo Fates,

Preparing for yr NZ trip already ah; buying all the LS and thicker clothings for J. Dun tempt me. I really love to go back to NZ but i dunno if J can take the 10.5 hrs flight or not. I'm the abit "kia si" type so dun dare to be too adventurous for 1st trip. I prefer to "test waters" first and see if a 5 hr flight to Perth is ok. If J is ok at least i will dare to travel to NZ on my next trip.

Christchurch is nice, you can go feed the ducks at the botanic gardens but dun miss out Queenstown okie. Its such a romantic and nice place
If have time, drop by Dunedin too. Its quaint and nice with a colonial-looking uni.
littletoe, that's what I did. Told Ashley to choose a present for her lil sis (then in my tummy) and at the same time, prepared a gift for Ashley so when Amber arrived, I told her that the gift was from her lil sis.
My baby boy is so unlike my dd who was very shy around this age. My boy in fact loves to interact with strangers! For eg. when we are in the lift, he will bend his body and head towards the stranger and stare at them! Naturally people will turn to face him and start smiling/talking to him! He loves it! He'll smile back at them! hahaha...

On hols, it's so good to hear mommies with plans to go on hols! I'm hoping to plan for a short trip too, may be in another few months time when my boy can walk more steadily ba.. keke.. he can't walk yet, he can crawl now and pull himself to standing position.
my boy also can't walk on his own yet haizzz.. he can only walk with assistance (table or chair or walker).. dunno why he like to sit down when trying to make him walk by holding his arm .. faint.. v v v lazy boy .. but of coz let nature take its course.. won't force him lor
my boy walked max 8 steps himself yday, every1 was laughing at him cos
he was walking like those old uncle with stroke, having difficulties lifting his legs.
heya fates, shawny and ivy

yeah, why don't we arrange some time to go ECP, where we can rollerblade with our kids in the stroller! hahahaha, can help one another!

Fates, you bring your gal to the zoo? How does she like it? Am thinking of doing so...

yar, bbpotato, hehehe, my gal moves like a drunkard... hahahah! But i try to hold my laughter, in case it 'demoralize' her! hehehe - kidding!
Yvonne, great idea...only thing is, I'm not that great a skater/bladder to begin with. After a decade long hiatus, wondering if I can even skate.
<font color="0000ff">Visiting the zoo is a GREAT idea. I have been harping DH to bring DS there months ago but he said, better to let DS learn how to walk properly first, else, waste money leh. I don't agree but since I can't really handle the car, got to wait for my "driver" to nod his head.

But I want to propose the zoo visit again, maybe to celebrate Mother's Day??? See if we can go this weekend. Hmmm ...

Any lobang for discounted zoo tickets?</font>
dear all,
Mothers' day is just around the corner. Here is something to share with you all. I think most of us can relate to it.

My Mother, My Teacher

My Mother taught me LOGIC...
"If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to
the store with me."

My Mother taught me MEDICINE...
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they're going to freeze
that way."

My Mother taught me TO THINK AHEAD...
"If you don't pass your spelling test, you'll never get a good

My Mother taught me ESP...
"Put your sweater on; don't you think that I know when you're

My Mother taught me TO MEET A CHALLENGE...
"What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to
you...Don't talk back to me!"

My Mother taught me HUMOR...
"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running
to me."

My Mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT...
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

My mother taught me ABOUT SEX...
"How do you think you got here?"

My mother taught me about GENETICS...
"You are just like your father!"

My mother taught me about my ROOTS...
"Do you think you were born in a barn?"

My mother taught me about the WISDOM of AGE...
"When you get to be my age, you will understand."

My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION...
"Just wait until your father gets home."

My mother taught me about RECEIVING...
"You are going to get it when we get home."

and my all time favorite... JUSTICE
"One day you will have kids, and I hope they turn out just like
YOU..then you'll see what it's like."
hi bbloh and Yvonne
I think its great to bring babies to the zoo. They will learn something. I brought Wan Qi to the zoo on her brithday 1st may.
I told her what we will be seeing when we are approaching the animals and i will tell her the stories that i read to her before. for eg polar bear polar bear what do you hear or see book. then when we reach there she is so excited and wave to the polar bear (best to see when they have the polar show) and say HI HI . the same with orang utan she kept waving to them and say HI HI.
So bring your kids to the zoo. Now they have offer 2 adults for $30.
i am also thinking of bringing Wan Qi to Perth. Anybody know is it ok to bring during the June holiday is it winter?
I am afraid Wan Qi will experience pain when the flight do its landing and later have ear infection in later life so still pending. Me also very kiasi cos i have ear infection when i 'm young and its very very painful even now occasionally i will experience slight pain so very scared of it. (and i thought maybe its due to taking flights when i am one yr plus) hee just thinking pls correct me if i am wrong.
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
Wan Qi enjoyed her zoo visit so much? I want to bring DS there too! The website (http://www.zoo.com.sg/visitor/rates.htm) stated that the admission fee for adult is $15, so there's no offer right? Or does the promotion u stated include tram rides?

You can nurse Wan Qi during takeoff and landing to minimise the pressure experienced in the ear. Perth should be rather cold in June, ranging from 10 - 18C (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perth,_Western_Australia#Climate)</font>
wow matsu, it's great that you prepared WanQi for the zoo trip so she can have something to look forward to. So Cute!

I too am planning to bring my 2 gals to the zoo. Decided to take up the Zoo membership and spread out our visits (hopefully) on a monthly basis. Bringing babies & tods to the zoo is a tiring affair. I realised rather than to tour the whole zoo in half a morning, which is actually impossible, it's best to spread out visits of 2 hours to tour certain areas and leave other areas for the next visit.
