(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Hi starry,

At least you r better than me ... I got veri bad MS and the very tot of food makes me wanna puke ... and the worst is I feel hungry all the time ... and will have gastric pain if i dun eat.... so have to force myself to eat n puke out later .....8( .... how I wish I can dun feel hungry n dun eat ....then no need to puke...kekek..

Hi Taurus,

You will get there soon. my MS is better on wk 13 now still hv lah on and off depending on the food i eat. Mine was bad from wk 9-12.

Maybe that why i see food also scared. I still cannot go foodcourt so my hubby say this baby very expensive only eat in restaurant. hee
Hi Twinkle-starry,
ur hubby very cute...but for me opposite as u..my MS better now that i m at my 14th week. I c food oso scared and i just cant take seafood except fish.Seafood used to be my favourite.
So my hubby says this baby saves him alot of money...
hi ydnic,

alot of food i cannot take . some food that i take also depend what happens after that. at times i m ok , other times i feel like vomiting.
so far only fish is ok .

i used to cook , these days no more cooking. the smell from the process of cooking making me more sick.
Really getting the blues from all the uncomforts. Like Taurus, i also try to eat as much as i can so that at least later puke out, some will have been digested for BB.

Just called my gynae this morning, he mentioned that as long as still can drink and eat, puking is still fine cos BB will be able to get some nutritions. But if straight puke after eating, then must go for jab liao!
I hope i will not get worse cos i very scare of jabs!

try to cook soups only, i think so long no oil smells then its better.
I tried some ikan bilis with meat balls soup yesterday, its quite good. Sweet cos of the ikan and filling cos of the meat balls. You can try it too. I find eating out can be bad sometimes cos of the msg..Sometimes msg make us more uncomfortable!
Hihi mummies!

Hmm how come everybody feels so sick and pukey? Must take care ok? I had a friend who told me her MS last her till 24th-30th week and I got a shock!

I don't have MS *cross fingers* but very picky on food. Eat mostly soupy stuffs now........or foods that are not so oily..
Hi Ivy,
now i get my mum to make soups and cook for me. She will deliver to me almost everyday so i will not eat out often. But lunch time got to eat out lah and i also what to eat all the time. See food sian liao
hi girls

Went for a check up on fri and gyne said baby doing fine... by french method of calculation(only 50% accurate) its a girl!!! three cheers!! can close factory liao after this!!!
yeah Gabby's mom, teach us the calculation!!!!
Hi Twinkle, I'm fine now as long as I dun take rice, tink BB doesn't like rice now, will make me puke loh, but ironically in my 1st trim, rice is my source of energy....
Now I'm hooked to Pepsi/Coke but am trying to cut down...really feel better after burping, thnx ladies (can't rem who) who recommended dat *wink*
Hey i am quite hooked to drinking iced lemon tea from mcdonalds'...its good too...helps to curb vomiting and improve appetite too...try it.
hey juzmaine

me also dont like to take rice now....even when cooking rice for my gal, i shut my kitchen's door !!! me also take alot of soft drink coz feel better after burping ! hahaa
i am doing trial and error with food. Guess its is not helping...
Whatever i eat or dun eat, still puke..
Now average puke 3 times a day!
French method of calculation is based on scanning... If the genital... (dont know what) is perpendicular to their backbone by French method its 60% girl. If its sticking out during the scan, then 60% a boy. So its based on a scan calculation. My obs taught us that. My hubby and I hope that the baby is a GIRL!!

Me throwing up too but not too badly. Let's hope that it will end soon.
Hi ladies,

look like u gals are taking cold drinks. I love lemonade from Mac but i tried not to take too much as it is cold and sweet.

I thought we cannot take cold drinks ?
Hi Ivy,

Maybe u wanna consider going to see ur gynae for an injection?? I already felt much better after the injection and anti-vomitting medicine given by gynae ... previous was quite reluctant to take the medication but really too torturing to keep throwing out after every meal .... but now I felt better ...though still feel nauseous on and off ..... but at least only vomitted once in these 4 days after the injection which is consider excellent for me ....
Hi ladies,

Me too cannot take any kind of hot beverages ...milo, horlick, coffee, Tea... watever I take I will just throw out .... but can drink soft drinks like nobody biz .... kekek ...though I try to refrain from drink coke/pepsi which contain caffeine ... other drinks I just wack ...

Hi starry,

My gyane did say that just drink watever that makes us feel better but in small portion like half a cup instead of 1 full cup ... nowsaday I also start to eat ice-cream ....just got sudden craving for the cornetto ice-cream ...kekek
Good Morning,
Last week went for my NT scan, its low risk to DS. Gynae gave us the option to do blood test. We are thinking of not doing the blood test. Durin the scan, baby was having hiccups. Very cute!

I've started on my package already. Paid 750 and will have to pay another 750 ard wk30.

My gynae is afraid that I will end up having a small baby again this time and have asked me to take daily jabs to 'open up more blood vessels' so that baby can get more nutrients thru placenta. Its quite costly leh. I also had nightmare and cld not get to sleep and started crying thinking of the jabs. I'm afraid of injections.

But my HB keeps telling me that its for the good of my baby.

I am into my wk14 and still having nausea and my blood pressue is quite low 90/60 yesterday and wk before 90/50. Dunno why BP so low. Any of you experience this?
Yeah, I heeard from obasan dat cold drinks may cause BB to suffer from overpdn of phlegms and in some worst cases asthma...dat's Y I try to cut down loh..funny cos I loathe carbonated drinks before I'm pregnant cos fattening, sweet & not healthy but now craving for it leh...tink ladies shld avoid ice tea esp preggies cos normally lipton tea is used and it oso hv caffeine, dunno how true but know for sure will cause more discharge
Hi yasmin,

Wat does ur pkg includes har? Does it includes the delivery charges by the gyane or just the consultation charges??

By the way, what makes the gynae think that you will have a small BB?? How long do you have to take the daily jabs?? Sound scary to me too... but if really for the good of BB also no choice ...

My gynae say to jab if i throw out right after meal. Since i puke at least 2 hrs after eating, then not so bad, so dun need to jab. I very scare to jab too...so praying for things to get better soon.
By the way, what medication you taking? My gynae gave me Dimenhydrinate for anti vomit. I just took it, hope no more throwing up today (already threw up once on the way to work this morning...)
Hi Ivy,

The jab that my gyane gave me is more for breaking up the vomit cycle ... so far so good ... the medicine that she gave me is Metoclopramide ... but I try not to take unless I have the nausous feeling ... keeping my finger crossed that MS is getting better each day ... was so happy when I can sit through and have a decent lunch yesterday ... but dinner wasnt too good but at least didnt throw out is good enough ... 8)

I think my vomit got no cycle...haha...It comes anytime and anywhere.Worse thing is it comes when i am driving..Will have to stop by the roadside and use the plastic bag.Yucks!
Hihi ladies! Here's an update

Let me know if I missed out anything?

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="0000ff">MAY 2006 MTBs</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">EDD</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Hospital</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Baby's Gender</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kk</TD><TD>25-Apr-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lim T C</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>angelzwynd</TD><TD>2-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr C Y Chen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sponge</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>6-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkle-starry</TD><TD>7-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr C W Lee</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie Quah</TD><TD>8-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Koh C H</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine</TD><TD>10-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>paradox</TD><TD>12-May-2006</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>Dr Thong PW</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lee</TD><TD>12-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Chan K H</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ydnic</TD><TD>14-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>anastasia</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>amie</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>milo66</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eve Lim</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pooh</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>yasmin</TD><TD>19-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy Yeo</TD><TD>19-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr C W Lee</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ino</TD><TD>21-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fates</TD><TD>24-May-2006</TD><TD>East Shore Hospital</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zach 040804</TD><TD>25-May-2006</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bijin</TD><TD>26-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Joceyline Wong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gabby's mum</TD><TD>26-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Dr Chiew</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Margaret Heng</TD><TD>29-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Y C Goh</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Ivy...

Haha ... the cycle is meaning to break away from vomitting coz I also like u ...vomit min. 3 times a day anytime anywhere ...that's why gyane wanna break the cycle .... wow u very brave ley .... i stop driving since pregnancy coz have been feeling so sickly so avoid driving totally ... now also have to carry plastic bag everywhere I go .... that day puke in hubby's car and he see me puke he also wanna puke hahhha....
hei ladies,

I am new to this...but have been reading for a while by now...recommended by my fren.

hei fates, can u add me to the list - just seems like i am odd one out -
chris 23-May-2006 Gleneagles Dr Lisa Chin.
I have been very fortunate. This is my first pregnancy. No MS, things quite smooth except incessant backache at left spinal cord. Otherwise, not much appetite, not exercising *sigh - am interested in aqua-aerobics - anyone?* and tired easily. cheers.
Hi Yasmin,

I am exactly week 16 today and felt really horrible yesterday. Vomited three times and didn't eat much for dinner and also the nite before. I realise something.. everytime when i transit into another new week, i will get headache and feel nauseous. Wonder whether there is really a link. That's why most of my sundays are normally spent in sleeping and feeling nauseous

How the gynae see that the bb is small?

Hi Ladies,

i also take cold drinks like soya bean milk and fresh milk direct from fridge, although sometimes i do let them settle down a bit before drinking. Can't help it. Sometimes cold drinks really makes us feel better.

sigh...my job requires me to go out thats why i still need to drive...no choice...
I dunno whether shld go for the jab or not, i am becoming sickly too...Maybe take the medication and try for another week or so...
I am also afraid when i drive, I will feel sick. Lately I had headache, and i thk when weather is too hot, i felt liek blackout also. Really afraid dunno what to do when i am driving....

I am not a cold drink person but his pregnancy has made me one. I especially like minute maid lemonade and limeade :p had one in the fridge, whenever got cravings, just go n have a few sips ....hmmmmmm...since i tot i felt better after drinking it, i go ahead :p

So scary to hear that some of u still puke so badly, even at abt 16 wks. I hoep ms will go away and let me enjoy my pregnancy as soon as possible :p
hi Ivy,

Yah ... wait for another week to see if your MS getting better with the medication ...I also drag n drag until cannot tahan liao before deciding to go for the jab

Hi Eve,

Me same as you...never fancy cold drinks before ...friends always say I very aunite coz I love to drink coffee and tea ... even on hot days .... but since pregnant ...I just cannot take any hot drinks ... was so surprise coz previously I will have heaadache or even migraine if I dun drink coffee everyday ...but now I cannot take coffee at all .... so consider quite lucky that i am able to quit my coffee drinking habit now ...8) ...
Hi Tarus and kk,
My son was born at 35 wk 6 days and was weighing only 1.71kg at birth. His ped confirmed with my gynae that there was growth restriction. I was in my 6 mths of pregnancy that my gynae said that baby will be on the small side but did not expect such a small baby. Normally babys at 28wk are ard that weight. Thats why my this gyane wants me to take daily jabs to open the blood vessels so that the placenta will not expire soo early resulting in a starved baby.

My package includes the delivery charges. When my gynae introduced the package, he mentioned that he is the only one who is including the delivery charges in the package. Dont know if thats true?
Hi Yasmin,

My package also includes the delivery charges. Unless assisted methods being used or c-sec. Then extra $1000 or so need to be paid in exra.

But my package is $2200 + GST. What about urs?
Hi yasmin,

Then I guess ur Gynae pkg is quite cheap. But does it includes the 2 detail scan at 5 mths &amp; 8mths?

My gyane pkg is S$950.00 for 10 consultation and scanning including the 2 details scan at 5 &amp; 8 months. And her delivery charge is S$1200 so all in all is around S$2150 + GST.

Hi KK,

Wat does ur pkg includes har? Does it also includes the detail scan? Cannot remember whether my pkg includes the urine test, and medication.
Hi Eve,
me also had the minute maid craving last few weeks. At least u can still control, just take few sips. I finished 3 bottles within 2 days!

yah, heard cold drinks not gd for baby. But no choice leh, i can't survive without cold drinks. Even plain water, i also drink it cold.

Hi yasmin,
i had my NT scan yesterday. Dr Ong introduced the package to me yesterday as well but i haven't start yet. Have yours started or is it going to start from the next visit?

I also have migraines quite frequently too. Really a torture..when an attack comes, really become paralysed like that.. can only sleep it off.

As for cold drinks, I am having one right now! kekee.. have been drinking bubble tea very often. To me, bubble tea is my comfort drink.. everytime after drinking it, will feel better.

Will be seeing my gynae this thurs..so excited! Its been a longgggg time since i've seen my bb..
Hi Sponge..

Hopefully can see ur BB gender this thur...8) ... but BB not cooperative last week ...so gotta wait till next thur ...hopefully will be able to see then we can start to deco our nursery room ..8)
Hi taurus,

All your packages definitely cheaper than mine
My gynae normally charge high. That's what my sis-in-law told me when she introduced him to me. But if he is good, i dun mind paying lor

Mine dun include detailed scan, blood test, etc. But it does includes all the visits and urine tests as urine tests are basics for visits. The package also includes post delivery visits. In conclusion, it only includes the very basics. Any costs for scans and tests are out.

That's why i need to pay $180 for my detailed scan which is on next month and also i have paid $198 for my blood tests last friday.

Expensive ya?

My bb not cooperative last friday. Lie on the side and can't see what's between the legs
So dunno gender yet.

Hi Sponge,

When my headache comes, i can't sleep at all!! i dunno lah, maybe sometimes due to stress also lor. Especially sunday, i do have sunday blues, thinking that mondays need to go back to work, so sundays is extremely horrible for me. So normally sunday nites can't sleep well also, wake up several times a nite

Bubble tea a lot of sugar leh rite? Must cut down!

i dunno can take bubbles or not, so i never take bubble tea. And can we take tea??
hahah Taurus, my father has already bought the bb cot, bb bouncer, milk bottles and clothes for my bb already! very fast hor..

I wanted to paint my nursery room, but my MIL say cannot.. sian~~ Dunno if its true if we cant do any painting.. nailing.. and what-nots..

i will always ask the lady not to make too sweet for my bubble tea.. though the sugar content is still there. I still drink tea leh.. be it red or green tea.. but of cos take in moderation la..

Hopefully will be able to let you all know the gender of my bb by this thurs! ;)
Tea got caffeine so not recomended, but i have been taking ice lemon tea, teh si, teh alia, etc :p i agree the cold drinks/tea are like our comfort drinks now.

I thk as long as you take in moderation it should be alright.

I personally feels that we should not try to restrain ourselves from eating or drinking anything (in moderation if can tahan :p). Cos after birth during the confinement period, you REALLY cannot anyhow eat, so now can eat should eat :p
mm..my package cost $600, include detailed scan, same as KK. includes all the visits and urine tests but charge for the bld test I took last visit $165, and detailed scan next month....pkge exclude delivery too....
Hi SPonge,

True leh, cannot paint, cannot shift furniture, cannot drill hole, and my colleague even told me cannot change bedsheets! But she cannot tahan not changing bedsheets so her hubby change. And if hubby change bedsheets, we cannot stay in the room and watch. Sounds funny rite?

Wow, looks like all of u decorating ur nursery room.

I have not done any shopping for bb yet. Everytime itchy fingers, go shopping see already wanna buy. But in the end tell myself no need buy so early so i save some money for now first
Hi KK,

I think our pkg works out to be roughly the same ... just that we have different combination ... mine does not include blood test also and I already did all the blood tests during my 1st trimester .... and my blood tests cost me S$330 in total ...

And if i remember correctly ...my pkg also does not include urine test and post delivery visit... I think have to pay $100 or $120 per visit for the post delivery visit ....

But does your gynae restrict the number of visits?? Mine only 10 visit ...any extra will have to pay ourselves ... understand from my firend tt her pkg is S$1200 including delivery and unlimited visits to gynae just excludes the detail scan ....
Hi sponge, your dad seems to be looking forward to your bb eh? :p But you don't know the gender yet, what colour are your cots, clothes and stuffs?

We haven't decorate the nursery room tho'....prefer to know the gender 1st :p

Hmmmmm we can't do manicure and pedicure??
Hi Taurus,

How many blood tests did u do?? $330 is quite a lot! Besides triple test, test for HIV, HEP B, what else are there?

My gynae did not limit the number of visits.

Hi Jazmaine,

My package does not include the detailed scan
i got to pay $180 in addition.

Hi Eve,

My gynae believes in moderation, so he doesn't object to any food in particular. He say even coffee is ok, but restrict number of cups per day.
Hi KK,

Serious or not??? cannot change bedsheet ....Ooops...I just change last sunday ....but mostly done by hubby ...i only at the side assist him .... !!!!!! Dun scare me ley ....

But I did hear abt cannot paint n nail things....coz BB willhave birthmarks if we paint the wall and I have an ex-classmates who got a small lump near his ears and ppl say tt its becoz the parents nail smthing on the wall during pregnancy...dunnoe hoe true but just try to avoid lor ....

Hi Sponge...

Wow your father very good ley .... buy all these stuff for you liao..... so envy ...
Hi taurus,

I just checked my package in details. The package includes all post delivery visits at hospital and also post delivery checkups at clinic. Yes, the number of visits is unlimited.

Hi taurus,

Haha, the one on changing bedsheets is also the first time i heard from colleague. I myself dun believe in such things lah. In fact, i am not that bantang :p

The question is.. we dun paint but hubby paint, can or not ah?

I have a small folded-in feature at my ear. My mum say she knit cap for me on the bed when i was in her tummy haha.. so i always believe cutting and knitting is not allowed on the bed.
