(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

The hubby can paint, but you must try not to inhale the paint fumes too as it's not good. That's why I stop oil painting...

Hi KK,

Triple test is the Down Syndrome test right?? I paid S$170 for that and the anatenal blood test for Hep B and HIV .... I paid S$90 and I did an extra test for thyorid which cost me S$70 ...
Hi Taurus,

Yah yah, mine include DS test, i think it is part of triple test.

So i had all the blood tests like urs, except thyroid. I went for only 1 blood test once and for all. Drew three tubes of blood, now blue black one patch, looks horrible
Yah ... my colleague also tells me that she did cross-stitched on her bed when she is having her gal and ended up her gal got one line tt looks like stitches on her forehead when she is born and my colleague gotta unstitch the cross-stitch she do stitch by stitch and dunnoe soak in salt water for how many days ... and she say the the line starts to fade away slowly....sound scary hor
my package is 1500 in total. 750 initial deposit when starting package. Then the other 750 to be paid ard wk30.
The package includes consultation and scan every visit. Also a 3-D scan, which is the detailed scan. Delivery charges are also included. Medication is excluded.

Hi Cindy, I have started my package. So for the NT scan, I only paid for the scan and consultation was not charged separately.
wow Taurus if its true then its indeed very amazing leh! still can 'undo' the scar?? This is something even science cannot explain..


ya lor my father very kan cheong one.. hahah... the baby cot is in white, baby bouncer in blue. He even bought a blue-color bedding set.. i was telling him, if my bb is gal how?? hahaha..

Wow seems like most of you have already signed packages.. good la.. better then paying everytime we visit the gynae.

By the way, to test for Hep A, B and HIV need to draw 3 tubes of blood?? *shudders*
Ya sponge...seems your dad prefers boy eh? hehehe...

ANybody bought strollers already? Don't know if there are gonna be any baby fair/sales coming up?
Hi KK,

Like taurus , i also change my bedsheet last Sunday. HB did the work i only help with the corner assisting him. Oh no. changing bedsheet dun hv remedy like unstitch the stitch etc... hor
Hi all,

I m new here. My EDD same as Yasmin and Ivy - 19May, will be delivery in Mt.A too. Maybe will see Yasmin during delivery

I am seeing Dr.LC Foong and his package only start on 5th month.

Chris, think i m abt the same as u... both of us escape MS but appetite not so good lor.

Ladies, i oso keep drinking cold drink, Ice cream and Yami Yogurt. I choose 7-up and sprite to avoid Cola and pepsi because of caffeine.

Gals, usually on how many weeks we can see the gender ya?
Hi QooSan,

to this thread

7-up and sprite no caffeine ah? I didn't know leh :p

Oh, I was supposed to know gender of bb last friday which was 15.4 week. But then bb dun cooperate, so cannot see
So i guess able to know gender by week 16, but provided ur bb cooperates with u
Hi Sponge & Starry,

Hahah...I also find it amazing ... and I usually not a "pan tang" person but ppl also ask me not to be stubborn coz better to be safe than sorry ...and since this concern our BB ... i also will try to avoid if I find their theory convincing ....8)
Hi KK,

This is wat I found from the web.

Not all soft drinks contain caffeine. For flavors other than colas, check the ingredient statement. If it doesn't list caffeine, it's caffeine free.

Colas, except for those that are 100% caffeine free, do contain a trace amount of naturally- occurring caffeine plus any added caffeine.
Hi KK,
some more info...Sprite is caffeine-free!

Mountain Dew weighs in with 55 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce can; Sunkist has 40, Coke, 45, Pepsi, 37. Sprite is caffeine-free.

, this is just for those ladies who need to drink cold can drink as comfort drink
, still not encourage to drink more cos of high sugar contain.
Talking abt the Gynae packages, he charges $750, not including blood test and detail scan, only start from the fifth month. His delivery charges is another 1000+

KK, during ur 15.4 week, what is ur BB position during the scan, is ur BB keep moving? or sleeping?

My bb is moving during my scan at 11.8 week. But at that time, the shape is not really that sharp yet.

In week 15.4, bb stays still heee... hands covering ears. So gynae joked say the bb doesn't want to listen to adults' nonsense haha! Can see the head, hands and legs very clearly

My BB at my 12.3 week also stay still with the foot up like lean to the wall, one hand raise up, one hand touch the nose, can see the little fingers --very cute.
Hi Qoosan,

ur bb so cute!!

Yah, they do have many postures. The first time i see, the bb was waving the hand.

My colleague did not see too many variations though. She always see her girl waving to her. She say she can buy 4D 5555 liao
just did my oscars test last week. at week 13, can see the hands, fingers, nose, limbs...and of coz sex of the bb! my bb also had many postures, from stretching to somersaulting to headstand to waving...wow liao...see already also very worried...esp the somersaulting bit...hehehe...

hmm...my doc charges $1,500 inclusive of normal delivery from 5th mth onwards. think it includes all the scans and visits.
Hi Qoosan,
wow both of us have same edd and delivering same hospital... exciting.

Yalor, probably can see each other at the delivery ward. I am thiking of taking up the 2-bedder rm. Need more privacy in using the toilet...
But same time not comfortable staying in single rm.

During my 1st delivery at Mt E I was given a small round tub to place on the toilet bowl. It was to be filled with salt water and was told to sit on it as it will help the stiches to heal faster. It really helps. Maybe nearer the edd, you ladies can go source for 1. It really helps to relieve the pain of the stiches and speeds up recovery.

I also went for my oscar scan last wk but dunno the gender of the baby leh. I realised you are seeing Dr Eunice Chua, who is the same clinic as mine. But I am seeing Dr Paul Tseng.

Its the radiocologist or the obs who told u?
hi, the thread is moving very fast! disappear for 2 days and so many inputs liao.

last night after taking the supplements, middle of the night all puke out liao. diff to sleep also cause keep waking up to pee so this morn got panda eyes loh.


i am still doing my pedicure leh but i tried not to paint it myself to avoid smelling in the
Hi gals,

Anyone intend to go for classes? Not too sure if its really beneficial, cost average $100+ for a series of sessions. I think its 12 sessions in TMC for $160?

was thinking of attending the antenatal classes also. since i be delivering in mt a, guess i shld be attending it there right? but i heard class conducted by mrs wong at tmc is very good and interesting so now dunno which to chose.
it's the gynae who told me. u dun need a detail scan to know the gender of your bb...normal ultrascan will do. Just talk and coax your bb to be co-operative...hehehe

hi eve, so qiao. i was there last saturday. wat about u? btw, the nurse there was telling me that once i cleared my oscar test, i need not go for triple test liao. i went thru' quite a no. of blood test...took blood twice to test for loads of stuff...
Hi ladies,

I intend to go for the class but not sure is MT A or TMC. i heard that MT A does hv classes after birth as long as u can make it u can also attend those and it FOC.

Does anyone know when is the best time to go for such classes? I heard that best is around 5 mths.
Hi twinkle

I also intend to go for the antenatal classes. Think you are right. My gynae told me to go for the classes at about 5 months.

if i go, then i will choose TMC. Since gog to deliver there, might as well go there loh. Familiarise with the surroundings...
Let me know if you gog TMC too, we can sign up together.
by the way,

the last posting i was talking abt getting my tailor to make maternity clothes for me. Already done 3 tops and 1 pant, all working type ones. Found very reasonable priced..less than $30 for workmanship for each pc. But you have to provide the fabric,which average abt $6 per metre. I am so tall, only need 1.5m for top and 2m for pants.
me also intend to go antenatal classes at TMC as well! do let me know too so that i can sign up together with the both of u...feel like going for the hospital tour as well...just wanna look at their rooms.

hmmm..am now wondering if we could get bulk discounts if we book rooms together. hahahaha

I was at the clinic last Thur. I suppose your baby is a boy? Usually boy can 'detect' earlier.

For the antenatal class, I suggest you attend the hospital you are delivering. They will also bring you for a tour to their delivery suite and wards.

I find it knowledgable for 1st time parents, make sure your hubby accompanies you, otherwise like quite poorthing attending alone :p I thk last time i attended got 1 mother always go alone.
hi ladies

i would encourage first time mum to attend the antenatal class coz it helps.

i attended the TMC antenatal class conducted by Mrs Wong (during my first pregnancy). she is a veri nice and experience lady who will share watever u want to know..the session nt only inclde the breathing techniques but also teach how the hubby can massage mummy when having backache esp during the last trimester, how to bathe the bb, dress the bb, etc

i enjoy the class veri much...

i be delivering in mt a, is it not advisable to attend classes conducted by tmc? heard classes there better leh
i am surfing the TMC site but cannot locate any information on the antenatal classes...
Anyone know who to contact? I think we can start in mid Dec?
Hi ladies,

According to brochure given by my gyane, I think there is a price difference for the antental class if you choose to deliver in the same hospital... I have got the rates for both TMC and Mt.A but left it at home... will let you gals noe the rates n contact tmr...

I have already made appointment with Mt.A for the hosiptial tour next month ... so should be signing up the class with them if I am comfy with the environment after the visit ....

If you gals have intend to do hospital visit ...better book early coz most of the weekend visit are full ... week days is conducted in the afternoon which is not so convenient for those of us who are working ....

i saw on mt A web that the classes should start when we are at week 24, u intending to start early?
Hi ladies,

I will be attending the class in mt A as well since I m gg to deliver there. Anyone know when are we suppose to register for the class? Do ur plan to take for the weekday one or weekend?

Recently, i found that my skin condition vry poor, it is dry n itchy. The condition get worse when my body easily get warm and I need to On Air-Con every nite. Does anyone has the same problem?

Anyone take up the Yoga class for mummy-to-be?

I might opt for 4 or 2 bedder, cos my sis told me if choose 2 bedder, if there is no other mum-to-be staying besides you, it can be quite scary cos hubby is not supposed to stay overnite there.
Hi Ladies

Antenatal Classes:
I think it's not necessary to attend the classes that are held at your delivering hospital. Can go for the TMC ones if you think it's good. There may be 1 session of hospital visit (NUH one has) which may not be relevant to you if you're not delivering at that particular hospital. But as long as the rest of the classes are good, it's worth it! It's true that some places have cheaper rate for those delivering there. I haven't checked out coz not intending to attend for this pregnancy. Still got old notes to refer to. For those attending class at TMC, can share notes or not? BTW, don't attend the class too late in pregnancy coz a few of my classmates last time delivered early and didn't finish the classes! Wasted!

I haven't started any exercise regime since discovered pregnant coz earlier got spotting and bad MS. Maybe now can start exploring. Interested in yoga for pregnancy too. Any MTB has any suggestion? Maybe can attend together and motivate each other?

Stretch Mark:
I think got or not depends on individual. I didn't have it during 1st pregnancy. I didn't buy ex cream. Only apply normal lotion. Hopefully this time it works the same.

Baby's sex:
Definitely can see boy's earlier.
Saw my first one during 16 week. Now hoping to not see so soon, then high chance of a girl lah! Amie: We're in the same boat!

Baby's Movement:
Could feel my first one during 15 week. Like some of you mentioned earlier, it's like water moving inside. Hard to describe, gotta feel it yourself to experience! It's nice!! I actually miss the kicking and boxing when baby was born. Told hubby that I wanna get pregnant again just to feel the movement! Crazy eh?!

Thanks for including me in the chart. Can change my nick to SS1 or not? Zach040804 is actually my boy's name and BD. Kinda weird to put it there leh... :p

jus spoke to the mt A person in charge of the classes. the next one starting in dec but only available on weekdays. the jan classes schedule will be out next week so if u interested in taking the weekend one, better call early.

mine also! my skin look crumpled and and fingers start to peel. been applying cream constantly but dun seem to help. feel hot at night too.
hi ladies

actuali if u can attend the antenatal class at TMC even if u are nt delivering there but u pay slightly higher fee (abt $30 more)-if i remember correctly.

i think u can start to attend the class when u are in ur 20th week. can call TMC hotline at 62502222 and ask for parentcraft workshop
Hi Qoosan,

My skin has been in a chaotic condition ever since 1st trimester. I guess i am too heaty and cannot drink liang stuff, that's why outbreak of blackheads, etc.

Yah, i also need the aircon at nite quite often liao. Else if too hot, next day will kena headache

wah...it will be fun if we can attend antenatal classes together. TMC is fine eventho I am not going to be a patient there. Let's do it tog!

I just went for NT scan and blood test to test for DS ($320). Also did other blood tests for HIV, Hep B and so on for $90. Now, my baby is 6.6cm. Very active during scans too, like waving, swinging up and down *like monkey - die - sure boy! sigh - wanted a girl v much* and my hubby's fascinated that when we saw baby on 11th, it was lying on left; yesterday, lying on right! haha.

My gyne charges $700 (excl gst) for the antenatal package and will do 2 detailed scans as well.

As for skin condition, I read that our skin conditions should improve later in the preg. As for me, I have been using anti-stretch mark cream for the just-in-case kiasu mentality.

As for exercise, does anyone stay near sengkang/punggol?? maybe we can fix up something tog?

Hope some of this helps. :)
