(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">How's everyone doing?

I'm very tired. DS' been sleeping late and now I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. Can't skip work today coz there's a meeting with several bosses this afternoon. Anyway, it's a new beginning for the year. Cheers!

BTW, I saw that quite a no. of ppl bought sugar cane from the wet market yesterday. My mum said that Hokkiens usually pray to "Tian Gong" tonight or tomorrow. Is anyone of you doing that? Does anyone know what the ritual is about?</font>
Happy Lunar New Year.. m down with serve flu and struggling to cope with hyperactive k,cleaning mess after he puked..

Hokkiens pray on the 9th day of lunar new yr, ie on the midnight of 8th (tonight). Said to welcome back the goddess and others since they left to heaven to make report for the past year. As for sugarcane, something link to sweeten their mouth / words on comment to the family. (Err.. thats my ma told me, how accurate i don't know).
My gal having flu and bad cough for 2 weeks liao and now she has these red patches. Oh gosh, "motan" .
anyone know how to treat that?went to see pd twice last week.
your version is wrong lah...
long long ago..the hokkiens was saved from enemies by hiding in the sugar cane plantations, on the 8th day of lunar new yr...this is wat i can rem, the longer version of it, maybe try google? haha..

motan is a very chinese term..maybe you wan to see a tcm for it? I know i had it when i was young..(rolling a hardboil egg all over the body and open up to see hair inside!, thats why is call motan..) The cure for it? Drink plenty of liang yang and water! Not sure if this will help for the new generation.
open up your house for gathering lah! Then we will be there..haha...Can do it on this Sun, still time for CNY greetings! And AP for the kids!
Hi everyone,

virus in the air loh..lots of pple sick in the office
me n R down w flu n cough ;( R has not been to school for more than 2 weeks. dunno why i keep paying his school fees..
yestd rushed my daughter to see doc. she 7 days no poo...wah bian, one time poo caused us $65+..doc say if again 7 days no poo have to go n visit him again...pray hard that my children study medicine next time ;p

Hi Ivy,
I cant remember the company name for the photobook. can send me the link again? my friends saw the photobk i did for R and wants to do also.

Wah, 7 days no poo? You tried all methods? Wat did the doc say?

Today's Straits Times gave the story on why hokkiens use sugar cane to pray Tian Gong on the 8/9th day of Lunar New Yr...

My teeth cannot make it liao, old liao, cannot chew the sugar cane like those childhood days...
Ivy / bbloh,
oh dear, i didnt buy Straits Times... However, I overheard the radio DJ from fm958 explaint the story of 9th day of Lny.
hehe.. the version i gave apply on the other day. It should be celebration for Tian Gong's empire's birthday...

k and my 2 nieces and the parents are all down with flu &amp; cough..

Wishing everyone well &amp; stay healthy..
r u bfg them? think it's normal for tbf babies not to poo for many days.

yes yes, ur explanation for sugar cane is rite on!
Hi Ivy,

Thanks. gave her water and make the ahmmm ahmm sound but she no poo lei..only gave out a lot of smelly gas

Hi Cheri,

Yup both are almost TBF (EBM). only give formula when they wake up at nite. Doc say for TBF, max is 7 days w/o poo lor....
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Thanks for explaining about the Tian Gong ritual.

Is Tian Gong the same as Yu Huang Da Di (Heavenly Emperor)?

For a TBF baby, it's normal not to poo for <u>as long as 20 days or more</u>.
(see 3rd paragraph under "Baby's bowel movements" in this page: Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?)

Reason is, BM is easily absorbed and digested by baby and so, lesser amount is wasted and discharged by the body.

However, if your DD is taking FM as well, perhaps you may want to check if the FM is suitable for her.</font>

no worries, for a total bf baby, then can minimise on the poo poo... My girl once went on for 2 weeks wothout poo... when it came... sigh, it was a big mess!!!
<font color="0000ff">Today is Li Chun, which starts the Ox Year.
Wish everyone here a properous and healthy year ahead!</font>
Err.. u can buy @ e phymacy for the small pipe type, help to ease constipation. its like a small pump onto the hole.. Err not sure can use on infant or not. I tried once on k.. its just like magic, fast n easy..

motan must get treated by TCM sinseh. There is a english name for it and if you tell the western doc the name, special medicine given for that to ease the fever. (Pardon me, i forget the english name for it as i alway look for sinseh).I am a regular motan sufferer.
For increase of milk supply, maybe can try this, chicken feet + pork meat + peanut and water, a bit of salt and black pepper, drink the soup, its work on me but must drink daily. I stopped doing when i back to work.
<font color="0000ff">Free Kindermusik Demo Session @ Little Sparks Montessori on 14 Feb 09</font>

Come for a fun, exciting and memorable time of musical activities with the world’s leading music and movement curriculum for newborn - 7 years old!

Endorsed by parents, educators and experts worldwide, this program promises a developmental evolution in your child’s linguistic, cognitive, social, physical coordination, attention, and problem solving skills. You will not believe what Kindermusik curricula can do for your child!

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Visit us at : www.kindermusik.com.sg

<font color="0000ff">I'm not sure if the demo is suitable for older kids though.</font>
<font color="0000ff">fyi</font>

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is J still in shichida? X not doing any enrichment classes, esp since he is full day in sch now. Weekends are so precious for him to say hello to his toys, TV as well as going gai gai..dun wan to load him for now...
Yes mummies my J is still in Shichida....and 3hr playgroup during the weekdays. Should be sufficient? :p

Oh ya this website is quite nice...try and test products you're interested in!

Morning all~ The weekend past by so quickly

Ivy....hehehe....really enough hor? Need more play sessions for J. He loves playgrounds now manz...

Anyone checked out the new children playarea at the zoo?
Hi annie,

Thanks for the tip. back @ work so no time to cook soup liaoz..but so far supply is suff coz my girls drink veri little compared to norm..

Hi Ivy n fates,

U know wat, think r misses these classes. nowadays he will sit down n sing to himself when i dun have time to play w him...
I let u noe after i go this weekend.. thought few mummies went last yr already.. heard the toilet is quite a distant apart...

Wah! gal gal.. gal is more gentler.. these days i like gal haha.. maybe becos my k is super rough type of boy..
Thats v gd!! R loves the class, maybe can try to see can arrange for R to cont to attend...
think R learn the songs from sch too? X will sometime sing on bed to me (altho i cannot catch what he is singing! The only audible one is ni wah wah..)

the 3hr playgrp dun have playground session? X reports to the playground everyday..
classes is enuff liao lah..haha, pei fu your energy..i think i will try my darn best to send him for some weekend class after i pop..
Hi Ivy,

long time no read ur post ;) nah..he learnt the songs from me n julia Gabriel..he can sing quite a lot of songs now
n u noe what? he raps his ABC song

Hi annie,
nah, my boy is more guai than my twins..these 2 really terrors, they dun cry, they scream even when u carry them
that day just kena from my mil, i let them scream until they hoarse..keke
Really pei fu you have to handle nb twins and a toddler..
Oh? i duno abt others but when rascal k was infant time, we had to carry him with both arms in centre not closer to our body... said to be windy.. maybe your twins want this.. if so really can faint.. heavier and tough..
Hi annie,

nah...i only look after them @ nite and weekends. my mil n fil are the ones whom i peifu...lucky got them if not...so i really fortunate lor

my 2 rascal

<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
You're really fortunate to have your PIL to help you. So, each handle one bb?

What are the girls' names?</font>
missed me huh..haha..
busy with work and also gotta take care of X plus the endless chores plus the tummy. Becoming octopus soon!
Good that your pil is helping, then you dun have to send them to infant care. So your maid getting more into her role or still blur blur? Your hb re-location din work out huh?
My hb is still accumulating his freq flyer points...hopefully the forthcoming newborn will be nice and easy to handle else i will be bonkers soon.
the left one is meimei?? Are they identical twins? they look very alike!!

do u bring yr tots to arcade???
There's a few nice and exciting games for our kids and great for training motor skills! hahha..the only thing i dnt like abt arcade is the noise level...
halo gals,

my gal been coughing for 2 weeks. Goodness.
Thinking of sending my gal for music classes, any recommendations?

Thanks cheri for the prudential play info.It was really a good recommendation. I went to watch The very hungry caterpillar last year, it was really enjoyable.

music class; Yamaha is good. I put my elder boy in MIM not bad but he lost interest after some time... My girl is asking for ballet class. I think I will burn a hole in my pocket soon!!

They look so quite!!! How can they be terrors! I agree with you baby girls can really outdo Whitney Housten in the vocal power department. Think of my girl, she was also the same!! hahaha
<font color="0000ff">gabby,
Are you referring to Littles Notes? The minimum age is 3 years old but I'm considering Yamaha Junior Course for DS when he's older as they've got a branch near to my place.
At Yamaha, is the music played by real instrument (e.g. piano) or CD-player?

DS is attending Baby Music Class at Mandeville Music School. I like the class as music is played with real instruments and not from a CD player. That's also the reason why I didn't sign up with Seimpi after the trial.</font>
the only arcade that N has gone b4 is in Genting...i rem she was playing this game where they hv to beat the diff coloured drums acc to the colours flashed on the screen. She hit so hard &amp; fast that her hands were still shaking after the game had ended.

u r going for the prudential shows too? ya, me looking forward to it too esp the Pyjama Nite..something diff hahah...kids r encouraged to wear their pj &amp; bring along a soft toy. My ger will definitely be delighted over the milk &amp; cookies that will be served haha

agree wif u that real instrument accompaniment is so much more authentic. I'm still enjoying the lessons too. Will u be continuing wif the next level of classes at Mand...baby grad or sthg?

re ballet
hb says if she's doing piano or music, then dun do ballet. Cos he feels both r related so we must be discerning. Everything is also good but we dun wanna pack her too much.
hi all,

woh suddenly so many posts

ya, they r identical just tat the younger one is bigger...anyone want to take the challenge n help tame these terrors .. think the injections b4 delivery help a lot coz they got powerful lungs

Hi ivy,
yup the maid is still the same, she is helping w the housework..getting better but veri forgetful. my pil is looking after the bbies n R...R goes to CC for 2 days then stay at home for 2/3 weeks. keep falling sick
now at home again
when R got sick you prolong his homestay or let him go back right after fever gone? I usually let X go back right after no fever..might have cough or running nose lingering...
Total take about 3-4mths for him to build immunity. So take it easy for R bah...

your mil din complain abt the maid arh? siong for old ppl if the maid is not useful, machiam worse than your last maid.
i am not so unkind lah! haha...
usually cough can linger for 1 week or more leh...where to find caregivers for so many days..sob sob..?

he recovered (ie no cough n fever)then went back CC, then cough came back

RE maid, my mil say at least she can do housework and guai..so she ok i ok

yoy no spree? these days no time to go shopping..keke
Wah! 2 beau.. somehow i liked the infant stage as our little one seems more "adorable" - more fresh for me to touch.. miss e days.. ahha..

Great that your pil help you.
Ivy ~ True.....but if still got cough and flu, better to rest at home? In your case, maybe get your aunty or mum to look after him? Jarrett kenna the cough/flu thingy last month and he missed PG for one week....

Once, I overheard some grandmas gossiping in the lift - saying if we adults fell sick, usually we'll take MCs, but their poor grandchild still must go to school. hehehe..

Really case-to-case basis..

bo bian lah, no one to help out now...utilising my annual leave all for my darling lo...
Not so bad, if adult fall sick, at most 2 days MC, so i usually give the same privilege to my son too. just that eating up my annual leave super fast.
You must treasure your two old person at home more! haha...

spree is a on-going thing! Just din know that you are keen also..haha..
Just drop me a mail on wat you want. My current spree is on www.babyearth.com.

Good that your mil got np with the maid lah, at least you have some peace and quiet. Could it also be the food in cc that cause the cough? I usually tell teachers to avoid milo, biscuits etc if i know he is coughing.
