(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

kk and milo,

look like a few of us r having the same prob - body getting too warm and also skin prob. My hubby vry funny he scared BB will always like to be in aircon room if I every nite on the aircon :p I told him if no aircon, mummy cannot tahan liao.

Milo, r u refering to the childbirth education programme in the Mt.A web? Do you plan to take the Jan class? I m not sure whether I should take the Jan class not because I may hav to travel during that month, so prob will go for the Feb class.

Did anyone has comparison btw TMC and Mt.A antenatal class? I m not sure which one is better.

actually i have a tea session this saturday at TMC becos i went for the hospital tour previously. But im not able to make it for this weekend tea session, but any ladies here keen to go for the tea session?
Hi Chris, how many weeks are you? So fast do all the blood test already. Pretty ex hor...
I've asked my gynae if I can exercise on the stationary bicycle. He says its alright for me to exercise now that I'm already past wk12 and that stationary bicycle is good.

I try to cycle abt 20 min every alt days. Burning abt 200 calories only.

yup, its the childbirth education prog. i wanted to take the jan classes cause weekend is more convenient for me but hubby will be going oversea the whole of feb thus might miss the last few lessons. now considering dec weekday classes.
Hello mummies....

So many going for antenatal classes huh? Usually what they teach? Don't think I'm going ........ ?

I don't mind yoga/pilates classes tho'! Anyone?

Hi Chris, I'm staying in Punggol
Me staying in sengkang...you somewhere near too? I was a gym fanatic but totally stop exercises now, other than walking around. Any good suggestion to do?

Will a normal scan be able to tell the sex? I am gog for my next appt on 25th, which is week 16...dunno can see or not...
I always think that the normal scan is very black leh....
Hi Ivy,

yes, u can always see the gender of bb thru normal scan. I was supposed to know the gender in my week 15.4 last week. But then bb didn't cooperate so we can't see anything haha... Will have to wait till my detailed scan next appt next mth.

Hi Qoosan,

Air con is a no no during confinement. I dunno what will happen hahahahaa... sweat while i sleep :p

Hi Yasmin,

Yes, riding on stationary bike is ok
My gynae advised me to do that, and also swimming is ok. But i dun think i will try to exercise too much as my low placenta problem is ok now and i dun want to stress on it just in case anything happens.
hi ivy, yeah. normal scan can scan. my bb open big big for me to see...even my gynae was pretty amused by it...

anyone here got pimple outbreak? ;-( i started to have it on my face and body...

aircon okie during confinement as long as it dun blow at you. Adjust the temp to abt 26C. Else you will rot cos cannot shower plus summer sweat...i think all of us will go mad!

you gog to have prince or princess?? So exciting! You must be the 1st in the group to know!
Hi Yasmin,

Oh, the low placenta problem was spotted during my 11.8 week through normal scan. The gynae then said the placenta shows signs of migrating up. if doesn't, then the only option is c-sec. When i went for my scan again last week which was 15.4 week, the placenta is confirmed migrated up liao
So finally no worries over this Phew!
Hi SS1, when are you going for your scan? Will u try for #3 if u get another boy again? Me actually fine with another boy lah, can play same toys with thomas, though it will b great if I can have a bb girl. No more #3 for me, going to close shop after #2.

kk, i on the aircon every night during my confinement last yr leh, so far ok lah, coz really cannot tahan the hot soups n hot weather n somemore cannot shower or wash hair. My confinement nanny always make sure i drink the soup while its still very very hot, to make me sweat. Actually we also cannot avoid air con while in the hospital right. I believe more in personal hygiene, so I always shower secretly while the confinement lady is taking her nap. But this time I'm not going to get any confinement lady.

fates, my gynae n hospital same as yours, can update in the chart. thanks
Hi Amie,

Wow, ur confinement lady really strict ya? Haha... some confinement lady can be super bochap.

Why confinement period cannot wash hair ah? U can tahan then??

My mum did mention she will get those chinese herbs to put into warm water then bath with it. So i think can bath during confinement!
hi ladies, i'm back from my gynae visit. Bb very shy la.. dun want to let us see the gender.. even my gynae has to do some coaxing..he was telling my bb, "be cooperative ar, if not we will spank u when u come out.." hahahha so funny la! But bb still shy shy.. crossed the legs tight tight.. hahah~

I havent sign the package yet as my gynae says it will be better to sign it when i do my detail scan next mth. The package costs $600 for 8 consultation visits, inclusive of urine tests and supplements. Delivery charges are charged separately.

As for the antenatal classes, i am thinking if i should attend at Mt A since i might be delivering there. Get myself familiarised with the hosp env mah. Doc says we can start to attend the classes once we have reached our 5th mth.
Hi Taurus,

Thanks for yr great advise, ok, i will wait for the blood test which will be on 28 this mth. Hopefully, everything ok..
Sorry for the late reply. i was sick passed three days, my migraine attrack again. Gynes stated its common, since i have a history of migraine, when its come to pregancy, the attrack will be more frequently.
I feel so down and as if living in the hell, i can't take any migraine medicine only panadol that can only ease 1/10 of the pain. Puked out whatever food i have taken just becos the pain is too serve.
One minute i can be so normal and the other minute the attrack come and attrack, ruin my whole life style..
i wonder anyone can understand the pain i am going through? My hubby keep blaming me for taking so many panadols and accused that the baby will get abnormal b'cos of this..
i doubt i wont give myself 2nd chance to conceive a baby since i cant torelate the migraine.
Dunno about #3 coz I really puke my guts out this time!! The thought of it really makes me wanna close shop at #2. But then again...like what I said earlier, I will miss the baby kicking and moving once the baby is out. See how lor...

Next Scan:
My next scan should be in Jan for the detail scan. Couldn't see boy or girl during the 12 week NT scan last week.

Low placenta:
Gynae also said my placenta low. I remembered for my previous pregnancy, also low placenta around 16 weeks, but it was ok after that and I had normal delivery.

Aircon during confinement:
Ivy and Amie, you all so good can turn on aircon. Actually on my first day back I also turned on coz I also thought in hospital got aircon mah...don't care lah! But after that I felt bad, so kuai kuai didn't turn on aircon. Hubby also suffer with me. :p

Wash hair:
I could only tahan 1 week of no washing hair coz usually I wash hair everyday one. Did anyone try the dry shampoo? Is it effective?

I'm keen. Let me know if anyone of you is joining one!

Antenatal class:
I think different hospitals have different modules. I took the one at NUH last time, and one of the classes was actually hospital tour, then the next class was about diet and exercise during pregnancy which came a bit too late coz most of us were in the last trimester already. So I'd say the earlier you take the class, the better. But make sure you can remember the breathing technics usually taught towards the end of the modules coz that's really useful during delivery! Hubby must remember the massage technic too.

Free classes after delivery:
From my experience, the free classes were mainly on breastfeeding and bathing new born. Quite similar to that taught during antenatal class. But 1 good thing of attending antenatal class is getting some tips about delivery like how to position yourself, breathing, hubby's role, etc.
hei hei again.
glad to know fates and ivy are in sengkang/punggol....well...not sure what we can get tog to do other than committing each other to do walks at punggol park..haha. better than nothing really. i wish i have an exercise machine at home too...

As for blood tests, yasmin...it's bec. i wanted to do the triple test for DS test that i did the other checks on blood at the same time...doesnt make any difference to do now or later i was told and for the blood test for DS, it has to be done during 11-14th week so no choice. BTW, there are two types - the one i did is 85% accurate, the other triple test is 65% done after 15weeks.

the talks about finding out gender during scans are very funny....opening big big and crossing tight tight. hahahahaah

meanwhile, i think it's best if convenient to go for antenatal classes for 1st-time mothers and to have confinement ladies....otherwise, like amie....my sister also did her own confinement for her second child.

meanwhile, everything in moderation; nothing really to abstain, nothing really to pile on. haha.
hi ladies..

hve been following the thread but lazy to post.. hehehe..

Hmm.. i'm wondering if I should go for antenatal classes.. It seems tt so there's so much talk abt the classes.. How I wish tt I'm in SG, can attend classes together if happened to b in the same hospital.

hmm.. I've booked a CL over to London.. hope tt she's helpful during my confinement period.
not giving me stress.. Think I will b taking shower, washing hair. Somehow i feel tt hygiene is very important.. So i can't tahan the sticky, oily feeling. But will follow the Confinment food... hehehe...

I'm thinking of doing some shopping for bb's stuff when I'm back in SG.. hey any kang tou where to get good deals... kekeke...

Any ladies here experience dry skin?? And oso funny thing is tt my naval is popping out.. think it is too early leh...
hi ivy,
i'm gonna have a lil princess! so happy...going crazy over those bb gal's clothes...tho mummy adviced me not to buy so early. ;-(

hi Annie,

I had sustained headache before...my neuro said it was migraine...tho it's not as bad as yours, i cld understand how u r feeling now. for my case, i was lucky to be able to identify the cause of my headache so i managed to treat it. rest well and take care...most importantly, dun feel so stressed...perhaps u cld get your doc/gynae to tok to your hubby about your migraine so that he can understand your condition betta. Be a happy mummy, k!
Went to Mom R' Us at United Sq yesterday & got 2 tops and 1 dress at ard $120++, much cheaper yeah? :p
Me wanted to catch Harry Potter but my col was telling me not to go cos there are a few weird characters with gruesome face, like protruding eye of the prof, flat nose etc...so I may juz wait for the DVD, by then shld hv given birth liao...dun wanna take the risk..kekeke...
Oh, during my first confinement, I slept in air-conditioned room (thnx to my father-in-law ) cos in May, it is really humid and the heat makes it unbearable to have a gd sleep even if the fan is on, not to mention the dirt & dust on our "unbathable" bodies....
I'm wondering if I can shower before the 12th day (can shower on dat day but with herbal bags or so) tis time round cos hygiene is more impt leh...dun wanna pass the dirt to BB....

so nice to know that you are going to have a girl! I am crossing my fingers that i will be able to see BB's sex next Fri..

Let's add another column in the table on the gender of the BB.

I agreed, this Harry Potter is going to be more gruesome than any other. In fact it is graded 12A in UK, meaning it is not for kids under 12! So lets wait after BB is born...You can lend me the DVD when you are done since you are delivering earlier..hee..

You are specially flying one CL over to London to help you!? Why not ask your mum or mil to go over?
Morning ladies!

Hi Ino,
i start having pimples ard my chest area and a bit on my face as well. wah, ur baby so guai, open big big. So is ur baby boy or gal?

Little Nana,
my face is very dry now... peeling slightly and i have to apply loads of moisturiser. Prob the whole day n nite in aircon room. Not too sure if we can go for regular facials 'cos frens comment that some machines are not advisable during preg. So i apply mask at home myself.

i will also shower and wash hair if possible every day during confinement. Can't really stand it if i had to endure for a month. *faint* i visited my fren during her baby's full month, n her room smelled cos she did not shower, just put powder. But hers no choice, cos she's staying wif MIL & MIL force her not to bathe...so poor thing.
kk, ya my confinement nanny very strict, maybe bcoz she is my MIL's friend, really kept an eye on me, cooked 5 meals a day for me + herbal soup every lunch, dinner n supper b4 going to bed to make me sweat whole day. I suffered but I m really greatful n appreciate MIL's effort in stocking up the fridge n spending so much $$ on the tonics. Confinement lady even boil the herb water everyday for me but only allowed me to hv a quick body wipe, but the water was sooo hot n i sweat even more after wiping. For 1st week i wasn't allowed to wash hair, after tat every 2 days she will boil more herbs for me to wash hair, but water not enough for me leh, n so hot i can't splash the water over my head, thats when I start to shower secretly. I feel much better after shower, hot n sticky makes me depressed leh.

SS1, i did try the wella dry shampoo. It was comfortable immediately when u apply, but after a few hrs sticky again. I just cannot stand it, n i tot the dust n powder on my hair will drop onto my baby's face when I carry baby. That puts me off from breastfeeding n I felt really depressed, so sad leh. Thats y this time round i'll just cater confinement food and take care of baby with the help of a maid. Hopefully i can make it, if not will get help from mum. I'm really scared of confinement!
yeah, imagine the way we look after a powder bath, look like we've aged so much overnite!! Think dat'll constitute to post-natal blues too...kekeke
Tink the "no shower" rules are passed down frm women in China, in those feudalistic society...they can afford not to shower cos their weather is so cold..sigh.....
Little Nana/Cindy,

I'm hving dry skin on my hands, legs n face too. This morning saw 2 pimples on my chest
Navel also popped out already. I didn't hv skin problem during my 1st pregnancy leh, skin was radiant, no ms, n many ppl thought i was hving a baby girl. But this time, condition really bad.

i think lets just try to endure 12 days then use herbal bath...Just make sure its a big tub so that its enough for a nice shower...
Cos my hubby got a coll, who kana headache, pain everywhere when weather gets cold. And she is only 30yrs old! She said its becos she shower everyday during confinement...Guess its better to be safe than sorry.
oops, 1st time moms, hope i've not scare u off from confinement. Would just advise u, whether u choose to follow the traditional rules or not, just make sure u feel good, relaxed, calm, eat well n rest more during that period, otherwise post natal blues may set in easily.

heehee.. agree wif Juzmaine, the no-shower rules from China may be due to their cold weather, also heard it was because they do not hv clean tap water, so it is advisable not to bathe in case of bacteria infection on the wound.
Hi ino, u are having a girl! So happy for you. So many dresses out there. I saw a little white dress with embroidery at kiddy palace, very nice. I'm hoping to have a girl too!
Morning all! Here's the updated list

Congrats ino for being the 1st to know the gender of your baby!!

Hi amie, I'd added in the details. So happy we're the same

Hi SS1, I'd changed your nick as requested too

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff0000">MAY 2006 MTBs</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">EDD</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">Hospital</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">Baby's Gender</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kk</TD><TD>25-Apr-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lim T C</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>angelzwynd</TD><TD>2-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr C Y Chen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sponge</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>6-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkle-starry</TD><TD>7-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr C W Lee</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie Quah</TD><TD>8-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Koh C H</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine</TD><TD>10-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>paradox</TD><TD>12-May-2006</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>Dr Thong PW</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lee</TD><TD>12-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Chan K H</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ydnic</TD><TD>14-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>anastasia</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>amie</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>East Shore Hospital</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>milo66</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eve Lim</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pooh</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>yasmin</TD><TD>19-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy Yeo</TD><TD>19-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr C W Lee</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>QooSan</TD><TD>19-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr LC Foong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ino</TD><TD>21-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>may2006baby</TD><TD>21-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chris</TD><TD>23-May-2006</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fates</TD><TD>24-May-2006</TD><TD>East Shore Hospital</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>SS1</TD><TD>25-May-2006</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bijin</TD><TD>26-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Joceyline Wong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gabby's mum</TD><TD>26-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Dr Chiew</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Margaret Heng</TD><TD>29-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Y C Goh</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi fates, thanks. I intend to go for c-section either in early may or end of april, depending on my EDD date, will wait till later stage when EDD is more confirm then decide. Will update u about the ESH after i deliver
Morning ladies,

I have check the anatenal class for TMS, its call the Childbirth Education Course consist of 5 weekly lessons plus one doctor's talk)

The weekday class is from 7pm to 9pm
and weekend
Sat 2pm to 4 pm, 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm and 7 pm to 9pm
sun 3pm to 5 pm and 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm

the course fee for the weekday classes is S$140 for those delivering at TMC and S$160 for those delivering at another hospital

the course fee for weekend classes is S$160 for those delivering at TMC and S$180 for those delivering at another hospital

I blur blur brought the wrong brochure for mt alvernia so cannot only let yous noe the course fee for mt alvernia next mon
by the way for those of you who intends to engage Confinement lady have to start sourcing now coz my friend who is delivering in April couldnt get any CL coz all fully booked liao

You also decided on c-section liao? any reason for it? Me thinking of die die go all natural...

Only 5 lessons huh? I tot it will be more...By the way, TMC have a special card that we can apply. Got a lot of discounts. Can check the website for details.

Any idea how much is CL these days? My aunt is helping me out but i am not too sure how big angpow i should give her.
Hi Ino,
Thanks for your comfort. I have long history of migraine. Today, migraine stir up again. I have to endure it. Since, its friday, no point that i take mc again.
My gyne only advise me to endure since its just part or puzzle of the pregancy. I hope i have enough courage to do so. Cos everytime, the migraine stir up, i start to puke out as the pain is so serve.
Up to now, my migraine has no fix rule why it stir up? I dare not try peanut, cheese, milk and chocolate, which is said to be the culprit. However, didnt help.
I went for massage but the pain only goes off for a while and come back.
I ever saw a lady hitting her head to the walls becos of migraine. She tried to commit sucide and was sent to hospital. She complaint to the doctor that she has migraine attrack for one whole month till she can't endure.
It's so scary to hear that.Hopefully, i wont kill myself becos of the pain.. haha
Hi amie,
Thanks for updated my record.. by the way, can recommend yr confinement lady to me? My mother doesnt want to help me.Thanks
Ivy, its bcos my 1st one was delivered by c-section, thats y i chose c-section again this time. Alot of friends r telling me to try natural 1st, but I scared of going thru the same problems like 1st time, cervix cannot dilate after inducing. I took all the painkillers from laughing gas to pedithine to epidural and end up using GA for c-section coz I wasn't brave enough. When gynae cut me up she says luckily i agree to c-section coz my uterus was already thin like paper n may tear anytime. My 1st bb was 3.52kg, rather big for my small size. Gynae says its better if i do c-section again this time, coz the time gap between my 1st c-section was rather short, I delivered last yr in July. This time i'll go for epidural c-section.

Annie, heee... the chart not updated by me. Its fates

u want the contact of my confinement lady? Can give it to u next monday coz i don't login on weekends, but i don't think she will accept any more coz she has to take care of her own grandchildren. She came over to help me bcoz give face to my MIL. Anyway, u can try to check with her
Hi Chris &amp; Ivy
I stay in Sengkang too. I'm keen in taking up pre-natal yoga but the yoga classes offered at the Sengkang CCs are not catered specially for mums-to-be. Considering the classes at Babies n Cream at Great World City. U interested?
hei ivy,

i am 5 mins away from punggol park. compassvale link. just moved here in april. hee. *happy* - finally our own haven.

well...i agree that hygiene is of utmost importance during confinement....as for the colleague of ivy's hubby who kena headache and everything seemingly cos she didn't follow confinement rules, i think might just be coincidence. seriously, i have v extreme colleagues, some followed it to the T, others bathed the minute they were out from delivery. hahaha....but on this note, i have been experiencing backaches, like i mentioned before - a particular spot (left spinal near butt) - anyone like that - quite scary leh - so early on...any similar experiences out there?

anyone read the papers recently in forum about the use of epidural? How this woman didn't want to use it and the nurses "laughed" at her....am wondering if it's true. Of cos if can tahan, should stay off cos any kind of medication for the body is def not good.....anyone to share experiences here?

congrats to Ino for the great news of baby girl! Hubby and I really like a girl but there are so many 'evidence' in this preg pointing towards a boy, like liking savoury stuff (boy)over sweet stuff (girl) *which btw, i am a sucker for sweet stuff - haha, guess it's a good break for my gluocose intake*; as well as the activeness of the bb during scans - haha...well, we are pysching ourselves up for a boy, but if turns out to be girl - we will be super happy - then maybe might stop at one.
Thanks Taurus for sharing info on TMC antenatal classes - so, any takers? My hubby's work schedule is volatile - he can't be there for all, so will be great to have frens going together to edge each other on.

As for Sponge, isn't $600 a lot to pay for just 8 consultation visits? I was calculating - I am paying $700 (heard it's quite good rate) for once a month fr 2nd tri till 3rd tri when it will be increased to something like twice a month nearer to birth...all in all, at least more than 18 times, how can yours be like that? Wouldn't it be very expensive? Others???
Hi chris,

Gosh! Which hospital are the nurses from? They are so mean, really ought to be SHOT.

Oh ya amie, check with ya, Dr Heng's package is $500 right? Do you know if it include the two detailed scan?
Hi Ladies,
I'm in a dilemma. I've just received a call from my gynae's clinic. The daily jabs I told you gals abt has arrived. Its gonna cost me 540. Its way too much, too costly and is above my budget. I really cant afford it. I told the nurse who called that its too ex and told her that gynae mentioned its abt 200-300 only. She said wat he mentioned is cost price. Selling price is at 540. I was really shocked. I was thinking is this a gynae clinic or a pharmaceutical company out there to make money. How come more than 2 times the cost price. I just discussed with my husband that i do not want the jab as its way too ex. He too agrees. I want to leave it to God, if its meant for me to have a small baby this time ard as well, so be it. Its still my baby and I will love him or her just as much.
hei hei ivy....haha...i see what you mean...a lot of neighbours in the singaporebrides.com website. you newly married too? i am in 268B. hee
Hi Ladies,

I also staying in punggol ley ...maybe we should really organise an outing hor ... sikali we actually seen each other somewhere around before ...kekek...recently after pregnant i keep looking at other pregnant women and their dress sense ... I have saw one pretty mummy who always take the same train as me to work ... her dressing also very nice...so tempted to go n make firends with her....kekek ...and always steal glances at her ... and she must have notice n thinking that I am a crazy women ....kekek... sikali is one of yous here....hahah...

hei hei ivy....haha...i see what you mean...a lot of neighbours in the singaporebrides.com website. you newly married too? i am in 268B. hee
