(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000">Annie for your reference Dun dream liao hohoho...</font>

What are speech and language?

Speech and language are tools that humans use to communicate or share thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Language is the set of rules, shared by the individuals who are communicating, that allows them to exchange those thoughts, ideas, or emotions. Speech is talking, one way that a language can be expressed. Language may also be expressed through writing, signing, or even gestures in the case of people who have neurological disorders and may depend upon eye blinks or mouth movements to communicate.

While there are many languages in the world, each includes its own set of rules for phonology (phonemes or speech sounds or, in the case of signed language, handshapes), morphology (word formation), syntax (sentence formation), semantics (word and sentence meaning), prosody (intonation and rhythm of speech), and pragmatics (effective use of language).

How do speech and language normally develop?

The most intensive period of speech and language development for humans is during the first three years of life, a period when the brain is developing and maturing. These skills appear to develop best in a world that is rich with sounds, sights, and consistent exposure to the speech and language of others.

There is increasing evidence suggesting that there are "critical periods" for speech and language development in infants and young children. This means that the developing brain is best able to absorb a language, any language, during this period. The ability to learn a language will be more difficult, and perhaps less efficient or effective, if these critical periods are allowed to pass without early exposure to a language. The beginning signs of communication occur during the first few days of life when an infant learns that a cry will bring food, comfort, and companionship. The newborn also begins to recognize important sounds in his or her environment. The sound of a parent or voice can be one important sound. As they grow, infants begin to sort out the speech sounds (phonemes) or building blocks that compose the words of their language. Research has shown that by six months of age, most children recognize the basic sounds of their native language.

As the speech mechanism (jaw, lips, and tongue) and voice mature, an infant is able to make controlled sound. This begins in the first few months of life with "cooing," a quiet, pleasant, repetitive vocalization. By six months of age, an infant usually babbles or produces repetitive syllables such as "ba, ba, ba" or "da, da, da." Babbling soon turns into a type of nonsense speech (jargon) that often has the tone and cadence of human speech but does not contain real words. By the end of their first year, most children have mastered the ability to say a few simple words. Children are most likely unaware of the meaning of their first words, but soon learn the power of those words as others respond to them.

By eighteen months of age, most children can say eight to ten words. By age two, most are putting words together in crude sentences such as "more milk." During this period, children rapidly learn that words symbolize or represent objects, actions, and thoughts. At this age they also engage in representational or pretend play. At ages three, four, and five, a child's vocabulary rapidly increases, and he or she begins to master the rules of language

Reference from: http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/voice/speechandlanguage.asp#mychild


our may thread seems rather quiet recently hor, let me start the ball rolling to chio back all our old birds

<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Weight (5M)</TD><TD>Height(5M)</TD><TD>FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006</TD><TD>7.9kg</TD><TD>70cm</TD><TD>Nan 1 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Mamex Gold</td></tr></table>

Actually me still "active" bird lah haha.. just that sometimes too busy to respond. Keeping track of what u all msg is already tedious!


Liaw Yu Jun
8.95 kg (6th mth check)
68.5 cm (6th mth check)
Wyeth Gold Promil (Stage 2)
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Weight (5M)</TD><TD>Height(5M)</TD><TD>FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fate</TD><TD>Jarrett Tan</TD><TD>28/04/2006</TD><TD>6.4kg (4M)</TD><TD>63cm (4M)</TD><TD>BM/Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006</TD><TD>7.9kg</TD><TD>70cm</TD><TD>Nan 1 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Kaelyn Soh</TD><TD>12/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Mamex Gold</td></tr></table>
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Height</TD><TD>FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>KK</TD><TD>Liaw Yu Jun</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>8.95kg (6M)</TD><TD>65.8kg (6M)</TD><TD>Wyeth Gold Promil (S2) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fate</TD><TD>Jarrett Tan</TD><TD>28/04/2006</TD><TD>6.4kg (4M)</TD><TD>63cm (4M)</TD><TD>BM/Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006</TD><TD>7.9kg (5M)</TD><TD>70cm (5M)</TD><TD>Nan 1 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Kaelyn Soh</TD><TD>12/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg (5M)</TD><TD>66cm (5M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg (5M)</TD><TD>68cm (5M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold</td></tr></table>
little nana,
keane can said ma doesnt mean know how to speak or talk.. still long long way. its common for bb to call ma @6th mths.. u and piglet love to train yr bb to call you mummy.. can faint leh.. how hard to pronounce mummy... ma is a sound.. if you have the book that i have.. oso stated to start with bb if they make a sound like "ga ga" then u can tell them "ka ka" ta ta.. not in my dream..


Annie Ying Bin
Keane Then
7.35kg on 12/10/06
Similac Follow-on (Stage 2)

aiyoh... my dear dear annie

you always never read my post properly... haiz... i need to highlight again

Anyhow... babies babble la...hehehe... i always <font color="ff0000">dream</font> Kaelyn calling me mummy everyday...LOL

never mind, next one ok? lets find a good place for gathering since my BG idea like too many loopholes liao.

anyone wanna offer their place????
Sorry Sorry dear Nana,
Yap! in yr dream, you wish your princess to call you.. then did you ever say "ma "ma everyday to her?
Frankly speaking, i nvb or dare to expect keane can call me cos i myself only know how to call "ma" n da @ 4years old. You can check with all my relatives... everyone said i am a mute! thats why i presume keane will be same as me..
Until today, i still can remember my father's eldest sister said in front of everyone @ my old house.. LOUD and CLEAR! "GIVE UP HOPE, DONT NEED TO TRY! YOUR GAL IS A MUTE"
i presume my parent must be very upset since I am the eldest...
Same goes to keane whether knows how to crawl or not... cos, like my mil stated my hb's eldest brother can walk directly without crawling and she has been keep telling keane to do so.. wont hurt his legs.. keane until today, doesnt even move a bit when tummy down or with the crawling action..

dun slp so much then you will not dream so much loh...maybe little girl will call me "ma" first? haha...my future dil....

Okok! Your BG idea is good lar, but we just need to have plan B in case it rains lor? Hee hee..

Anyone been to Vivocity?
i went to Vivo city twice this week! SO SO BIG!!! Ok lah, nothing really exciting but good to have this new place to shop! My poor credit card.... haha
Wahhh you went twice already huh? So fast leh!

Were there few days ago, and am so lost! Esp in the carpark!

Got check out GAP or not? I saw the same denim I bought for Jarrett in a BP, and it's so ex in the shop.

Students enjoying their holidays le.. today is their last day. I officially let go my form class of 2 yrs *sob* gong1 de2 yuan2 man3 haha.. Hope i get a good form class next year too!

I still have intensive program with sec 3 next week to cover sec 4 syllabus. Also CCA practices every monday. Teachers are offically off after 17 november. But after that i still have CCA going on, and also workshops with students and preparation for next year science competitions. I dun think i will ever stop!! *help*

Looking forward to my NZ trip
But that means short separation from my ger

For FM... ivy, i thought once hit 6 mths, must change? So that bb can get enough nutrients that they need after 6 mths?

Now i mix stage 1 with stage 2 FM.. if 2 scoops required, 1 will come from stage 1 and the other from stage 2. If 1.5 scoops required, 1 comes from stage 1 and 0.5 scoop from stage 2. My ger can take it. In fact she takes more milk now!! Dunno why... last sunday hor, she drink as much as 250 ml!!!!!

pls help me to update. Thanks.

Kendrick Kwa
7.98kg at 4mth

FM/ Supplement with Similac Infant (Stage 1)

Calm down...hohoho there's no need to check with ur Family members.. YOu too Kua Zhang liao!!
dun compare or rushing to catch up with bb's devpt/other bb's devpt. Each individual child grows differently lor. All babies are different mah.. Aiyoh... you too stress up liao hor..RELAX!!!
hi fates...
went vivocity also...very BIG! went into the GAP store to see bb clothes...but quite ex lor...one bb polo cost $29!! the rest of the shops ...nothing much...all the same lei...like toysrus, lver, mango, zara... but hor, they have a kiddy playground...seems lotsa of fun!

hi milo,
pls update mine

Natalie Wong
6.35kg at 5.5mth
BM/ Supplement with Similac Infant (Stage 1)

instead of potluck, we can meet for lunch/breakfast there. There have a new air-con food court (the famous jln kayu roti prata is there...) and an open airy cafe(sheltered)...called Cafe Les Amis...yup...opened by the Les Amis Grp. Frequently goes there for breakfast...pricing ah...hmm...i usu spend about $16-$20 there for 2 pax.
hi hi,

update mine..

Aiden Ng (Twin1)
8.3kg / 67cm at 5mth
BM/ Supplement with Mamex Gold

Brayden Ng (Twin2)
7.3kg / 64cm at 5mth
BM/ Supplement with Mamex Gold

Mamex stage 1 can last till 12mths, although stage 2 is for 6-12mths...So i called to check abt this interlap period. The lady at Dumex told me that stage 1 is more of brain food and stage 2 is more of physical food...Since bb is already on solids and can get his carbo and proteins from the solids, i decided to just continue with stage 1 for better development of his brain...
Just me and my odd logic lah...haha...
Hi Aunties,

I am angry leh, my mummy left me at my grandmother's place when she is not working today. She say she wanna go shopping

Hi nana,
Not Kua Zhang! but who would believe? if not happen to yourself or have someone that you know experienced the same. Since, I myself can only speak at 4 yrs old.. of cos,I presume &amp; take it will follow my gene lar..
I have one childhood gf only KNEW how to walk @ 5years old..
You have a nephew whose is older than your gals. Should let them communicate and plays more... your gal will learn faster..

YAP! IF I have SUCH GD life to have time to sleep.. Sigh! Anyway, i wasnt the only person heard so.. my ma &amp; hb were there when he called me 1st time..
However, i still prefer keane can flip whole body to one side. Too bad, he can't, he only flip his top part of his body but the buttock and two legs still "flat position". Hence,He screams whenever his top part also bounce back to "flat position". He wants to sleep one side (eg right side)..

Mind to suggest, you should also bring in baby swimming trunks especially for infants.. few choices to choose in the market.. Sigh!

u going NZ ah??? when when??? u she de YJ? me planing a trip w/o bb, was thinking of either europe or usa but will take agar 2 weeks, not sure if i can take it liao.
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Height</TD><TD>FM </TD></TR><TR><TD>KK</TD><TD>Liaw Yu Jun</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>8.95kg (6M)</TD><TD>65.8kg (6M)</TD><TD>Wyeth Gold Promil (S2) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fate</TD><TD>Jarrett Tan</TD><TD>28/04/2006</TD><TD>6.4kg (4M)</TD><TD>63cm (4M)</TD><TD>BM/Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006</TD><TD>7.9kg (5M)</TD><TD>70cm (5M)</TD><TD>Nan 1 HA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD>Natalie Wong</TD><TD>07/05/2006</TD><TD>6.35kg (5.5M)</TD><TD></TD><TD>BM/Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Aiden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>8.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>67cm (5M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Brayden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006</TD><TD>7.3kg (5M)</TD><TD>64cm (5M)</TD><TD>BM/Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Kaelyn Soh</TD><TD>12/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg (5M)</TD><TD>66cm (5M)</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006</TD><TD>7.6kg (5M)</TD><TD>68cm (5M)</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairarina</TD><TD>Kendrick Kwa</TD><TD>28/05/2006</TD><TD>7.98kg (4M)</TD><TD></TD><TD>BM/Similac</td></tr></table>

I am going dec 9 to dec 16... 8 days.. haha.. hubby say he bu she de.. i say never mind lah, must give ourselves time to relax mah. And the best way is to travel overseas. My teaching life already so hectic, need to unwind leh.

And i have long dreamt to go NZ. Didn't go during honeymoon because expensive. Last year didn't go because pregnant. So this year die die must go!!!!!!

ok, u come back liao must tell me how it is k. follow package? was thinking of FNE but like u say life already so hectic, very sian to plan lor.

been dreaming to go many many places :p with a bb very diff to travel, cant imagine if have 2, can stuck in sin for very very long.

Annie Ying Bin
Keane Then
7.35kg on 12/10/06
Similac Follow-on (Stage 2)


Waa! really know how to enjoy life... yap! should relax and enjoy...Nz is a very beautiful place with many natural sceneries to view ... mountains, lakes, big ponds and many seasons flowers that cant see here..

Haha, that's what my hubby's colleague does with his wife every year.. go travel, despite having 2 kids!! It is not impossible lah, but must have a trustworthy person to take care of the kids for u. For us, we trust my mil lor
Just need to tell her some dos and don'ts.. but anyway let's see how this one goes...


u went there before liao?? A lot of couples chose NZ as honeymoon destination hor?

wow that so cool, me wish too but guess other than having a trsutworthy person to look after, alot depend on how we can 'let go'

that time my pd was telling me parents need to learn to 'let go' although will miss bb but we will come back as better spouse, better parents

keke, annie seems to be very knowledgeable abt alot of destination leh, yesterday was jus telling me tasmania is a tropical rainforest

Tasmania is my dream too haha! But price wise, not really worth to go tasmania lor, high aussie tax. Go tasmania 7 days also need around $2700. Go NZ 8 days package tour also $2700. Might as well go to NZ since me and hubby never go there before. We went as a couple to aussie twice already, and i went there with my uni classmates in the year 2000. So i went to aussie three times le!!

Aussie is really a place i miss too!! But would love to explore other new places

Europe and US is out for me because i cannot tahan long flights haha..

yup. for tas, most prob will be going FNE, more worth it lor. its my dream place as a family, hoping to bring kaeden with me when he is slightly older

me loves going to japan, been to central japan and hokkaido but still not enough!!!

haha actually i not so on abt europe / us / anywhere that need more than 8 hrs flight but wat to do... now still young can take it, next time old liao lagi worse :p

Hokkaido is a nice place right????

My hubby keep wanting me to go cold countries in december, like korea and hokkaido. I say siao, haha sure cannot tahan lah.

I scared long flights, my buttock pek-chiak hahaha.. NZ already bad enough liao, around 9 hours i supposed?
kk and milo...

Long flights also must tahan if gog to Disney World in Orlando! I was there in 2003 and i went crazy there! haha...Its SO SO big. Hoping to go back there with Xavier one day!

we only went to HK disneyland in june haha.. really very very very very small!! But i did crazy shopping there!!! Got a shock of my life when we receive our credit card bill haha.. can't imagine if i go to the one at orlando!

its very very nice. kaeden was made there :p

if u go hokkaido during dec, sure will freeze to death ah... i went during their summer in july already very cold liao leh. korea's winter also another killer. the temp is ok but comes the wind, ur face can crack man!



the one at anaheim good?
Hi mummies,
my gf email me that her gf went to china &amp; brought back branded bb clothes (if you dont mind china)..
hence, i attach for your view, if you are interested to buy can contact the follow person.. i dont earn any commission ..

Brand like Guess,Carters &amp; Gymboree etc..think my gf really forget that i have a baby boi.. most of the guess bb clothings are for gals... v.sweet and nice but too bad, keane cant wear it..

This is the email.

we have brought many nice cheap blanded baby&amp;children clothing when my visit in china if you are interested come to my website:
To buy send E-mail to
my add:
[email protected]


yap, korea and jap are damn cold man... no way that i want to make myself to suffer @ e -17C one more time in my life and dress more than a peguin... hee.. :p

However, you can wait till your bb turn around 4 or 5yrs old then go for the skiing... hee..hee.. its a heaven for them.. Hokkaido, a lot of seafood, best that you have friend to bring you around.. get cheap worth fresh seafood.. yummy..

NZ is est.. <7.5hours.. not that long lar.. You should go before a lot of natural features gone... u noe due to weather,gravity, erosion etc..
shops there close slightly earlier than Aussie.. open @10am till 4 or 5pm.. if you or yr hb has the habit to go casino to try luck, best that you bring lots of money.. many big casinos around...
Compare to australia, Nz are still ok with asians.. more friendly, however, if you go by backpack (travel yrself).. Nz is more dangerous than australia.. NEVER EVER STOP YOUR CAR EVEN IF SOMEONE LAYS ON THE FLOOR. Ever you see no one around especially and common @ highway.. 1st reaction, speed up your car backward and go...
NZ should be windy but apply sunblock and wear hat if you dont want to kena sunburn..
I think worst place to go should be perth, airport tax alone already not worth.. :p

What about hokkaido in june??

Aiyoh, i can only go holidays in june and dec.. so limited choices.. and hor, sometimes june go also bu fang xin because i still get lots and lots of emails about work. Dec is a more peaceful period
NZ is about 10 hrs flight...went there b4...
i tell u ...if u go on a flight w/o those personal TV hor...woah liaoo...will definitely be bored to death. but NZ shld be a nice place to go in dec as it's summer. ;-)

but if u go NZ, tink it's nicer to go F &amp; E. You can to drive and stop wherever u want. I like staying at their motels...very very cosy...it's like a home away from home.


hokkaido in june shld be fine but dun think all the lavender are in season yet. same as me, now only have specific period to travel, so xianz hor..
