(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Morning mummies,

How are your weekends?


My boi is still on EBM as he'd self weaned himself from me two months ago. Really sad eh? I understand how you feel...same as Christian...he still hasn't sleep through....so you don't be too troubled ya?

Hi joyce,

Is Rayne better? Is his fever due to teething? My MS has been dropping too because no time to express every 3 hours. Now I expressed every 6 hours, and will get lumps when I drag for too long. The longest I drag is yesterday....10 hours! Wahh it's so painful and uncomfortable...

Hi AMy(flub)

it's me... i'm back in tw now... i also intend to breastfeed for a long long time... 2-3 yrs if possible. how long did u feed ur elder for?

so next time they'll just come to u and say "mom, i'm hungry.." DIY baby haha!!
hi fates,
my MS also dropping coz i 've got no time to express. My time of expressing is the same as yours...every 4-6 hrs...every time i express it's about 140ml. sad hor? the longest i drag is 12 hrs...when my gal sleep thru' the nite.
<font color="0000ff">lh_jyc,

EBM can put inside warmer (I presume you meant electric type) just to warm it up after removing from fridge. Cannot place inside for too long as the rising temperature will destroy the nutrients. Just 3 - 5 mins will do.

Re: MS dropping
Me too. Have been taking Goat's Rue capsules but it doesn't seem to have much effect on me.

Re: Sleeping through
I'm worse man! My BB is still waking up every 2 hours in the night. I've became a walking zombie now.</font>
why no time to pump there? is it because many interuption?

Last nite, I was trying to latch my boy again. We r having a hard time, he keep pushing me away wth his hand and shout like kena abuse, I was so sad
Before my 5 days business trip, he is fine wth latch on..
Aft that, i was thinking maybe it is due to my new hair style, so I tie up again, surpringly he can accept me

But hor this morning he refused again.. me blur liao, think hav to fight over again :p
HI Amy
wow your MS is so good. Mine is only 130ml to 140ml per session.Need advice from you.
my girl just turn 7 mth old now and i think her milk intake is very low. Do you think this is the reason why she wakes up three hrs interval at nite cos last time she can sleep through sign. I wanted to supplement her with karihome goat milk but she refused and will cry and cry if i let her any kind o f formula
Hi QooSan,

Yup no time to pump coz was busy sponging Rayne as his temp is hovering at 39 to 40s...today the mummy is also dun w fever. was vomiting in office...

So sad, mil say tonite better let me sleep so dun let me bring boy home,...kindof miss him now that I'm alone at home

somemore hubby is out partying w his friends..GGggrrrrr
hi lh_jyc,
aiyo think u better rest well. ur mil is rite as to let u rest tonite. em... as for ur hubby, how cum still partying w frens when wife is sick. anyway, rest well. mummy hav to b healthy then can take good care of baby ma

Tonite bring bb attend wedding dinner, everyone say bb look like daddy
Hi Mummies!!

Early greetings from NZ from me heehee.. now is 715am in NZ.. and it must be 215 am in singapore rite?

Now in queenstown.. leaving soon... will be viewing the bungy jump bridge later, then proceed on to fox glacier

Have covered mount cook on our 3rd day here. Very very beautiful!!! Loved Lake Tekapo a lot
Took a heli ride at Twizel and landed on ice at the mountains. I guess i got sunburn there ba.. now my face skin slightly peeling liao
2nd day was in Antarctic centre. Hagglund ride really thrilling. Also covered dunedin.. queenstown is an exciting place too! Took gondola ride last evening

Ok ending here...


Got my convita honey at a shop where the tour guide said should be cheapest throughout NZ.. around NZ36 for 1 kg of honey UMF 5. i also bought 3 small bottles of UMF 15+.
Hi Qoosan,

hee...that's why me abit ignoring him now...but he said he just finished exams so want to go and relax lor...sigh...after giving birth become "grass" liao while bb become "gem" haiz

Hi matsu,

How much is ur bb taking now? Sometimes, it is more of a habit than anything. at least it is the case of my son....

Hi kk,
Yoy! u logged it! Are u paying for it? the internet charges are so expensive...but anyway I always did coz nothing to do at nite over there.

Queenstown veri romantic feel rite...wah...almost feel like booking a ticket to go over now..missed travelling ah!
Morning mummies,

Rayne has fever again
want to fetch him home but fil say no...haiz...my sis-in-law's bb who is staying here also got it. sigh..initially told my mil that I bring bb to my mum's place coz scared contagious but she n hub dunwan coz my mum not veri good with kids..now pass to another bb...feel so bad. somemore dunno whether sil will be angry w us coz she super kancheong of her child...haiz
Hi ino,

Wow Natalie sleep through the night already huh!? Such a good girl! I find it worst when I am at home with Jarrett alone. Simply can't express at all, cos' he fusses whenever I on the Medela motor. Haha..dunno whether to find this funny or angry :p

Hi bbloh,

Yalor...poor us...baby can't sleep through....poor mummies also can't :p

Hi Qoosan,

Your description so funny - "fight over again"

Btw why don't bottle feed?

Hi matsu,

Ya Amy's MS good hor? Read her point number 2...she is eating a supplement for good MS i think

joyce! You gotta take care ok!! If you are still unwell, you won't be able to take care of Rayne...
Haha.. i hav the same feeling as you. now like 'grass' n bb is 'gem'. Last time i read an article abt hubby will jealous as wife will pay more attention to kids instead of them, but how come everything look like the other way round as we r the one who get jealous :p

ya,we really fight ok... I complained to my boy say he doesn't want mummy liao. sob sob...
somemore mummy hav to leave him again tomolo till Fri
Think soon he doesn't recognise me liao.
Whenever I latch him on, i can feel vry close to him. It's just the feeling that make me 'bu she de'. Also, when I hav lumpy breast which might be cos by didnt express well fr previous session, he can solve my problem wor...
The thread is so quiet recently...where's everyone? gone for hols?

Hi fates...
Thanks. kindof sad that me n bb is sick
doc just told me boy got bronchitis
somemore tomolo is my bday. haiz what a good bday present.

Hi Qoosan,
For my case, its both parties..keke so cant blame hub also.
but really when I was preg, the treatment was soOOOoooo Different...miss those days

Heehee NZ2 for 15 min block lor.. just finished fox glacier this afternoon.. later going jalan jalan a bit.. just had dinner liao :p


Good price ya? Then the tour guide never cheat us haha!
Hi all,

Looks like our gathering is drawing near...and the list seemed to have fizzled out. Here's the list revival:

1) Sponge
2) Ivy
4) Ino
5) Angelzwynd

Place: Ariel's Kingdom (Sponge's house) at Woodlands

Time: 12 noon

Those interested, can continue with the listing.

As for food, suggest to order X'mas food?
hi ih_jyc
my girl still takes only about 100-120ml. at 7 mth old she is taking very little rite. and her weight is only 7kg. stress while i see other forum babies are already 8.5 or more kgs.

oh thanks fate for reminding. ya will go and look for it to increase my MS. have been quite stress this few days and keep scolding my hubby he become my chu qi tong
<font color="0000ff">matsu,

My boy is also taking about 100 ml per session. More than 120 ml and he'll puke. Don't worry about your girl's weight. As long as she's healthy and growing well, she's alright.</font>
Hi mummies,

Thanks for your concern...ah ma is recovering well. She's very tough, asked her a few times she also said not painful. Anyway, it's stiched up now, should be ok. Thanks!

Dunno whether did I catch any bug from TTSH, I got fever the next day after the TTSH visit, followed by hubby and Zach. I have no fever now, but last 2 days no voice, these 2 days can't breathe! Wah, feel like dying!!
Hubby said few days ago he ate anything also no taste, now it's my turn. Zach's fever was quite high too, about 39.3. I gave him panadol and sponged him. He had it for 2 days, fever comes and go. So brought him to see doc on Sat. Doc said as long as the fever is an overall downward trend, it's ok. Same thing, gave panadol and another medicine for vomitting (he cried until puke milk!). He's ok now, no fever, but a bit of cough.

How did the PD diagnose it as bronchitis? Was Rayne caughing? Hope you and baby recover soon, I know it's tough...

Pls update for Isabel:
6.5mths weight: 7.9kg
6.5mths length: 63cm

Isabel's drinking pattern is terrible! Ranging between 30ml to 90ml! I still latch on, but with this kind of drinking pattern, I think my supply also go haywire!

Sounds like you're having a good time! Thanks for remembering us...still log in and update us, so nice of you!

Received your email, thanks for your concern. Do take it easy, most of the mummies at the forum are nice, and some of us have even become good friends, and I really appreciate mummies here lending an ear for me when I was upset about the accident. Just take it easy ok?
Guess you are still reading this thread. Can't speak for the rest, but hey I still welcome you back to the thread. Just be a little bit more tactful when posting. It's a skill that I'm still learning too.

KK, how come u still got time to log in and check? I remembered when I went NZ, I was so tired to do anything else.
hey joyce, my son had brochiolities in oct. It was not a pleasant experience though. What did ur pd give ur son?
Hi Matsu,

My son was also taking that amt before he fell sick.

Hi SS1/missk

Doc say the phelgm has gone to his lung liao. he was given lots of med, for phelgm, cough, fever and antibotic. Think its amoxol, ventilim, panadol and some white powder. But he refuses to take the med. whenever he sees the springe, he will clamp his mouth shut and make crying sound w/o opening his mouth. if someone makes the "aaAAaaaaAA" sound, he will start crying immediately

It is so heartbreaking to see him like tat, he does not take any food, and is so weak that he does not seem to be able to lift up his head at all
<font color="0000ff">Oh dear, you must be feeling sad and helpless too. Hope Rayne will recover soonest.</font>
Have not visited the forum for a few days and realised that i have a lot to catch up. This board is really active! keep it up, gals!
Morning Mummies!

Yes QooSan, our little ones are the best pump available in town eh!

And don't worry la, a baby won't forget his mother one...have a nice trip!

Hi matsu,

Don't be stress...my boy is drinking very little too, but PD commented as long as he's healthy and growing, it should be fine. Is your girl taking any semi-solids?

Oh ya HappY BirThDay Joyce!!
Update as of 06/12/2006

<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Height</TD><TD>FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>KK</TD><TD>Liaw Yu Jun</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>8.95kg (6M)</TD><TD>68.5cm (6M)</TD><TD>Wyeth Gold Promil (S2) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sponge</TD><TD>Ariel Lim</TD><TD>22/04/2006</TD><TD>8.1kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Natasia Chan</TD><TD>27/04/2006</TD><TD>6.89kg (6M)</TD><TD>67cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Nan 1HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fate</TD><TD>Jarrett Tan</TD><TD>28/04/2006</TD><TD>7.68kg (6M)</TD><TD>67cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piglet</TD><TD>Sofia Teo</TD><TD>30/04/2006</TD><TD>8kg (5M)</TD><TD>66.5cm (5M)</TD><TD> Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006</TD><TD>8.5kg (6M)</TD><TD>70cm (5M)</TD><TD>Nan 2HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>Keane Then</TD><TD>02/05/2005</TD><TD>7.8kg (6M)</TD><TD>63cm (6M)</TD><TD>Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ih-jyc</TD><TD>Rayne Ang</TD><TD>02/05/2006</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM/Enfalac A+ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbloh</TD><TD>Ethan Low</TD><TD>02/05/2006</TD><TD>8kg (6.5M)</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>BM/Friso 2 Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Goongoon</TD><TD>Geng Teng</TD><TD> 03/05/2006</TD><TD>7kg (6M)</TD><TD>68cm (6M)</TD><TD> Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD>Natalie Wong</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD>6.35kg (5.5M)</TD><TD>63.5cm (5.5M)</TD><TD>BM/Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pooh</TD><TD>Claris Yeo</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD>8.05kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (6M)</TD><TD> Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Teenoyl</TD><TD>Erfan Rusyaide</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD> 8.6kg (6M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Aiden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>8.65kg (6M)</TD><TD>69cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Brayden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>7.65kg (6M)</TD><TD>66cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Race</TD><TD> Jing Heng</TD><TD> 10/05/2006</TD><TD> 7.2kg (6M)</TD><TD> 68cm (6M)</TD><TD> Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wen</TD><TD>Gabrielle Chang</TD><TD>11/05/2006</TD><TD>8.6kg (6M)</TD><TD>68cm (6M)</TD><TD>BM/Similac Stage 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scott's mum</TD><TD>Scott Lim</TD><TD>11/05/2006</TD><TD>8.2kg (5M)</TD><TD>68cm (5M)</TD><TD>Karihome Goat Milk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Kaelyn Soh</TD><TD>12/05/2006</TD><TD>8.03kg (6M)</TD><TD>68cm (6M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rumraisin</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>13/05/2006</TD><TD>11.2kg (6M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>Jared Hee</TD><TD>15/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>64.5cm (5M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>8.2kg (6M)</TD><TD>70cm (6M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>SS1</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM/FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gina</TD><TD>Brayden Loh</TD><TD>19/05/2006</TD><TD>8.3kg (5.5M)</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>My_dodo</TD><TD>Wendy Widjojo</TD><TD>19/05/2006</TD><TD>7.2kg (6M)</TD><TD> 68 cm (6M)</TD><TD>Nan 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shawny</TD><TD>Amber Lim</TD><TD>27/05/2006</TD><TD>8.2 kg (5.5M)</TD><TD>70 cm (5.5M)</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairarina</TD><TD>Kendrick Kwa</TD><TD>28/05/2006</TD><TD>7.98kg (4M)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>BM/Similac</td></tr></table>

do take care of urself and wish rayne a speedy recovery!

me feel so hungry now... suddenly miss getting preggy so can eat and eat... haha greedy mummy
Hi Ino,

Yaloh....maybe all can't confirm for the gathering. I don't know whether my hubby is free or not, but will put my name first

<font color="ff0000">Venue: Ariel's Kingdom (Sponge's house), Woodlands</font>
<font color="ff0000">Date: 16th Dec 2006
Time: 12 noon (or up to the host...)</font>

1) Sponge
2) Ivy
3) poohcutie
4) Ino
5) Angelzwynd
6) Fates

Shall we do a potluck? Since this seems to be a small and cosy x'mas gathering. How about gift exchange?
hi ladies

anymore joining us for the gathering??? all are welcome !!

1) Sponge
2) Ivy
4) Ino
5) Angelzwynd

Place: Ariel's Kingdom (Sponge's house) at Woodlands

Time: 12 noon

Those interested, can continue with the listing.
calling <font color="0000ff">SPONGE</font>

are u booking the function room or ?? if unable, mayb we can have other alternatives?

oh joyce...same here!!! The phelgm was in his lungs. Which PD did u see? My PD gave him the nebuliser and it worked!! No more phelgm!
Hi Mich, welcome back. How long u gonna stay this time round? I on hols. Either I go over your place or u come over mine and let the 2 brendon(s) play?

I fed the first one till he's 10 mths. Felt that I have shortchanged him but no choice then.
Hubby was in States for 2 years liao and I handle all the household affairs and issues of the 'extended family members' and stressed also due to work and maid(s). One came, then ask to see neurologist, another asked me to help her find boyfriend when she saw those men who cae to buy marine stuff from me, yet another I have to report for child abuse on my son!!!
Ended up, I took no pay leave and packed everything to join him in States lor. Life then was so blissful, time w son, hubby, cooking, attending parenting classes and outlets shopping...

This time round, asked for lesser work at the expense of forgoing promotion but still find it worthwhile as I not that stressed and kinda enjoyed what I am doing both at work and with family and also spree-ing...kekeke...

Matsu, yup... I advocate breastfeeding so I really hope I can last long this time.
Ever thought of getting fenugreek but was told by a lactation consultant that it may increase milkflow but the quality of the milk is not there. She recommended that supplement and I find that supplement working well for me so far.
Everyday take two oil capsules.

Remember to drink more fluids and rest well also.

There was a period where my baby had a nursing strike so I resorted to expressing the milk out so as to maintain the supply. I have a colleague who has been breastfeeding for 4 years liao...Really peifu peifu her manzz...

Anyway, I dun wanna stop but if there's a way to reduce the sizes of our mammaries, I would love to know. Have grown until I also paiseh...
hi ly_iyc,

Take care of yourself. U need to have strength so as to be the support for your younger one.

My first boy who is 5 years now also had 3 bouts of bronchiolitis. Doc said if it continues till 2years old then he will be considered as asthmatic. So we resorted to TMC and it helped. But I would say that to each his own. Mine may have benefitted from it but another may not find it effective.

Anyway, we used an air purifier also. It does help improve his condition too.

I remembered his episodes w the nebuliser(spelling?) were so heartwrenching to us. Cried and struggled so much then.
Would love to attend, but I need to see if me and Zach fully recovers or not, dun wanna spread the germs around. Let you all know later next week ok?

Isabel's latest
weight: 7.9kg
height: 63cm

Aiyoh... this time rd can't join liao... Cos gng to bring Kaelyn to Malacca... Sounds boring hor... haiz!!! BUt I'll sure join in the Jan gathering
Hi gals,

Thanks for ur concern. Guess it is norm for bbies to fall sick. but then really diff to go thru this n see how much they are suffering and yet cant help them...dunno whether u understand what me talking about...the helpless feeling

Hi fates,
Thanks! not much of bday today for me. not in a mood to celebrate...eee actually nowadays not like younger days will look forward to bdays as...aaaeee..reaching 30s soon..

Hi missk,

This is the 2nd time he kenna bronchitis liao. the first time was in sept n he was prescribed nebuliser too but not veri effective for him so this time, PD did not prescribe this...

Hi Qoosan,
Has replied ur pm. Let me know k? Thanks!

Hi Amy,
Really admire u..these days, my ms is so low that me dun feel like continuing liao.
Hi Ana,

MAlacca, why boring? can eat the ice kacang there. theirs is diff from singapore coz their brown sugar really nice and the satay tok tok (dunno whether its correct)
joyce, poor thing. U are rite, it's really heart-wrenching to see your bb sick. I really hate it. Btw, how low is your ms? Mine is really low too and it's rather worrying. What can I do now huh?

Malacca can be rather interesting too. Yah, the chendol is delicious. Joyce, r u refering to the one at jonker's walk? Hmm...satay lok lok ..yummy!

Yoo evening time really boring.. cos we dun really stay city area + no shops opened.. so log in to check school emails and pop by here lor.. today taking domestic flight to auckland liao
Hi missk,

Now I can only managed abt 100 ml every 6hrs pump
u can try supplements to booast up the amt and drink more water. But for me. as I really have no time now, will stop if MS stops liao..

Haiz. only thing is that hub says we spent so much on all the diff pumps only to use them for a while
and say mabbe have a No 2...I went ohhh noooooooooo

keke so that thing is called lok lok and chendol instead. see think me blurz coz lack of sleep..

Woke up @ 3am to feed my boy coz he refused to drink from bottle...ended up he puked all over me.. quickly went to wash up come out of bathroom all ready to console him coz he was crying after vomiting, saw both father and son, snoring...dunno whether to smile or what..haiz..

bad news...can't join u all for the gathering liao...have just been told to attend a relative's bb full month celebration on that same day/timing. ;-(

Pooh: i've placed the order and made the payment for the hair clips. ;-)

Take care,k. So poor thing. I know how it feels like looking after little bb when he/she is sick. Hope your boy get well sooon!
hi bbloh and fates,
thanks for sharing. if not i will keep wondering my girl is drinking too low and i will start to wonder if the quality of my milk is no good thats why she drink so little.

like you i also would like to continue at least until she is one yr old. I am determined cos i am not a breastfeed baby myself whereas both mysis are and they are very healthy unlike me so i really hope to continue.

<font color="0000ff">I like Malacca. Went there several years ago and enjoyed myself very much. Can try the chicken rice ball and don't miss the chendol and satay thingy.

Jonker's Walk is something like our Chinatown - got lots of shops selling crafts and makan stuff. If you have time, can go to the outskirts where they have a zoo like a mini safari, bees farm and the like. Can also go to A'Farmosa Farm + Water World (just next to each other).

I won't be joining the gathering too as DH just received a wedding invitation that will be held on the same day. Anyway, enjoy yourselves!</font>
