(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Hi Mummies,

Wishing prosperous year ahead & less work stress.. Cheers

Ivy & gabby,
K still cant go diaperless @ night (when sleeping).. still over flow the diaper..haha

O! K had 2 rides on the singapore flyer. That day we passed by and i just made a causal remark, he repeat like parrot for the whole day..

Hi Mummies,
I happen to chance upon your posting about this learning system"Luklearningsystem"
Can check with anyone out there who has bought the set 1& 2 in Singapore share with me the diff between the Sin version & US version.
Would appreciate if kind mummies PM to share.
me okie but think immune sys abit down this 2nd preg...
Go for the 4th baby lah! haha...i think i am so busy each day with son that i dun miss my no kids days too much. haha..

dun worry bah, if my sticky son can adapt to sch happily now, your girl sure np. But of cos, he still need to bring a toy to sch each day, i supposed its his form of security blanket. But teachers are fine with it so i let him be. Nowadays, he will walk in, sit down for checks then bye to me before following the teachers for hand wash. Wat a big diff from the crying drama the last 4 mths!

HAPPY 2009 for everyone! May our tots be happy and healthy always!
Hi milo,
V has stopped JG since sept. As for edudrama the timing offered is at 12.Not suitable.I've requested them to place me at 10 if there is slot available the following term.My boy will be starting Bilingual @ Evans on Sun

Her 1st day of school is on 8th Jan.Keeping my fingers crossed!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Good morning!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">It's back to work for me again after clearing my leave for the past few days.

Re: toilet training
I'm not so gungho as Ivy as my boy is not as "guai" as X. E's still dependent on diapers at night as it's still "loaded" the next morning.

Mums with boys:
How do u train boys to poo while sitting / squatting? E simply refuses to use the potty or toilet bowl (i.e. sit / squat) when he needs to do "big business" and he's really a hard nut to crack. Any good idea?

Any good &amp; not too $$ covered shoes to recommend for tots? Thought of getting a new pair for E for CNY.</font>
hi mummies

hv 2 big tins of Gain IQ to let go at $38 each.
free delivery if taking 2 tins, otherwise self collect at raffles pl or tampines

pls pte msg me if ur interested...cheers
N's diaper is oso ultra full every morning &amp; she sleeps like a log so i dun think she's ready to go diaperless or to wake up at nite to pee. Even when going out, we put her on diapers cos we r lazy to look for toilets hahaha...though she's oredi diaperless in her cc &amp; at home in the day. We r going to continue wif this till she rejects diapers when going out herself heheh
Hi mummies,

Will be arranging for the twins to go fro a photoshoot. Any idea where i can buy the hairbands or nice clothes for them? Need to get them urgently. thanks......

4th one? no way manz...a lot of things to consider when having kids, financially and time and also caretaker..

going back to work soon, now worried who to look after them after i go home to work. infant care veri ex in Singapore.
wat abt chateau de sac? they hv v pretty &amp; sweet clothes &amp; sell clips/hairbands too, i rem. they hv outlets in paragon &amp; suntec.
thanks for the link to the festival...wow i'm keen. u?

Anyone has brot ur kids previous years?

Shows that r suitable for our tots &amp; which i'm keen on. Now gotta decide which one. Anyone interested too?

Pyjama Nite

N would love this as she's always asking for pj bd parties...but i wonder if this is more suitable for older kids.

In the Garden (age 1 to 4)

The Magic Teapot (age 3 to 8)

Bedtime (age 2 to 5)

Lil Big Shots (age 2 to 12)
Hi ivy,

my maid, nope. my mil can but 2 may be too much 4 her coz my sils' kids n R (attending CC) go to her house around 4pm everyday

$600? tot its around 900 onwards after subsidy. asked around a few but all fully booked now. not many infant care near my place. thinking of nanny but dunno reliable or not lei
scout ard more...mine is 1100 before gst and subsidy so come up to be abt 600 lo..
nanny arh, if you can get good recommendations then can try out...
i'm catching

1) in the garden
2) Bedtime
3) Magic Teapot

4) Pyjama Nite

Managed to share wif another mummy for family package tix for 1&amp;2. Looking for others to share 3&amp;4? R u keen on watching 3 or 4?
<font color="0000ff">Cheri,
Do u know what the pj nite thingy is about? The program seems confusing leh.</font>
hehe was discussing wif mtdt on this...my hunch is that it's 10 mins each for each item but cos they hv not decided who goes first due to venues etc, they list all of them down for all the slots. Thot quite fun cos kids will wear their PJ &amp; bring soft toy &amp; shuffle ard the Arts House keke. N has been asking for a PJ Birthday party since last year...she was so excited when i told her we r going to a PJ Show...she asked "Now??" keke
Hi Ivy,

Found one at Yew Tee NTUC CC, cost abt $600+ / baby..but my hub says too expensive coz we got 2 + Rayne.

What school is yours?

Btw, do u want to buy clarins oil for stretch mark? I got one almost new, hub just bought for me and i used one time and suddenly delivered..
ask the sch if send twins got discount? haha...
Even if you find nanny, they prob charge you 1.5x the normal rate for taking care of 2 babies which will be come up to be 800+ also.
I think the more economic alternative for you is to get an experienced maid that can really help you. Of cos, you will have to close one eye cos experienced maid are usually more demanding.

Just my 2cents worth lah, hope you find a solution soon before you go back to work. OR, can you take NPL till they are 18mths? haha..

clarins oil arh, no thanks. Me have sensitive skin hence both preg din use any of these...haha, as long as hb dun mind seeing the stretchmarks, chin chye lo. next time dun wear bikini nia..keke..
Hi Ivy,

Got discount, they say $10...haha

I think i am stuck w this maid liaoz. althu she is hopeless w kids, she is quite hardworking so it does not seem right for me to send her back lei.

Headache now. dare not take npl either coz scared my boss not happy plus also loss of income thu would like to coz prefer to BF until they are six months old. maybe send one of the twin and ask my mil to look after the other....will talk to my mil to see how lor

hiaz..selene had a fright last friday and has been screaming since then n wants to carry nonstop. now carrying her and typing at the same time
Hi mummies,

Long time never login..
Happy New Year..

Hi Ivy,
Hope u r fine,how many months areadi?

I just sent E 2 playgroup, he adapts well..super active as usual..
<font color="0000ff">Straits Family Sunday

Get ready to celebrate Chinese New Year!

Date: 11th Jan 2009
Time: 1pm to 5pm
Venue: Peranakan Museum, 39 Armenian Street, S(179941)
Tel: 6332 3284, 6332 7591
Cost: Programme is complimentary with purchase of admission ticket


Race C,
am into 30weeks now...which playgrp you send to?

wah, so poor thing to separate the two twins. Eh, if its abt $600 per kid for infant care, can hire another maid? I think govt allow 2 maids if you have twins leh...

wow 7 mth+..so X will b having a mei mei or didi?
eeh.. other than u &amp; Joyce, anyone else who plan (or already)for 2nd..?? My thinking is pls dun stop at 1; 2 or 3 kids is perfect...mummies jia you..

E just attends d townstair playgroup-Tot House...
its didi...
ya, i think 2 is just nice la. One is too lonely plus i see my hb as a only son machiam very poor thing. No silblings = no nephew/niece = my kids no paternal cousins, no paternal uncle/aunties. Even reunion dinner is a quiet affair as compared to my own family! haha...

howz everyone preparation for CNY?!
hi mums...

i'm also a may'06 mum and i've been following this thread. i am looking for children's photos to appear in Wakin Chau's concert on 7 Feb. there will be a segment to feature children's photos. if you are interested, send me your child's photo to [email protected].
hi mummies

some nice story books to share -little brown bear

comes with several titles which is quite interesting


more titles like:
Little brown bear is sick
Little brown bear learns to share
Little brown bear is growing up
Little brown bear wants to be read to
Little brown bear wants to go to school
think there is a show called lil brown bear too, i rem it comes wif a very nice theme song...where did u buy the books from?
Where did you buy the books from? And how much per title?

Phoebe Mama
I'm going to the Wakin Chau's concert on 7 Feb but not bringing my girl. Just curious, may I know why there is a segment to feature children's photos on his concert?

my gals love the Little Brown Bear carton and the song quite catchy

each book only $2!!! bght at those shop that sells new and used books...saw the 3 books in new condition and 'chop' all !!! The stall is temporary located at thomson.
$2 is really cheap...i used to record the sesame street show from ch5 &amp; i rem Lil Brown Bear was shown after that. I can still rem the song hahah
hey mummies,
anyone with a electric dual pump lying at home? Looking to borrow one (of cos will buy new parts), cos not sure if to invest in another one with this 2nd kiddo...
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Chinese New Year Open House Day</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Celebrate the New Year at the Museum and get to see all our exhibitions for free.
Time: 10am to 5pm
Venue: National Museum of Singapore, 93 Stamford Road
Tel: 6332 3659 / 6332 5642
Cost: Free
Date: 27th Jan 2009</font>

Exciting activities for you this holiday!

Celebrate the New Year at the Museum and get to see all our exhibitions for free. Discover enthralling stories of Singapore's history and culture as our Mandarin Docents guide you around our Singapore Living Galleries.

* All galleries close at 6pm except for the Singapore Living Galleries.

Singapore Living Galleries Tour
by Mandarin Docents
Time: 10.30am, 1pm, 2.30pm &amp; 4pm
Meeting Point: Stamford Visitor Services Counter, Level 1

For enquiries, please call +65 6332 3659 / +65 6332 5642.

Terms &amp; Conditions:
Please contact the National Museum of Singapore for terms and conditions.
Hi Mummies,

I've 4 tins of Similac Gain IQ Kid (Step 4,900g) to let go @ S$23/tin. as I had bought the wrong milk formula for my son. If interested, pls PM me for details.

Hi Mummies,

been long long time nvb join in this thread.. bz..

Sigh! K kena sore throat &amp; coughing after my dad fed him prawn cracker.. fever still on for cont of 4 days.. hopefully, he gets well before cny eve.. however, if he gets better, my mil sures feed him those "heaty" stuff when k going over there for cny eve reunion dinner.

Last night, saw him praying.. so asked him "Darling, are you praying from GOD?" He stated "yes!" "Wat r u praying?Are you praying to get recover soon? He stated "Yes" with nodded head.

I wish i have time to take leave to rest..
hi mummies

am so busy with household chores and cleaning for new year!!! argh...

Anyway. anyone has plans to visit sentosa's floral exhibition? Maybe can plan a meet up.
Hi everyone,

ya lor..back at work since last week and its has been rush rush rush t/o...somemore R down w stomach flu n high fever, havent slept for a few days liaoz...MS dipping

where everyone
Happy CNY
Hi mummies,
everyone must busy with cny preparations

Is your child settled in school already? My gal is sick everywk since school starts
. Down with stomach flu and high fever now..
hi mummies,

my boy is also sick. fever up and down since monday night but no other symptoms. he had stomach wind last week. i think there is some bug around after the long break and our kids immunity not strong enough.

i wish all mummies and families a prosperous and healthy new year!
another casualty to the list...

my ger's been down wif hfmd since last Sat too...on the mend now &amp; will be in time to collect her ang pows hahaha

Happy NIU year!
How is everyone's new yr celebrations so far? It seems to be a lot more quiet this year, like normal days cos alot of shops are open by 2nd day!
It had been a great time for X cos he gets to eat all the junk and managed to convince people to give him more when mama say NO. HAHA....
