(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">If I'm not wrong, it is

<table border=1><tr><td>Size</TD><TD>For</TD><TD>Packing </TD></TR><TR><TD>NB</TD><TD>Up to 5 kg</TD><TD>60s </TD></TR><TR><TD>S</TD><TD>4 - 8 kg</TD><TD>54s </TD></TR><TR><TD>M</TD><TD>6 - 12 kg</TD><TD>48s </TD></TR><TR><TD>L</TD><TD>9 - 14 kg</TD><TD>42s </TD></TR><TR><TD>Underpants L</TD><TD>9 - 14 kg</TD><TD>30s </TD></TR><TR><TD>Underpants XL</TD><TD>Over 12 kg</TD><TD>26s</td></tr></table>

But I've heard that the packing size has increased (e.g. M is now 51 pcs), that's why the normal selling price is $15 per pack. You may want to call and check.

Minimum order is 1 carton of 4 packs (can mix the sizes).</font>
milo,pls include my dd2's stats:

BB's Name: Amber Lim
DOB: 27/05/2006
Weight: 8.2 kg (5.5 mths)
Height: 70 cm (5.5 mths)
Milk: TBF

Thanks. Looking forward to chat with you ladies.
hi mummies!

Enjoy your gathering tomolo! Sob sob, bb away from me for 2 days alreadi.... my hubby put me on speaker phone.... she just make some noises, dunno whether its becos she is responding to mummy, or just wanna play with the phone!

Sob sob, seems like my gal is the lightest around.... my pd saes can start feeding twice a dae alreadi....
Hi mummies,

RE the gathering tomolo, I bought one box of tyson chicken thigh (instead of wings coz easier to bbq), one box of "san chen ba" and 3 packs of hotdogs...enuff or not huh?? me not good at estimating food one lei....if not enuff can go out n buy later ;p
any mummies in sengkang or amk want to share the order for nepia diapers? i have always bought mamypoko so not sure if nepia is good fit.
hi everyone....

Deng deng.... Here comes the Annie's agar agar

keke... i din try cos i dun like agar agar lor..

today was funz. Got to know joyce, sharon and Christine. wee wee wee... anyone has the mummies pix ya?? can share?? BLur mummy has forgotten to bring down Camera.
Dec is coming.... hahahaha any plan, whose house to go next :p Mayb our theme for food is Christmas Party! Yippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
hi mummies,

wow heard tat the bbq was fun ya. too bad i cant join in. brayden juz got well. was real tired for the past 2 weeks when he was sick. juz started to give him frisocrem ytd as he juz recovered. intend to give him porridge when he is 7mths. wat kind of fruits can we give to 6mths bb??

oh i went to isetan and bought a tiger food jar @$45 (UP @$108). haha good deal rite??

btw any bb have heat rashes?? brayden got red spots all over the body n was told by my fren tat it is heat rash. is it true??
Hi anna.

I also 4got to bring camera
next gathering at dec should be fun coz its christmas!!! more festive..keke


To get rid of heat rash put bb in an aircon room at nite. can also apply "xue hua" cream. it works 4 my boy
but first need to see whether it is heat rash or allergies.

re fruits : apple n banana (not the del monto type ) is a safe bet

Ya, dun worry. Those are most likely to be heat rashes. My ger got them at times too. And i noticed when she slept in air con room throughout the nite, the spots would be gone

Hmmm me very sua gu.. ask u all one question. I have bought chemical warmers (heat packs) for my NZ trip this coming thursday. How do i use them? Just open up and then place in whatever place i want to?

And also, some of u have gone to NZ before ya? Under summer temperatures in South Island, how fast would our digital camera batteries go flat? Can last for a day?

for the heat pad, jus open the wrapping and shake it till u feel some heat. when u wans it to be hotter, jus shake it a few more times.

I dun think the heat pad is useful. it doesn't reali keep warm.. The best is to get a good scarf and gloves, socks, shoes to keep urself warm..

When I was there for Honeymoon in Mar,I remembered that it was quite warm during the day and quite chilly at nite.

I dun use the heat packs for my body haha.. i use that to somehow provide protection for my digital devices such as camera and videocam.
Little nana,

Thanks! I was worried that the batteries will go flat very fast. I will be bringing along 28 batteries!! Allow for 7 changes for my 10 days trip. Hope enough lor.
woah ivy, your hubby very pro...can take pix in such a way to make us look slim. hiak hiak hiak

anna! thks for organising (and of coz letting my gal try on all the wonderful toys!)

hi kk,
why do u need heat packs har? i tot it's summer now? in any case hor, when i went during winter...i also din get heat packs lei. the long johns and the winter apparals are quite sufficient liao. at the hotel/motel, they have heaters and thermal blankets too...hee
gabby's mum
Wah! you shd sms me lar, we stay few blocks apart.. can take from you..
Didnt online for the past few days.

U are slim lar compare to me still complaining.. faint*
Luckily, you take the pic of the agar agar, else someone might said how come dont share the pic.. but how come with the plastic cover?
Taste part - i love it.. but too bad, just have a small part.. such a waste, shd bring back since sure left a lot..

which one is u? i saw 3 in black :p

Ya, wearing black will make one look slim. But i rarely wear black now. The hot weather!!!! Dunno why after giving birth, all my clothes pretty colourful, pink, yellow, blue, violet :p


I use heat packs to protect my digital devices haha! All of u mistaken heat packs are for me and hubby keke... me a bit crazy rite? :p

Learnt from hubby's colleague who went to NZ in dec before, that the batteries went flat easily. So trying to protect them as far as possible.

Ya, it is summer time
But temperatures still can go as low as 15 degree or so in the SOuth island?
aiyo chris...my gal keeps looking at your boi lei...
even those pix that my hubby take hor...all shows her looking at him...jia lat... yi jian zhong qin??? ;-P

I'm at the front row , nos 2 counting frm left. I dare not wear pastel colours after giving birth... keke now on slimming program... LOL Hopefully will lose my Fats very soon!
Hi mummies! Sorry I late hor! Almost couldn't make it manz!

It's a nice gathering..glad to meet new mummies like Sharon, Chris n Joyce

I went Europe last year, at this time, and it's V cold! Our battery can last leh...no need to 'heat' them :p
Btw seems like you are not using rechargeable battery eh?
hey, me mst join the next gathering wif you ladies liao...seems so fun leh...

so next gathering on christmas??? at where har??

nana, u like that call FAT, then jia liat, i must wear black black when we meet up..i veri very fat leh

guess what? I have 4 rechargeable batteries, but i tried to charge them up yesterday but failed. Dunno the batteries spoilt or the charger spoilt haha.. i wonder got time at nite to charge up so many devices or not, so using disposable ones may be good. I am using energiser AA batteries. Need 4 at one go!

And i heard rechargeable batteries last longer than disposable ones. So i am bringing lotss, just in case.


I was about to say one mummy in the front row 2nd from the left looks sweet and beautiful! So it is u
Wow all mummies really very slim, hard to believe that u gals all gave birth only half a year ago! What happened to all the daddies who tagged along?

LOL that SPARE TYRE reali look irritating manz.. let's go on diet together den... ;)


Thank u... kekeke Must see my real person, pic not so accurate leh..
lovely picture

not sure if i'm seeing right, but i think boy no. 1 from the left and boy no. 2 from the right look alike? sorry, i don't know which one is which.... only can recognise ivy and anna

can the mommies identify themselves?

(Refer to your EDD)

Ivy and I love to have a big gathering with all mummies &amp; bbs. Hopefully, everyone can attend through its a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE..

We also want to find a big place to accomodate all of us despite raining or sunny on that fixed day (to be advised)in December. Mind anyone can get cheap cheap lobang for a place that can shelter so many? ( best for foc)... hahha..

December is a great month full of many rainning days since no snowing here over singapore.. (no fish at least prawn "in hokkien) also a cooling hot hot seasons going on.. especially merry merry christmas, first time with our loved bbs...

May i suggest that i do everyone a name list so that I and few mummies help to do name tags for everyone to wear on for yourself, your bb and your hb on that day for easier recognisation. Pls provide the detail.

Lastly, pls inform those inactive MAY MUMMIES abt this, really really appreicate for your help...

Personally, i may not be the FIRST to join this May forum but at least many many of us have been "through" for so many mths before and after our little prince &amp; princess arrive to this BEAUTIFUL world.

Mind to vote, whether are you keen to attend, please?

Nick EDD bb's Name bb's DOB
1.AnnieYB 08.05 keane Then 02.05
2.Ivy 18.05 Xavier Ong 18.05
