(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Amy,
Do you remember how much the EnfanataL cost? Besides Robinsons, is there any other place that the supplement is sold?

matsu &amp; other mummies,
I'm also determined to continue bf. Let's cheer each other on! Go ... go ... Hurray</font>

Hi Matsu,

Me too. Hope to breastfeed my boy as long as I can, but you gotta have a supportive partner tho'. At one point, my hubby ask me whether I want to stop or not, because he see me soo tired gotta pump in the mid of nite, and if no time to pump, kenna engorgement. So let's JIA YOU!

Now that Anna and Ino can't make it, gathering still on or not? Updated gathering list:

Venue: Ariel's Kingdom (Sponge's house), Woodlands
Date: 16th Dec 2006
Time: 12 noon (<font color="ff0000">Psst! After 4pm can or not?</font>)

1) Sponge
2) Ivy
3) poohcutie
4) Angelzwynd
5) Fates

Milo, join in leh..
Hi Mummies,

Have your babies gone for the pneumococcal jab? I am in a dilemma....don't know whether to jab Jarrett now, or wait after 1year old

Anyway his appointment is tomorrow.
hi lh_jyc,

my son also down with bronchiolitis. i hate the medicine feeding episodes. he ever choked when we fed him through the syringe so have to coax him slowly using spoon.

did your PD ask you to give baby diluted milk and lots of water? i noticed my son does not like milk these few days but he still eat his usual quantity of porridge for dinner.

thanks.. Hve not been gng to Malacca for so many yrs liao... Reali become Sauku liao.
Is Jonk walker walking distance to the windmill???


Change date la... but hor seems like Not much choices hor... Guess many mummies must b very busy during festive seasons...


Kaelyn has taken the three jabs liao, the last one will b after 1 and the reason of taking is becos her nephews are in CC and has been playing with the nephews. I'm very KS hor

Up to the host, Sponge, leh.....no response from her also

I thought the three jabs are to be taken during 7th, 9th and 12th month (if below 1yr old)? How come you so fast finished jabbing already? Not KS la.....although Jarrett don't go to CC or IFC, I still think it's better to jab as I always bring him out or swim in common pools.

Look forward to see you, anastasia
joyce, aiyoh ....with a sick bb quite jialat. I still rem the time when my son was not feeling well. When he puked, it was so worrying. Fortunately, he was cooperative enuff with the nebuliser.

Re: MS
SAme...6 hrs, so little. I can also feel lumps in my two breasts. I do hope to bf for a longer period of time since I am a SAHM. There is no reason not to do so. But the situation is rather discouraging.

Hi little nana, Jonker's WAlk is an alley, I think. Like a pasar malam. The last time I went was last year on a company trip. They sell chicken rice balls, satay lok lok and also chendol. Also got tons of other things lah.

brayden oso has bronchitis 3 weeks ago n he was sick for 2weeks. initially PD gave him cough, flu n whizziness medicine but all seems no improvement so PD gave him the neubiliser. after a few times den ok liao.


i tink if take nw but take 4jabs rite?? Mmm mayb i wait till 2years den onli take 1 jab as brayden doesnt goes to IFC, shouldnt b a problem rite??
Hi all,
we are all so determined to breastfeed but stumbling now cos of low supply. I'm very troubled by it as well. Dilemma to try supplements and monitor how baby takes it but want to be 'all natural' as well.

My baby has sensitive nose and sensitive airways and very prone to bronchitis as well. Hmmm why are babies so susceptible to bronchitis these days. Been on nebuliser once and now pd put him on Dhatifen and I noticed his last couple flu bouts did not escalate to bronchitis nor as phlegm-y. You may want to check with your pd on your next visit.
hi hi ly_iyc,

hope your boy will be ok soon. be strong ya.

i don t really have supportive husband when it comes to breast feeding he always say can take formula la no big deal don have to be stress but i always insist.

actually i do have a way to increase MS but as my girl just recover from chicken pox i still cant take. dont know if you gals believe. its actually those HONG JIU that some will take during confinement. my aunt told me that she drank when she had my cousin that she got so much excess milk that she also let her niece drink which is two babies supply. so i actually try and eat HONG ZHA JI mee suan and true enough after i ate one bowl of that in four hours time, my MS WENT UP TO 240ML HIGHEST record. hee so you might want to try but must remember to boil it thoroughly so that there is no more alcohol content or simply go to those FU ZHOU store where they sell HONG ZHA JI mee suan and eat a bowl.
hi matsu,

really? i must go and try! i noe beach road has a store that sells veri good hong chou gai mee sua...hehe

i must increase my pathetic milk ss!!! hee
<font color="0000ff">Anna,

Yes, Jonker's Walk is within walking distance to the Wind Mill. In fact, you can tour around Malacca (excluding outskirts) on foot alone! Get a map from Equatorial Hotel if possible. It was in A4 sheet (Malacca is quite small) and was in colours (don't know if there's any changes).

You can find more info on Malacca here
gina: yah...the nebuliser was really useful! Got rid of all the phelgm. I was so relieved. Hey, which pd do u see?
hei gals, I cannot make it for the gathering too.. as it is, there are two gatherings we have to rush to on that day...sorry.

I have stopped nursing Christian since I started thyroid medication. It was very sad and yes, engorgement was a little incomfortable in the beginning...now, almost gone liao...and 'mammaries' also small liao *waaaaahhh* haha.....
Doctors keep reassuring me with 'breast feed 6 months very good already...after that, not much quality....'...and what WHO's recommendation is 6 months and blah blah blah...while i feel comforted that he has had enough, I really miss the bonding...sigh.
Hi gals,

Really thanks for all the kind tots. Rayne is still the same. coughing badly n the phelgm doesnt seem to get better lei
haiz...mabbe will be like last time, takes 6 weeks to recover

just to check, when ur bbies are down w bronchitis, do they drink milk? mine is becoming "xian" can go w/o milk the whole day eee mabbe too exaggarated. he only drink abt one oz every 6 hrs.n then puke it all out..

we have stopped giving him porridge n cereal when he fell sick as doc says give him more fluid and dilute the milk.

feeding him w med is really a challenge, every method to hoax him drink the med wont work 2x end up we have to force feed....
Hi matsu,

Sama me do not have supportive family members for bfeeding. my mil taking care of my bb also prefers to give FM but I insisted. Is the hong jiu really good? tomolo me try
update u thereafter...keke..

Dunno leh... my Pd din mention abt this.. So took all the 3 jabs b4 6mths old.

Guess Ting must be very busy with her work. Sms or call her lor. Seldom see her Online too

missk and bbloh

haha... thanks for the infos.. I think i know where are the places liao.. LOL... Yes !!the chix rice Ball, chendol. These are the MUST EAT! Ops.. I'm suppose to be on diet.. Jialat gng to put on weight again!
hey ladies,

sorry was real tied up with work! Since so many mummies cannot make it on the 16th, why don't we postpone it to another date then?


oh dear hope lil Rayne will recover soon. You must take care too yah..

wow I really admire all the mummies who are still breastfeeding at this stage. You all have come a long way! Fight on! It has been a good 4 months since i've stop breastfeeding..and i still miss the feeling of closeness that I once shared with Ariel. Not that I don't bond with her now, but the feeling is so so different..

i m seeing dr cecilia lee @ the paediatric n family clinic in tampines...

joyce hope lil rayne is getting beta oreadi???
Huh what...postpone already huh.....aiyo.....

What is HONG ZHA JI mee suan? What is it in english?
What is hong chou gai mee sua? Is it in Cantonese?

I wanna try toooo!


I am fine with both dates

Gina, 4 meh? PD told me it's 3....let me confirm this, as I am bringing my boy for the jab later. Same as Brayden, my boy doesn't go to IFC, but we bring him out pretty often, thus felt the need to do it..
<font color="0000ff">Re: To increase MS

My colleague (from China) said this helps to increase her MS:

Boil some water, add 3 - 5 tablespoons of rice wine into hot water (how much you add depends on your taste). After 5 - 10 mins, turn off the fire, add 1 - 2 eggs and stir. Can take this for breakfast everyday.

I didn't try personally as I'm a bit lazy and don't really like rice wine.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

I think HONG ZHA JI mee suan and hong chou gai mee sua are the same -
(red rice wine vermicelli)?</font>

tink there r diff ages take diff no. of jabs rite?? i noe max is 4 jabs, after 2years is 1 jab onli. mine PD charges $150/jab so i will bring him for the jab when he turns 2 lor... i onli bring him out during weekends so shouldnt b any problem lar.


if nw he doesnt vomit the milk den shd b ok oreadi. coz brayden oso vomited the first few times den ltr once he stopped vomitting, didnt vomit again...
hihi everyone

bbloh, its correct and basically it is what your china friend say but i am not sure if white rice wine is ok cos i take the red rice wine.
red rice wine chicken vermicelli is actually a FU ZHOU dish.
All of you can go to the people's park hawker ctr they sell that.
Those who are keen can try and see the effect. hee
hi mummies

i would reali love to join the gathering this time....

Venue: Ariel's Kingdom (Sponge's house), Woodlands
Date: 16th Dec 2006
Time: 12 noon (Psst! After 4pm can or not?)

1) Sponge
2) Ivy
3) poohcutie
4) Angelzwynd
5) Fates
6) Yvonne

did a lot of cath-up on the forum, and was surprised at the smell of the gun-powder! Aniwae... let's move on....

Updates... yup, but not very good ones... Nat is staying with me now.... Long story behind everything.... with both parties just hanging there at the moment... there is a possibility that i may become a single mom... Have been quite upset for the past one week. Aniwae, that aside, would really love to catch up with you mums, and Nat reali need frens to play with! So cya guys!
Hihi Sponge,

I would love to attend the gathering too but i have a pre-X'mas thingee to attend. Hope to meet all you mummies next time!

So envious when i saw all of u enjoying at last gathering.

Chris, its true that WHO's BF guideline is for 6 months. You have done well!

My naughty boy is slim cos he refuses to drink milk from the bottle
Nvm i have reached the stage whereby I give up in making him drink fr the bottle. He will "have to" drink when i return to work from Monday onwards or else....go hungry, thirsty....hahaha...I know i sound like a bad mummy but i guess he has to learn...somehow.
Hi Yvonne!
Long time not see! What happened?? Is it the incident of your hubby brought Nat back to Penang? Hmm....to be honest, my mum and I thought both you and hubby look alike, got fu qi xiang, maybe have a good talk and things will work out well? Take care and I hope I can join the gathering too.

Hi! You've been MIA too? Going back to work eh?! Isabel also dun like to drink milk from bottle, and sometimes she'd rather go hungry and thirsty! You know I've not been a high achiever in BF, and now when I'm sick and my supply dip some more, she also just drink 1oz or 2oz every few hours...scary! How to grow??

Maybe I need to try the hong zao ji mee sua! Hmm...ask my mum to cook tomorrow!
Hi bbloh,

Wahh you also got recipe huh!?

Did you try? What kind of eggs to put in? raw eggs or half boil eggs? Must finish the 'soup' and both eggs huh? Can't imagine having to eat eggs everyday.....:X

Hi matsu,

Thanks for your recommendation too. Will keep a lookout for this dish if happens to be at beach rd or people's park :p

Hi Yvonne,

Take it easy and time heals everything. Be strong for your girl's sake ok? If you need a listening ear, there are lots here. Cheers,
Thanx Isabel&amp;Zach's mum and fates. We will see how our marriage moves on from here. Yeah, the penang trip did play quite a part in the whole episode.

hi isabel&amp;zach,
yeah.... lotsa pple sae we look alike... hehehe... Regards breastfeeding, am still breastfeeding too. Am down with fever, flu and cough, the usual suspects - now. however, do continue to breastfeed, cos it's even more nutritious for the bb. Our body produces more antibodies when we are ill to protect us, and so this goes into the milk, thus the milk will have more immune properties than usual.

It's such a heartpain to waste bm isn't it. Here's what i have started to do. I feed her by bottle the first time. She will drink till she rejects. I will then try again 10 minutes time. The remaining of the milk, i will just mix with just a bit of rice cereals, brown rice or potato, and feed ASAP. This is aside from her 2 proper solid meals. btw, pd advised mi to feed her twice alreadi, cos my gal is also not putting on a lot of weight... she just grows taller... Hope this helps...
yeah, btw to all bf mums out there, anione in the same situation?

I've got quite a bit of on-the-job entertainment, events and parties, etc. So everytime i go for such, I will pump and throw away the milk. so heart-pain. I dun exactly noe, how long later do i have to wait to express milk that can be stored for her feed. I pressume 6 hours is fine. This is what i have been doing. Just worried that it may not be right. Did quite a bit of online research - well, all advice differs. So would like to hear from ladies in the same spot...
Have u checked the medela website - www.medela.com?

Yvonne, what kind of solid meals do u prepare for your bb? I havent started solids yet and do not have much idea what to do. Hope to get some advice from you and other mums here
hi joyce,
i just discovered that u r the joyce that i see every sunday at BJG... hahaha..
so how is Rayne now?
i hope he is fine.. do take care and bb Leia hopes to c him soon
Hi Mummies,

YOu can now view my NZ photos at http://new.photos.yahoo.com/kerenelu/album

Missed my girl a lot!!!!!!!!! My hubby said it is the first trip he wanted to come home asap to see daughter haha..

Girl also missed us lotssss. She always woke up in the middle of the night at in laws place and at times cried too. But over here, she sleeps throughout the nite

welcome back!

i have been worrying whether will i miss my boy too much to enjoy my trip.. am keeping my options open, if really bu she de, might jus bring him along

BB X is sick...Must have gotten it from the stupid daddy...Poor boy. Been coughing non stop since yesterday.
BBs really shld be kept away from sick ppl else they kana so easily...
See him coughing so badly, i din managed to slp last nite too. The moment he cough, he will stir awake and i gotta pat him and force some water in.
<font color="0000ff">fates,
I didn't try the recipe as I'm too lazy to prepare the things in the morning.
Just beat the raw eggs into the boiled solution and stir and it will become "egg flower" (dan hua). No need to eat 2 eggs daily. One egg also can (individual preference).

Wow! Seems that you've enjoyed the trip. Envy ...

Hope BB X recovers soon. Anyway, don't blame the daddy as I'm sure he didn't mean to spread the virus yah?</font>
