(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

mine used two canister of flixotide before the pd say can stop...
now his cough is usually trigger off by heaty food, hence i try to give him more fruits and honey so the coughing is occasionally now.
Hard to avoid heaty food now cos he know what is biscuits, choc! and school sometimes have those bd party packs that come with these sickening junk food!

heheh the junk stuff from my ger's goody bags from sch usually go to my helper straight. Only occasionally the less sinful stuff like biscuits & of course, the stationery, N gets to enjoy.
N will hug the bag & bring it ard but doesn't ask to eat the things inside...will just keep hinting to me by asking me what is inside? is it for eating etc? So wat do u do wif his goody bags?
he hug and will ask open pls mama...mama open, i want to eat.. ( i think there are kids who already open and ate in sch).
If i say cannot eat, he will start to whine NON STOP and say its MINE! Sigh..so i gotta open and let him eat and along the way, snatch over some into my mouth...

Ivy, u made it so funnie..

my boy will tell me, mummie chocolate nice know...i usually reply..ya but u sick cannot eat k n replace it w bread

btw, any recommendations to get cheap books? he likes story telling these days
well, he will still ask for sweets aka ribena pastiles even when he cough. Every time i ask him, is Xavier coughing? he will reply, x ong coughing. Then i reply: coughing cannot have sweets, then he nod...
10mins later he will ask mami sweets? then i repeat the questioning and answering process again. so tiring!

cheap books, try bras brasah complex(very near your office!).
hehe N easier to 'pian' then. I'll tell her the sweets r unhealthy & not good for her. Then will try to give her sthg else from the fridge that's a more healthy choice. That will make her happy enough & then we must quickly dispose of the goody bag..out of sight, out of mind!

yes, the Children's Book Store at Bras Basah, 4th level has v good & cheap eng books. My fav haunt! but i will not bring N there as i need time & peace to browse haha
Hi ivy n cheri,

Thanks. is the name children's book store? will try to go there during one of my lunchtime ;p

Yup...my boy also veri lor soh...but when it got to a point, i'll threaten him w "you want to go to hospital???", this will usually shut him up. he still traumatised by his prev stay...keke..bad mummy la
wah, you so bad? Haha...i tried saying, if you cough cough, must go to see Dr leh, you want? But he is not scare of gog Dr cos Dr always give him toys and biscuits! haha...
think boys are harder to "pien".

So how are you using your 5 weeks of ML? Spread out as holidays here and there?
any one had reviews on Berries (chinese enrichment sch).
I went for a trial at the Hougang branch. The teaching methods was quite good alto i dun like the teacher, felt she is not energentic!
But X seems to gain a lot from the 1 session trial. He could recognise the 2 chinese words learnt from the trial and it was only a 1.5hr lesson! Tot it was quite an achievement...
Let me know if you hear of any good reviews on the teachers in their other branch? thanks!
yes, that's the name of the bookstore..there's a 2nd hand book store on the 3rd level that has books for our tots too if you dun mind pre-owned books. But if you only have ur lunchtime hour to shop, u might wanna give that shop a miss cos u need time to browse thru the books. Quite disorganised & dusty hahah

think i told u b4 my cousin used to send her son to berries but he's now much older. Dun think she can rem the teacher's name but she speaks well of Berries.

actually i've just started flashing Ch words to N recently (abt 2 weeks ago). I'm not a believer of flashcards all these while but a fren pointed out that unlike Eng words which they can use phonics approach to read etc, Ch words r a lot based on memory. They will also tend to rem Ch words better cos it's made up of pictograms.

I flash her 5 words, 3 times a day for 5 consecutive days. On the 6th day, i'll replace one of the 5 words wif a new word. Then start the cycle again. I'll keep the retired words in a plastic folder & flash them to her once a week. She can recognise abt 10 Chinese words now & can read them out when she sees the same words in the Ch story books that i read to her.

my point is if X's chinese prog in his cc is sound (as in he gets to listen to stories, sing songs etc), he may not need extra ch lessons at this point of time. Ur mum used to speak Mandarin wif him when he was in her care? think his Mand should be much better than my ger who's really not speaking much of Mand yet. I'm trying to speak more Mand wif her now...time to start haha.

I spoke wif N's ch tr in her cc. She personally feels too early to intro them to words in sch curr now as she'd rather focus on letting them hear & speak more of the lang but says it's good if we can do a bit of words wif them at home if we hv the time.
where do you get the chinese flashcards? Ya, X speak mandarin much better than his English! Thats why i signed him up for the eng version of JG edudrama, starting end of the month.

I think its a good idea to do the chinese flashcards on my own at home then move on to Berries for some programs at K1 stage.
got my cards (single word type) from popular...there r many choices there to choose from. Alternatively, can try Wo Hui Du series...heard they r quite good too though more pricey.
Hi ivy,

I wish can take leave to go holidays
was so tempted by the NATAs advertisements

will be taking the 5 weeks spreaded out for my pil to go overseas. they need their breaks.
as 4 work chiam..cant finish lei. coz these days i try to go home earlier to help out

Hi Cheri,
thanks..woh flash cards..i bought the glenn domain set n its now collecting dust in my store..ha ha no time
Hi Ivy,
think my gal's asthma is more serious. She's on both inhalers for more then a yr. Everytime try to cut down dosage wil fall sick. Have been sick since last fri and missing school

Edudrama, is X going for accompanied or non- accompanied program? Am thinking of starting my gal next term.
littletot, he is gog for the non accompanied program cos i felt is better for him to be independent, esp he is already attending full day cc now..later he will confuse why go cc no mummy but go JG got mummy?!
Join X for this coming new term lah! Now they even have interest free installment plans (haha, just saw the email but i paid up for the full term liao)

asthma arh, tcm believe can boast the lungs with cocodile meat brewed in some herbs..maybe you wanna check it out. X tried once before, he quite like the half bowl of soup.
hi ivy,
berries accept kids at 3 years old? mabbe it's time for me to send to. my gal's chinese is atrocious.

bot those chinese flashcards...but no determination to flash them to her. :p....lazy mummy here...

hi joyce,
my glenn doman cards are collecting dust too...keke...

Wished i cld go on holiday too.
Hi ino,

sama sama for R, his chinese got slang one! dunno where he learnt from either and when he talk to my mil, its so funnie ;)

flash cards, ya boy..actually neber flash for him just buy flash once or twice and into the store it went..keke me super duper lazy

w another 2, can forget it manz

Hi ivy,
X attends which lesson for the JG? thinking of letting R resume if can arrange for my hub to bring him...
yup, berries accept 2006 babies liao. Yours is wat kind of cards? Gotta use the just word on one side one for better learning....Wanna sell me? haha...
How are you feeling now? 2nd one not engaged yet, still waiting...

x is on Sunday morning unaccompanied class. So either daddy or me drop him then we go kopi 1hr and come back for him. Maybe you can still send R and can go walk walk with the 2 girls?
Swim Class
Any Northeast mums interested in swim class for their tots? I'm attempting to form a class to be held at Seng Kang public pool. Actually only need 3 tots. If 2 tots, if one is absent then no fun for the remaining tot. Can PM me.
Hello! Any birthday bash this year?!

Ivy: Start counting down already? Can be anytine now right? All the best!

Cheri: The sinful birthday goodies will either go to daddy or mummy... :p Are you joining their zoo trip?

Annie: read that Slow dance message some years ago but forgot about it liao. thx for posting.
hahah bd bash then u come online ah? v busy at work?

yes yes, going to zoo...N would not allow me not to hahah...u?
you at forum sun morning slot? What time? Very hard to get those time slot

My boy is at evans sun bilingual.Unless i change him to sat else cannot
. V has been on evans Q for 10.30 sat edudrama since jul 08 for 09 intake. Haven heard from them yet...
<font color="0000ff">Eu Yan Sang at Jurong Point is having pre-reno sale until tomorrow (10 Mar). 20% off Bird's Nest, Essence of Chicken, etc.</font>
hot arh? i think its the accompanied one that is hot cos mine is idependent class one... Cos i just called and ask got wat slots and they told me got this and i went down to pay $$$ lo. You call them up lah...and see if still have space.

E started cc? Which one did you choose eventually?
jg class arh?
so far, i think quite a # of frens' kids attended and gave good reviews..hence i sign up to try for 1 term lo...
i will review for you after X start okie? :p
any1 keen on this pre-loved memory set. OOS in popular liao. i bght last yr and it was gently-used. selling at $10


Suitable age : 2-6 years old
Include 2 magnetic memory boards and 30 pieces of pictures * 2
Train children in good memory
Develop children's imagination and thinking skills


K currently attending edudrama at evans but its at 12pm. 9am will be a much better timing leh. let me ask them on sat.

u enrolling V in the class?
do call them 1st thing in the morning tmr to ask for the swop! Existing student have priorty
. They are calling down the list of waitlist students.Scare wont have slot by sat.Only 1 class. So far the class not full yet. Join leh... I'll confirm with them tmr.

wanna come over? :p
me doing independent class...cos various reasons but mainly, if we are ard, X tend to stick very closely to me and wun wan to participate.
Hello Everyone,something to share...the older the better .kekeke..

At Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, we are committed to being the market leader for lifestyle concepts and innovations. Following the success of recent promotions, such as Lunch by the Minute and The Line's 4th Birthday celebrations, our F&amp;B team will be introducing a bold, ground-breaking campaign call FLASH YOUR AGE!

With effect from next Tuesday 17 March 2009, guests who celebrate their birthdays at Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, will enjoy a dining discount that is equivalent to their current age at all five restaurants - BLU, The Line, Nadaman, Shang Palace and Rose Veranda.

For restaurant reservations, you can call Dining Reservations at 6213 4398.

Understand there are no. of guest restriction.P/s call to chk. Happy eating!
The restriction is up to 8 person.
Ha, i was telling colleague if you bring a 100yrs old then its totally free for 8 persons!
Then she replied, then better find 101 and above, then can get back vouchers?! hahah...
<font color="0000ff">The Shangri-La discount looks good!

Is this good?
Nordic Naturals, Children's DHA, 250 mg, Strawberry Flavor, 180 Chewable Soft Gels (USD 20.36 excluding shipping)

Thought of buying for DS. Anyone else keen to join me?

What other supplements are good for boosting kid's immunity?</font>
Wow Ivy..more enrichment classes for X? Hehehe...i gonna stop Jarrett next term lo...will do more home practice myself.

my gals are taking the strawberry chewables.they loves it and more convenient for me as they self-help from fridge..used to feed them the same range but in liquid form but mummy kind of lazy..hehehe

U r getting from iherb???

i order mine from iherb every 2 mths. Their int'l shipping is quite reliable and affordable. I paid US$4 for 4 items.
If u are 1st time customer, u will get a US$5 off using this code: ARE010.

i tot u were commenting that the nordic chewables not gd for kids???
So in the end, u buy for your boy to consume?

I find nordic tast ok leh...at least the strawberry flavour 'cover' the fishy smell.cos i took the adult's DHA strawberry.when i burp, at least there's no fishy taste and i wont feel like vomiting..hehehehehe
<font color="0000ff">pooh,
Yes, getting from iherb. I have the USD 5 discount code too. Mine is LOH253. BTW, is there any shipping promo now?</font>

I didnt comment not good, I stated the chewy gel isnt good for tummy, *faint* not the product not good. I brought 2 bots for my nieces but they didnt want, so pass to k to take. He didnt like; currently taking local brand one, tablet form, no smell @ all.

Ended up, 1 bot blank new @ home, the other bot opened still left many, I consume if i remember. haha

No promotion @ e moment.

Gong Xi gong Xi
