(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

oh yes, we r all booked for the trip liao since 2 mths ago cos travelling wif my relatives too. Think seat is impt at their age now esp since it's such a long ride.

re bb prom
It's definitely more enjoyable if u can get the better seats in front or if ur child will go up to the front to enjoy the show. Somehow the kids will be more easily engaged. N was ok going up to the front on her own for a short while but came looking for us at our seats after that. But i felt bored when she was not wif us hahaha...so ironic rite? think i will not go next year cos find not much diff in the prog though it's good exposure to instruments for them.

<font color="0000ff">Cheri,
I think it depends on the child. E is the clingy type. I booked the coach that comes with the entertainment system. I was lucky that there were lots of empty seats when we went there and to my surprise, E sat &amp; slept happily on his own (without nursing) until the driver switched on the lights to announce "toilet break" at 4am! Had to nurse him back to sleep after that.

On the return journey, I carried him as the coach was full. He slept for about 2 hrs while I listened to some music. After a break at Yong Peng, we watched a movie together and then it's time to clear the customs. So, it's quite alright for us.</font>
so lucky for u that the coach was not full. u took the nite coach? ooh, i usually avoid that cos always feel nite coaches can be dangerous. I took a nite coach once &amp; din really dare to sleep esp when i saw it was pitch dark outside &amp; the driver was driving so fast!
Good morning ladies,

So shiok, rainy day again...

Just realised next week is Christmas!! Soo fast

I stuck at home cant go out to buy presents...shucks. any recommendation for online purchases?
confinement not over yet? Can sneak out to shop lah! A bit late for the US sites cos the shipping wun be in time...
Else next possible will be looking thru the BP thread in the forum and see if there are ready stocks good buys!

long over but w 2 bbies plus R, diff to bring out

Hee just send R to the CC. today his first day. lucky got his cousin there else he refused to go in again... just tat dun like the school so noisy n cramped...no choice put him there first for 6 mths once the twins are bigger, can consider changing him to another school

where is a good shopping venue for adults and kids' presents?
Hi Cheri,

fyi, R prefers the outdoor theme park rides compared to the indoor. there are some suitable ones outdoor for kids

me thinking of bringing R to farm stay next yr before end of my maternity. hopefully my mil will agree to help look after the twins. but if really going then have to stop breastfeeding...so still at thinking stage lol
farm stay where? Aussie or Lim Chu Kang?! hee...
Think you can go Taka( then hop over paragon) or Suntec for your shopping..Make it a fast one like 3hrs..since R is in cc...just ask your mil and maid to feed the twins with ebm?

how is your maid coping/helping you? Me bracing up for the challenging times come next march too..But think shld be okie for me since i have one 1 infant! X is doing well in sch now. Today mark the 3rd day that he din cry when i drop him off..haha..hope it last!

Thinking of perth..stayed there once and enjoyed the stay coz they got animals @ the house. think R will enjoyed it

Maid..eee well, coping ok w housework still slow and diff to communicate. bought her a dictionary and used that to explain...willing to work but a bit forgetful
normal housework, she now auto..anything new...have to teach ages

good luck to u coz not easy. nowadays all tell me i look veri pale and my mil is helping me look after one twin during weekdays.

i only look after R and the other but still tiring plus the 3hrly pump and feed...
Christmas Mad

My gal is driving me nuts!!! she keeps asking me when is Christmas so that we can put the gifts under the tree for her to open!!!
i think you will feel better now that R starts daycare...at least by the time you pick him back, he is already ready for bed?

ha, your girl is so cute. i think she cant wait to play with her presents! Is she all ready for sch? Starting in a few weeks time!
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
Glad to see that things are working out for you.
You can still pump while you're travelling but it'll be more troublesome. You can pump while you're flying (maybe under a shawl) and store in the airplane's fridge (away from food) and the hotel's kitchen freezer away from food (not sure if farms have any). I know some mummies even air-mail their daily EBM back for their babies. It's not easy, but can be done. If not, wait till your twins are at least 6 months old and maybe you can wean off them after that (though it's recommended by WHO to bf till they're 1 yo). Then bring R for the trip as there's no need to take all maternity leave at one go right? Just my 2c's thought.</font>
Hi bbloh,

Diff for me to take leave for overseas trip after such a long absence that is why i am thinking of going during maternity lor...

Hi Ivy,

nah, he going for half day only currently. will send him for full day after he adapts to the CC. but better than nothing coz he is now like super glue to me
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
What I meant was that, there's no need to take 16 weeks of ML at one go right? You can take some first and wait till the twins are at least 6 months' old, before taking ML again to bring R overseas. There's no need to tell your co what you're doing or where you're going during the ML right?</font>
not much diff btw half day and full day in terms of adjustment? I started X on a full day rite away, although 1-2 weeks are like half or quarter day...Its prob better for you to do that too..else you are really tied up.
Hi bbloh,

nope for us, we have to declare if we are going overseas during our leave + i work from home during my leave so if go overseas, cant do so and they will know immediately.

also if i took 3 months, then later start to take blocks of leave + my own VL, not so good la...it will seem to be like i always not working

Hi ivy,
Think there may be some diff? both yestd and today by lunchtime, he is asking teacher to call me to bring him home liaoz. this morning threw a tantrum dunwan to drink his milk and when i brought him to school he refused to go in and ran out of the door

i also feel so guilty, mabbe lack of sleep, veri short tempered, when he threw tantrum this morning, i caned him...so bad of me
rem, i was super heartpain during his 1st two weeks of sch too? It was so bad to dump him there with his crying...can hear it 5km away!
BUT just gotta endure for ours and their own sake. Just gotta be hard hearted for a short while.
You leave him there till about 5pm then bring him back for dinner cum bonding time. At least you can rest better and not as short fused.

I am really happy now that he is finally adapted to sch. No more crying and he bond well with the teachers too.
oh ya,
when 1st started, he also will give patterns like dun change uniform, dun wan drink milk, dun in, i had to force and carried him. So its normal lah..dun be too upset.

I went to HK in Feb before. The weather is quite cold and it can drop to 8 degrees at night if it is raining. Not bad but nothing much to shop though..I personally feel the best time is in Aug sales season or Dec for the Xmas atmosphere...: )

No that is not so cute! that can drive you nuts! ha!! I keep telling her about school and expected behaviour but I dont know if she understands...
Wah! finally you got time to log in but I rush like mad dogs everyday @ work leh.. expecting less work in the coming June.. except the cny co shutdown break (hehe.. u noe when right.. fr the calendar)..
Hi annie

Your company so good! will shut down during CNY! In this economy, you should be grateful you're rushing like mad dogs. Give thanks~!

March in HK is cooling, and def quite a good time to be at. Which hotel are you staying at?
Hi ivy,

Ya, same situation w R. Worse, becoz of hols, his school practically close until next year. have to re-start the whole thing again and witness his drama show again ;p

HK disneyland more suitable for kids
but u can shop at the shopping centre at the MRT...got a lot of "warehouse" sale at tat shopping centre, timberland and citychain watches cheap there

oh, not to forget the food..
you mean the sch close on xmas eve as well? So these 2 weeks not going to sch? Maybe you can consider starting him on full day come Jan....once and for all the drama mah..

Disneyland Hotel -- for the kids
Actually will tag along with my hubby's business trip I think, so it all depends on where he will put up.
Hi ivy,

Yup..this school superb. Close for eve of Christmas and new year n also one day for cleaning of premises and another day for teachers workshop and another day after their year end performance....
cc are allowed to close 5 days each year on top of the usual holidays...So you track if its more than 5 days then complain to MCYS lo! haha...

For eve, x's cc are opened till 2pm, similar to Sat timing..So not too bad for me since i am working half day.

I am so happy these days cos he is truly adapted to the sch already. He will go in happily and wave bye bye to me before following the teachers to his class. This is really what i have been hoping for, ever since he started cc.
I am sure this day will come for R too!
It's a chinese local co, therefore, every yr cny shut down.. gd? ha!! It's only gd if they dun deduct the leaves... there goes my 4 days out of 12 days hor.

Wah! Hk trip, i like fishballs from the roadside stall... do post pics to share ... Wah! if k goes HK disney, sure will be v happy cos his favourite Mickey is there..


Merry Merry X'mas...
<font color="0000ff">Yo! How's Christmas for everyone?

I had planned to go for a ride at SG Flyer but has to KIV the plan liao.</font>
i had wanted to convince my mum to go (she's afraid of height). Now with this BIG news, is confirmed forget it liao..haha..

Myself went up twice, quite fun. X like it alot too...
Wonder if they compensate for those who have Friend of Flyer card...if so many lost days of not able to take the rides.
re spore flyer

i bght the combo package (duckie and flyer). went duckie last week and wanted to go flyer on christmas but i went to ask for refund. me kiasi...if suay kana 'trap', i die die also wont climb down and imagine trap inside for 6 hrs with kids.. urgent need to go toilet how???
<font color="0000ff">pooh,
I bought the NTUC discounted tix (I think it was $16.50 per tix) sometime ago and is now wondering if I should ask for refund or wait till 29 Dec (stated in SG Flyer's website that it'll be operational).

How are you and X doing now? No more am sickness liao? Read from June thread that you're looking for another CCC for X? BTW, which school is LW?</font>
we're back from Genting! Had a really fab &amp; tiring time there wif 6 other family members haha...she enjoyed lots more compared to the first time when she was there at abt 1+ year old cos can really do lots more stuff now.

our tour package came wif free 1 day unlimited rides in both the outdoor &amp; indoor theme parks so N has never taken so many rides b4 hahah. I must say she's really daring wif rides. She's ok wif riding in those cars on tracks alone (first time alone in them for her!) but most amazingly, the junior horse rodeo rider thingy that's quite scary. Though she met the height limit of 76 cm, the staff was still hesitant when N wanted to board it. Kept asking us if N would cry etc cos an older boy kinda cried when he was scared stiff in the ride b4 her (most of the other kids taking that ride were like 4-7 years old). At least i know now that after i let her observe any rides, if she's really scared, she will let me know &amp; tell me she doesn't wanna ride. Those that she dares to, she'll tell me so too.

I really felt it was tough at times deciding whether to let her do certain rides due to safety reasons etc. For instance, we din let her do the junior bumper car cos though she was supposed to ride wif her 6 year old cousin, while queuing, we observed that the impact upoon bumping was really great! some of the older kids literally jolted up from their seats despite the seatbelts &amp; their faces wringed wif pain...some of the kids oso instinctively used their hands to block oncoming cars which was really scary...N was disappointed that we din let her ride but fortunately, she accepted our explanation that it was too dangerous &amp; din kick up a fuss despite having to leave the queue halfway.

We oso enjoyed lots in the Rainforest Splash pool (free admission for the hotel that we stayed in). Heated water wif slides etc.
no lah. was thinking but most likely will not change cos he is happy there now...cant change just becos mummy not happy rite? haha..

LW is Lorna Whiston.
x have been diaperless since Aug...you toilet-training your kiddo too? Can try to ask him to go toilet before slp as a start?
Hi littletot,

R has been diaperless since 2 years old

for nite training, need to ask him to go to toilet before sleep, check whether the diaper is wet the next morning, if wet, wake him in the middle of the nite to go toilet and tell him he has to tell u when he wants to go toilet, after a while, he gets the hang of it n can go diaperless for the nite 2
btw, any suggestions for meals for our little ones. at home for the past few months and have been cooking for R...running out of ideas liaoz...

R is now in the "I dunwan" "i dun like" mood except for the tidbits and snacks la
Hi Ivy and lh_jyc,

V has gone diaperless during the day since 2 yrs old.The last 2 over mths or so, i noticed she seldom pee on her diaper at nite.I think she should be ready to go diaperless liao.

Do your use any mattress protector?
i very brave one..once he go diaperless in day time, i also dun let him wear during nite..Only the 1st 2 days he wake up at middle of the nite to tell me he wan to pee..after that no more.
Din use mattress protector either..

x is still at his i dun wan rice mood..so cooking meat porridge for him. Lucky he is not fussy..will eat what i give him..Fave snacks now is the doraemon's tong luo shao..haha..
Hi littletot,

So far he has not wee on my bed coz he will usually wake up to tell me if he wants to go in the middle of the nite..btw, we have always used mattress protector

his fav is the goat sweet and the panda biscuit
milk and porridge is in his ban list

how ur preparation for school? starting on the 5th also?

V continuing with JG next term? will be starting K on edudrama.
Opening presents

My girl woke up early and open her presents the whole day!!! She opened one then play with it then opened another... SIGH...

yes coping fine being a sahm but now more worried about coping with her in school

Hi liitletot,

stopped sending r to the JG coz diff to bring him now that i have 2 terrors at home. a pity coz he likes the classes

Hi gabby,
think all children like to open presents. R also..after the christmas party, he was upset to see the christmas tree's presents taken by the others..commented " dun take my presents, i no presents liaoz"
kids these days...find them smarter than us. maybe its becoz of all the vitamins we have to take during preggie days

Hi Ivy,

How r u? u wont believe it but i kindof miss the preg feeling...missed them kicking in the tummy

think i seow seow

u know what i missed most now? MJ!!! so long no play becoz of this preg think will have to wait for ages
ha ha

Happy new year to All...hope 2009 will be a better year for all of us
