(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

hi okasan,

thanks for advice. perhaps i shld get those guards meant for toddler bed. but mine is a platform bed so may not fit.

yesterday, i witnessed how worried my father was about my boy sleeping alone in the room. they napped together but my father woke up earlier and used his pillow and bolster to 'guard' my boy. he went into the room like 4 times with less than 5min interval to check on him, and that was while having dinner. felt like telling him dun stress himself like that.

Hi Annie,
How's keane's block nose? I use the drops frm PD to clear Isabel's blocked nose. According to a specialist I saw at NUH, he said put a drop into each of her nostrils then use the pump and such out. Its better that way. Yesterday Isabel had transparent mucous flowing from her right nostril, I panic man. Dont want to go thru the ordeal again. Immediately gave her flu medication and rocked her to sleep. She had close to 3 hrs of good sleep. Checked her when she woke up luckily nothing recurrent.

The haze here at Bt Merah central very bad. Cant belief its only 84 PSI reading, looks worse than that day at 150.
little nana,
Yap, i know BUT IVY stated in the post. Both of you grab all the last 9 packs.. still dare to say... (sigh!)
You know how many mummies @ sengkang n pg, once the post out, sure GONE.

Keane is ok already.

i really want to cry. Ever since keane hurt his head, he has been sleeping left side, he will flip and sleep one side with one hand hold tight to his small bolster. However, @ e middle of the night, his body will bounce back (lay flat) and he alway tried to flip to left side. After two attempts failed, he will start to yell and shout (unusual crys)and wont stop despite how you try to calm him down. He is v v angry and i guess mad over himself... really can faint..

I woke up 5 times last night. Can you imagine i wake up everytime becos of this..

are teething biscuit meant to be soft? i tot its suppose to be hard. giving them biscuit to gnaw at so to ease the itchy gum right?

showing u one artistic picture of kaeden, my skill not bad hor :p


Read wat u've posted:

Hi mummies,
i brought the Heinz biscuits that ivy stated @ great world city cold storage. I tasted so hard.. doubt keane can eat it .. mix with veggie mash and milk..
I am using japanese brand biscuit that stated for 5mths bb.. keane loves it.. crispy and smell nice, melt in your mouth ( i tasted)

Did I understand it wrongly

yes, the biscuits are hard.. not the crispy hard. but hard hard...haha..if you get wat i meant.
Is supposed to help ease the itch when bbs are teething. My Xavier bit onto it these days then slowly let it melt inside his mouth before swallowing...
No taste one lah...in fact, anna and i think that its yucky food! haha..
Apparently, babies like yucky food! haha..

you meant that you bought at Great World huh? But i tot you said the one you had is meant for 6 mths and above?

This one that we bought is for 4-6 mths.
Whoaaaa cute leh!! Think of a creative tagline, and send to bb contest!

Think Annie meant she managed to get the biscuit from Great World City branch...she was there yesterday mah..hee..Ok I wanna bring Jarrett to your place!!!

Ya the haze seems pretty bad, and I am always very surprised it's 80-90 reading onli. Maybe they don't wanna tell the true reading.

wat is kaeden looking at?

tot the last time you mentioned that you are going to place Keane at your mum's plc? Why are you still stressing over him? Taking care of a babies is life time work leh. If you dun take care of yourself now, how are you gog to take care of him in the future!
hullo mummies,

Mummy to 5mth ds & 5yr DD.. being thinking of getting a walker cum rocker/exesaucer/bumbo seat.

he was on a rocker nearly fall out this morning. thanks for ur advise

haha...got such a good toy? combine so many functions? hee..think mist of us got walker cum exersaucer. Then a bumbo seat by itself. Think there is a rocker cum high chair for feeding at kiddy palace. I saw it in Compasspoint.
ivy / nana / fates,

thks..keke kaeden is looking at chio girl lor at the airport :p


thks for explaning cos i remember my colleague telling me that teething biscuit are suppose to be hard and then after biting on it for some time, it will turn soft and melt thus was surprise annie say shld be soft.
no lah,

thinking of getting DS a bumbo or walker or exersaucer, really scares me when i saw him trying to sit up on the rocker this morning.

OH! dear.. think i am blur lar..cut short the sentences.. i mean after i know that heinz has biscuits for 4-6mths from Ivy post. I went to grab some @ great world city cold storage.. shdnt be that hard lar.. the heinz my niece is eating isnt that hard compare to the one we brought. (4-6mths).

if you read the instruction, put the biscuit mix with milk leh! Yap, the one i fed keane was 6mths old & above. He loves it. However, i managed to find a jap brand thats for 5mths old bb.. hee hee..

Keane still dont have teeth thats y i scare he kena choked by the biscuit.. so dangerous.. even through i alway beside him and tear into small bit.. i still worry... keane is those naughty boi lar.. will make the "cough sound" to frighten his poor tired mum..

Other brands like jap brand and the one that advertised on tv is those melt in the mouth not that hard compare to Heinz (e one that i brought yesterday).. too hard n dry.. wonder bb will have constipation or not..
re-read the instructions again lah...If you gog to use it as a cereal, then break into small pcs and mix with milk. Otherwise, just let him chew on it like normal biscuits.

if keane really dun like the biscuits, can always give to my greedy son! haha...
are your babies teething? mine seem to drool a lot these days and he likes to put his fingers inside his mouth and rub his gum as if the gum is itchy....
Hmm... i mix with the heinz veggie mash n bit of cereal..thought should be mix with milk.. hee..hhee..thanks..
Oh! i alway give small pc to eat.. basically, he uses his tongue to lick and taste then after many times of licking the biscuit will melt.. or i simply put a small bit into his tongue and "demonstration how to eat it"".. i find keane behaves like a doggy...
On saturday & Sunday, he suffered constipation.. wonder is it becos of the biscuit or the 6 in 1 jab n penouococcal ..

Finally, finish all the jabs..yappee..
Hi mummies,
i took some pics.. regarding the jap brand biscuit 4 bb.. ( i have gf stays in jap).. checked and heard that this brand is good n popular there. she has 2 bbs..in fact, 2nd one is few mths older than keane. hee..hee : )

i oso brought 2 boxes of this heinz biscuits (4 6 mths & above)that my niece eat. Tasted and not that hard hard dry dry type like the 2 boxes that i brought @ Great world cold storage.. (ivy n anna brought).. cos keane hasnt has a teeth yet..
I just read the instruction this am. Stated to take 1 pc mix with milk for bb within 6mths & can eat up 2 4 pcs when bb is 7th mths & above.

E taiwan brand that i brought (advertised on tv) meant for 6mths & above, is crispy like i said and no taste, melt in the mouth, main purpose is to help bb no longer drip saliva..hee hee.. i found quite true.. keane doesnt drip that much these days.. (faint)..

Oh! how idiot i am, forget to take pics on 2 other jap brands that i brought for keane. Both are for bbs 6 mths & above.. faint..

+++ jpeg +++ 546971 +++ Japanese brand biscuit for 5mths
old bb +++



Hee hee has to stock up lar.. what happend if run out of stock.. let me count, 2 boxes of heinz (4-6mths), 2 boxes of heinz (6mths& above), 2 boxes of taiwan brand (6mths & above, 1 box is carrot), 2 boxes of jap (6mths & above, all fish)and 1 box of jap (5mths)... 9 boxes.. faint! i nvb noe i brought so much..
Anyway, keane eats 2 biscuits a day. hee..hee.. cos he starts to reject milk.. oni 3 feeding @ 100-150ml per time. (sigh!)
The above can buy @ Taka cold storage.
No choice lar.. dont know when keane will have his 1st teeth.. my niece had her when she was 7th mths old..

Sponge, Gummie & SS1
Ps pm me your latest mobile phone contact number. Already sent you sms yet have not receive your reply... Thanks

Really can faint! i asked my colleague whether he knows where to buy those reuseable swimming diapers.. know what! e damn whole company laught @ me.. really can faint! he said i asked a v v gd question which he nvb think of.
I asked him becos he told me he has bringing his 2 bbs to swim weekly.. he said dont need n never use... So terrible.. thought local pp has been educated to be more considerate for others.. somemore using public swimming pools leh..
Anyone know where to buy a reuseable swimming diapers that can wash? Care to share the location or website.. thanks

there are reusable swimming diapers in Kiddy palace and Mothercare. I bought one cost $25 and those disposable i saw in Cold storage is selling @$15 plus for 10-12 pcs depending on the size.

last night i went hm and tried the teething biscuit i bought for kaeden. wah piangz, taste and smell like dog food leh. let him try, he gave me a 'mummy, wat u feeding me' look. ended up feed to milo and ginger instead
i find this design used to attach on chair and easily to carry around..


Look funny and some mummies might feel like making bb to wear a "dog strap"

Happen to see one mummy is organising a bp on this brand Baboz, everytin 20% discount..

high chair is good but not really safe for playful n naughty baby.. my keane sure fall if sit on e high chair... cos these days, he trys his leg force to stand.. when we put him in sitting position in car seat or on e floor..

personally, i witness few toddlers fell down from the chair.. since my hse downstair has a kopitam..
Hi mummies,

I trying to get my son signed up for the Baby Gym class. Need 2 more mummies to get the 10% discount. The class will be conducted on sunday at 1.15pm at the CDNS Country Club, Bukit batok.

The fees payable is
Total Payable fees :SGD465
SGD35 x 9 lesson =SGD315 (10 Lessons Fees)
SGD100 (refundable Deposit)
SGD10 (1pc Baby Uniform)
SGD40 (one-time Registration)

more information can be found in this thread...

Anyone interested? pls let me know, k? Want to start asap. Thanks!
milo 66,
why dont u add into cereal or milk... i do that for that hard hard dry dry biscuit.. others, keane eat just like that and finish fast.. hee.hee..

find this bp thread, think some of you might interested to buy the massage bb dvd, steps by steps to guide you. Other products like record books, album, infant shoes.. all designs are lovely. bp stated 20% discount.


BP thread as follows:

I am still searching high and low for it.. think the bp thread is using different name.. i didnt save the link.... finally find it after 3 times searching...

BP Thread

Wonder when is my limit? Keane suffered fever last night.. I presume 6in 1 n pneuococcal jab taken on friday nite stir up the fever..

Another sleepless night for me.. think my body is going to collasp anytime.. giddy.. migraine, gastric shivering.. numbness..
hi Annie,

Usually fever caused by jabs will onset immediately on the day itself...Maybe its other factors that trigger off the fever. You might want to monitor for a while.

Take care.

You like that how to take care of Keane? Put him at your mum's place lar..

If can't, taking care of kiddo at night is like that one.....tolerate...
Hi yvonne du,

Are you still on NaN for yr gal? there is a bp for stage 1 and 2, i attach the link.. dont know cheap or not.. hope helps


Little nana & mummies,
Huh?! NO NO! i didnt organise any bp. Those that i posted on top / earlier on.. is those that i saw @ bp threads.. find interesting and like 2 share with everyone.. attach the link, easier for those whose are interested..

I am v capable to order items from this bp, spent lots of $$ buying things for keane..

Keane is the weird one, he will only have fever 1 or 2 days after the jab. Hee..heee this time seems drag longer.. abt 4 days..

If my hb understand, I already send him to my ma's place long long ago... too bad! he doesnt!

Milo66 & fates,
I got the 2 pcs of disposable swimming diaper (huggies) that i mentioned to you.. hee hehe.. v cute pics on it..oso found @ the selling corner @ motherhood.
have a small favour from everyone ,

pls vote my keane... he still has a small lump on e right head due to fall from cot bed. going back for a review and scanning to see whether the gasp for the crack in e brain skull close or not this coming friday..

This pic was taken on 15.10.06 using my mobile phone. He was in v gd mood. He flipped himself and pulled the towel that used to put under his head to ABSORB his sweat... faint!

He doesnt love to take pics. Everytime, he will turn black faces or cry when he sees you hold camera on him or mobile phone.. So happend, this is the 1st pics... as usual the rest, black face & crying.. faint!

thanks in advance

the biscuit is for him to gnaw at to sooth his itchy gum, adding into cereal / milk will defeat the purpose mah. baby at this age dun need snack.

anyone knows which supermarket got sell petit miam yogurt for babies? help me to keep a lookout can? thks
