(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


Nice agaragar! So i assume you just stick a candle into the agaragar?


We are friends of the zoo too! I'd calculated and it's more worth it :p
Agreed with matsu that zoo trips are very educational. My boy is soo amazed with the monkeys/orangutans and white tiger! He keep trying to roar like a tiger.....grrrrrrrrrrr

Oh the children playarea is pretty fun too!
hi fates,

yup...they provided the candle and knife.

planning another celebration on Axl's lunar birthday later this month. cos my mum will need to 'bai' some offerings at my grandfather's altar at home. so perfect reason to order cupcakes!
Hi mummies,

Hee...i brought rayne to the jurong bird park on his birthday n he went "bird bird bird" until he fell asleep...they got this place whereby the birds r free to fly abt and u can feed them. All will come flying to u when they see u with the food. Rayne loves it n is super excited :p

Can consider bringin bbies there...but u must have strength to push them up n down the slope...i tired after a while n left hub w the pushing..lazy mum

Re walking...my boy also dunno how to walk yet. the moment u try to teach him, he went all soft..end i also give up..

Just to share an exp i had w a restaurant. Brought my parents out of dinner yestd. Left rayne at the high chair. As usual he sees my parents and demands to be carried and the acting n crying begins... the owner jus came over and said "Ask ur son to shut up, so noisy"...wah bian. me so pissed...end up raising my voice at that man. if not tat we are halfway thru, would have stood up n left. what kind of service...gosh. next time invite me I also wont go back to this restaurant...
Here's Rayne's birthday cake and agar agar...mummy too busy to take pic w him. those which i took i really look like auntie...hee!


outing at the birdpark

What a rude and tactless owner....must blacklist indeed. Really spoil mood and appetite.

The cake & agar-agr looks good...and huge too. How to finish?
Hi may mummies,

Sorri, mi seldom comes in... juz to check, my noti boi still dun wan to eat food leh =( is that the problem wif BF bbs????

Finally DS's birthday is over held last weekend, i'm so tired...hee but it's a great feeling... that bb is finally 1 yr old liao =)

Any1 can share how to upload pixs here =(
Hi shawn...

Yup, cant finish. the cake still in my fridge. lucky i did not order the 3-D type...else....

Hi mummies, Happy mother's day!
HAppy Mother's Day!Last yr this time, some of us are having our confinement.This yr more rewarding as our little angels could respond and communicate with us
sac2000, regarding the uploading of pix...you must 1st reduce dimensions to 600 by 600 pixels (max). The file size must also not be more than 50Kb. My Compaq PC comes with default software ,not sure which software other mummies use for reducing.
Happy mother's Day to All mummies


hahaha thanks for ur advise... Reali took lots of pix of my cupcakes. Sian. Kaelyn is down with Croup again! She barked like a seal last nite. Her breathing was so deep and noisy. This morning quickly brought her to Gleneagles A&E to put on neubuliser.. Haiz...

It is a coincidence....


Thanks Yvonne!
hi all,

had a small celebration for X today as his BD is on a weekday..
All babies/adults who could not make it today, wish you a speedy recovery!


haha glad u took plenty of pictures! my greatest regret is the BLUR pictures of ah K's case
heard from ivy on kaelyn.. hope she is okie. now that they are 1, hopefully their immune will be stronger!


very very nice cake! u finished the bottom tier? i took days to eat mine so hub and i have to go on diet liao :p
Oh dear Anna, hope Kaelyn gets well really soon so that she can go dating with Xavier at the pool again

Btw, any of your babies going thru' a 1-year-old growth spurt? Ethan's been eating a lot and asking for more and more milk. I'm wondering whether it was becos he was too starved due to his recent bout of diarrhoea, or another growth spurt?

We brought him for his 1-yr-old studio shoot, here are some shots, and also a picture of his small birthday celebration.





Regarding walking, he took his first steps a month ago, but only managed to walk without stumbling about a week ago. Now he hardly crawls cos I think it takes more effort to go on all fours. Agree with all mums that got to let them develop on their own. What we did was not to rush to him and sayang him when he falls (cos usually it's not a hard fall) so he knows that falling is not such a big deal, and part-and-parcel of walking.
Hi Ivy
Lovely cake! Did you bake it yourself? Wow!!!

little_nana, hope Kaelyn get well soon!

sac2000 & shawny, I use Photoshop to resize, besides post-processing/brightening etc.
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Wow! Did you bake the cake, cupcakes & cookies yourself? Impressive ...

Thks for the posting on the tix lobang. Have e-mailed her. Hope to get some discounts on zoo & birdpark tix.

I'm keen on a zoo excursion. We can have a gathering cum picnic there. When do you intend to go?</font>

was thinking of 1 weekend.. hopefully weather is gd! we can gather at the children play zoo.. picnic, chit chat, play.. after tat own time own target.. sounds good?
Good afternoon all...i just finish my rounds of toilet, diarrhoea after going dinner on saturday evening, confirmed food poisoning..arghhh...

really nice pics, anastasia's doggy agar-agar, lh_jyc's cake/agar agar and very delicious looking...nana's cupcakes. ivy's nice winnie the pooh cartoon cake and cookies, so yum-yummy...

happy birthday to all may babies!!!
(argh...tummyache again...)
hi shawn...

hi hi.. will try then can upload the pics too.

ivy... v nice cake... wah...

cp, i always wanted to take studio pics too... but dh says waste of $$$

leejen, hope u r better =)

think i'm getting down wif the flu bug too... whole body aching =(

any mummy still bf bb?

my ds worst, if there is enough bm during the day, he will take lor... else he on FM if i kena dai yi ma n ss drop...

he will latch @ 12plus then sometimes he will sleep thru, sometimes like yours, abt 3-4 times =( then i go to work blur blur )

my ds still refuse to take food like rice, semi solid, cereal... he's okay wif finger food like crackers... tink he wants to self feed =(
good morning everyone, wah...raining morning, low visibility on roads.

early morning heavy rain at lorong ah soo, i've got pissed by a stupid taxi driver, i was suppose to alight my gal at small shelter area at my mum's block (old hdb, don't have multi-storey carpark). And i saw this cabbie (he usually wait for his grown-up son, secondary sch boy) was parking at this shelter area, i honk him to get away as his son is not here yet. He simply ignore me! My first pissed off.

Then my dad and mum (usually only my dad some down to fetch gal but due to heavy rain, my mum armed with towel, dad armed with 2 umbrellas) took turns to ask him to drive off as i've got baby, he simply ignore my parents also. My 2nd pissed.

I have to park near near to the shelter area so that i can rush Jen to void deck, my dad helped to cover Jen with towel and take brollies over us.

This all, tat stupid cabbie saw us, his son still not here yet when i left my mum's place.
My final pissed.

I called my mum later and ask her to complain to the wife of this cabbie who stays at 7th floor, whose wife is a tuition teacher (who like to scold her children despite her kids score 98 or 99 points out of 100).

Im sooo...soo pissed off for such an inconsiderate cabbie, his kids are big enuff to hold a brolly, taller than me....arghh...even so, he can move away first, let me alight my baby, but he just hazard light there, wouldn't move even attempts from us to ask him move away.

stupid...stupid...stupid cabbie.
Hi Anna ~ Hope little Kaelyn is feeling better now! The cupcakes BD cake look sooooooooooooo good and yummy!!

Ivy ~ Alamak how come I didn't see the doggie cookies on the table huh? Must've been so good that it'd finished by the time I'm there :p
Lovely cake you got there!

CP ~ Nice studio pics! Are all those props yours or? It's nice and original!!! Unlike the local ones

milo ~ We are ON for the zoo trip

So when?

Take care leejen!!
helloooooooo mummies!

I'm back from my Bangkok trip! The weather wasn't as hot as we've expected phew! And i've bought sooo many things back that I can set up a stall here! Lelong lelong! hahah! But unfortunately i had the runs on my 2nd day there.. tsk! Was prowling for cheap stuff when my stomach started churning.. gotta runnnn back to the hotel (all the time praying that i dun poot out halfway!) The wait for the lift to slowly ascend was pure torture! I stayed on the 67th floor.. -_-"


I love the ZOO!! Count me in yah! Somemore so near to my place
Anna & Ivy,
Nice cakes! Too bad i couldnt't make it..
Ivy, your doggies cookies very cute leh..looks delicious somemore..

nice studio pics! If not for the fact that my hubby is super camera-shy, i would have taken them too. How much did you pay for the shots?
Hello mommies,

My sis in UK need to TT money to my POSB acct here. i have provided her my name, acct no,type.
but should need the branch address? it's not shown in my acct book n i'd forgotten whr i opened the acct fr...how to check?

pls advise

Hi Race,

I guess the fastest way for you now is to call the bank directly. 63396666.
Hope that helps!

Welcome back sponge!
Wow what did you buy that you can setup a stall? hahaa...
yo fates!
I bought 4 tops, 4 t-shirts, 5 pairs of shoes, skirts, accessories, ariel's clothes, lingeries..and some other garbage stuff! u say can set up stall ornot??
Sac & leejen, hope you both are feeling better already.

Ivy & CP, the pics looks great!

Leejen, if I'm really pissed off, I'll write in complaint letter about the cabby's bad behaviour.

Would love to join in for the zoo trip and meet up with all mummies.
Hihi, i celebrated my son's bday last Sunday on Mother's Day. This is a pic of his cake from PG.

Flavour is triple layer choc.

Got alot of positive comments on taste of cake


The studio provided the number 1 box. I just got Ethan a '1st birthday' hat from one of the party stores, and a cupcake.It's not expensive to take studio pics here, but then they dun give negatives, unlike in Singapore. So gotta choose and buy by per piece.

Actually most hubbies are like dat, think studio shots are waste of money. So I think gotta go against husband's wishes sometimes, and dig into our own pockets for studio shoots. Cos to put into perspective, a studio shoot really doesn't cost that much, but that moment is preserved forever in a time capsule. I dun know whether u gals feel this way: Sometimes I catch a cute expression/action from Ethan, but too late to pick up camera to shoot, and aiyah, wasted, that moment is lost forever.

Regarding zoo outing, I wish I could join u gals. Seems like my sis is always bringing her kids to the zoo cos they are on the friends-of-the-zoo thingy. I think they go to different parts of the zoo on different trips. She says the kids really enjoy themselves very much
