(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


ya, the book is by ruth yaron. very very gd book which teach u how to save $ also..hehehe

i think if you are a follower of this book, its best to purchase it coz the info can use up to toddler age. as for freezin part hor, wont be like canned food lor. canned food have preservatives and also high contents of soduim?? but i'm sure fresh food is the best for bb..i SAHM, so thats my job also ...haiz..everything also 'bao ka liao'

shimmers, ur post make me laugh leh...pong agar agar..mayb some1 can make that and let me see how it looks like???

milo, u also reading this book??btw, u organising bbcenter spree ant?? i wan to buy something leh...kekeke

pooh, i also SAHM leh. But then still find making own baby food very leh chey. Well,I know that the Earth's Best food has no preservative, so at least that's some consolation for a lazy mum.
Hi Mummies,

Are ur babies SUPER cranky when teething?? My ger cried non stop just now and i have to carry her for around 2 hrs!!

She just recovered from diarrhoea and mild fever 2 days ago

Saw two small teeth popping up below. Sometimes i thought i saw other white spots elsewhere too!
CP, at times when i lazy and out for shopping, i also give earth best..hehehe. its ok wan lah..btw, u so fast reply...u still not ZZZ?? u using hotmail??mayb we can msn ?? i PM u my msn add
am thinking of introducing avocado to my ger. Can you p/s share with me whether do you mash them b4 freezing?How long can it be kept?
hi littletot

initially, i use fork to mash the avocado but then have some little 'bits' so now i blend it. add abit of cool (boiled) water and use blender...the avocado become smoothie. then after that i store it in the freezer cube. when u cut and scoop the avocado and put in blender ...all this have to do it fast coz avocado can oxidise (turn brownish). accordin to the super bb food book, can store up to 2 mths (cant remember but around there) but i only store 5 to 7 cubes which will be finish by one week coz i give one cube to my gal everyday. and when i visit the supermarket, i usuali buy two avocaodos, one ripe -which is ready to blend, and the other one half ripe..hope that helps

ya lor, reading this book but never really follow strictly to it. not organisng any bbcenter spree for the time being.. bo eng ah, every weekend gotta cook, freeze and blend food..aiyo..so lay chey
Pssstt mummies! The Organic marketplace at vivocity stocks the Earthsbest jar food too!! Go check it out when you're there!

You really make me LOL manzzz

Agar agar that looks like esplanade - hahahah

Pong agar agar! whahahhaa

welcome back teenoyl, QooSan, Eve Lim! So good to see you mummies chatting here again

So honoured your YJ calls me jiejie at my age leh!! whahaha

I guess teething is like that lor...me nt sure cos' my boi no symptoms of teething at all, although he drools alot :p

That day you posted:

Oh? So your colleague is not doing biz from the agar-agar making yar? I just mentioned this to my frd over the phone. She is interested to find out which brand of baking powder (high-end ingredients) ....Posted on Monday, November 20, 2006 - 6:18 pm

Of cos! I know not baking powder lar, through i am not expert in making cakes but i know how to bake simple sponge cake which was once my beloved.

Anyway, already checked for you,my colleague said making agar agar is her hobby NOT making a biz so no price list. As for the brand for each indig, she mentioned but i forgot. My colleague also capable to make all types of cakes n brownie.. many comunity centres invite her to held class to teach others but she rejected... cos she doesnt have the time.

Yap, i saw 3D agar agar too but too bad, this agar agar wont be 3D. cos my colleague has to wake up early to do on sunday morning so that she can go to do her volunteer work...
Hi Fates
U still remembers me!!

My son too.. Can already feel some "jagged" on his bottom gum.. Thank God he's not cranky but he no mood to play and looks tired and slept most of the time.
Hello, May 2006 mothers,

Can i join this thread, as i am a May 2006 Mummy too? I joined before giving birth, now back.

Some details about my boy.
DOB: 13th may 2006
Birth weight: 3.5kg
Current weight: 11.2 kg.

Starting on semi-solids, still on BM.
Pls ask your colleague for the brand name of the agar agar powder and note it down for me, okie?
<font color="0000ff">Re: Gathering

Sorry for being a spoilsport. Is there a backup plan if it rains on Sunday?</font>
Sorry, was kind of busy and forget to find n reply for you. So sorry to hear that.. Personally, i just read an article commented by local famous chinese Sinseh Ms Tan. She stated that bb tends to have both side (either too heaty or too "cooling" body)and tends to shift to one if the parents give "too pu or han" to bb..

Ok,The contact no: 67778598 (call to bk for apptment). If i didnt remember wrongly open till 8pm in the evening from tues - friday. Sat end at 5pm. Its very near to Jurong Mrt. (sorry, didnt have the name card now).

I try lar no promise... why yr gf so keen to know the brand, ask her to attend the class, the lecturer sure tell her.. :p

You are not e 1st one to ask. I asked it 1/2 wks ago. :p no worry, just stay inside anna hse..
Hi all

I am a May-mum too. My friend has referred me to this forum and i found it very interactive and informative. Some info on my girl...

DOB 3 May 06
Weight at birth 2.9kg
Current Weight 7kg
Interesting facts: she has her first 2 milk teeth grown, discovered this morning.
Of course I remembers....I used to do up our May babies chart when our little ones are in our tummies mah :p

Welcome! Wow your boi so heavy! Good leh....mine so light...haha..

Yalor, if rain, can BBQ at your balcony?
<font color="0000ff">Goon,
Welcome to the forum!

Where exactly is your place? Near Boon Lay Shopping Centre or Jurong Point?</font>

He has started on solids, twice a day; around 2 tablespoon of cereal/mashed potatoe etc.

Milk every 3 hours. However, he still wakes up v freq for "supper". Ha, that's y so big....
Hi to all newcomers

This thread is becoming more and more interesting n lively.

Hi milo,
keke..can bring the book this sunday for me to take a look? me lazy mummy have not given son any porridge yet so wanna see if the book is useful (ie easy to prepare menu)

you mean your plc is call summerdale. Near to Jurong point...haha...

sharing another exciting news...after 2 mths of 2 lonely lower teeth, little Xavier's upper tooth is out! Finally, he can chomp down his food better...
Sorry mummies
This SUNDAY I cant make it... Does anyone stay in the east? I made the achar already.... Please PM me. Thanks! THousands of apologies
Good morning ladies!

My friend is also into baking for many years now. In fact she bakes very delicious cakes/pastries. Hahaha ... she became very interested after hearing to what I said about how much your colleague charge you for the 3 agar-agars! She cannot believe any agar-agar powder can cost any more than a few dollars (that she know of)! That's why she is very eager to find out the brand. But she just want to know which brand your colleague is using! She wants to try out too! Can share or not, annie? Am sure your colleague will tell you mah, what's the big deal? Its not her secret recipe right? So? Share with me/us lah? Many big thanks!!! Oh btw, my frd does not need to attend any classes anymore!

Its so nice &amp; refreshing to read about all the little babies here! Really missed my ger's bb days! Time flies really quickly! She is no longer that little baby anymore! May have #2 next year. hee..

Enjoy your gathering on Sunday! Hope to see beautiful pixs next week!

Ivy Yeo &amp; Pooh Cutie
Dun forget to take close-up pixs of the agar-agar before its been cut-up yar? I want to take a good look at them, in different angles if possible! Hahaha.. Oh also, can take a pix of the agar-agar from the side so that I can see the multi-layers formation! Thanks-in-advance!!!

Hi mommies, I will disappear from here once I get to find out which agar-agar is good and who to order from. So sorry once again to intrude here! Have fun, mommies!
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Height</TD><TD>FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>KK</TD><TD>Liaw Yu Jun</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>8.95kg (6M)</TD><TD>68.5cm (6M)</TD><TD>Wyeth Gold Promil (S2) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sponge</TD><TD>Ariel Lim</TD><TD>22/04/2006</TD><TD>8.1kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Natasia Chan</TD><TD>27/04/2006</TD><TD>6.89kg (6M)</TD><TD>67cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Nan 1 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fate</TD><TD>Jarrett Tan</TD><TD>28/04/2006</TD><TD>7.68kg (6M)</TD><TD>67cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piglet</TD><TD>Sofia Teo</TD><TD>30/04/2006</TD><TD>8kg (5M)</TD><TD>66.5cm (5M)</TD><TD>Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006</TD><TD>8.5kg (6M)</TD><TD>70cm (5M)</TD><TD>Nan 2 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>Keane Then</TD><TD>02/05/2005</TD><TD>7.8kg (6M)</TD><TD>63cm (6M)</TD><TD>Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angelzwynd</TD><TD>Clarice Tan</TD><TD>02/05/2006</TD><TD>8.25kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfaclac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ih-jyc</TD><TD>Rayne Ang</TD><TD>02/05/2006</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM / Enfalac A+ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Goon goon</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>03/05/2006</TD><TD>7kg</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD>Natalie Wong</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD>6.35kg (5.5M)</TD><TD>63.5cm (5.5M)</TD><TD>BM/Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pooh</TD><TD>Claris Yeo</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD>8.05kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (5M)</TD><TD>Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Aiden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>8.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>67cm (5M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Brayden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>64cm (5M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Race</TD><TD> Jing Heng</TD><TD> 10/05/2006</TD><TD> 7.2kg (6M)</TD><TD>68cm (6M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wen</TD><TD>Gabrielle Chang</TD><TD>11/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (4M)</TD><TD>63cm (4M)</TD><TD>FM/BM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Kaelyn Soh</TD><TD>12/05/2006</TD><TD>8.03kg (6M)</TD><TD>68cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rumraisin</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>13/05/2006</TD><TD>11.2kg (6M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>Jared Hee</TD><TD>15/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>64.5cm (5M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg (5M)</TD><TD>68cm (5M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>SS1</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM/FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gina</TD><TD>Brayden Loh</TD><TD>19/05/2006</TD><TD>8.3kg (5.5M)</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairarina</TD><TD>Kendrick Kwa</TD><TD>28/05/2006</TD><TD>7.98kg (4M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM/Similac</td></tr></table>
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>Adults</TD><TD>Food List </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>Drinks &amp; bbq essential &amp; curry chix &amp; sotong ball &amp; leatherjacket fish &amp; prawns &amp; flower crabs </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Meehoon &amp; TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Chicken wings &amp; hotdogs </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD></TD><TD>Fried rice &amp; Special Agar agar &amp; Veggie salad </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD></TD><TD>Marinated Pork Chop &amp; Sambal Sotong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fates</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Satay &amp; Sweetcorn </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Otak </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sponge</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Cakes</td></tr></table>
i just realised that all of you have a gathering on this Sunday. sorry that i won't be able to make it but i will join all of you the next one. cheers!
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Height</TD><TD>FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>KK</TD><TD>Liaw Yu Jun</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>8.95kg (6M)</TD><TD>68.5cm (6M)</TD><TD>Wyeth Gold Promil (S2) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sponge</TD><TD>Ariel Lim</TD><TD>22/04/2006</TD><TD>8.1kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Natasia Chan</TD><TD>27/04/2006</TD><TD>6.89kg (6M)</TD><TD>67cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Nan 1 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fate</TD><TD>Jarrett Tan</TD><TD>28/04/2006</TD><TD>7.68kg (6M)</TD><TD>67cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piglet</TD><TD>Sofia Teo</TD><TD>30/04/2006</TD><TD>8kg (5M)</TD><TD>66.5cm (5M)</TD><TD>Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006</TD><TD>8.5kg (6M)</TD><TD>70cm (5M)</TD><TD>Nan 2 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>Keane Then</TD><TD>02/05/2005</TD><TD>7.8kg (6M)</TD><TD>63cm (6M)</TD><TD>Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angelzwynd</TD><TD>Clarice Tan</TD><TD>02/05/2006</TD><TD>8.25kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfaclac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ih-jyc</TD><TD>Rayne Ang</TD><TD>02/05/2006</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM / Enfalac A+ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Goon goon</TD><TD>Geng Teng</TD><TD>03/05/2006</TD><TD>7kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD>Natalie Wong</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD>6.35kg (5.5M)</TD><TD>63.5cm (5.5M)</TD><TD>BM/Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pooh</TD><TD>Claris Yeo</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD>8.05kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (5M)</TD><TD>Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Aiden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>8.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>67cm (5M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Brayden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>64cm (5M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Race</TD><TD> Jing Heng</TD><TD> 10/05/2006</TD><TD> 7.2kg (6M)</TD><TD>68cm (6M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wen</TD><TD>Gabrielle Chang</TD><TD>11/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (4M)</TD><TD>63cm (4M)</TD><TD>FM/BM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Kaelyn Soh</TD><TD>12/05/2006</TD><TD>8.03kg (6M)</TD><TD>68cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rumraisin</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>13/05/2006</TD><TD>11.2kg (6M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>Jared Hee</TD><TD>15/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>64.5cm (5M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>8.2kg (6M)</TD><TD>70cm (6M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>SS1</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM/FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gina</TD><TD>Brayden Loh</TD><TD>19/05/2006</TD><TD>8.3kg (5.5M)</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairarina</TD><TD>Kendrick Kwa</TD><TD>28/05/2006</TD><TD>7.98kg (4M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM/Similac</td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">milo,
pls include mine:

BB's Name: Ethan Low
DOB: 02/05/2006
Weight: 8 kg @ 6.5 mths
Height: 68 cm
Milk: BM / Friso 2 Gold

See how lar, she spent so much money to learn and thats why i can say secret receipts cos she alway told me to attend the class that she attended when past few times i asked her (when she is learning that time).
She told me once only when i asked her last or e week b4 but i forgot the name..

these days, those old folks in my co is taking leaves for holiday n i rush like hell to cover their duties each day.. my mind cant put in extra effort to remember more things..

GD NEWS! since some posts stated that not many adults love agar agar hence, i donated 2 out of 3 agar agars to my gf whose is working as a counsellor for one charity group....
So NO MORE suffering with 3 AGAR AGAR.

Pls indicate 3 adults for my side. I wont be able to bring veggie salad and fried rice. No time to prepare as i have to go tampines to collect the agar agar by bus. I will order from outside. If not, will be replaced by Pizza &amp; TBA
Hi Milo66,

Please update for me:

Gabrielle Chang at 6 months:
weight: 8.6Kg
height: 68 cm
FM: BM/Similac stage 2


Have fun, all mommies going bbq!
Hi gabby's mum,
Anyone PMed you? I stayed at North East...sorry can't pick up from you as I am not driving that day...

Mummies who can't make it: Join us in our December gathering ok! It will be fun as X'mas is just around the corner

I think Anna is not preparing flower crab liao leh....she is replacing that with sweet corn
hi mummies,
have your stock up on similac follow-on? There's a bundle promo at guardian n cold storage selling 2x900g free 1x400g.Price at $59.90.Actually save $14 for the 400g tin
<font color="0000ff">Just for info,

(1) Nepia (Tel: 6226-2650) is having promotion for diapers - $14 per pack until end of this month. I just called to place order.

(2) sasa.com is offering free shipping for online orders (no order amount limit). Promotion starts from 21 Nov until further notice.

Enjoy shopping!</font>
