(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Die....Anna dun wan friend me already....Lil kaelyn too....waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.... :p

Aiyoh, Annie, you have flattered me beyond what I deserve. You are good looking yourself.
I remember reading how you say you are fat and all, that I was expecting to meet someone rather plump, AND you turn out to be the contrary!
Ok, ladies....once again, also dun need to compare babies' progress...some jus faster/better, some slower...as long as babies healthy...that is MOST important!!!!!


hee..you noticed my little rascal crawling ( believe me, its no fun going after him at home. He have destroy my mum's corded phone, more destruction coming his way as he discover more things!)

Ya, he is fast in this aspect but still not so steady in siting yet and his hair growth is REAL SLOW! haha...

yes, i agree with you. We shld be in a concious mind not to compare bb's progress. All bbs will achieve wat they set out to do in a matter of time. Even when we have the 2nd bb, we will treat them fairly as individuals too! But its fun to see in this forum how each bbs are progressing...

Big sister Ariel has charmed everyone with her big eyes, Lil Nat's hair made me drool...But of cos, sweet sweet Kaelyn is still lil Xavier's choice!
Dear Mommies
Glad that all of you have a good time. Would really love to join you gals for the next gathering.

By the way, can i find out whether bb can have fruit juice at this stage?if possible, what type of fruit is good? apple? orange?
hmm.. i thought you tied your hair? jialat, guess that i must admit i am old liao..

keane knows how to crawl backward, but he doesn't like it, after two or three steps, he will shout. He tried to use his left leg to stand by grabbing hold on the wooden chair or his toys...
Hopefully, he wont jump one step ahead like my hb's brother. My mil kept telling keane to learn to walk, don't need to crawl. *faint*

Anna & ivy,
Confirmed! keane doesn't like Sling. Tried so many times, he loves to push his leg straight and his buttock slip downward off the sling. He used his both hands to push my chest away.My ma said i wasted money as she knows how to do the sling. *faint* should tell me earlier..
Soh soh, i thought i can put him on so that i can bring him to see the lightings @ orchard next week together with my ma.. no choice, has to carry him upright.. wonder can i tahan to walk from one end to the other end... As for the sling, hahah, its beautiful laying on the shelf. Luckily, i didnt buy hotsling else waste money.. :p
I presume we never carry keane so much as you mummies do, thats why he doesnt like it. Furthermore, he has weird all the while, he wants to stand even he can't. Unlike others, so guai can lay down or sit with support.. Through, he can sit well but he still prefer to stand. After i witnessed his attempts last night, i think he will soon turn to a monster to destory more things..

Goon Goon,
Apple, pear (green colour), banana are good for baby. Orange is acceptable for our bb at this stage, however, many said best to avoid till later...

So sad that you are not able to bond with Keane with the sling...Baby wearing really create a bond between the mummy and bb.

I mentioned before that Hotslings is better cos with the padding, it will protect them from slipping out and also give them thighs great comfort.Since your mother know how to make, then ask her to make with padding loh.

U mentioned before that your mother always carry Keane, how come he dun like to be carried now? All bbs like to be cuddle and hug lah. I do not think that Keane dun like to be sling..Maybe you do not know how to sling bb correctly or the sizing is totally off.
Hmm.. how to describle. Keane loves to stand.. so even my ma carry him also to let him in straight position. Not the way, like you or others do.
Not lar.. i dont believe the bonding using the sling.. when bb is young or nb, 1s you carry him or her, as time goes by, he or she get smarter, definitely demand to be carry most of the time.
Keane also like to hug but not all the time.He will demand when he needs it. We will hug and cuddle him when he demand for it. He wants to stand most of the time even through he can stand without support but only last few mins.. (guess that he sees how his cousin).
Keane still look @ me when my hb carried him when we visit him during weekdays. I am content that he search for me and only look for his father when he wants to play. He looked up on me when i put biscuit on his mouth for the 1st. As if, he knew that his mummy will teach him how to "eat the biscuit".

The sling i brought is my size according to the brand. I just want to use it so that i can bring him to see the lighting next week.. haha.. guess i have to use my arm strength..

keane is not like wat u describe leh. i remember that day at the gathering, he was such a good boy, sit there on his own, never make noise and never attempt to stand also leh. its u that keep making him to stand which i think not very gd. bb muscle and legs are still developing, better dun try to make him stand so much else might affect his feet.
Let nature take its own course la...Crawling, for a baby, is a fundamental. Maybe your Keane is really a genius, no need to crawl then learn to walk. Or maybe he can fly...

See how fast Xavier can crawl....I am impressed manz!!

Hi gina,

Glad to know your baby is better!
yes, annie...i think Keane is very very cute (*DISCLAIMER TO ALL OTHER BOY MUMMIES - YOUR BOYS ALL VERY CUTE TOO....)
I think you should be very happy with being blessed with such a sweet child....
As for me, Christian prefers Daddy when both options are around for him. sniff. It's ok...i love him nonetheless.

i am impressed with X too!


same here. kaeden prefers daddy over me as well but i dun mind. in fact, i am enjoying their moment of bonding. it is so amazing to see my hubby who is a man of few words, making effort to 'speak' to kaeden. i dun mind being the 'maid' lugging all the groceries while daddy carry him
ivy ah,

babies will grow up more confident and secure if they are surrounded with loves and hugs! anyway, how long more can we cuddle them? now kaeden is so amaze and interested in the surrounding that he prefer to be on the ground when they learn to walk, lagi no chance to bao. so now fast fast chase X and bao bao him!
That's very true milo!! Especially for baby boyss...
Now don't cuddle, hug and kiss, you think they will let you hug and kiss them when they grow up? *shrug*
Milo66 & chris,
Waa.. i must tell hb these.. so many mummies praised our son good boy.. *faint
Actually, he was frighten by so many pp & bb around.. he missed the earlier gathering, thats why. His eye wide open. Thats why, he was quiet at first. Moreover, keane loves to "act" as he loves other to praise him. Keane will cry even if you use normal tone to say his bad words in front of him.
Just few days ago, my youngest brother comment that he dripped too much saliva, he cried for 1/2 hrs despite how my mother tried to calm him down. Pity my brother, kena scolded by my mother..
As for me, i will tell him off directly. Words like "you can be an actor, fake cry..." My hb will point his tongue and told him "FAKE" keane will react with a smile.
*faint*, no no, he likes to stand n have showed me with his small actions that why i put him in standing position.
Actually, its more tough for me, cos my hand have to grab hold him and he loves to jump..
I must agreed all bbs boy prefer father more than mother.. the way i play with keane is diff the ways hb does.

ur earlier gathering meant the one at my place? no choice ma cos that time keane not feeling very well right? glad that he has recovered fully
Depends lar. Individual bb learn differently. Like xavier can crawl even before can sit steady. Ariel can do push up @ tummy down. keane can only flip and crawl backward.
Keane's uncle also knew how to walk even b4 he could walk, thats why my crazy mother in law kept telling keane to do so whenever she sees him. She kept telling me too..
Told hb that i pray hard, keane learns steps by steps, else, next time like his brother, the spine problem. *faint
Yap! NO! not blaming anyone lar.. bb has v short term memory.. 2 mths apart, of cos, keane got a bit frighten and scare. His eye wide open and quiet indicated so. Hee..hehe.. every bb reacts diff..
Moreover, i only bring him to public swimming pool 1s a week and only 30mins time. Protective hb lor.. said cannot this n that.. say will kena diease.. Crazy..
That's why i brought the sling, so that i can bring him to see the lighting @ orchard with my mother. Else, poor mother has to carry him upright or help me to carry the bags with milk bottle, hot water etc.. *faint*
Good morning mommies!
I said I will disappear from this thread after viewing the agar-agar but because Annie's post, i had to "intrude" for the last time.

YOu scared
me leh with your CAPS ON! Are you fed-up with me?

OOps! I guessed I must have missed out your post on your donation of agar-agars to your friend! Btw, I dun remember asking you to take photo of the agar-agar to show me right? I thought it was other nice mommies here who volunteered to show me photos of your agar-agar after your gathering? Mmm... Do you know the meaning of using CAPS in forum writing?

I hereby, disappear from this thread from now on just in case someone use caps on me again!

I sincerely appreciate you all for allowing me to participate in your thread all this while. Nice chatting with Ivy, Pooh, Milo...

Pooh Cutie
Pls PM me the contact details for the $35 agar-agar. I decide to order from your source, more reliable.
YOU nvb asked me to take any pics on! YOU posted to ask IVY to help you. Anyway, Anna has posted the pics and BET that you have seen it.
AND IF you really did, too bad, I dont even have a camera to shot my own son!
This is the post that you posted on when ivy asked you to wait till the pics post on here after the gathering. AND PS i nvb EVER state that my colleague selling AGAR AGARS these days. She did in the past AND These days she spend her free times doing volunteers in old folks home. I presume the time is spend in helping others is more worthly than MAKING AGAR AGAR. Believe or not, its her hobby.

Oh? That will be a great idea! Ok, when is your gathering? I will look out for the pictures in this thread. Remember to snap pics on the agar-agar hor? Thanks-in-advance! "

I quoted your name with " on, dont billed me copyright :p

cool it! we jus dun wan you to be cheated. it is very very hard to believe something very cheap like agar agar is gonna cost so much. i know ur colleague spend loads to learn etc but that is her interest. if she treat u as friend and have no intention to earn, she shldnt even charge u for workmanship right?
hi annie,
dun get angry already lar...let's all close the topic on agar agar and get on with our dec gathering...it's something to look forward to, yeah? ;-)
Soooo many posting just after not checking in for one day!

Wow, all mommies look really slim and nice leh. I envy...

Your bb bday same as mine leh.

My bb also crawling. And last Friday, she fell from our master bed at night! My heart nearly leaped out when I saw her on the floor. Thank God that she is ok. She so poor thing cried with her eyes shut as if having a bad nightmare. We wanted to rush her to A&E but she opened her eyes before we got in the taxi and looked ok! Anyway, the doctor checked and said no bumps, no bruises. So we observed her for a night and she is alright. The next day, my hubby rushed to get her new mattress to be put on the floor! I was plain ingnorant. Didn't realise that when bb can move, they move fast!

Yeap. She didn't want to sleep in her cot for over 2 months already. It is just easier for me to breastfeed her so she sleeps with me. Poor hubby has been sleeping on the spare bed. Really thank God that she is fine..
Thanks! Colleague is diff as compare to friends and even friends from this motherhood. Don't worry. I myself think its really worth 2 pay for such 3 diff agar agars that she spent many hours to do with her heart devoted in. Anyway, she hasn't collect the money yet.

of cos, so hope that you n yr dear princess will attend the gathering, my keane super like her.. *faint* flirt guy.. :p

OMG! Wah! have you read the posts here? If so, I am the good example leh. Remembered keane fell from cot bed, suffered a long crack in his brain skull and cot blood below the head skin.That time, he can't even flip. Your gal already can crawl!
You counted yourself lucky enough leh. Until now, the crack in his brain skull still havent totally heal (close up the gap).
Yap, great that your hb went to buy mattress. Ever after the fell,I have demoted him from cot bed to sleep on the bumper mat with mattress on e floor. I sleep beside him.
PS take extra precaution since she knows how to crawl. Sure will grab things into the mouth.. must watch after her...
Yeap, Annie. I remember reading about bb Keane's fall. But still didn't learn the lesson fast enough... sigh. Yeap, she is grabbing things to put in her mouth. Will move faster if she sees things that she is interested in. And in split second the thing can be in the mouth already. So scary. Have to watch her whenever she is awake now.

Glad to read that Keane has been quite cheerful after the incident (from your earlier posts). Think he must have forgotten about it which is good. And good to know that he is recovering well. Must be very heart pain for you. I was sooo scared last Friday.

I am looking for safety gates (hopefully can be built around bb playing area) and door barriers. Can anyone share where you get yours and how much does it cost?


i brought my boy to the chinese sinseh today. she diagnosed it as blockage in nose passage and asked me to bring him back for the massage everyday this week. although the charge is cheap and i am not working now, i just wonder if it is necessary for him to undergo the massage daily. not to mention i stay at sengkang. she also prescribed a few packets of powder for him to take daily.

how often did Keane have to go? did she prescribe any medicine for him?
wow.. so many postings... Finally i've got time to read them.


wooooooooooow... dun be sad ok... we still friend friend ok kekeke... muaaach, muaach... LOL


OTO has ZAP meh??? or I tot OTO is TRIMAX???? So did which one did ur Hb Buy??? *BLUR*
paiseh lar. i oni know its OTO brand. As for the model, OTO has oni 1 type and my hb brought OSIM ( has 2 types, what king & e normal one that is abt $200 over; currently on promotion). I presume the function should be the same as what my colleague describe through the phone, "shaking effect"..
HB complaint to me that our weighing machine must be faulty cause he cant believe he is still at 71kg when many praised him has lost weight and tummy slim down. *Faint
Can you imagine? You will get real headache if your hb so crazy abt "beauty" than yourself. (hb follows my mil gene).
Many times, I have to tell him that he is lucky to be tall enough that no one knows that his waist is 33 -34 inch. (same waist length as my fil). * faint.

Waah! you super loaded, buy this and that for Xavier... great investment since you are going to have another one or two...
X is so guai willing to put on e belt and sit down.. if keane, haha.. he will try to push push..away from the belt. Bet you must have a big saving in the bank.. :p

I can fully understand how you feel.. since i been through.. still remembered that i cried all e way to the A & E. I couldn't really sleep or rest despite i was having migraine and giddiness.. Miracles to been through 72 hrs..

Hahah.. keane is a cheerful baby by natural. I mean inborn character if you believe. He loves to be praised and playful also. He also those thick skin baby that can tahan pain.
Mostly he loves to use his fake cry to bully my family members.. He will be guai if he sees his mother's face turn colour...hahah.. However, he is selfish and not willing to share with others with his toys. That's why, i want to change this very bad character he has. Eg, toys that he doesnt even play with and doesnt like at all. He will try to stop or make noise when he sees other bb touchs.

We witnessed many times and the 1st time was @ Piglet's hse where we brought the same exercisaucer and sofia was inside playing with the toys.. Immediately, his face turned black and stared @ sofia and made noise.. Hb took a hard to tell him that it is not belong to him.. *faint* Hence, i know that if i have another baby, i definitely have hard time ahead. Unlike my niece, althrough she doesn't have many toys like keane, she willingly to share with keane.

i brought 1st Safety brand but havent use yet since keane still doesnt know how to crawl. He can only crawl backward and after two or three steps, he will shout as he doesnt have the patience to go on..hhahha.

I put more pillows around keane's bedroom and clear all those small things that can fix into his mouth.. i also brought three cheap mattresses (1 already @ my ma place). I just put one more next to his bed. Maybe, you can ask ivy, cos she organised to buy bp safety gate.. not sure has she closed the bp already or not.

Personal opinion, your boy isnt that serious as compare to keane.From her comment (from what you have mentioned), your son definitely has a high chance to clear the blockage, thats why she required you to bring to massage every day for a wk. Once, the blockage (inner) clear, everything will ease. The powder is actually chinese herbs (medicine). She must have prescribe those herbs suitable for your bb and able to help the nose problem.

I understand the travelling time. This sinseh is good and specialist with bbs. Did you observe the steps and where are the points that her helper massage your baby? If so, you can do it yourself. Remembered every point has to massage (roll) with light force 400 times.( PS dont get frighten by the nos of rolling you have to do, it fast).

Alternately, you can go to this sinseh. also v specialist with bbs & famous.Price charge should be around 20-30.Should be closer to sk in term of the location. However, i doubt can make appointment. (Maybe you can call them to ask)..

Yu Guo @ 398, changi road, #01-08/10/11 castle court S(419845). Tel: 64474761. Ms EE lay Beng

Keane is born with sensitive nose like his father. Thereby, his noses get blocked easier than others. Mostly, he opens his mouth wide open to breathe while sleeping, he snore since day 1 at birth. (nosy bb) he also sneezes few times everyday. He also has this "nose sound" when he shouts or try to make noise. PDs said that all the above signs are common and normal for such case.

However, you have to be patience with this chinese sinseh whether to use herbs or massage as the result wont show immediately as compare to western medicine. chinese treat "root" while western can only stop pain..

It's really up to individual. Your boi is 6mths old, give a try and see how. These two sinsehs that i recommended to you are not those sinsehs trying to earn money & prolong e illness.
As for the massage, you really have to watch how the person do and press on which points. You can send me pm if you are confused with the points. I might not the expert but i will try my best to help. I also check with sinseh that i know.
I appreciate if you do not PM me with such unfavourable remarks (in CAPS) again. Btw, I am just looking for good recommendation on agar-agar.

And yes, exactly! I did not ask you to snap photos of the agar-agar, I asked Ivy instead since she advised me to take a look at the photos before making a decision. So you dun have to remind me again in the private email that you did not have time to even take photos of your son! I did not even ask you in the first place!

Sorry, ladies, this will be my last post here unless your fellow mommy, Annie, PM-ed me again with more sarcastic remarks once again.
chris, fates,

haha lil brayden oso closer to his daddy. whenever he sees the dad, he will wants to go closer to him n get him to carry. sometimes when he wana slp, no matter hw i coax him, it is not as gd as his dad tat juz carry him. haiz... yyy???
Hi ladies,
Today I spent most of my time at TTSH A&E...not, not bcoz of the kids, but bcoz my 80-year old ah ma tripped on Zach's high chair and fell forward while carrying Isabel! She knocked her forehead against the drawer handle and had a very very bad cut on the forehead...still holding Isabel tightly in her arm, with her blood all over... Feel like crying whenever I thought about this incident. It could have been Isabel who has a bad fall if my ah ma lose the grip or let go a bit just to gain her balance. She's really wei da, and I regret not placing the high chair in a safer position. If not, this may not have happened and she doesn't have to suffer...

Sorry for posting such an anti climax incident here, but I really can't sleep... Mummies, please do be careful with how the things are placed around your house. Accidents do happen, sometimes just in the split seconds!
so sorry to read about the accident. Hope your Ah Ma is recovering well and speedily. It is an accident so don't take it to heart. Try sayang your ah ma a bit lor. Like you said, she is really wei da and m glad to read that bb Isabel is ok.

rest well!
Hi ISabel,

So sorry for ur ah ma, hope she is better now? Dun feel bad, its not ur fault as accidents do happen even if u are extremely careful. Just cook more "bo" stuff (ie fish soup) for ur ah ma, so tat she recovers faster

Poor mama bankrupt liao. But hor Peg high chair is GOOD leh... Good Investment!


Good thing that you HB is trying to look good and keep fit. Well, you might wanna join him too!


So sorry to read abt tt... Hope that Ah Ma will have speedy recovery!! Take care ya....

hope ur ah ma is feeling better
she is really very weida to hold on tightly to isabel to ensure that she is safe.


i tot we all decide to let the matter of the agar agar rest. why are u still harping on it? *shake head*
Pls lar, you BELIEVE her?! I just PM her exactly what i posted here since she said she
wont DROP BY HERE.*faint*

This is exactly what i pm her (same as below, i just copy and paste.

YOU nvb asked me to take any pics on! YOU posted to ask IVY to help you. Anyway, Anna has posted the pics and BET that you have seen it.
AND IF you really did, too bad, I dont even have a camera to shot my own son!

<This is the post that you posted on when ivy asked you to wait till the pics post on here after the gathering. AND PS i nvb EVER state that my colleague selling AGAR AGARS these days. She did in the past AND These days she spend her free times doing volunteers in old folks home. I presume the time is spend in helping others is more worthly than MAKING AGAR AGAR. Believe or not, its her hobby.

Oh? That will be a great idea! Ok, when is your gathering? I will look out for the pictures in this thread. Remember to snap pics on the agar-agar hor? Thanks-in-advance! "

I quoted your name with "

Anyway, I don't want to comment abt her character. She herself knows whose exactly she is. *Faint* Time tell everything.

Oh! Hope your ah ma ok. Don't blame on yourself too much. She is old already thats why easier to lost balance. Take great care &amp; be strong, you still have to take care your two babies &amp; family.

Sengkang mummies,
Yo! Anyone heard big sound last night? My hb rushed into bathroom to inform me fireworks,while i was having my shower. Anyone see anything? My colleague whose staye @ punggol told me too. Is it true? Any idea whats occassion?
No way to use the machine, i scared to trigger my migraine. I believe in having confidence and stay healthy.. thats the most important.

Please help this mummy if can. I know her from one of the bp. Extract the full details from her email to me.

Dear all,

Sorry to have send this email to you but i am really needing help.
I need a maid to take care of my 8 mth old boy.

My current maid went back within 2 days after receiving a phone call from home that the father is critically ill.
I need a maid who is still in any part of Indonesia or Batam who has worked in Singapore before. I will apply for the maid to come over myself, not going thru agent so that the maid need not work for free for the 1st 6-8 mths. She has to be able to come over within the next few days. I need her Passport number, birth date, full name, passport expiry date.

Please help to spread the word around.
Thank you so much!

Jercilia aka 2LM
Hi Sherri,

Sorry to hear abt your Ah Ma, hope she is better now. Thanks for reminding us to be cautious ... I will take note n remind my mum and helper....

Like wat the other mummies said, dun take it too hard on urself yah .. take care ...
Any of your BBs rejecting milk?
Mine used to take 5-6 oz each time, now only able to finish 1-2 oz (somemore by forcing)
He oso shows not keen on cereal(he takes twice/day,for which i have to giv him plain water after each spoon feed of cereal)He only keen on plain water and fruit juice..
He drops quite a lot of weight...make me worry
Race C,

My ger used to have such problem at one stage. She not interested in anything haha.. then she take brown rice occasionally (also lost some interest). Ya, at that time milk intake also on low side. But after tat, her milk intake build up again. I guess this is after her teething period and she feel more comfortable to drink more. Last evening she drank 280 ml of milk with cereal!!


Talking about jar food.. i saw lots of flavours for heinz.. is figs good for bb?? What about blueberries? Strawberries? I have yet to try all these. I am always on the safe side.. apple, banana, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, etc.
