(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Hi Annie,

wah...wat you thinking? Organising some big event?
Nope, i dun think need to go to this extent.
Just a nice and cosy Xmas gathering will do lah...

Joyce and Sharon,
Nice meeting you both yesterday! I think we stil recognise each other despite not having name tags. keke...

KK also says your hubby young ah!!! kekeke

kk, my hubby not young lah.....he no place to stand thats why trying his best to SQUEEZE in.
confused confused.. who is whose hubby? haha.. yooo, next time show u all our NZ photos after we back from trip, then u all will know how big my spare tyre is, and how old my hubby is hahahahaahaha... all ur hubbies in 30s??
wow. sharon, nice pic of all daddies...but dnt know who is who..only can recognise ur natalie..keke

all daddies very young ...i think my hubby is the oldest in this thread..kekeke
Waa.. thanks for your words.. 1st time to hear from mummies that said "slim" after delivery.. I think only fates & sponge keep their old figures,ivy slim down quite a lot ....
Anna has the small figure but she isnt happy with her tummy despite her weight is so light... :p

Whose is lh-jyc? is it the last one that appeared @ e pitt side?

Ino and Chris,
Nice to know both of you finally. Both of u r so sexy.. so envy..
<font color="0000ff">Wasted man! I wanted very much to attend the gathering but was down with mild cough (didn't want to spread germs around). Furthermore, I forgot to ask for the exact address and contact number and didn't get online over the weekends to ask for it. It's a pity esp. since the weather was so good yesterday.

Just realised that my boy is growing his third tooth and he also command constant attention nowadays. Cannot even sit down for a proper meal, must take turn with DH to carry him. Headache man!</font>
okok enuff of guessing who is who...here are all the mummies in the fotos -

From Left (standing): Ivy, Chris, myself, sponge
From Left (kneeling): lh_jyc, nana, fates, annie, milo66
NAME TAGS???LOL... Annie U old till cannot remember all mummies and babies names huh:p aiyoh...Mayb u need some FISH OIL?? Annie... I hve a SUPER FLAT tummy b4 preg mah... den of course would wanna look like b4 La and oso wanna remain young mah.. U wanna look like an AH SOH meh well... I woudn't wanna Wear keep wearing the sAME old TRACKPants after giving birth.. Are u still wearing the same trackpants


kekeke.. my HB oso old leh....

well-said! ya lor though we shldnt be overly concern abt our appearance but at least must look decent enough to walk out of the hse to be seen with ah lau ma. i wouldnt wan my ah lau friend to label me as AH SOH lor. even not for ah lau also for our own self esteem.
So sorry whoever ask me where i bought Rexsol shampoo? I bought it at Super Cuts.

Sorry too many posts taking my time to read through...:>
So sorry whoever ask me where i bought Rexsol shampoo? I bought it at Super Cuts.

Sorry too many posts taking my time to read through...:>
Pls lar, how? even you want to get slim now, its too early for you since you want another bb.. might as well save the money until you dont want to give birth anymore. Then, put all the money into those slimming spa to get yourself slim with flat tummy. More practical and save more money..
Somemore, you only put on 8kg throughout the preggie period, I put on 25kg leh..Tummy is more easier to flatten then thight, cant you see my two elephant thight huh?

of cos, have to put on name tags if all May mummies gathering.. anyway, just a dream.. misunderstand whats ivy told me.. so wont happen anyway.. for such huge May mummies gathering.

finally, i know whose is lh_jyc, tally with what i presumed..
Dear Mummies,

Well, so long you have confident in yourself, dress suitable clothing for any occassions or function and neat hair is more than enough and most importantly, baby and mummy are well healthy. With a bb on your arm, no one can say you are Ah SOH @ yr age..

My gf just send this link to me, so loaded mummies, ps donate to this SINGLE MUMMY if you find the below link is trustable.

hi Annie &amp; mummies,

can see that you all had a great time yesterday. im not a big fan of bbq so did not join. would like to join the Dec gathering if the time and venue is convenient. maybe we can meet at a baby friendly restaurant.
WOW, mommies! You all looked so young and slim leh! Well done, given that your babies are still so young!

Thanks for the pic on the agar-agar!

I thought you supposed to 'sponsor' 3 agar-agars, ended up 1 only huh? I want to see the other 2 designs leh! Ya lor, luckily someone took a pic of your agar-agar otherwise, i won't be able to view the pic liao!

Ivy &amp; Pooh
Is the agar-agar nice?

haha its up to individual. i wish to be like chris, mummy liao yet got style. this is wat we call NEW AGE MUMMY!
<font color="0000ff">shimmrs,

Annie had donated the other 2 agar agars to her gf who is working as a counsellor for a charity. That's why there's only one left.</font>

i din attend yesterday's gathering...only have the pic to admire..very cute santa agar agar and was told that the santa's beard look veri real...mayb u wan to order from annie's col ??
annie, u addicted to gathering har...wan to organise a big big one?

for christmas gathering, shall we go to a resturant or???
no lar... great for so many bbs to see each others..

dont mind, i asked, is it you are like me, b4 labour? yr body build is still small like me (if you still remembered to see my photo)? Mostly,Chris has this tall and slim figure even before she laboured and has gd health that doesnt retent any water retention.

Your bone structure is the "big type". You can check with any gym instructor. Furthermore, after labour, our bodies just had a rest after working hard for 10mths.. Really take time and your body pause to shake off any water retention. Sure have few extra kgs sin you dont have time for exercise and your body system isnt that good compare before you labour. Its all about your body "melo pause" (spelling mistake)..

I ALREADY STATED DONATE TO CHARITY since some1 stated adult doesnt keen on it. Why leh? I myself didnt even has own camera to photo my own son why should i bother so much abt this agar agar as compare to you..
As for the taste, you should come yesterday to take the big remain &amp; let yr gf see &amp; taste herself. Such a big waste that i nvb stay so late to bring back myself.
hEI ladies,
I really enjoyed meeting all of you - babies, mummies and daddies....hei hei hei...finally, can put a face to the name. Hubby enjoyed very much too...except little christian....so embarrassing...cry and cry...
BTW, this is a true sign of a mummy - I actually brought milk pwder and bottle! But I thought i didn't!!!! hahaha...when we got home..saw it's not on the sofa (which i thought was the case) then quickly opened diaper bag then saw it! hahahahhahahha....

Hey...u guys dun tease me har...what sexy and all...me lost weight for the wrong reasons - i'm having a relapse of Hyperthyroidism...very sad...so suddenly lost quite a bit...not a good thing k? But dun worry...how ever much i lose...spare tyre...still there...

indeed, will be great to meet all of you and for christian to meet all his brudders (haha) and girlfrens too...Ariel is so so cute...so is Natalie....
INo, i agree with you...i think really love at first sight liao...hahah.....

will love to catch up with all again...Dec it will be!

i admit that my built wasnt those slim and tall type before birth but definitely slimmer than now lor.
Then rest assured, u can slim down by going swimming with your prince. My hb commented that your face colour indicate you are v health as compares to many of others.
I put on so much due to water retention since i am not in gd health.See! Chris stated that she lost due to illness..
Dont worry, you really look great with such a tallest prince among others and a helpful hb also on your side. Moreover, you still polish your nails....
If you want for another bb, dont slim down with any medicine or those drink.. you nvb noe the side effect.
Yes, Annie...Ivy's taller than myself...BUt I must thank God for the very smooth pregnancy. God's very kind to me. AIyah...just do your best with keeping your appearance...when my weight stabilised after delivery, it was about 3 kg more to go...i told hubby...i fat fat he also hafta accept...he laughed and ok-ed it...really...it's your relationship with spouse...not so much how people look at you.
tallest?? i dun think so...anyway, i really dun think there's anything to compare....to each her/his own...compare here, compare there...qi si ren...
I also put on more than 15 kg...actually can't remember liao...

THANKS ANNA n hubby...for being such wonderful friendly hosts...
Yes, I agree...Fate's hubby looks really young...both HB n I both said!!!! You guys really amazing...

Yes, what u say is rite. Two nites ago, my hubby was driving me and baby back from in laws place. Then we saw this beautiful slim lady between two roads and my hubby siam her. I teased hubby say he see beautiful ladies cannot resist, so driving become unstable. I say she look so slim with nice figure. Then hubby say "i would go up to her and ask whether she is as noble as u having a baby or not". I was so touched at that moment haha.. and i say what if she say she has 2 children.. my hubby replied "then i would ask her how she do it and "ask my wife to learn from u"" :p

i dun think there are loaded mummies here...We all work hard for our monies and strived to give the best to our dear ones.

I agree that we shld donate to more needy ppl but there have been a lot of these requests in these forum recently. We shld donate with our eyes wide open.
Hi mummies,

Wow... so sad that I cannot make it to the BBQ due to cough n flu ... gald tt all of yous enjoyed it ...

Hi Chris,

So looking forward to see you after all the comments ... I have seen you during your pregnancy and already find you very pretty ... next gathering ok?? 8)
Hi Annie,

I do agree with Ivy that we have to be selective with who we help. Like one of the lady mentioned, if the landlord's sis is the PD, sure got lotsa sample for milk powder and also able to get special disc.

On one hand she mentioned tt her bbs are ok with the various brand of milk powder but when someone suggested a cheaper alternative within her budget, she mentioned tt she tried n her BBs throw out everything??
Hei hei taurus,
aiyoh....dun like that say...*blush*...will love to see you and your baby.... - seriously, i cannot remember anything during preggie...funny right...
wah die...in my earlier post, i forgot to mention Kaelyn! Anna, believe me when I say - she's got the sweetest most innocent girlie face i have ever seen - ....opps, that's not to say Natalie and Ariel are not....ahhhhhhhhhhhh...this is call - the more i stir, the more trouble i get. hahahah..u gals know what i mean...
perhaps, let me explain where i am coming from...hubby n i would have love to have girls...but...well, God gave us the sweetest baby boy too....so, if ever second one...*shrug - let nature takes its course*..really hope to have a girl.
hi hi,

it must be fun for the BBQ.. too bad i missed it as that day is my niece's 1st mth celebration..

All mummies are so slim and bbs are so cute!!

update on my boys:

bb name: Aiden Ng
DOB : 9 May 2006
length: 69cm
Weight:8.65kg (6 mos)
BM and Mamex Gold 1

bb name: Brayden Ng
DOB : 9 May 2006
length: 66cm
Weight:7.65kg (6 mos)
BM and Mamex Gold 1
Woh bian so many posts today....almost cant catch up ;p

Ya Ana,
Thanks for organising the BBQ,its really fun. Must thank ur parents (i assume) coz they will helping w the bbq throughout

Hi gals....

I must say, I cant recognise any of u if not for the babies....oh...except karen la coz I met her long long ago!

Re image after preg...tell u a joke. k...
one fine day when I just returned to office after my maternity. was in my "milk" production room when I received a call from my CEO's secretary summoning me to see him immediately...so I abandon my post and ran to his office. His first remark to me "Joyce, u a mother of five now"......boooo hooo hooo...this summarise how auntie I've become. even in the office...kekek
wow mummies, u gals reali had a great time last weekend ya

hope to join u all in the dec gathering ya...

oh i bought the pigeon medicine paste for heat rash n he seems beta 2dae. duno whether izit the medication or whole nite in aircon. hee...
Loaded mummies??

Got meh?? who who who?? kekeke... Annie you huh???


hey hey... dun mention. Nice meeting you ya

ARrghhh... how can u miss out my lil kaelyn ya ya ya.. So sad... sob..sob...I tot my lil Kaelyn charm u with her smiley, sweet face...sob... sob..I'll tell her to frown and cry when she sees u next round :p Ops ops...And oso will let her Know that her Aunty christina remembers u Last :p

Ok la ok la..... since you are trying very hard to explain hor... LOL!!!! I will get Lil Kaelyn to smile at you more ya... But dun forget abt her again ya...

Welcome, welcome.. nice to meet you too
Din know that you are so young... Btw how old are u huh... U look very young leh.. Not onli my parents helping out lor... Annie's Hb is very helpful I must say.. and he has been helping us with the food.

Oh yes Annie

Your HB is a very nice.. Please help me say thank you to him ya. Reali appreciate his help ;)
IVY, TAURUS &amp; Mummies,
Yap! I agreed that donate with eye wide open thats why i indicate "if you believe the single mum". I Only helped to post the link. Personally, i dont believe 1 mummy there. Thats why i indicated with CAP LOCK ON.

Moreover, my gf did pm her some questions and the way she replied... really made us have doubts on her.

KK &amp; Chris,
Yappee! hands &amp; legs up to agreed on both of your comments... It's really important to have your health and your loved one... I personally feel that self confidence in yourself is most important.. without it, no matter how, you wont feel great at any moment..

Milo &amp; Anna,
I log in at this hour to tell you a gd new. My colleague, mummy of 2 (was on holiday, i called her,i paid oversea phone charge).. she stated that she slimmed down by using OTO e zap zap tummy belt.. must use everyday, each interval is 10mins and rest for 5 mins before another 10 mins till you have do 30 mins for your tummy. MUST DO EVERYDAY. You will feel itchy after using the machine due to the "shake" and its normal. for best &amp; faster result,apply those heat cream or lotion sell @ those ck tangs etc.
(forget to put this on, luckily, i read through)
I asked this colleague cos she put on 20kg on 1st preggie and 25kg on 2nd preggie. I witnessed how fat she was and after.Moreover, she doesnt do any exercise. hahah.. now, i know why her tummy flatten..

Hmm.. hb just brought the osim brand.. e promotion item abt $200 over. He used it for his tummy and shoulder. As he complains he has loose tummy. He love to on the "warm air" button on, said will help to detox more. (hmm.. frankly speaking, i dont know as i havent try).

I am scare of this type of machine. Last time, i tried the massage once that with two small pads to paste on your body and on the current... (forgot e name).. stirred my migraine...

keane loves the shaking effect, he will use his hands to touch it..

However, hb stated that this promotion one dont have the tonning part which the "what king" has it but cost abt $300 over and not on promotion.

Anyway, i still feel that so long you are happy and healthy... thats the most important
You still can dress sexy, trendy and whatever you are comfort with..
hmm.. i thought you are taller. Didnt notice until you stated so.
Waa.. you want a bb gal then best to have one within next year.. mostly bb gals for "Pig yr". :p
Somemore, you have such sweet femaine face (pardon if i used the wrong word, how to describe.. v v lady look, elegant, beautiful big bright eyes n long smooth hair).. if bb gal sure v v beautiful since both of u n hb have big eyes..

Hmm.. maybe becos you wear yr spect and tied your pony tail.. still have a "bb" face as compare to me..
I presume the elder man that came later is your father.. he seems quiet and shy..

Oh! yes, pls tell your mummy, she is so kind and so caring, friendly and helpful.. just a pity that my ma &amp; dad didnt dare to speak to anyone.. cos many speak english which they dont understand.. they love to see so many bbs around.. guess that they are really old liao..

told you lar, I expert in bbq, had many times each year till v sianz.. if not becos of keane, i sure help to set fire.. i used newspaper and normal chaocoal &amp; bbq.

by the way, hb wanted me to ask you, did you pay for the pitt and the chaoroal is x (compare to normal 1, gd to use when fire already set on). If so, ps tell how much.. we share among ... not nice that you pay yrself..

lastly, no worry lar.. u have been hosts so many times liao.. at least still can help..
Can all babies sit up now? For the Dec gathering, I suggest taking a pic of only the babies themselves, 'pai pai zhuo', sure very very cute.
hi milo,
pls add my bub details.... just went for her 6th mth check-up yesterday.

BB's Name: Wendy Widjojo
DOB: 19/05/2006
Weight: 7.2kg (6mth)
Height: 68 cm (6mth)
Milk: Nan 2


so sad we can't join in the gathering, we're in melbourne. see if there'll be another gathering when we happen to be in spore next year
Hi Anna,

Thanks 4 ur compliment...made my day men! me old liao la...reaching 30s next year but nevermind, me young at heart...kekeke

Hi Annie,
Ponytail? no la, me now no hair to tie my hair into ponytail..

Hi cP,

Yap, he can but need to balance himself. sometimes he lazy coz sit for a while will collapse onto the bed

Not sure but think Xaiver can crawl super fast liaoz...
