(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

woah! really envy xavier lei...got so many toys to play.

sigh...my natalie fell sick ;-( and it's all my fault...coz i passed the virus to her...
just brought her to the doc today and fed her medicine...seeing her cringing face when i feed her medicine...really makes my heart ache now.
*sob sob*

oh btw annie...my gal been sucking her toes since last week. i guess it's perfectly normal bah...shldn't worry lar...
Hi Aunties,

So happy! Went for my 6th mth jab yesterday and PD say i am now 8.95 kg. My next jab will be chickenpox vaccine at 14th mth *muaks*

So envy you, your gal has >8kg.. Sigh! keane has lost weight due to teething.. currently dropped to 7.35kg from 7.8kg..

Pd stated normal for him to have loose stool these days.. since no other signs to indicate that he kena virus or what.. teething should be the result for him to have loose stool > a week and he is hyperactive..

According to my ma & sis maid (is a experineced nurse) oso stated so.. Sigh! teeth hasnt pop up yet.. but i can feel one small hard thing underneath left bottom part of his mouth today..

Crazy hb over-reactive, still think keane has diarrohea and make poor keane to drink all those medicine... Really cant stand it...

Teething will cause weight loss? Probably they drink less, that's why? My girl no tooth yet, but PD checked and said going to le.

Oh there was once my ger also having loose stools, and a lot at one go!!! But i just let it be and observe. Nothing happened after that heehee.. back to normal.

your girl is cute.

loose stools definitely a symptom of teething. my boy had loose stools for past few days. my mum discovered the white tip of a tooth yesterday. he bit off a small piece of rock melon while sucking. luckily my mum got it out in time.
Ivy!!! So fast playing with the new toy already huh! Jarrett also wanna play leh......

You ger so cute! And she is growing well eh!

Keane can call you 'Ma' already huh....*clap*

Brought Jarrett to swim during the weekends! It's so fun and the wetsuit really help to keep him warm!
is drooling a sign of teething as well? kaeden is like leaking tap recently. last night bunk in with him, he actually attempt to 'bite' my finger.

kaeden deep in tots

buy lah but more worth it to wait for the next robinson sale. i can buy for u if u dun have the card *wink*

the infant car seat is so uncomfortable, that y upgrade liao
Keane only drinks 80-100ml per feed instead of 150ml
He also miss 2 feedings in the evening time these days... will ask for milk only @ 4.30am Sigh!

I read bb book, bb can call ma around this time. It's common.. maybe sooner or later..

You know Piglet's gal sofia; only 2 days older than keane.. already can grab your face and kiss you back if you kiss her chin and put your face near here... you know.. how wonderful.. how sweet..

wah wat bb book is urs? title? dun rememeber any bb book stating that baby can talk at this age now leh. more like babbling and that sound happen to sound like ma is it?
Different baby develops differently......
Baby gers more loving i think, that's why so early can kiss kiss smooch smooch

What are you feeding your babies now? Share plss....

For me, only feeding Jarrett cereal once a day. The rest of his feeds are BM. He will reach 6mths soon, so I am reseaching on what to feed him after that

Want to add more food varieties to his diet.
Off hand, i dont have the book, title" Teach your baby or something like that.. i mentioned to Little nana..
You have keep repeat "Ma "Ma" to him everyday.. I do that since day 1...Sigh! Keane will only call "Ma" then the other "ma" slowly.. not that fast.. and depend on his mood.. faint!
keane can say "Er.." < 1 mth old, cos that time i kept repeat this "Err.. whenever had to burp him..

oh! yes, diff bb develop diff.. keane is very slow in others.. but good in some..

Same, 1 time cereal and 1 time brown rice and veggies mash only..
hi fates,

my boy's first solid meal is white porridge with mashed potato. just started 2 days. next will be celery with porridge. i will add in brown rice to his milk after switching him to step 2 FM. plan to give this as last feed in the hope that he can sleep throughout the night.

wow that amazing! teach him a few more words, so next time kaeden can learn from him too

i almost wanted to buy the baby signing times dvd from the bulk purchase, heng never waste money. wat the pt of teaching them sign language when they are able to speak now.

My boy can't say 'Ma' yet, but of cos he can make different kinds of sounds! Hahaa.....'arghh'! 'errr'! 'Booooo'! blablablaaa and now he likes to scream at quite high pitch

He is enjoying his cereal now, and most prob will introduce porridge to him when he hits 6mths old (which is pretty soon)
hi mummies,

not sure if any of your babies have eye discharge problem but i am quite worried about my boy.

this problem started after he turned 1 mth. his PD prescribed oral medication but the discharge still comes on and off. she did diagnose that it may be due to a blocked tear duct or sinus.

can anyone share any information or know where i can seek help?
Keane had it when he was < 1mth.. discharged yellowish stuffs only right side of his eye whenever cried. Nb shouldnt have tear @ that time. Pd stated that something hasnt fully developed and told me to press his right side of his nose, (next to e eye, 100 times) i did more than that. He is ok after 1.5mths...

Pls advise? what brand of sunblk for our baby huh? i intend to bring keane to go swimming this sat if no rainning and no haze (Pray hard).. hee hee

25th I won't be in town...can't join u gals...
BTW, Kaeden looks very comfy in the car seat! Good buy!!

Little Nana,
I like the Brightstart exersaucer leh... Hmm... Ivy got lobang on this or not?
my boy loves to scream in high pitch tones too. haha.
my gf very funny....claims that her girl says 'can' and 'ok' in response to her sometimes...then, after a while...we laugh together saying...mummies are like that...we like to think we hear something, hearing what we want to hear..., so mummies, don't have too ambitious plans on your children...if they are on super fast track, good for them...no need for others to match up to expectations.
What did your pd said? If diagnose as sinus then would be different story.. maybe you try chinese sinseh @ jurong east, the doc is very specialist in baby condition and she is under TMC group..

my boy loves to scream at high pitch too and esp in quiet environment shocking everyone :p

i agree on ur statement. as mummies, we want the best for our bb but we do not need to go to the extend of 'training' them to do anything spectacular, they will learn it in their own time, own pace.


no prob! its jus a tentative date, checking response.

hehe glad he enjoyed his car seat though he wasnt quite happy at first
Morning mummies!

Totally agrees with ya! Maybe I not enough sleep or I'm hallucinating, but sometimes I heard my boy calls me "maaaaaahh maaaahhh" ... lol

I thought Keane just recovered from 'don't know what' sickness, you so fast wanna bring him go swimming ar? Let him have more rest n recuperate first lor..

Tentatively, 25th seems to be ok but botanic gardens no air con leh, our han4 bao3 bao3ss will perspire like crazy or not?

haha it jus came across my mind hor, no a/c never mind ah, later rain then die liao + alot of mozzies....

Middle ear infection, with ucler, sore throat and Fever la..


Better dun bring lor. Heard that Keane is still taking anti-biotics on sat and had rashes all over his body due to allergy. Better Keep him Home..
missed your post @ e gathering, so on leh.. but no air con .. think our princes &amp; princess will cry leh.. hopefully, weather turn cooling leh and according to the news stated yesterday, wind direction already changed, expect to have more rainning. School holiday wonder will BG will be crowded or not. :p

You cannot expect bb to speak asap.. takes time, effort to put in and depend on bb leh.. "ma" is v easy.. if you want bb to pronounce a single word like "CAT, cAR" v v hard.. @ least have to wait till 18th mths..

Like my niece,@11th mths, already can walk without support, climb, crawl, she still only can speak "ma" &amp; mm(e word use to describle eat). But, she doesn't know how to play the exersaucer or Jumperoo or the walker (cos my sis nvb buy any toys for her).

I brought signing time mainly becos i am putting keane @ childcare center when he reachs 15 or 18mths (when he can walk with support).. Hence, he can at least communicate with me with those signs ... @ least if he is hurt or pain, i will be able to know..

I play it every evening, watch together with him. He tends to get attract to certain parts of the songs and musics and starts to move his body, jump and smiles especially he sees the green frog (i hold him standing position). I will use the sign in front of him these days.
He will smile @ me. Will push away or shake his head if he doesnt want the milk or water or biscuit. (Hb plays with him shake head since he was 2mths old).

keane cried when he saw the part that teach bb to sign "Pain/Hurt and where". Few bbs cries and the song is slower and sad.

Hb asked him why he was so emotion.. hehe.. He nvbs cried after the 1st time watched that part.. not surprising to me, according to my ma, if my niece crys, keane will follow as if he knows she is not happy or hurt... hahah
I only know that they speak those bb languages when they are together..

When you are not in spore huh?

Finally get the siwm diaper washable type from kiddy palace after twinkle advised.. v. expensive.. $25.90 each .. stated Maximum UFV protection 50+ ... Faint! need to protect that area for boy? thought should be soap in the water... hee hehe

i wait for you to bring in till my neck grow long... Mind to suggest, bring in sunblock for bb also. SPF 15+ .

Hi Mummies,
its up to individual bb, if you dont train yr bb @ e 1st place, how to expect yr bb to call you? if bb make sound like AH Ah, you have to speak to him "TA TA, Ka Ka, to let him noe similar words..

of cos, every bbs are gd @ some areas and weak for others... like i said and mention.. i nvb force my keane to learn anything..

WAT! WAH! You sounded like keane suffers strange illness or diease.. faint

He was only down with sore throat and a ulcer and was fully recovered on last friday. Remembered! i told few mummies.
STUPID hb brought him 2 see what GP and made keane to eat more medicine, weaken his body strength! AND PROVEN I AM RIGHT! hb just never bother to listen to whats I (PD) said and bother to read bb book.
Same goes to loose stool, he keep saying diarrohea, goodness, if so, PD wont said its normal! Somemore, poo only 1 time per day leh! still scolded me for not caring keane..
I found this information from babycentre. Stated bb skin is v thin, only take 10 -15mins 2 get sunburn.. (NOT CURSING)
I am just a timid mummy that want to protect my keane ... hee hehe..

What causes sunburn?

Sunburn occurs after overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It may not immediately be evident after you bring your baby in from the sun because the redness and pain of a mild first-degree burn may not appear for several hours. A more severe second-degree sunburn can cause red, tender, swollen or blistered skin that is hot to the touch. It's impossible to get a third-degree burn "the worst kind" from sun exposure.

A baby's skin is extremely thin and delicate so despite your best sunblocking efforts, sunburns can occasionally occur. Because his skin is so susceptible to a burn, it may take only 10 to 15 minutes of exposure to cause one. Your baby can even get burned on a cloudy or cool day because it's not the visible light or the heat from the sun that burns but the invisible UV light.

How should I treat mild sunburn?

If the sunburn is mild, soak a cloth nappy, flannel or muslin square with cool water, wring it out, and gently place it on the sunburned area for 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day (make sure your child doesn't get chilly). Or bathe your baby in tepid water with a teaspoon of baking soda added to help cool the skin and reduce redness. Follow either treatment with a gently applied coating of water-based moisturiser and make sure she has plenty of fluids.

If the sunburn is severe and the skin is blistering (this is a type of second-degree burn), call your GP for advice. She may prescribe a soothing cream, infant paracetamol and/or dressing of the blisters.

How can I prevent my child from getting sunburnt?

Keep your baby out of direct sunlight as much as possible, especially between 11am and 3pm, when the sun's rays are strongest. Use umbrellas and canopies to keep him in the shade. The best way to protect him if you can't keep him in the shade is to dress him routinely in a hat and lightweight trousers and a baggy T-shirt for outings during the middle of the day. Add UV-protected sunglasses if he'll wear them. Apply small amounts of water resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to the remaining exposed areas such as his face and the back of his hands. It's a good idea to apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before sun exposure to give it a chance to work its way in. And reapply it at least every two hours and after your baby has played in water, even if it's waterproof.

When trying a new sunscreen, do a patch test first to make sure your child doesn't have a reaction to it. If he does develop a rash or redness at the test site, choose a hypoallergenic formula instead.

You misread lar, 'don't know what' sickness meaning I forgot he simi sickness mah..not disease...
Maybe I read your posts till I confused
hi Annie,

Ya swim diapers is ex but it is cheaper over the long run as compared to disposable diapers lor.

I think also comfortable leh cos kevan very happy wearing them and he is laughing all the time in the pool.
Hi mummies,
Really can faint! Ivy, pls dont listen to what my hb said ok!
As what Pd stated, its normal for bb to have this red spots, can grow to max over the body head to toe within 48hrs, NO MEDICINE REQUIRED! Another day to subside and gone.
Siao hb loves to listen a GP than a PD!Keane was fully ok! Red marks gone on SUNDAY morning like the PD predict.
Keane definitely NOT allergy to the antibotic that was also used when he had ear inflection on 5 October.
HB kept quiet ever since then! i PROVED I AM right! He doesnt bother to read bb information, doesnt bother to listen to PD, then keane is best prove after all!
You can check with your PD.. my niece also have this red spots over her body whenever she had antibotic.
I never believe western medicine is good for us human body. Althrough, its fast to ease any pain and subside fevers.. but never really ease the roots.
Ivy &amp; Annie,

i did not bring my boy back to the PD or another PD. dun want him to try different medications and see him so lethargic. have been asking around and nobody can recommend a PD who has helped cure a similar condition.

i have booked an appt with a senior consultant at KKH ENT centre next month. will update after visit. hope he does not have to go through much pain.

see how its goes bah. still too early to decide. nearing dec, the weather might get alittle rainy.

for me, i rather not train him anything. i feel that 'teach' is a better word than 'train'. we are not operating a circus here. many things just come naturally as long as the baby is ready.
ya loh...lets have a standby plan.

i am sure your boy will be okie soon! Plenty of mucks mucks will help to ease his pain!
Oh! the jurong east sinseh mainly massage leh. For your bb case, need to massage the back. No point to give e western medicine, only weaken the body leh..

hmm did i use the word "train" ... oh! dear.. i dont train or force keane to learn anything.. just do the suggestions in the book; which in fact, help bb to learn..whether he can do it.. its really up to him.. i am not kIasu ma in this field.. i am kiasu and kiase on keane health... BUT, i do research and read up informations to gain knoweldge.. wont want to be like my hb, everything over-react.over protective..everything too over isnt good. hahah..
Annie u training leh... isn't this training keane to call "MA" See your posting stated leh...
You have keep repeat "Ma "Ma" to him everyday.. I do that since day 1...Sigh! Keane will only call "Ma" then the other "ma" slowly.. not that fast.. and depend on his mood.. faint!
I didnt train him lar.. I just said ma ma to him everyday.. then point at him, call his name.. I was also shocked that he can call me. hehe..
He can said Er first..then le le... then ma .. think 1 of main reason that he can call me ma cos he sees his cousin (my niece) every day.. He learns things from her..like want to stand, want to sit..


got la...reinforce him everyday leh... btw lor bb babbles la... if they can TALK i'll faintz manz...tot u read lots of bks... many books say bb babbles not talk leh
