(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

hi kk / taurus,

same here, i only take tonics when i go to my mum's place for dinner. was intending to alternate between black chix soup and bird nest but guess too heaty liao, so this week gotta stop first.

i tends to have headache too. at first tot was due to prolong staring at the pc but now that u gals have said, it could be a sign of heatiness too. have boiled some chrysantenum to drink last night.

i heard from my mum bird nest cant drink too often too. will cause bb to have a lot of phlegm. dunno how true but jus follow lor.

any1 have tried the hashima? think it works the same as bird nest too right since it is also rich in protein.

Hi Milo,

I dun think bird nest is heaty, on the opposite it is liang lor. I agree that black chix soup is very heaty. But i think it is very bu, that's why my mum cook for me. And she also cook some tonic with sea cucumbers last weekend. Nice to drink
But heaty lor

Yah, whenever i feel heaty and have that feeling of heachache coming, i drink chrysanthemum. Oh yah, chrysanthemum can be liang. So it is good to take those white chrysanthemum. Just put in hot water will do. Try not to boil those yellow chrysanthemum as they are more liang.

Yah, phlegm and asthma. Because of the feathers and liang nature.

I dunno can take hashima or not. But i love it! And have taken it twice at outside restaurants as dessert after dinner. I believe it "zi run" lor. So should be good
You girls are really good in all these 'bu-ing' stuffs eh!

I haven't take bird nest...heard it's better to drink after 4th month. Don't know what reasons tho'. Whenever I visit my MIL, she'll double-boil this chicken essence soup, and I LOVE IT!! Hahaa..
Dear KK (Kerenelu),
Oh! sorry to hear that, lots of people are down for flu. think b'cos of the weather.
If your flu just start, panadol for flu might help but do BUY the Lemon taste water soulable type not the pill type. 1 packet is safe, i tried before.
However, if your flu had been for 1 day already, cut some old ginger slices n put into water, boil it and put a bit of black sugar or brown sugar, drink it hot, you get recover soon.
Hi KK,

Yah lor ... already spent ard 1K on the bird nest liao ... now hear you gals tok abt the asthma and phlegm thingy ...starts to get worried ....

Wow chrysanthemum still got different color wan ah?? I didnt dare to take coz scared too liang ... maybe will try yur method white chrysanthemum ...but can put "pin tang" or honey not har?? coz not sweet not nice ley...kekek

Hi milo,

Yah I think hashima works the same as bird nest but I dun dare to take since young ...so can only eat bird nest ...
I did get an indonesian lady to massage for me after my 1st pregnancy. Its something I look forward to every day for a week.

In terms of slim down the tummy, i thk its individual, my tummy goes down abit. But not to my original size. Cos its hard to get tummy back to pre-pregnant state. I have friends who go back to pre-pregnant weight but tummy can still see even after 6 mths. Thk just have to do more situps and crunches.
hi gals,

Wah, bird nest, well, my chinese physican from Shanghai stated that bird nest is just something to eat for fun not really nutrition the baby especially those bird nest buy in local. Real bird nest never really come to singapore. Dun spend so much $$ on Yu ren Sheng brand, so x.. $68 per bottle.
Bird nest also one of the easy allegy food that might affect your baby next time cant take bird nest. ( My hubby is one of the victim).
Another great substitue for bird nest is xue er. Cheaper and the nutition is 6 times more than bird nest.
Y not have the red bean paste, america ginseng if u want yr baby chin to be rose pink. Most of my gfs did so and the results show on their babies.
Currently, I am taking america ginseng and cordey. essence every morning to bu "qi" cos pregant woman need to have strong qi so that she won't breathless at the later stage.

Well, its just my opinion. No offend ! heheh

so good ah, ur mil is brewing tonics for u. so far my mil never make anything special for me whenever we pop by for dinner.


i didnt know got white chry also. been drinking the yellow one all this while but i diluted it with water so not that thick lor. ok will ask my mum to find the white one for me.


i like the hashima from soup restaurant. that day went to buy the bottled one from eu yan sang. taste a little er xin to me but since its good, i jus gobble it down lor.
hi fates,

Chicken essence soup?? Yoo, u got tou shi or not? Then can share with us the recipe heeee...

I heard take bird nest after 4th mth is because bb more or less developed liao, so can absorb the bu lor. Won't go to waste :p

Hi Annie,

Thanks for sharing the remedy for flu! I wonder i should see a doc later. I scared i take all those u recommend but still sick tomorrow then i cannot go to work in clear mind
Today extremely sleepy leh :p

Hi Taurus,

My mum spent around $500+ on bird nest. Boil two pieces at one time. So far i only ate once. This weekend i boil second time. And i didn't put sugar so it turns out to be very bland. Tastes like hashima hahahahaha... and i share some with my hubby. If not he jealous no bird nest to eat :p

Yah, the white chrysanthemum, u can put rock sugar
But normally i dun put lor, so taste very bland :p I love it too, as it is very convenient. No need to cook over fire. Just pour hot water over it in container, cover and then wait for some time can drink liao. Sometimes i pour hot water over the chrysanthemum and leave overnight. Next morning got 2 tumblers to drink liao
My hubby belong to heaty type. So he need to drink pretty often. So he take one tumbler and i take one

Yah, i agree if dun put rock sugar, not nice. And it taste very bland and may cause us to feel nauseous and wanna vomit hahahahaa... but i bear with it as i watch over my sugar intake as much as possible :p

Oh, my brother also dun take hashima. Everytime he take, he vomit. So he dun take hasima since young.
hi gals,

something to add, america ginseng essence isnt heaty unless u buy something with america ginseng,cory chicken essence. Chicken itself is quite heaty. No point making youreslf heaty, next time baby oso get to have heaty body that will be troublesome. (My brother and i are the victims). Mum d eat a lot of those heaty bu ..
If you have $$, america ginseng buy in slice then boil with water and a bit of salt is quite bu n not heaty. Bu qi oso.
Hi Annie,

Oh, i have cordyceps chicken essence. So can drink ya? Actually i have been drinking chicken essence since young. It helps in my menses circulation. But have stopped taking since pregnant. Looks like i have to drink again

What do u mean by red bean paste??

Yah, actually i also heard that bird nest effect not great lah. A lot say eating bird nest, the bb will have fair skin. But my mum say what helps the most is really drinking milk! I have been feeling quite bad lah, because have not been diligently drinking milk since pregnant because it makes me nauseous. I only start recently drinking anmum.

Hi Milo,

Hey, i take hashima from soup restaurant too!! And i took the second time at crystal jade restaurant

i heard bottled tonics not too good because too much sugar.
hi annie,

i like to eat red bean paste ice cream these days too..very funny. I never really like this flavour in the past, but now will ask my mum to buy it whenever i go back.

Ya, my mum also say to drink cordyceps with ginseng to bu qi. But not too often, once a week will do. Too often will be heaty esp in SG climate.

You can also go to the chinese medicinal hall to buy this herb call 13th Tai Bao (direct translation) to double boil with black chix. Its supposed to be nourish for mothers and good for BB.
For bird nest,
unless you eat the real bird nest, its pointless to buy or eat too much. Most of the bird nest in the shops is chemically treated to remove the feathers, you can tell by looking at the shape of the bird nest, it will be a nice oval shape.
To get the real untreated bird nest, it will be much more expensive and also you need to spend some time to remove the feathers.
Apparently its the feathers that is no good for BB.
My mum got some real cave bird nest from Indonesia but is restricting me to eat too often cos she is afraid BB got asthma. Got to listen to her cos she will be the one taking care of BB. If BB is not healthy then she will have a hard time taking care....
Hi ladies,

Yah , I also heard the the bottled bird nest are no good due to the preservatives or watever ... we usually buy from the "mah piao" aka horse brand those oval shape wan .... but i think i will cut down the intake lor ...

I love to drink chicken essence since young but dunnoe why after pregnant ...the sight of chicken essences only i feel like vomitting ....arrgghhh...
dear all
i had a bottled bird nest from eu yen sen my MIL got for me. its called "Hua Yan". after that, i got hives and was hospitalised. i think it caused an allergic reaction. i dont think i will take bird nests for the rest of my life. it happened in my 9th week. im 12.5week now.
Hi Taurus,

I heard bird nest from fu hua also not bad

Yah, oval shape with slight tilts at the end. If wanna eat bird nest, we must really invest. There are cheaper ones around but those are with lots of impurities in them.

Hmmmm, maybe chicken essence is black, that's why put u off heee...
Hi KK, ivy,
Yes, of cos, can drink cory ginseng essence and don't buy cory ginseng "chicken" essence, that one more heaty. (Everything with chicken is heaty) eg. Chicken rice.

Oh! red bean paste, a hot dessert, you can hawker centre and restuarant, especially many pp have it when they attend wedding dinner. You can try to buy japanese red bean (quite big in shape) boil with pandan leave for 3 hrs and drink the soup. Of cos, a little of brown sugar is good.
Red bean, soya bean are very good for baby especially you want fair white skin and rosy chin.. Dont eat red bean paste ice cream, the sugar level is so high.
Oh! dont drink milk especially those HL milk, milk is main for cow. Report stated that asian pp get allegy with milk.
Drink soya bean drink better. Once a week is good enough.. cos too much protein, gynes will have to give you medicine to urine out the excess protein. (happend to my colleague).
Hi gals,
Read that most of you have take herbal and double boiled chicken soup, or black chicken soup.
Kindly remember that these bu food or soup too often. twice in a mth is sufficient enough. 1 main reason is that these bu food are all high in cholestol. Taking too much of these can cause hypertension.
As for 13 tai bao is one good herbal use to improve "qi" and should be taken after 4th mths. One packet a mth till 8th mths. (My chinese physician stated so).
Most of the baby can only fully absorb whatever you intake only after 7th mth. (70%). So don't take too many bu food now, only make yourself at risk and gain extra weight.
As for me, i only have the american ginseng, cory essence as my body is weak. Very good for people whose long hour facing computer and get tired easily. Soya bean drink once a week and red bean paste. Other than that, I didnt take. (cos currently only 15 weeks).
Dear KK,
Are you ok with your flu? No worry. U still can do the ginger drink that i mentioned. That one improve blood circulation. V. good if your body is weak especially u r now expecting. Blood circulation become poorer than b4.
Hi gals,
I came to read this chrysanthemum drink that you gals have been taking. Yap, two type of colour same as barely, (one from chinese n the other is the western) i meant the name. hehe..
Chrysanthemum can help to ease some light heatiness but not strong heatiness especially after taking those bu food such as dark chicken soup or double boiled chicken soup essence.
Chrysanthemum is v. good for eye, help to ease "wind" we have a lot of "wind" in our body now. of cos. Safe to drink so no worry. However, I 4got who stated that she left the chrysanthemum overnite and bring to drink the next day morning. This will create "wind". If you do this way, not good for long term run. Understand that she also make for her hubby. Maybe, one weekend, boil barely, or the Ruo Han guo for your hubby.
Expecting woman cannot take cool drink like barely and those got the effect to ease "urine" (li niao). Good for those whose go on diet. Cos going on hungry will create heatiness to arise.
Hi Annie,

Oops, it is me who left the chrysanthemum overnight.. heeee.. ok, shan't do it again liao :p

I have seen a GP yesterday evening and taking the medicine now. Aidoi, flu became worse since yesterday

Bad news.. my clinic called this morning, wanting to bring my appt forward to next tuesday. There is a problem in my triple test results. One of the test turn out to be positive indicating DS.

Now i am teribly worried.. what should i do???
hi gals,
Come to this topic, someone ask about what to eat to tonic our body for the baby.
Found this cheap way. Those who can eat beef is the best way to tonic your baby. Beef is very in nutrition. Of cos, don't eat so much. Taking like beef noodle is enough.
Another one is fishballs, surprisingly, rite? True, eat those stalls that have good fishballs purely make most with fish meats.Fish is good to build baby brain.
Avoid coconut foods and drink. Its create more winds especially cny is coming soon. lots of cookies are make by coconut and also otak.
You can have coconut drink when you about to deliver your baby out. (by that time, you have to get your hubby or closed pp to buy for u). This will clean the baby body. however, old folks stated that will be cooling for your body...

dun worry too much...it may be a scare. Discuss with your hubby if want to go for the amino test, it shld be a more accurate test. Do you belong to the over 35 age group?
For your flu,
take the medicine and slp it off. I had it 2 weeks ago too and it was so bad that i had 3 days MC! Slp is the most effective medicine.
dear KK,
Oh! sorry to hear that, dont worry. The test probably indicate higher risk. cos every individual body. (for instant, I maybe at the age of 29, but my body cells already age 35 years old). You get what i mean? then the risk will get higher. Like i should be at the risk of 1 in 5000 but now might end up 1 in 500.

To pray safe, go for the amniocetosis test. Withdraw fluid to have a 100% check and accuracy.

However, I sense that maybe your blood test indicate either hypertension or diabetic.. The triple tests also involve this. I got a gf that she ate a lot of bu food when she was in 1st trimmester, her triple blood test indicate hypertension. Gyne gets to put in more attention to these two major systoms, cos if you don't control your diet, this illness will last for whole life.
Don't worry. See how your gyne tell you the result.Worst,go for the test.Everything still not fix. Everyone here is here to support you.
In fact, every baby will only be fully ok and normal after 5th mth after the result of the detail scan. I have friend that baby has too many holes in the heart that gynes stated even if the baby survive will oso have DS.
Do take care of your health first, flu weaken your body already. Dont worry so much. We all here in the similar stage. (most of us havent reach the 5th mth).... Think positive ok..
Hi Ivy,

Sigh, i wonder whether i can sleep well now. i hope my flu will go soon.. tomorrow still gotta make presentation.

I am 28 this year. That's why i was shocked!! But of course ever since pregnancy, i was constantly worried over whatever i can think of. i am a rather pessimistic person.

Hi Annie,

NO.. the nurse mentioned about possibility of DS, so i guess nothing to do with hypertension, etc

How's ur friend now?? Given birth already?

U mentioning about body cells aging faster than actual age. Really??

Amnio test do come with risk of miscarriage rite?
hi kk,

pls dun worry. u going for a retest again? perhaps its jus a scare.

my friend who has jus gave birth told me she passed her NT scan and the blood test but during the detailed scan at 5th mth found a cyst or something in bb's brain which means possibility of down syn. gynas advise her to do the amino test but she refused. her reason was at 5th mth too late to abort if really confirm DS and doing the test will have risk of miscarriage so she jus leave everything to god. thankfully her bb was normal!
Hi KK,
Oh! go for the amniocetosis test for sure definite answer. Yes, there is a risk of miscarriage, but with experienced gyne, the risk actually is quite low. Have your hubby accompany you to go for the test as there will be some discomfortable.The needle is said to be long.

Don't think too much at this moment, take your medicine, those pills sure make you drowsy so can sleep. That's the only way you can do now and get recovery asap.

Dear Kk,
My gf aborted her baby even at that time already 5th mth. Cos no point to let the baby to come to this world to suffer. Through DS, the baby even as a growth adult won't noe anything surrounding beside him or her. However, as a parent, how long can you gurantee to take care? It's cruel but can't be selfish, rite. Since we are the creator of our baby life, we have big responsibility. Once, DS is on, there is no alternative way to let him or her suffer in this world. Currently, my gf already expecting another baby. She was down when her 1st baby with DS. Now, she overcomes and waiting for this unborn baby to arrive. She will deliver her baby in FEb.

Dear Milo,
I wonder why your gf didnt go for the test even through its expensive but since now we have a choice to noe the exact result, should go for it. your gf got the wrong infor. 5th mth is the last mth to go for abortion.Thats y gyne make v fully detail scan of all the baby organs and bones espeically. Cos the thickness of bones oso indicate whether the baby has the possibility to get down syndrome. As i mentioned b4, baby's heart has many holes oso suffer down syndromes.
Hi kk,
Ohp! i shouldnt stated so clearly abt the ds. Dont get wrong idea, i dont curse anyone here. Everyone is at the same stage. The stage where the baby health and whether normal or not is not clear yet.
Don't be scare. Re test is another alternative but i feel the amon. test is more accuracy and v v detail.
My gf had her 1st baby ds when she was 31 years old. Like i said, i m 29 years old but my blood cells can be younger or older than my actual age.Thats why, triple blood tests are there to do the check on the cells and possibility of having ds.
hi annie,

i guess its not because of the money that she hesitate, more like she feel that she wanted to give birth to the bb no matter wat is the outcome of the test. not every1 chose to abort the baby jus because they have DS.
Hi Ladies!

Thanks for all your encouragement

Anyway i cannot make myself worry all the way till next tues. Got to get on with work (still have one big presentation tomorrow) and life.

Perhaps everything will turn out just fine. Just have to see what the gynae say and what options there are.
Hi gals,
Like everyone here to be mum to be. I fully understand the happiness that we have now. The uneasy and uncertain about the baby's health is our major concern.

I can see that everyone here eat a lot of bu thing mainly to have a big healthy baby to come to this world next year may.

However, we all in the same sage now, crucial stage, not a harsh or very serious to describle cos 4th mth and 5th mths have tests undergoing to check details to make sure baby is normal, we as the expecting mums are oso ok. Major illness like hypertension n diabetic do strike during pregancy and the possibility to have it is high and easier (the word to say). Mainly our body tends to have poor system than before.

Some have strong appetitise that can intake a lot of food like me. I also afraid of gaining too much weight. Some may have curl in taking junk food like mc donald ( i m) while others have the curl to take more sweety or salty food as individual..

Hmm.. pregancy seems very troublesome and so many things to look at and so many things to be careful ... I don't need to go further details.

I am sure everyone now are worry. However, 1 true fact ( you all don't like to hear same as me). Nothing is perfect and things happend.. We all wish we are the lucky one.. the blessed one. ( my sis choose to go for church, n she believed that her baby n herself are blessed by god). I might not the good one to describle how to react on ds.

Apparently, weeks ago, i did send msg to seek for advices should i go for the detail amn. test to check whether the baby got ds. I am great so many kinded souls advised me to go for the triple blood tests 1st and wait for the result. I heeded for the advise. I will have my blood tests next week.

Currently, I am afraid that i eat too much that the blood tests might show hypertension or diabetic.. I am oso scare and praying hard that my baby don't have ds like most of you out there. I have mentioned that I have taken 25 pills of panadols for my migraine. I think this figure strike everyone here rite? So many medicines .. harmful or not... Reports stated fine for small doses.. however, everything up to your baby fate.

My back spain has already moved slightly to my right side that causing painful shoulder and back pain due to weaker bone structure and homo change to accumulate the water bag.. all the nerves behind down till my thights are so painful that casuing me sleepless nights.

I just want to express how i feel this forum, without few of you gave me the encouragement. I can gurantee that i wouldnt come to this stage. Hopefully, I still have you all when times to come. Cos i oso duno how much endurance i can take for the spain,nerves, migraine pain..

I believe that someone like me will pray for kk.. ( 1 good news, my gf told me just now that her friend's baby is borned ok when the gynes stated that the baby might have ds).
Yap, not everyone chose to go for abortion becos of the ds. As i mentioned, ds baby up till grow up adult wont noe anything around them. So no affecting them. My accountant has her 2nd son as ds. She didnt do the test becos she felt at that point of time, her 1st son is normal.

Ever after her incidents, my other collegues( they or their wives) go for the amn test even the triple blood test show ok.

Not that i am bad heart or heartless, I am going to be mum to be, i do sense there is a life living in my tummy. I encourage adoption becos we didnt noe how long we can take care of ds child. We get older by times to come.

I witness how tough my colleague has to go through, up till now, her son already 23 years old, she has to arrange school bus to fetch him home, else he lost his way. I witness everytime her hubby scolded her when things goes wrong. No one gurantee that whose is going to blame who in future. Said alway very easier than facing it years after years. Its true fact.

My sis's colleague also chose to deliver when the amn result indicated confirmed answer abt her baby ds. Now,she told my sis that she regrets bringing her daughter to world to suffer. She doesnt mind the suffering. Its the unbear (painful) to see her daughter suffers. of cos, up to this stage, everyone gives her strong encouragement. Mind to ask, how long this will last?

Anyway, its your gf decision. As a buddy, you will sure be there to encourage her after reading my true encounters. I hope you get my kind intention. i dun curse or insist of.

Its already miracle to have a life create inside your body mixing by your egg and your beloved hubby sperm.. days by days, bone created, eyes created even when you didnt noe. heart beat start on at the days 23 after you conceive. See! how wonderful this unborn creature trying so hard to survive.

Like i said, without encouragement from pp out here in the forum, i would not come to this stage. week 15... still long to go..

As like everyone here, we pray hard for ourselves and for everyone here. ..

dun think abt it too much. Look at the brighter side,weekend is coming and take the opportunity to rest and slp more! Tue will be here soon...
Hey gals,

Anyone still going for facial these days? I think i am going to be a yellow face auntie soon. Dun dare to go facial after pregnant cos the machine and the creams, dunno will affect BB or not.
Also, anyone confirm on messaging after birth? Anyone got good contact for sure slim tummy message? hee...
Hi KK,
You should be resting or sleeping by now. No definite answer yet ...
Amno test will be more specific and firm. Think positive. Wait to see hows your gyne suggestion...
Hi Ivy,

I never do facial for long time bcos my complexion got worst. hee... but i am doing my best to do exfoliate, mask etc... at home.

Massaging? me definately going for that. But i cannot differentiate from having it from Malay or Indonesia leh? Anyone know?
Hi twinkle starry & Ivy,
Same here, i nvb go 4 facial. However, i do mask myself at home. Most Important to moisture your face, since the skin get to dry easier than b4. I read yesterday strait time Mind your body, 1 guy wrote to question about doing facial and those facial products that his wife using daily to cleanse and apply on her face. Gynes stated ok. not a problem.

Common to have poor complexion at this stage. Later stage, will be your skin getter duller, nipple getting darker..

Massage after labour should be Malay woman. Mostly. Depend on your condition, if you have natural deliver, 2 weeks after can do massage. Guarantee you that your public part still v v painful.. (my friend's sis just delivered, told me that). Tears rose down when the massage lady put hard on her tummy. 4 - 6weeks for c-section. best to have your stingt taken up by gyne.else the cut will open again. Worst to imagine..
Most of my colleagues used Indonesia lady, The treatment is the same massaged and wrapped except they use jamu and not oil to massage.
They are back to pre pregnancy size mostly except for a few may hv a little tummy and not obvious.

I think when to start massaging is depend on your comfort. If you feel well earlier bcos healing is based on individual mah.

must get your colleagues to give the contact numbers so that can book them first! haha...
Then i dun have to go back to gym so soon!
wow, so many to catch up after a few days' absence from tis thread ;p
Me gg for c-sect, but tempted to get massage lady to "deflat" my tummy leh...if not gg for the OSIM's u-zap...kekeke
Hi milo, hmmmm I don't meet my MIL very often lar....only once a week and I only drank the 'powerful' chicken essence soup two times :p
Talking about this chicken essence soup, it's actually clear , unlike the bottled Brands' chicken essence which is black in colour. I don't know how my MIL boiled it tho'.....she says she uses one whole chicken for making a bowl for me :p

Hi pooh ~ My MIL double-boiled the chicken essence soup, without adding water.

kk.....don't think so much ok? Just see what your gynae gotta say and take it from there....

Hi annie ~ wow thanks for your recommendations on the tonic and stuffs, it's helpful

I don't take BU stuffs very often, just eat normally but i stay away from sweet stuffs tho' ...can't tahan anyway :p
Hi Juzmaine,

My sister bought the OSIM u-zap liao. Not sure good or not, will let u know how well it works after a few months. So we all can find a few more alternatives to help the deflat exercise.
Hi Ivy, talking about gym, do you think we can suspend our membership for awhile? Don't want it to go to waste leh.............

Hi twinkle-starry, i am interested in the massage lady's contacts too

go ask your gynae to write you a letter! I already suspend the membership liao. And my doc back date it to my 1st visit to him, so my membership will be suspend from Sept 05 to Sept 06. let me know if you have questions!
wow Twinkle, pls keep me update of the "before" & "after" effect :D

Heard the uZap is more powerful than the OTO one cos it has a twin power osimotion instead of 1 (OTO)..double effect yeah? ;p

Hi twinkle - starry,
I am interested in the massage lady. Mind to give me the contact no for both?
Hi fate,
Hopeful really helpful tips, i got these from the books that i read and for the nutrition foods like beef noodle, fish balls are all recommended by my colleagues. They had it when they were pregant. Red bean paste, soups are from my gf whose already had delivered years back.
I think sit up is important beside the wrap n massage, else wont get back your flat tummy so easily. So do control your diet. dont eat so many bu things ok..
Like my sis, she ate less than her usual. Currently only 9.5kg more. small tummy. baby weight 2.7kg. will deliver next mid mth. Sure get her figure back easily.
