(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


Gabby's plc cant make it on the 16th..How abt you opening up Ariel's kingdom? hee hee...

I am a "bored" SAHM mum trying to share my great finds with fellow mummies...Most of my customers will know that my prices are much much lower than competitors.
Yes, i missed white Xmas too...Experienced it the 1st time in Ithaca and it was magical! But the slosh after that can be yucky! hee...


typed a long msg end up accidentally deleted w/o posting

too lazy to type liao....

Hi Sponge,
R u a CS? got more to gossip if yes

Hi CP.
Ya boy..me bought my honey from one of the specialised shops and lugged it from south to north island only to find them so much cheaper at the supermarkets. hence as typical kiasu singaporean, bought more to even out the cost. keke

Hi bbloh,
Agreed....really stressed up trying to finish as much as possible within 8 hrs..but when go home and bb smiles at u...the feeling disappears

RE coughing...my boy also like to act these days whenever we wanna feed him milk...will starting coughing...sigh.....nowadays bbies are so smart, pattern more than badminton..my mummy say me last time gong gong one lei....
Well, my wife mention to me about this thread and ask me to take a look.

Well, I did not really scroll back the previous achive to read. But I find Annie Quah Y. B (ying_bin) colleague to be "pretty amazing", earning that kind of pay for an accountant working for a backdated company who perform like an MNC. If she is really earning so much, I think her boss must be earning alot and should be up in the ranks with Bill Gates. Maybe should really conduct a tour to allow everyone to see how "Traditonal Company Moving Ahead of Times!!"

Well, for the rest of the mummies, stay cheerful and happy at least for yourself and your kids. Don't let this get into you and be affect, once you all treat her (Annie Quah Y. B (ying_bin) ) as invisible, she will slowly just fade away in time.
michele & missk,

welcome to may thread! sigh.. ours have started to become the joke of the forum liao

have been visiting june thread often too and have enjoyed my stay there

alot of us have also become good friends as well except for....
Hi michele n missk

Sad!! Guess there must b many pple visiting our thread..

Anyhow Michele u r rite this forum is to make frds. well, We're all nice mummies in may thread except for... And Not to forget I've made a lots of good friends in the may thread and we've even got a "SSC" (Sworn siblings club) too

wow.. u took leave huh.. Never jio me.


Wow.. u are very early. So wat did u buy back??? I lugged back 2 pots of money plants... i'm crazy hor
little nana & milo, thanks for the welcome!!

whatever happened in the 1st place? thght all were friends to begin with then...

well milo, u can choose to ignore her exsistence? (lol) ve any of you met her?
it's like high school days yah...

haha no prob! come visit us and share with us things on our little ones!

okie will listen to ur advise and try alittle harder :p recently stress at work, easily irritated..

yaya like back to school time where 'dun friend each other' is a trend!
anyone using avent express bottle warmer? is it ok to turn it on all the time? meaning, to keep bottle warm all night?
it's only the water. and sometimes when wendy cant finish a bottle, but abt 30min later will ask for it again.
it's very diff to make her seep. so, when she wakes up at night, hv to quickly get the milk then she wont be fully awake.
sounds silly, but she's one high-need baby

how abt getting a thermo flask but not very hot temp water inside. I suppose it cost savings in terms of electricity as well as safety?

sigh..We have become the thread of all threads! We have a lot of visitors these couple of days to our humble thread...

The bulk of us are happy sharing our experiences here and we have made a lot of friends here as well! My kakis are now all from this thread since i left the workforce and got no colleagues to chit chat with.

Let's not let isolated case affect us, ok?
ah I and all mummies,

of cos! we have all become the best of friends over the mths that we have been tog on this thread... we are machiams the 'army' version of guys.. sharing our experiences and going through teeth clenching time tog!

lets not get affected! CHEERS!
that's what i've been doing. just wondering if the warmer can help. but looks like it's not practical.
guess the main use of the warmer is to heat up a bottle then turn it off.
k... got the idea. thx
<font color="0000ff">dodo,

I have one but only use it to warm up EBM.

For EBM &amp; FM, I think that if the contents is not finished in a session, it can only be stored again in fridge (not freezer) and must use within 4 hours. Putting it in room or hot temperature may introduce more bacteria as they multiply very fast in certain temperatures.

Since Wendy usually ask for milk about 30 mins later, it shld be fine to just leave it at room temperature.

Alternatively, you can use bottle warmer or thermal bag to store the unfinished bottle temporarily - no electricity needed.</font>
thx... i use thermal bag too

just browsing ebay, that's why thought abt the warmer.

unfortunately, there's no mothercare shop here (as far as i know).... anna is right, their trikes are really tempting

trying to look for one with 5-point safety harness like yours, but mostly dont hv. because most are for older children. the one i just saw at toys r us here is for 9mths-old, that one only has the safety belt....

maybe you wan to ask your relatives to ship it back for you? Its not heavy and the box is much smaller than a regular exersaucer.

Hanor so many visitors hor...all so concern about us? Hahaaa..

We are actually quite close-knitted one right? Meeting at least once a month to share our babies' development

Life moves on.....cos' we forgive and (try hard to) forget
dodo: cannot!! will become TOO HOT!!! i tried leaving it in there for 2 hrs... cos i forgot...

milo: my son, Brendan is bout 5 1/2 mths old. june 18th. urs?
Ariel's kingdom is always open for you all la.. but then not so many 'treasures' as compared to Kaelyn's kingdom thou! :p If you all dun mind, the next next gathering can be at Ariel's humble abode.

Hahnor i'm a pathetic CS too..*wink*

I didnt take leave..I went last sat la. :p

so kind of u to open up Ariel's kingdom. No need to have a lot of treasure lah...Just food for the mummies or that we will not go hungry *wink*.

So, 16th Dec lunch at Ariel's kingdom ( Woodlands)? Mummies, onz?

Doing a new list cos change in location:
1) Sponge
2) Ivy
1) Sponge
2) Ivy
4) Ino
5) Angelzwynd

Yeah, finally I can make it to this gathering, at last. always envy when reading abt your gatherings cos it's always timing not rite of too far away for me. just the thought of bringing Clarice to the other end of the island is killing me (does not want to sit in her mercedes in the MRT). looking forward to seeing all May mummies that day. just need to pray hard that my Clarice will not scream Sponge's house down if she begins singing at the top of her voice
<font color="0000ff">Dear mummies,

Do you wash BB's hair and body using separate products? What type of shampoo and/or liquid bath are your BB using?

I'm currently using Lactacyd Liquid


which can be used to wash BB's hair and body without rinsing. Wondering if it's time to switch to a separate bottle for hair and body. Can we still use rinse-free products? Any idea when we should change to "must-rinse" products?

BTW, does your BB like to play with water during bathing? Mine likes to kick the water!</font>
Hi Mummies
so happy
Finally had my hair rebond &amp; perm. No more baby hair ard the fore head n auntie look :p

previously i m using lactacyd also, but feel that it might not clean thorougly since bb has grown up esp skin ard neck area. Now change to those must rinse type liao.
Hi bbloh...

Gosh...u mean cant put the EBB at the warmer mei? me usually do that or at least my mil does tat, but I always tell them not to keep it there for too long....shucks....have been doing it for the past 7 mths thu not every times...
Hi mummies,

Can I check whether u are having this prob? I'm expressing milk at office but whenever, I change my schedule for expressing due to meetings etc, find that my MS dips drastically...is it norm??

actually thinking of stopping but then...miss the bonding..at least now he sometimes looks for me for milk...ya ya..I'm his milk bottle...
hi lh_jyc,

me too have this prob.. feeling engorged but the milk supply is not up to my expectation..

also do yr MS drop after 5 mths?? mine drop leh..

me too thinking of stopping but still bu she de...
sori mummies, the function room is fully booked in dec. as usual lah, the ppl here all beri ks wan. alwiz fully booked...

hey nana, i onli bought a shower curtain. wanted to go eat the swedish meatballs but the queue real long man...
hi, I came in previously during the episode abt someone's Keanne having a crack in the skull. Now having hols so thought of catching up. Hope it's alright w you gals. Paiseh...if I have intruded.
So how's the dear young boy? Hope he's better now.

Yup...make peace and not enmity. Sometimes, people will write words that will stir up undesirable emotions in us. Have seen how some mummies here reacted to it positively. Kudos...

Yup...we make friends as we go. Infact, I have made so many friends from the forum that I am so touched when they offered their concern and advice over my baby's previous trips to A&amp;E and their assistance whenever they realise I need them. So touched by their sincerity.

The net is indeed an open forum where one can hide behind the computer and make as many claims as one wants, but the truth will prevail.
Afterall, if it's really untruths, somehow or rather, it will creep back on you. Wanna risk losing sleep on it?

Aiyoh...me disease starts again...waxing lyricals again...kekeke...

Make friends yeah...yeah...
Hi, can I share my experience on 'milking'? My supply dipped gradually when I went back to work also. One fine day, I realised I could only secure abt 120ml during one session. Cannot do lah...Hope to feed baby till 2yrs...

Reflected on what may have gone wrong...attributed it to the following...
1) work stress
2) less drinking of fluids
3) less frequency in expressing.

Finally, decided on the following remediation...
1) diligently set aside 20mins intervals every 4-6 hourly where possible to work as a 'cow'
2) Buy back EnfanataL from Robinsons, contains EPO, GLA, Marine Fish oil, Vit A, DHA and EPA are present. Eat already also see improvements in skin. Had outbreaks then. Huge acne...

3) drink more fluids

Think it helped...nowadays still managed 180-270ml per session. Hope this helps anyone who wanna continue breastfeeding.
hei sponge, it was my pleasure to meet you too.... hee.

I have stopped bf completely bec of my medication....it's a very painful thing cos the bonding is really irreplaceable. Two nites ago, christian woke up as usual in the middle of the nite and while hubby went to get milk ready, he was almost tearing at my top, as if beating me violently as to why I am not offering him breast....very sad...and at the same time, very angry at his tantrums.

Of cos, I am also troubled about his sleep...as to why he's not sleeping through. Of cos, hubby once again accused me that I spoil him as once he 'ehhhhhhh's - i offered breast...sigh. now, it's pay back time.

Gina - I agree TOTALLY (for emphasis - not for screaming) with you that most of the time - I am the maid - carrying things and all except for the baby - which my dear hubby will be carrying/cuddling...aiyah...i ok liao lah.

Hey, what's with this cornvita honey....pray do tell.
Keeping unfinished milk in one session back into the fridge.
Sorry to kaypoh here, came to read the thread and came across this topic. I'm a Jan mummy.
If the BM or FM is unfinished in one session, please do not keep it back into the fridge, this is assuming that the remaining milk is from the bottle which the baby drank from directly as the baby's saliva has already been mixed with the milk while drinking, thus contaminating the milk, causing the contents in the milk to be digested further.

But if you had prepare, for eg, 6 oz of milk but you pour out half to keep, it should be alright to keep the untouched half in the fridge, but have to use within the day.

Hope my 2 cents worth helps.
Hi kissbb

yup...mine has been dropping
my ms is nothing great to begin w n now...gosh..can only managed an average of only 100 ml...was thinking of stopping coz pump many times a day n still not a lot and somemore recently he's rejecting milk and all my efforts have ended up in the waste basket. he rejecting my MILK also....

But funny thing is he was down with flu yestd and at nite his fever hit 39.7! tried feeding him fluids and FM, he also dunwan...in the end, I use secret weapon, he drank ...so...lucky me no stop else he will not take any food!
Hi amy,

Wow!! 2years? I dun know whether I can continue to feed unti 1 year at the rate the MS is dipping...

Really admire ur determination, Must Jia You !!

Hi Chris
Comvita honey is a well known brand in NZ. they have UMF x and its said to be good for health. I bought quite a lot UMF 25 back during my NZ trip..is really not bad n esp useful for sore throat n sleepnessless. I also brought other brands but this is better...the only thing is that its veri veri Expensive in Singpaore
Hi ino,
no prob. I m so blur that thought u want the valves. :p

think my ms also drop, cos when i m travelling, i don't hav a proper lunch hour/place to express, just quickly express as to prevent engorge. Now, back home, feel the supply has drop a bit. I also feel so sad cos my boy has been rejecting my breast too
but he still except bottle.

Happy news!!! Think Rayne is on the way to recovery..keepin my fingers crossed. Yestd his fever was hovering from 39 to 40.....kept sponging him, last nite drops to 38...whew...

Hi Qoosan,
I worst situation now. Coz Rayne is sick and my hubby feels that I dunno how to take care of a sick bb, sent me to my mil place to stay for 2 days w bb, me no time to pump often there..now...my ms is like nil.

whose babies use pacifier to sleep, when they wake up and pacifier gone, can they find it and put it back themselves? how to train?


My boy slowly back 2 good appedite..now drinking 3 Ozs every 3 hrs+ 2 cereals (4 scoops cereal+3 scoops milk)+1 fruit. Have introduced porridge
but seems he did't like..

Knew tht he tends 2 start teething but yet 2 c any teeth pop out..

When drinking milk, can ur BBs hold d bottle by themselves? Mine super lazy,put his hands freely in d air while feeding him..

So can conclude Edison's development is a bit slow for month 6..only able to sit up unsupportedly 4 quite a while..
