(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Pls read carefully lar. I am LOW EQ but I dont BULLSHIT! Beside, I dont get anything OK!
200/hr divided by 11 companies = $18.18/hr. You cant pay any local a/c gal with this rate, Somemore, all paperworks (without using computer)!.

I see this figure myself! Not hearing from anyone of them. Each mth, she has to prepare a simple pay slip for everyone. Then, has to print out in to a printer far away from her. She always forget to collect, hence, if you happend to near the printer (below the other colleague), you can see others salary. After that, the A4 is cut into half, one part for employee & the other part she has to file up.

YO, i showed the posts to my colleague whose is grad in IT, hired to help the a/c to key in all datas. She stated that i sure kena shoot by EVERYONE! only working in this company believe.

Jialat! think i really out dated! All modern stuffs doesnt know how to use especially IT. I am still waiting one colleague that is hired to help everyone with computer problem to come back from holiday. I have a big problem with my MSN.

Ya right, one month $32K! Milo is right, you treating us as fools huh? We don't reply you, doesn't mean we believe you, just that we can't be bothered about your postings. Hire a grad in IT to do data entry? LMAO!!

Sorry but shimmrs and some mummies are right. Your posts are very contradicting. Boss don't believe in computer, then why are ALL OF U using MSN to communicate with your fellow colleagues over the world???? Don't believe and trust computer might as well THROW away all your office computer? Let all of you use type-writers better right? I REST MY CASE.

**And oh ya, knew today you're a cancer expert too. You should start your own thread calls "Annie Helpthread" LMAO!! LMAO!!
i never ask anyone to try the methods i mentioned. Moreover, I only stated that Beef helps for cancer patients that undergo the treatment. My own FIL is the eg.

Beside, i only shared whats i know. Its up to other to believe or not. I doubt anyone will try if they themselves have doubt in it. As for the doc in usa that i menetioned, I know her chinese name. Just dunno how to spell and put in here. She has a branch in singapore and has mthly magazine.

Futhermore, all mummies in this post are graduated. I DO NOT have High EQ but not stupid enough to cook up such salary matter.

Nothing amazing, 1 engineer is grad in UK,
is given a company car to drive on top of his salary. As he stated that he wont stay in such company with no prospect.
aiyo, just one morning nia, so many post liao...

annie, i remember u told me u have a degree in one of the aussie university mah...u also told me b4..and u told me u major in economics..right???

thats y i tell u since u are a degree and somemore major in econs, u can find a better job and higher pay (which u ever tell me tat u are overwork and underpaid)..y wan to suffer in the current company...
pooh, all the company monies went to the highly-paid accountant lor....whahahhahahah

Change topic lar mummies...getting sick reading all these BS post.

How are your babies, mummies?
milo, mayb u ask those Professor in your work place whether they earning $200 per hr ant leh...

annie, its REALLY amazing that ur company so backdated...or mayb ur that accountant is your boss' mistress??HEHEHE
Shall we fix a date for the gathering?? and we vote for the venue??

how abt 16 dec?? coz understand some will be having family gathering on the christmas eve and christmas or have church service..how abt that??

pls add on :

VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

poohcutie-2A,1 tod,1 baby - any place is fine wif me
pooh / fates,

the prof at my workplace also max 20k a mth nia. somemore they are highly qualified ok.. cant believe an accountant earn so much more...

ok, we shall all rest our case. getting very tired of all these liao. first agar agar now THIS.

VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
i wish to. Being in this company for >6 yrs. The a/c softwares and pc that i have been using all out of dates. How to apply job?
The Econ that i studied, the only job scope is to work as those commentors on the newspaper & those specific magazines.. even want to be a lecturer, still have study further up then qualify.

As for the accounting, even more jialat. This company nvb let me touch this area and with no experience, no one willing to give me a chance. I tried many. Moreover, with my age, others sure get those fresh grad even more worth than me.

Unless, i am willing to start all over again in a line thats totally different. I spent >6 yrs to learn started fr abc. I also suffered to survive in this company with these old folks. They are not easy to handle and they work hand in hand to kick anyone (even boss's nieces) that threaten their posts. I only manage to stay put @ my own field.

What to do, life, my keane rely on my pay. There is one phase, adult can afford to go hunger but not baby. I am not the only ma. Piglet also looking for job. Few of my friends also. It's all rely on whats available in this market. A/c, computer science & IT field are ver y hard to find jobs as demand > supply. Foreign talents keep coming in singapore. I have friends whose in telecomm or media field can afford to switch max 3 jobs a yr.

I nvb think or trying to get anyone to believe. I also have to say that doesn't mean that you never hear or see such so called gd high pay ($18.18 per hr 4 1 co a/c) means impossible.

Like keane last time had the red small spots that Pd already said before hand. Its a normal and common reaction after he took e antibotic. It takes 48hrs to come out and another 48hrs to go off by itself. Just becos others & my hb nvb see or hear b4, stated its uncure or what strange illness.

Indeed, becos he doesnt believe and trust COMPUTER. These old folks do all manual; paper works even for the stores. We ( a/c asst, store manager asst & me & 1 sec) have to DOUBLE work by keyed into this lousy a/c software (Visual). Everything has to do double. I have to email all oversea orders while the old folks fax and mail hard copies.
i so "sian" reading those "agar-agar",now comes again "salary","cancer expect"..pls eliminate these..ok?

i definately will join the gathering
Wow ... really can smell tons of gunpowder here ley .. hopefully our May thread will not become the joke of the motherhood forum ... so shall we all stop here and concentrate more on our babies and mummies tok??


I think you better stop replying to avoid further bombarding ... shall we just keep it to updating on the progress of our babies ...
hi Race_C,

hope you dun mind me adding in your nick to the list.

VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
3. Race_C
4. anastasia - 2A (tentatively) & 1 baby
no lar, she is not earning high! she handles 11 companies account leh, all manual.(if you think that highest; she definite not the 1 in my co) I dont want kena again. It's terrible feeling that you tell something real and becos it rare, then others treat bullshit. *faint.

Anyway, i have been long here. its really up individual to judge lar. I stated straight forward, how high my EQ can be?

Very common for everyone to think fried rice is simple cheap dish to learn. However, if you get a professional famous to tell you, fried rice is the hardest to learn and someone selling $15.Sure,others will say its seafood inc crabs meats.

Now, i am asking,
How much you pay for coconut milk in packet form, 80cents.Then, how much for you to pay to buy fresh coconut then squeeze out the milk? Cheaper?..maybe i am ignorant but how many coconuts need to get enough amount required?

Long before the gathering, i already stated that simple things doesnt mean easily to do.... Moreover, the indigrents thats made the difference.

I told you the cost right! $25.Shouldnt be x to you right? Ordered the indigrents from japan & send to here. $55 for the 4hrs effort =$13.75/hr. (less than her $18.18/hr).

Ya, you shd be amazing since you work in school. MOE is v well up to date as compare to other govt companies.

Maybe, i should post the olden type of typer writter that my co is using.

Mummies & gabby,
i love to join the gathering, however, its up to everyone whether want me to attend.

I have two new old navys that i ordered fr bp organised by Milo..just rec'd yesterday.
I am selling off, blank new & havent wash yet. the size is too small. i mean keane can't squeeze his head in. Size:6-12mths.
i try to dig out the link to show the pic.
VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
3. Ivy - 2A if lunch, 1 bb ( If its dinner then will be 1A.)
Yah gals, switch to something else more light-hearted can? Afterall, you gals are facing all the office politics, no need to face the same thing on the web rite?

Maybe I'll start off changing the topic. Well, just share abt what's going on in my life at the other side of the world. We had Thanksgiving over the weekend, and had Singaporean friends who are in the US stay over at our place. I'm proud to say that I made a Thanksgiving dinner all by myself (Herbed Roast Turkey and all), and topped it all with a home-made cheesecake. Think our friends enjoyed the meal. Makes me feel like a real cook finally (afterall I have no corporate achievements to speak of, only can delight myself in these kind of domestic accomplishments). Come to think of it, kinda pathetic.
Anyway, that's my feeble attempt in trying something light-hearted.
Btw, I wish I could be there for the Christmas gathering, cos it's going to be a lonely white Christmas for us here.

You have done well in your Thanksgiving dinner!! I am quite gian to do Turkey too. We shld share some tips since we are all SAHMs. I just done choc kaya swiss roll and wholemeal bread...Waiting for them to cool and sink my teeth in! haha..
VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
3. Ivy - 2A if lunch, 1 bb ( If its dinner then will be 1A.)
4. Annie - 1A, 1bb (if potluck, logcake).

How about potluck,buffet style?anna suggested for gift exchange for the nov gathering, think someone posted to defer to dec. What do you?

Mind to ask? White xmas mean snowing @ yr side? Wah! How nice? Hmm.. how abt organise a small party at yr side?
Maybe, if i save $$, then check with you, can i pay you a visit during xmas period..

My gd buddy is at Texas... nothing much there.

And now you say $18.18 per hour?? Tot it's $200? Up to you to twist and turn your words. Aiya say all you want lah. Like what shimmrs had said, we know you VERY well! (pun intended)

Dear CP,

You are amazing! I wish I have the capability to prepare a meal like that to host my guest! Is it very very cold there? Was at Europe last year, at this time, and everywhere is sooo christmasyy...simply miss it.
The list should go like this:

VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
3. Race_C
4. anastasia - 2A (tentatively) & 1 baby
5. Ivy - 2A if lunch, 1 bb ( If its dinner then will be 1A.)

kept forgetting which part of US are u in now? will be going over in mar!! has been my dream to have a white xmas but guess unless i quit my this job else i can forget my dream liao
<font color="0000ff">
How's Jarrett?

My BB seems to recognise me more nowadays in the sense that, when I come back from work, sometimes he'll reach out for me to carry him. It's really a relief from the stress at work.

Thanks for collecting the Tiger for me. Nice meeting you. ^_^</font>
*Faint. $200/hr for 11 companies (5 local + 6 oversea)accounting. ie. $18.18. (stated in earlier posts).. I nvb twist my words. I stated in the earlier posts.

Ntuc is having an offer for bb stuffs.. $54.90 for Pamper Fit &amp; Dry Prenium. (correct my spelling if wrong).
Hi gals,

Wah bian. WW3 here ah? Let's cool it la...
its dec ma, so festive...

Hi kk,

u'll have dream long long for the Civil Servants to match private sector. the standard is to lag behind and not match. save for starting salaries for graduates..

Yoy! enjoy ur trip k...must post them online when u back. cant wait to see the pics and oh remember to buy honey. must be the brand comvita coz nice. if buy from singapore, really expensive...

gosh...how I wish I can hide in your luggage bag and go w u. on 2nd tots, better not...dun wan to be bright bright lamp post

Hi CP,

Why pathetic??? U can cook turkey noe!!! me will be veri super proud if I can do so ;p...should show a pic of your achievement here ma..
Hi bbloh,

So nice of ur bb...mine will smile at me but sometimes when I tried to carry him, he will hold tightly to his grandparents...so sad, but no choice coz I work long hours..

btw, ladies...do u feel this at work? I used to work super long hours and over the weekends. With my son, I now more bochap n tries to leave earlier but still after working hours la....
somehow, can feel the displeasure of my bosses coz I cant complete the work as fast as previously.....

kindof sad but its the truth lei

Forgot to say, pls count me in for the gathering...also any gifts exchange??

Got sale on bumper mats.
forwarded for your information....

Date : 2nd to 3rd Dec 2006 (Sat to Sun)
Time : 10am to 6pm daily
Venue : Blk 1 Pasir Panjang Rd Alexandra Distripark #09-20
Admission : Free for all visitors

Attractive Cash &amp; Carry price for all bumper mats

LG Prime Hello Kitty : S$175
Rainbow Pooh (15mm) : S$138
Lil Pooh : S$125
Pooh/Princess/Piyo : S$110
Hi bbloh,

Jarrett is doing well...thanks for asking

He is learning different things each day! My MIL told me y/d he keep faking cough .... then today .... before I left .... he keep sticking out his tongue at me

Yes my boy is recognizing me alredy too! Keep sticking out his hands, wanting me to carry whenever he see me back from work.
Hi fates/Ivy,

high5!! ... Darius aslo like to fake cough to get attention ...and when we look at him...he will give us a shy look... tilt his head and lay on my mum's shoulder .... very cute .. he will asked to be carried by raising his hands and if hubby n I were to walk pass without acknowledging him...he will make noise to protest...kekek ...its really amazing to see them learning new things and tricks everyday ... my mum just told me tt Darius is starting to tear books/magazine.... Arrrgggghhhh
Ivy, Taurus

^5! They are so cute right? I told my MIL my boy is learning from her....about the fake cough and clearing throat. Hehee.....my MIL laugh it off.
That day my HB let Jarrett play with a brochure and I find one corner missing! I think you mummies can guess where I found that piece of corner
Hi all,

Wow so many already want to come... However, I cant make it on 16 Dec Sat...What about 1 or 2 Jan.... Checked the booking of the function room not a lot of dates left. Sorry. If its on 16 Dec, I will not be able to host sorry.

The list should go like this:

DATE : 16 DEC, SAT or 2 Jan
VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
3. Race_C
4. anastasia - 2A (tentatively) &amp; 1 baby
5. Ivy - 2A if lunch, 1 bb ( If its dinner then will be 1A.)
6. Gabby - 2A, 1 tod, 1 baby
Hi all,

Wow so many already want to come... However, I cant make it on 16 Dec Sat...What about 1 or 2 Jan.... Checked the booking of the function room not a lot of dates left. Sorry. If its on 16 Dec, I will not be able to host sorry.

The list should go like this:

DATE : 16 DEC, SAT or 2 Jan
VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
3. Race_C
4. anastasia - 2A (tentatively) &amp; 1 baby
5. Ivy - 2A if lunch, 1 bb ( If its dinner then will be 1A.)
6. Gabby - 2A, 1 tod, 1 baby
Ability of babies

As I bf my girl, she looks to me for food. Whenever she is hungry, she will lookk for me. Hmmm.. she definitely can recognise me! but as a milk bottle

My ger has always been crushing anything she grabs. The most horrible one is crushing newspapers! Yucks, so dirty. But she enjoys looking at newspapers though haha...


I dun worry so much about my salary, as long as i have that amount of increment every year, sustain my current pay, decent performance bonus and at least AWS can already. If i only look at my pay and nothing else, i guess it would be hard life to continue in teaching as the pay just doesn't tally with the hard work we put in. It is the lifelong satisfaction that counts...

Ohh ok thanks.. i was thinking of asking what brand of honey to get, but forgot to post my question yesterday :p so it is cornvita.. ok.

U must have slimmed down a lot after delivery in order to go into my luggage!!!!! HAHA!


Ya, NTUC having baby fair. Organic jar food also on offer. As well as heinz organic cereals.


I just saw ur msg... made in NZ???? Haha! Not possible lah.. i think my menses come liao lehhh.... AARRGGHHH spoil my mood a little for the trip :p
Oop ya.. My HB jus named my boy Edison (Christian name for Jing Heng).

When i was pregnant tht time,we promised tht i myself will give the Chinese name and HB will name the Christian one. Ended up my task had completed (named my boy Jing Heng) but HB side still floating and owing until last nite, he decided to call my boy Edison.


Pls help to update

<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,

I oso become a bit bo chap at work sometimes and tend to be a bit 'gan cheong' when it's time to knock off. Must hurry back to see baby as I usually reach home at about 7 pm. Then quickly bathe, have dinner and take over BB from my mum. Very stressed as I have to do everything fast, before BB "make noise".</font>
went to Tampines, Ikea today!! It was so Crowded!! Tot today is a wkday and many pple are working.. Haiz... But I was wrong!! Gotta queue 20mins to get into ikea. Hard to flag a cab home too!!!

The list should go like this:

DATE : 16 DEC, SAT or 2 Jan
VENUE : GABBY/ ?? (any more suggestion)

1. Poohcutie - 2A,1 tod,1 baby
2. milo - 2A and 1 baby
3. Race_C
4. anastasia - 2A (tentatively) &amp; 1 baby
5. Ivy - 2A if lunch, 1 bb ( If its dinner then will be 1A.)
6. Gabby - 2A, 1 tod, 1 baby
7. Little_nana- 2A, 1baby
<font color="0000ff">IKEA is having a 4-day event (got radio DJ, activities for kids, etc.) starting today. That's why it's crowded mah.

30 Nov 7am - 10pm
1 - 3 Dec 10am - 11pm

RSN - Republic of S'pore Navy</font>
Truce mommies... this forum is for us to make friends right? look at us on the June thread... many have become pretty good friends.
mich! I cant believe u posted something here!

Lol, someone in this thread mentioned that the thread is becoming a joke on the forum? I agree! Lol, I even asked mich to take a look here.

While everyone is squeezing in Tampines IKEA, i was happily shopping in Alexandra IKEA! :p Bought a high chair there...good leh.. cheap and (quite) steady.


Hope your ah ma is better..take care..

chris &amp; joyce,

nice meeting you mummies at last! chris you really are a svelte and chic mummy! pssst joyce i'm also in HR..next time can exchange pointers! heh~

aiyo think i gotta miss out on gabby's gathering liao
.. tampines is abit far for a woodlander like me.. u mummies enjoy! Take pics to show me hor!
Yummy...kaya..we can't even get decent kaya here. It's not difficult to roast a Turkey, but the challenge is to make it moist, especially the breast part. I found a recipe that says to brine the turkey in salt water for 8 hours so that it will retain water while cooking. It worked, cos the turkey wasn't dry at all. Hubby says it was the best turkey he had (maybe he was trying to humor me after all the hard work).
Anyway, you are also a SAHM? Cos I remembered seeing your website. So you are an enterpreneurial SAHM?

Fates, Milo
I'm in Pittsburgh, in the Northeast. Very boring and unhappening place. Lots of young people moving out to go into the hip cities. But I dun mind the suburban life, only hate the cold weather.
Dun envy the white Christmas, cos the snow is really nice for the first week, then after that can get soooo... sick and start looking forward to Spring already.
Milo, u prob will be touring the West Coast, rite? More hip and fun.

Annie, I think Texas more happening than Pittsburgh. Well, at least their beef taste the nicest in the whole of US.

Joyce, my hubby was so eager to carve the turkey that we forgot to take a picture when it was in all its glory. Realised it only when it was stripped down to bones. Regret...

KK, dun know whether u will get to check the thread again. Anyway, last time round when we were in NZ, we combed all the places looking for the cheapest Comvita honey. Thought we found it at a gift shop run by CHinese in Queenstown, then when we were at the Christchurch airport on the way home, found it selling for 1/3 cheaper at the shops there.

hi nana,

i was at ikea tampines 2dae oso. rched there at 9am, tot i was one of the earlier ones but oreadi crowded. but parking wise in the morning still not too bad lah. wonder when giant n courts will open...

as for the gathering, if u mummies dun mind to come simei, i can try to book the function room on 16dec. will go n check the availability n let u guys noe tme k...
