(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Hi chris,

My gyane pkg is also very ex.. S$950 for 10 visits but includes 2 detail scan at 5 & 8 mths .... extra visit will have to pay...

Actually I am still considering between TMC & Mt Alvernia... but seems that alot of good recommedation for the anatenatal class at TMC ... will decide after my hospital visit at Mt alvernia ....

Hi yasmin, ya what's the jab for? Sorry if I'd missed your post....Is this $540 per month treatment or?

Hi Taurus, which part of punggol you staying? Me 600+
hi chris,

those are just myths lah. i crave for sweet food as well. even took honey and glucose plus sweets! so not true lar...hehehehe.

for me, my mummy is doing my confinement. she very modern one...dun think she will ask me not to bath. In fact, she was bathing during her own confinement as well. May is very a hot month...can't imagine not washing my hair for 2 consecutive days...eEeEeEe....

I tink one of my fren paid about $1.5K for a CL. doesn't sound cheap...

Hi Annie,
just take it easy. i'm sure u wld be able to pull thru' together with your bb. ;-)

hi yasmin,
wat jabs are u tokking about? how come so expensive?
was that you, Taurus???? Peeking at me??? hHahaha...nah lah...pulling your leg. Dun take mrt so, def not me...haha...

seems like fates, taurus, ivy and I stay at home hor....hmmm...hee....haha....i am basically nuah-ing...until work calls me...haha...

indeed, confinement lady is about 1.5 - 2.5k depending on your needs...stay in more ex of cos. am hoping my mum will help but difficult to say, so see how...

i will have loved to deliver at mt A...since I was born there myself...

hey ivy...i so wish i might hv you as my neighbour...no young neighbours on my floor except a couple who jus moved in but nt friendly. sigh. haha.
oh btw...if some of you out there are interested in reading, of cos - lots of non-fiction out there...thousand and one titles...but if u looking for something lighter...try "The Fat Ladies Club" - the tale of five friends facing the fearful prospect of first-time pregnancy. That really caught my eyes..cos that's exactly me...didn't intend to get preg at least until another year or so, but I guess God has his plans...haha...been married for 3 years now but really wanted to enjoy the new place a little longer...

should anyone be interested, i have a website to rec for you to buy from...cheaper than I bought it at kino for $17. They have a follow-up book "The first five years". Bought that too (but at $8!!! from one of those book fairs!). Quite fun to read - real issues - of cos considering these are 'ang mohs' - they won't have a topic on confinement *kekeke* but sex, boobs, stretch creams - you know, the universal stuff...haha

read somewhere where someone asked about a more local context - i think read this on some other thread - and there is a Keiko author, tho japanese but written with singapore in mind *strange*...think might check it out.
Hi chris/fates/ino, the jab is to open up the blood vessels so that the blood/nutrient supply thru the placenta to baby will be good. As my 1st baby was so small at birth(he had growth restriction) my gynae advised that I cld take these jabs to improve the situtation. Its not that I will defintely not have another small baby but its just that it might help. Only God can help me to have a normal sized baby, I think only with his grace everything will be smooth. Need to pray very very hard. Must talk to baby to pray to God to help him/her to be normal sized.
Hi fates, the $500 does not include the detailed scan, blood test, delivery charge or hospital charges. hmm.. but wats the 2 scans u referring to? Is it CTG scan? So far i remembered during my 1st pregnancy i went to another place to do only 1 detailed scan. Then on the 3rd trimester near to EDD I did a CTG scan at Dr Heng's clinic, its also not included in the package, got to pay separately.

As for GA c-section, my hubby cannot go in, he waited outside the operating theatre with my hospital bag n carrying my slippers..hahaa, din expect there wasn't any chairs outside for him to sit, n it was already 11pm at nite, poor thing, he admitted wif me around noon and didn't rest abit. But luckily the operation was very fast, less than 15min baby was out, n he was asked to follow the nurse n baby to the nursery room together wif our own baby clothes. Thats when he whispered to baby for 1st time
Don't worry, Dr Heng's stitching is very neat n nice, and I can come down from bed to walk around on the 2nd nite after my painkiller drip was removed. My scar now is just one very very fine line, can't even notice if i dun pull n stretch my tummy skin.

i not so good life...wish i can stay at home too...But i am in the office everyday..then go out for appts in between.
Taurus, also not me..dun take mrt too.

Yup, me just married this march, want to start early so that my mum can help look after the kid. Sign into the forum lah, we meet up with each other often, very friendly one..Another neighbour in 267A is also pregnant and we share tips..We shld met up! Hee...
HI fates,

Me staying 100++

Hi Chris,

Me also working ...not staying at home ... but i prefer working coz dunnoe wat to do at home ...kekek .. even when I told gynae I prefer her not giving me MC coz I feel more sick when I stay at home...kekek...and my gynae laugh saying i am one of the few exceptions ... most pregnant women usually felt better with more rest but I feel better with more work...kekek
Hi Ladies,

Would reqn some advice from 2/3 time moms cos I'm first time mom. I would like to buy a breastpump after delivery cos need to go back to work after maternity leave. However, quite confused abt which models are suitable for FTWMs. Moreover, wld like to get it cos thinking that the x-mas sales shld be coming round the yr end & so shld have quite good discounts.

Any advice????

my package will be $600 including all scheduled visit from week 16 till delivery. does not include any med, blood test or detailed scan. consider quite cheap right?


i am a first time moms but hope can help u with this. i heard that a few pumps are quite popular.

1. avent manual pump
2. ameda lact dual electric pump
3. medela pump in style

alot of advises are if u jus wanna try out and see if u can stick to breastfeeding, get the avent manual pump first as it is the cheapest. if feeding long term, the ameda one is not bad priced at 300. medela pump in style is too pricy, cost abt 700.

hope this helps!
Hi angel,
My hubby bought a battery operated breast pump. I think its from pigeon brand. Its close to $100. You can adjust the suction power. Only thing is battery used up fast.

Like what milo said, we shld try with the cheaper brand first. Dont want to invest soo much of $ to realise that not much of supply like me. I only pumped out for 10 days than no more supply.
Hi Angel,

I'm a 2nd time mum but can't answer your question coz I didn't succeed in breastfeeding

There are many threads in this forum where mummies discuss about breastfeeding and breast pumps. Do search thru the forum topics. Below r a few of the many threads:

"Which Breast Pump is the best?"

"Working moms who are bf the bb-how do you manage?"

"Any breastpump to recommend"

Myself I bought avent manual pump last time and used it for 1 week only. Not because the pump is no good, but because I cannot stand breastfeeding, got abit of depression. This time round I'll buy another avent manual pump for standby n hopefully can succeed in breastfeeding. Hv given away my previous pump.

From my experienced breastfeeding friends, they also recomended the 3 types that milo mentioned.

I only bf for abt 2 months previously as its very tiring and my milk supply is very little. Plus my mother who was helping me is not very encouraging. So when I return to work, I stopped bf completely. I will try my best to do it better this round, maybe invest in a better pump and join the support group
Hihi everyone,

I am a newbie to this forum
So exciting to read all yr experiences and find some of mine similar. My EDD is on 20th May. QooSan, from Fate's list, i realised yr EDD is just 1 day before mine and my gynae is the same as yrs! Perhaps we have bumped into each other at Dr Foong's clinic before
yes milo...your package is cheap! but i guess if we work it out, i am paying $100 more for one more visit in the package (fr 12th week) then, just abt the same lor.

on the topic of pumps - my sis had an electric one and she says no good...manual better, she claims...more positive feedback so far...

yes, ivy...i saw your email addy on the forum. yes, please add me into your email complied list - [email protected]. Perhaps we can meet up someday indeed...and wow...considering u jus got married in march...wow you are fast. we jus not ready but since it happened, ok - we accept lor. haha.

and sorry abt assuming that perhaps some of u might be stay home wives...i am not, just that it's 'lull' period..if u know what i mean...so taking full opp to rest and nurse baby. haha.

indeed, yasmin...God will take care of your baby...and He has the plans for everything laid...if it might make u feel better, and u might be able to afford it, then go for it...otherwise, LITG (Leave It To God)....

and btw...ino...you just proved the myth right...you are into sweet stuff...so, that's why girl! haha...well...myths aside...strong feeling tells us...sigh..boy lah. hahaha....accepted nonetheless...
Woke up reali late today.. so din hve manage to catch up the thread today..

Hi Ivy..

Yes i'll be flying one CL over to Ldo. My sis due date is in Mar (using the same CL, our Malaysian long distance relative) One thing is tt i din wanna trouble my mum as she jus went for her knee op. I dun mind her coming over to visit bb but won't wanna get her to do things for me..

hi Cindy

My skin oso dry
can see skin peeling off too. Reali dunno wat to do.

Hi Amie

Hey.. think we've got the same problem.. I hve two pimples on the chest(now getting better) and Naval popping out. My sis is gng into 6th mth preg.. her naval hole is closing instead.. (I GOT A SHOCKED!!) den showed her my over webcam.. kekekkee... (she said wow reali popping out)Hey.. i do agree with u abt the shower rules from china. Tt's why i and HB find tt no logic to follow since we do hve hot and clean water to shower. But as for food wise better follow up ;) as it might help to nurse back our body..
Hi fairysnowberry,

Welcome! It's nice to see someone with the same gynae here, and our due date is only 1 day apart!

Not sure we hav meet each other before in the clinic not ...hee hee. When are you going to visit him again? Hav u did the detail scan?
dear qoosan, fairysnowberry,

hihi! im actually from the June MTB thread, but came in to kpo.. hee!! then i realised that the both of you are also seeing Dr LC Foong, whom is also my gynae. My EDD is 3 June, so i might also deliver in May also. never know. but qoosan, you had already decided on delivering at Mt A? For me, i will deliver at Glen E.
I am going for the detailed scan at Week 22. Did you choose NUH or Camden? I cant wait for the detailed scan!!
Hi QooSan,

My next appt with Dr Foong is 10th Dec. What do u mean by the detailed scan? Is it the NT scan? Yup he did the NT scan for me already. But he mentioned that there is another scan to be done at the 22nd week so i havent done that yet.

Have you done the NT scan & the triple blood test yourself? Dr Foong said i do not need to do the triple blood test as the NT scan is quite accurate. All of my friends who gave birth a few mths ago did the triple blood test but Dr Foong insisted that i didnt need it.

What about you?
Hi Ryue,

Wow the 3 of us should like arrange to meet one day at Dr Foong's clinic or so
I have not decided whether to deliver at Mount A or Glen E. Why did you choose Glen E over Mount A?

i just sent you an email.
Ya, we started early cos i wan my mum to help out taking care of the kid while i work. So if i delay a few years, she may not be able to as she will be physically much older..
So, have to planned on the caregiver part when you go back to work?
hi morn!

been feeling some ache at the navel area, wonder is it because of the navel going to pop out soon. any1 feeling this way?
Hi Good Morning,
My breasts are so painful. There are obvious greenish veins at the side of the breasts and hurt quite abit. And my breasts have become bigger too. Anyone experience this?

As for the navel, I did not have it popping out when I was pregnant with my son. So, I think its unlikely that it'll pop out this pregnancy.

ic.. this morn called and made appt for the antenatal classes at mt a in dec liao. abit early but that is the duration that hubby can attend with me since he will on overseas detachment for 6 weeks in feb. will update whether the classes are good.

if you intend to get some baby stuff soon, there is a 20% sales at John little for members this Tue. hubby last Fri went to see and was told abt this news from the service staff.
We thinking of getting a cot there. Price is quite reasonable...but shld be getting them to deliver after CNY cos no space at home liao!haha
Morning ladies,

I have brought the brochure for the antenatal classes at Mt Alvernia .... the programme consists of 6 sessions conducted weekly. Weekday session starts from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Saturday session starts from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

For mothers delivering at Mount Alvernia Hospital S$126.00 and other participants S$147.00

thks for the news! will pop by to have a look.


have u all decide whether to get a playpen or a cot? still haven make up my mind yet.

me getting a cot.
Playpen cannot adjust height, so very xin ku for the back. i also feel that playpen is too bouncy and soft for proper sleep.
But of cos, playpen is much cheaper lah.
hi milo,

Initially I was considering to get a playpen ... but recently my friend's 2 months old BB actually fell off the playpen .... I think BB start to kick and dunnoe hoe he moves to the side of the playpen and drop under the playpen ...luckily nothing serious but I start to think twice

i was thinking of getting a cot now. got myself a playpen and the height is those adjustable type, jus that seem like the support rather flimsy. as bb grow heavier scare later give way lor. now also like taurus, thinking twice.

as i have to get 2, one for my mum hse, i got to source for a reasonable priced one. so far the range all abt 250+ right?
Hei ladies..

thought i would have missed out on a lot of the action....haha...guess lots of us busy during weekend huh...

yasmin...it's usual for the breasts to feel tender...i have the obvious veins too and yes...they have become bigger too *wink*...and yes, when i realised i was preg initially, i felt the pain a little...so quite normal...no worries....

on that note, may i share with you gals that my sis claims that mothercare has the best nursing bras, despite being a little on the expensive end *now, having sale tho...* so she advises not to be lured by the cheap ones at JL and so on...

ivy....cot is good...but v exp. so worthwhile if you intend to have some more babies... hee.

playpen....is essentially, as the word implies...for play only so not so much in replacement of a cot...so, some thoughts there...
Hi milo....

Issit that expensive?? I tot I saw ard S$199 ... me also same as you...gotta buy 2 sets of BB stuff ... one set for mum's hse ... veri siong hor .... everything times 2 .... and went to a BB store to check out the other day ... everything all over S$150 ... veri expensive ... now trying to get friends to pass me some items so that I only need to buy 1 set .... the other set for my mum's house will be things I get from my friends ....kekek .... need to save some money for diapers n milk powder ....haha

me also have to get two sets...haha...cos my mum will be the main caregiver after birth. i saw one nice one at JL, at 199, with all the bedding and mozzie net too! After discount will prob be lesser.
But seriously, dun have to get 2 sets of everything...the really must use one, keep at mum place cos you only bring back BB at nite mah. Then Fri nite bring back those you will need for Sat and Sun like the sterlizer.
If really everything get 2, i think will be siao liao!

Me likely to have 2 kids, but must wait till i forget all the xin ku before i think of no 2. Anyway, i still have 2 sisters that i can pass my things to, so dun mind getting better stuff, so that it will last.
hey i heard mothercare having 20% off fashion and 15% off toy for dbs card holders till 31 dec 2005. can go and have a look
Hi Chris,
Thats a relieve. For my son, my boobs did not get bigger till I actually gave birth. Then they were engorged. But this preggie very fast get big.

The sales are very tempting...but think will put off the purchases till nearer the date. From the experience when my son was born, we had friends and relatives who bought for us all sort of things. We received quite a few gift sets and in the end, had to give them away. The gift sets normally, with bottles, diapers, baby powerders, shampoos, bath and extra. I cld not use most of the gift set diapers as my son had sensitive skin. Only mammy poko was ok for him. Also, when some relatives visited us, they gave us $. We used that to purchase the necessary things after birth. Now its abit to early I think. Just my thoughts.

another thing to worry in our estate...
Everyone been complaining how bad the sound proofing is...I think better be prep for complains if BB cry at night...haha...
Morning ladies!

So many of you buying cots and playpens already eh? I don't intend to buy so early.....maybe when stomach gets bigger, and I know the gender of my baby, we'll then start to buy things

Btw are your tummies bulging out alredy??

Thanks amie for your kind explanations on Dr Heng sewing skills. Hmm can I check do you visit her at the Bedok branch or East Shore medical centre?

not sure leh, didnt really went to search for it. happen to see quite a few cots all priced at this range. the pram are all rather quite ex also...sigh

jus an advise, hope u dun mind. dun wait till tummy get too big else might be too tiring for you. friends advise me to get most of the bulky stuff settled before nearing the end of 2nd trimester

most of the bulky items are gender-free...
For me, i am buying here and there, bit by bit. When there is store wide discount, i will sure to get more stuff..
When you wait till tummy is bigger, may not have discount and you will be too tired to shop around for things too.
So better start early to accumulate the stuff.

^5, same here, buying bit here and there so wont feel the pinch also. if buy all tog, i definitely can eat grass for that mth!

now makan money also need more as i keep getting hungry.. dun pok also cannot...haha
Hi fates,

I also not getting things early. My mum wants me to get when i m in 6 or 7 months. u know old folks pantang lor. But we hv been window shopping.

Dun buy too many clothes. if need to buy , can buy in few sizes as baby grow very fast.
Thanks for the information. I wonder JL sells cot... i also like to buy one n cheap one.cos nvb i would want to have another baby...

you are a compassvale link resident too!

we shld meet up!
Yup, JL sells cots. i am getting it from there.

Even really pantang, shld start to get in 5th mth..What if you deliver early in 7 mths? Its is a very possible case for BBs to be out early.
Oh so some prefer to buy early, and some later eh! Hehee...up to the individuals loh but personally I don't mind shopping even when my tummy gets bigger cos' treat it as exercise? For baby cot, I should be getting hand-me-down from my SIL, and it's dependent on condition too.

For stroller, I don't mind buying early lar but the rest like clothes and stuff...definitely later. Not for pantang reasons cos' me not pantang :p
Me also same same as fates ...waiting to know the gender before we start shopping for BB stuff.... but i did try to survey on a few places for the prices first ..... so far went to JL ... kiddy palace and one of the BB store in bukit timah area .... so far ... I think kiddy palace stuff is the cheapest ....

me abit kiasu.. went ahead with the bb clothes since fox bb having 20% sales. since no idea abt the gender, so bought neutral colours like white, yellow, and green. only intending to get 6 tops and bottom for 0-3 mths as they outgrow very fast so no pt buying so many.

as for cot and pram, now still surveying ard checking out prices. most prob will get them if there is a xmas sale coming up.
