(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

little nana,
is it you referring to the Similac bp? Already closed lor on Monday..

I feed keane the Japanese brand biscuit that meant for 5th mth.. dont want to hurt keane gum; scare kena infection.. he doesnt have teeth.. the jap brand biscuit is made of milk...

Hi mummies,
Really can faint lar.. keane had fever two weeks ago due to EAR infection that stir sore throat.. was down with flu.. after the medicine ok..
He has fever up and down for the past 3 days and brought him 2 see pd just now, was told that he has a ulcer and sore throat.. should be ok after the antibotic & medicine by tomorrow..

if he goes on with this small small thing and kena fever here and there.. i doubt i have the energy, the urgent 1/2 leave to bring him to see pd..

Keane only barely drank 400ml of milk for the whole days due to the ulcer... i applied teething gels many times past few days and he was so happy.. can feel that his gum is harder than before, wondering is it that he is going to have teeth or not..

bb so young can eat yoghurt (thought this product has to put in the fridge; will be cooling)..


thks! will look for it.


yogurt is made from milk and many others healthy bacteria. feed those that are meant for bb, its gd for them. well, depend on individual. if scare of cold, then scoop abit out first before feeding.
Aiyo seeing u all buy this buy that i suddenly feel like i'm a bochup mummy! hahah.. my ariel has nothing fanciful to eat.. whole day only drink milk, eat cereal, veg & fruits nia. :p

I intend to feed her porridge when she's abt 6 mths old..but my MIL says wait til 8 mths wor..need to wait so long meh?


Ariel can sit up liao leh! Still abit unsteady but at least dun have to support her la. woohoo another milestone achieved! :D

think kaeden only love milk and nothing else
after finishing one big serving of cereal with vege, he will still cry for milk.

porridge recommended to start at 7 mths
Same for keane lar.. veggie & fruits are prompt to help digest..

my ma fed keane white porridge that my niece yesterday.. I screamed @ her.. v rude.. told hb ta i felt so guilty.. cos she already giddy and felt uncomfortable after went to hosp to checkup.. still rushed to my sis hse to see keane. she is worry abt keane; as he having fever past 2 days..

According to her, he ate and asked for more, luckily only 2 spoonful. i am worry that he already tasted white rice might reject brown rice..
hi mummies, have been reading n found that some of u have started solids for your babies. My ger just went for her jab yesterday.PD says can start solids in 1-2weeks time. She's bout 5 1/2mths now. Can anyone share with me what is the portion for formula n cereal? Is it supposed to be very waterey or paste like?
my pd told me that its okie to give 2 servings of cereal to Xavier now ( he is 5mth, 2 days). The main reason i asked abt it was becos Xavier have teeth already and is rejecting milk. When you just start off, it is probably watery. Once bb is used to the texture, you can make it more paste like. For the portion, i use agaration! haha..usually is about 5 teaspoon of cereal with 2 sccops of formula then water enough to get a paste texture.

you will be surprise how greedy Xavier is! Can you imagine, he have been eating super sour blackberries, raspberry( very sour too!), strawberry, kiwi, papaya, apples, pears everyday? The moment my mum eat something, our friend will demand for it. And its not pureed kind either...just scrape using a spoon and went straight into his mouth! haha.. Think he is becoming more adult now. Milk as breakfast, brown rice cereal for lunch, then some fruits, milk with biscuits as tea break, white rice cereal with fish for dinner, fruits again and finally milk for supper! haha...
Really enjoying spending time with him, a real rascal who never fail to win your hearts with his laughter!

So far, his makan development is very fast, but others are still developing...haha...haven learned to roll over properly, now is hips higher up aka the almost crawling style. Cannot sit upright by himself yet either... But i am not too worried abt it, as long as he is a happy baby! Looking forward to see Ariel on Sat.
Hi milo,

Tried to sign up for the trial class but got to wait veri long in the end decided to just go ahead to join the class but still waiting for enuff pple to start the class

Ho Sponge
Me scully more bo chap than u...my boy still taking milk only ;p

wah say so big how to carry back huh? kaelyn looks like she is having fun loh! kaeden wants to play also !
ivy & anna,

ok! kaeden behind xavier hor
wonder how come no cheaper shipping means back to sin hor else toy at state are so cheap compare to here.

u all heard of leapfrog toy, good? thinking of buying the dvd from amazon but scare later ended up me and hubby watching nia
hi ivy, thanks for sharing.May i know your 2 scoops of formula can make how many ml milk? Mine 2 scoops mix with 120ml of water.Also do u feed Xaviar with spoon or from bottle?

my 2 scoops is 60ml of milk. but the amt of water that i add to the cereal is less than than amt as i wan a more pastelike texture. Feeding Xavier using a spoon.

leapfrog huh? i din use before...Never mind, you and hubby no time to go movie, so can watch yourselves if kaeden dun like it! haha...

Kaelyn sure looks like she is having fun!! Jarrett wanna jump Q!

Welcome back sponge! Jarrett can sit, but for a few mins only..haha..no rush for me too..prefer to let him take his time to achieve the diff milestones :p

My boi don't like to watch TV leh...sigh

hahaha jump Q... hohoho later Ivy and karen kill me leh... lol!!!!! let me organise a "Play party" for the babies...den mummies will hve bbQ session lol...
ivy / anna,

alamak, dun think me and hubby will enjoy learning alphabets leh. watching the baby einstein, we already falling asleep liao.


kaeden likes to watch tv but only those with human walking ard
educational ones, he not interested leh. must be watch too much taiwanese serial at my mum's place liao..haha

my boy still cant sit on his own yet but like u, will let him learn at his own time and own pace

chalet is a horror idea with babies!!!haha...
Think Anna's plc is better...want hot water got, want steriliser got, want cereal also got...haha...
Your boy same as Xavier lah..he love to watch those dramas too...watch till eyes big big. Then his fave advertisment is this mozzie cream ad. Think the background music is fun cos he will laugh each time he hears that!

is it? ok then better dun. i got a horror bkk trip already, dun wan another one :p

alamak, xavier and kaeden sama. told my mum wan to watch tv also watch korea drama mah, at least the actor/actress more chio. taiwanese serial "bu liao qing" abit old fashion leh
You find lobang to buy what little nana brought the exersaucer? If so, how much? Cheaper? how much for the frieght charge and the tax imply (heard that there is a raise for export)..
yes my dear mummies i'm back after a good 1 week break. But work was HELL for me today boo hoo!


thanks for the updates on HiPP..poor ariel girlgirl gotta make do with the yucky heinz cereal liao.. if u gg back to stock up on cereal again in 2 weeks time,rem to jio me! :p

milo, lh_jyc,

milk is good leh. if possible, i just want ariel to drink milk and nothing else! save all the trouble to prepare her food.. hahah i'm a lazy mummy la.


wow xavier sure love sour stuff eh?? give him some sng buay to try! muahahahahha! hey speaking of which, ariel has a new habit now. she slurps her lips whenever the adults are eating! Looks cute at 1st..but after awhile, the look turns from 'cute' to 'gluttony'..


ARIEL WANTS TO HAVE A GO IN KAELYN'S NEW TOY!!!! and ivy..dun tempt us with the bp idea hor...
oops...tink i just saw your post...hehe...somehow missed it when i was reading...coz i was concentrating on the pix! tink it should cost about $200+?
ivy, sponge,

alamak bp ah? starting to tempt us liao. hey heard ship by comgateway is cheap leh for bulky item.
Yo, ivy,
keep me inform if you are doing a bp for that..

i know wont be cheap in total.. cos even if you managed to get a discount from supplier, the charges for freight and taxes and insurance would amt to at least $300 ..

i can sell away after that..
hi Ino

yes is brightstart, tropical ard we go. my Hb bot from buy buy baby in NY. He bot at 100USD and toy r us in NY(times sq) has OOS for nearly 2months liao. Toy r us is onli selling at 79USD. THis toy is fun. Kaelyn has been cruising around half of the toy liao lol..
Hi all,
Like to check is it normal for keane to pull his own foot up till his mouth & suck? He has been doing that few times since yesterday.. last week, he alway pulling his foot up but to the tummy level..
pardon me for supertitious, according to mil, if bb can do that; indicate that you are expecting for another bb v v soon and thats reflect on my sis.. hence, i keep scolding keane if he did that.. told him that no more 2nd bb.. he will stop doing the action after i said this phase..
He also know how to dress his top by pull the collar over to his neck instead of we do it for him..whenever, i change for him..
He also know how to grab tight the bath tube corner when i put him in sitting position. hence, i can use both hand to rub and put the bathing gel on him.. heard that my sis maid bathe keane directly under the shower tap.. (already complaint to my sis; afraid that the water might turn too hot)..
The terrible part is that my ma loves to feed keane to drink water directly from the cup... and said that i should start doing that.. i have the training mug with the flat treat but keane doesnt like it when i first tried on him @ 4th mth..
hi Annie,

my boy has been sucking his toes for almost a week. heard the same old wive's tale but it is just superstition. it is only natural for them to explore touching and sucking of their own toes.

i am not too sure when we should start using training mug. any experienced mummies can share?
Exploring the world with their mouth
Babies suck their own toes as its part of their effort to understand their world. So, it normal. Si'en has been doing it for a long time and she seems to enjoy it very much. Of course in addition to toes, she tries a lot of other things, including icecream that her brother tries to feed her!!! FAINT!!! I did not know about the superstition though.

Tranining mugs
I suppose you can start whenever you feel that your baby is ready. Si'en does not know yet, she just bites the mug.

allow me to share my joy... me now panda eyes liao but very happy. eversince sat, kaeden started flipping and rolling. when he get stuck, will cry for help, ended up have to get up to rescue him... he looks so cute like an overturned turtle. tiring but worth it
Yo milo! *clap*clap* Kaeden so kawaii leh!

You another proud mummy and so wei da! Me also panda eyes but so happy to see jarrett growing happily everyday. Mann ... he can get naughty and wants attention so often but I give my attention to him willingly!

Wah yr Keane is a genius leh! So young can do so many things.

kaeden *blush*

its really a joy to watch our little ones grow everyday hor. was so afraid of missing out on his first since i am working but heng ah, his first always happen on weekend :p

xaiver lagi ta kong, he can crawl from one end to the other end of the mattress liao. very very impressive! we withness it on sat. smart boy!
WAHHHHHHHHHHH so many May baby geniuses!! I hope my boyboy can catch up with you 'di di's leh....

Seems like Keane not the smartest liao?....

No like keane isnt the smartest lar.. He only knows how to pull his legs up to suck, roll and flip to tummy, flip back and grab the milk bottle that put in front of him (few weeks already) or pull his favourite leapfrog caterpillar towards him.. pull the collar of the clothes down his face... saw him trying to pick up his pacifier on e mat last nite but fail .. hahah..

Oh! He knows how to call me.. "Ma" but oni when super good moods.. yesterday called me few times yesterday afternoon.. First time should be the day he was discharged from hospital..

Hb stated that he knows how to clap hands together but i nvb or have a chance to see it..

i think the smartest bbs in the may forum should be Yvonne Du's gal and Piglet's gal. Yvonne told me that her gal can crawl and have been crawling 1mth already.. Piglet's gal (Sofia) knows how to stand firmly, grab cup, drinks from cup n wave bye bye.. to me..
