(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Ivy~ Our little one needs more than 2 days to get well leh. Ya I TREASURE them *roll eyes*.....today came back home seeing J sneezing...

Must be I passed the germs to him....haiyo...poor baby.

You know what foods to avoid when our little ones is having cough/cold other than ice cream? I heard from some people to avoid chicken? Is this true?
And similarly, what food to eat when our little one is having cough/cold

Very fan...don't have these info
pd said no citrus fruits.
Chix is said by old ppl cos it will ignite the phlegm. But if you rem, ang mos always say hot chix soup is good when you have a cold!
But think better avoid if J is phlegmy cos its true to some extent. And that includes eggs!
And of cos ALL cold drinks, not only ice cream!
Well, as to wat to eat arh? That i also dunno...usually if they have poor appetite then just milk and plenty of rest? Thats wat i do for my lil one lo.
Thanks Ivy! How to avoid eating chicken when drumstick is his fav! :p
That's the prob lo...i read those AM website and it said to avoid dairy products and eat more fruits leh....so contradictory hor...cos i think it's very imp for them to drink milk if their solid intake is bad..

You know of any chinese websites that'll rec such foods?

Do you think I can give him bird nest or lingyang to strengthen him up?

Really hate it because J never fall sick prior to his PG.
fates - for me when zav is cough/phelgmy

-no cold drinks, sweets, ice cream, chocs, tidbits, biscuits (usu also hardly hv actually :p)
-dilute milk (as milk cos phelgm)
-CC auto will remove chix for him. for myself, hardly feed chix.. usu fish/lean meat. (actually my TCM doc says no fish too! faintz)
-fruits - actually i still give apples, bananas, papayas. just no orange, grapes, watermelons etc. (liang fruits)
-veg mostly any kind
-naturally no oily, fried food also

For cough, i usu trust TCM more. but i still do abit of mixture of western/TCM (feed 2hrs apart)
Daytime = TCM Medi
Before sleep = PD medi (my PD gives fumicil to "dissolve" phelgm,can be bought from watsons)

Recently - I started giving manuka honey UMF15+. it seems to really helps! I am a believer in this now. hahaha
lengyang is not meant to strengthen him hor..Its a cooling herb, taken for heaty illness (phlegmy cough are usually not due to heatiness).

You reminded me of the manuka honey! Yes yes, its useful...i totally forgot abt giving it to son these days...must start again tonite cos he is starting to cough abit today (must be due to all the biscuits and ice cream over the weekend!)
<font color="0000ff">DS has started to cough yesterday and was sniffing too. It seems to be worse this morning. I also feel a bit heaty in the throat and took "Xia Sang Jun" (夏桑菊) last night. With some of us (and kids) falling sick, we have to perk up our health.

Bird's nest will also cause phlegm right? I thot that's one of the reasons why pregnant lady should not take bird's nest before 2nd trimester???</font>
oh dear...quite a no. of kids sick ya. my no2 also jst recovered from sore throat, cough and block nose....cause by a big pc of cookie that she ate on weekend!

Agree that manuka honey is gd. my PD says will cause phlegm so ask me to avoid when coughing but then hor, the western med for cough is sweet and some cames in fruits flavour like kiwi, grapes...wont cause phlegm ?? kekeke

MTDT, my cousin ever told me her TCM also says no FISH too when coughing...
ya, once the kid start sch/playgp sure will be sick more often. It takes a while for their immune system to build up.
Thanks MT, Ivy, bbloh and pooh for your inputs!

So our little ones can eat pork and beef only ya. Problem is my MIL don't believe in the chicken thingy and still cook for J. How to tell her leh

Actually he is better last week...but i gave him ice cream on Friday and weekends he cough non-stop! Arghhh bad mummy...

Manuka..I have UMF+5..not potent enough ya?

Yogurt can?
fates, yogurt usually cold right since store in fridge ..try to avoid if cough lor. i add pro biotic to my gal's milk instead of taking yogurt.
haha...ice cream is more potent than chix!

i think your mil feel if everyday eat pork will be quite boring? if the chix is limited portion then close 1 eye lo. or teach J to tell popo that he is coughing, so no chix!
No cold stuff if coughing still on. Maybe your mil fed him chicken before e ice-cream? Def no chicken!!!

hmm.. after J recover, can brew a bit of cordy ( 1/2 small thingy of cordy with pork, red dates &amp; gou qi zi) and let him drink e soup.. helps to "pu" back e "qi" - only when toddler is out of cough or flu or any sickness and def no phglem..
Hi Mommies

I am new to this forum.

My daughter is coming 3 years and I'm worried of her education. Living in the north area, there isn't good school except Chongfu Primary. Any advise??
welcome csk,
your gal is also May 06 baby?
Not too sure abt north side but these days some neighbourhood schs are quite good too.
If you are really worried, then maybe you can start thinking to shift house or not? Or go and visit some of the schs and get feedback.
cheri (and others),
am enquiring cost of seekairun.com shoes..let me know the design if you are keen...will confirm total cost before ordering. X simply love his current pair cos its so soft yet stable when he run..haha..
not sure which part of north you r staying near...but i know canberra pri is not bad.

thanks but no suitable design for N currently. maybe next time hehe
Thanks mummies for your advice! Appreciate it! I'm now giving him Fluimucil and cough syrup. Supplementing with honey lemon too. Hope it works.

Any birthday party for our kids this year? They are big enough to enjoy it already, so shall we organise?
no discount....

Growth Sprut:
Anyone have idea when does this happened?
x been taking 14oz of milk every nite before slpg for the past 3-4 days. And thats abt 2hr before his last btl of 6oz at 6.30pm cos he is in bedroom by 8.30pm.ALOT hor?
make him go inside the dark bedroom by 8.30, then he will drink milk, go pee, brush teeth, talk rubbish, ard 9.40 then KO.
I think its a phrase bah, he prob will stop asking for MORE milk after a few more days?

Birthday celebration:
This regular organiser here gog to pop soon mah..haha..Let me ask our venue facilitor first. If got venue then can plan mah. Then i will use Apr to plan and organise lo.

Any suggestions or any volunteer to organise?
Hi Bbloh,

How was the Sci Centre? thinking of bring R also. he nowadays poor thing, dun get as much attn and cries whenever we want to bring him to school..still coughing btw. hiaz.
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,
Re: Science Centre (this Sat &amp; Sun only)
I'm planning to visit this Sun so not sure about the fair. Are you going?

Re: Hair balding
It's been about 4 months after you gave birth right? That's the time when almost all pregnancy hormones revert to normal level and hairs that are not usually lost during pregnancy will fall together with the normal hair loss. Continue consuming the supplements so that hair loss is not abrupt. If you're into TCM, maybe you can visit one to prescribe medicine (must tell the sinseh that you're bf) to help you recuperate and "tune" your body back, tell him/her about the hair loss, maybe he/she will ask you to take 何首乌.

If not, try using Pilfood shampoo which is available from some pharmacies, e.g. Jurong Polyclinic, NUH. Some mummies said that it helps with curbing hair loss.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Cheri,
Is N better now?

For TCM, you may want to try:
Lim Siang You
TCM Registered Physician $ Acupuncturist
Blk 93 #11-118 Whampoa Drive
Tel: 6254 6166

For GP:
Dr Koh
Nam Seng Clinic
#01-22 Beauty World Centre
Upper Bukit Timah Road
Tel: 64682824

Please call to check their address and operating hrs before going.


the last round, i was dropping hair badly too...Seems to be hormones problem coupled with oily scalp. I went for bi-weekly hair treatment at kimage for 2mths and it works! haha..
Probably a bit expensive but you can opt for the package to save quite a bit..
managed to coax her to take the chinese med today wif a goat sweet as the carrot! must give it a few days at least to see if it works, i guess. She doesn't cough much but when she does, can hear the phlegm. The western med &amp; ventolin inhaler this time din seem to work. thanks, will keep these contacts in mind.
Growth Sprut

Yes it exist together with growing pains!!! My boy alsways go thr that and after sprouting at times he will complain of pains in joints! Checked with doc and said its normal!! But you really worry if they will burst!!
<font color="0000ff">Mummies, Ps take some time to read</font>

<font size="+2">Slow Dance</font>

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl, stay in a New York Hospital.
It was sent by a medical doctor - Make sure to read what is in the closing statement

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain

Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slowdown.
Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.
The music won't last

Do you run through each day
On the fly?

When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
Wth the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste, Not see
his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,
Let a good
friendship die,
Cause you never had time

To call and say,'Hi'
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.

Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

<font color="119911">Dear All: PLEASE READ &amp; PASS on to everyone you know -
even to those you don't know! It is the request of a special girl who will soon leave this world due to cancer. This young girl has 6 months left to live, as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to live their life to the fullest, since she never will. She'll never make it to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a family of her own.</font>

Dr Dennis Shields, Professor
Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx , New York
Hi Ivy,

When r u due? Will u be starting ur ML before birth?

Btw, i really pay school fees for nothing, R has been sick on n off veri frequently. Attend 1 day rest 4 days...hiaz
me bring him to PD so often until the doc sign when he sees us
edd is 21st, shld be working till the day labour starts..boring at home!

how come go 1 day and rest 4 days? Actually if he got no fever after the 2nd day can send him back. i suppose this is how the kids build up the immune system.
Hi Ivy,

He coughing till panting so kept him at home. also he seems to hate going to school till this day, he still kicks up a fuss..maybe becoz he on &amp; off..

EDD this month? wow..time really flies..
update me ok when u deliver?

and dun go back work too early..my ms dropped drastically now that back at work
not enuff for 2 of them liaoz.
aiyo, cough till panting? Then pd gave wat med? On the puffs?
Erm, me will go back to work prob after 10 weeks or max 12 weeks. ms sure will drop once start work but i think dun be too bother by it...if not suffice then top up with FM lo.
In this kind of economy, better dun be out of action for too long...out of sight, out of mind! Hence must always let boss see you are working hard..hahahahah....
Hi Ivy,

Yup on puff. think he is dependant on it liaoz

I came back to work after 11 weeks....dropping since then..trying to tong until 6mths
wun be dependent on the puff one lah...its meant to use for 4mths (for x case the last round) then it help to build his lungs up. One is ventolin (blue) the other is a orange puff call flexiode( not sure abt the spelling).

wah, you took 11 weeks only? then the rest of the 7 weeks as annual leave? i suppose just supplement with the FM bah. Work stress is like that one.......

Hi mummies,
looks like our kid is falling sick very often.My gal is down at least once every 2 wks
. She is also dependent on salbuair and flixotide. Does your child have to take clarityn every nite too?
