(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

My son didnt like the walker which i brought @ kiddy palace.. think its abt $60 that can convert to rocker also..
Currenlty, let my niece use it, but she also yelling everytime when she is put in as she tends to move backward instead of forward...hee..hee

My colleagues told me, best to use after bb is 5th mth old...


Oh, wonder which rocker u bought from kiddy palace? Those walkers are all very sweet! Heehee.. The one u see in the pic cost around $80. We bought another one to put in my mil place and that one cost $50. My ger loves both
She just like to sit and then move around with us from room to room in the house.

Annie said it is 5 mth old.. my ger still cannot touch the floor when in walker haha.. so we just let her sit in it, that's all. And it is some kind of high chair for us too. I feed her porridge, etc when she is in it.

I bought walkers from kiddy palace, compasspoint. Yup, i bought two. My mil kept wanting one, so we no choice but to put another one at her place. Yes, this one most expensive at kiddy palace i think.. around $80. The other one in june thread is $50. She loves both
Both comes with music. This one more toys, but she dun seem interested, as usual haha.. she just dun like toys.

Hey, guess wat, somehow regret buying exesaucer. White elephant now.. dunno whether she likes it next time when she grows bigger. Now still too big for her. And the exesaucer so heavy!!! How can it be mobile?? And takes up so much space in my living room.

My ger kept staring at the duck haha.. i guess that's the only thing she likes so far on the walker. And she will put her hand on it
same here...my son also interested in the duck only...keep touching it when inside the walker...haha...he also dun like toys, prefer people to play with him.....
the walker that kk showed here, can be found at kiddy palace...my mum bought it there at $79.90, offer price....heard from the salesperson that this design is the latest...
talking abt exersaucer, I also find it bulky...I was tempted to buy one for him but coz it's too bulky and my son dun interest in toys, so in the end i din get one for him despite the attractive sale at Isetan....then my mum wanna get him a walker so that next time can feed him solids while he's inside, so she bought one for him and I thought lucky never buy exersaucer, else will be like white elephant too...
Is it your bb still cant grab the toys on e exersaucer?
Up till now, my keane still loves to sit in thre and play and most important to lick and suck those toys.. (faint)..

The one that i brought should be what 1st saftey... abt $60..but keane didnt like it as to compare to his exersaucer and jumperoo.. currently, my niece is using it.. she will yell whenever she is put in.. cos she walks backward ..haha.. for keane, best to use that to feed him brown rice..
Hi Annie,
Hows keane doing now? Read the past posts....take care.

My gal was diagnosed with acute broncholitis. She was 1st hospitalised for a virus infection that resulted with ulcers at the back of her throat and shld cld not swallow anything including her own saliva. Then the virus 'travelled' down to her lungs. I had to see a respitory speacialist in NUH and it took her almost 2 wks to recover frm her cough, phelgm and cold. Now better, she needs to catch up on her weight. Cos she lost quite abit as she was sick for the whole of Sept.

Its really no joke taking care of a sick child. Its even worse when we, parents ourselves are sick. Last month the whole family, including my elder kid was sick. Its really no joke. Thank God, he helped us thru the tough time.

God Bless all!
hi Annie & mummies,

my mum just confessed to me that my boy fell down from her bed on last Monday. he fell asleep and she decided to bring my maid downstairs for her hair cut. she used her bolster to block his left side but not the other side...i dun know why. before she left, she instructed my father who was watching tv in the living room to check on him.

my father, having no experience in baby sitting, assumed that he was sleeping soundly since he didnt make any noise. the bedroom door was not closed. but my dear son woke up after 10min. he flipped a few times from the centre of the bed and fell to the floor.

according to my mum, he had already stopped crying when she returned after getting an urgent call from my father. there was apparently a slight bump on his left forehead and they quickly rubbed zambuk and feed him 'jin feng san'. my mum monitored him throughout the whole day and night. luckily, he did not develop fever or vomit and was drinking milk as usual.

i did visit him on the same night but he was his usual self...playing and laughing. that is why i did not know about the fall until yesterday.

i was shocked but did not scold my parents cos i know it was an accident. my mother ticked my father off and she told me she will not leave my son alone with him in the house again. my father did feel guilty and my mum told me he kept carrying my boy after that and talking to him. in fact, my father had a nightmare that very night and was shouting. i think he is also very shaken by the whole accident.
now my parents are training him to know what is pain. they will purposely lower him from the sofa or bed and tell him that if he rolls over like this, he will hit the floor and feel pain. dun know if he understand but i think everybody in my family learnt a lesson.

in fact,i am going to stop him from sleeping in his cot. not sure if your babies are like this, but my son has been flipping even in his sleep. the width of the cot is too narrow even for 1 flip. will put him in my bed. my body will be his obstacle on 1 side and i will place a pillow on the other side. hubby has to sacrifice and sleep on mattress.
Hi! great to hear your boy is ok..
Indeed, cant blame parents for such incident to happen.

Hmm.. as what the docs asked my hb and I.. why we send our keane to A & E after the fall..is it your 1st baby or oni child?

According to them,its v common for bb to fall and get injuries... so long, didnt have blackout after the fall, no vomitting then everything is fine.

The cot bed is those old type... kind of tall, 1m height.. that why keane has the crack in his right brain skull..

Ever since he was discharged, we put him to sleep on mattress that laid flat on the floor, i put lots of pooh bears at the corner to prevent him to hit again e walls.

These days,he loves to flip and amazing 360 round the mattress..(I placed two mattress).Few occassions that he woke up in the nights, flipped and lift his head to look around the pooh bears and the cartoon pictures that i pasted on the walls.

Luckily, i put my 1m tall pooh bear far away that he can reach.. cos I witness he has the strength to pull the whole pooh bear toward him but dont have the energy to push it away... sure will suffocate..
I think KKH staff abit weird cos they ask some really ridiculous questions. I was asked if my gal then 3 mths 3 wks, pointed to her stomach and cried telling me its painful. I was also asked frm 1 to 5 wat is the pain indicator for my gal. How to answer that? I was cornered by 3 staff who ganged up together to ask me that question. I was so pist, cos my gal was running a very high fever + did not have any feeds for more than 10 hrs and was crying non-stop, I told the staff off by saying, go and ask her yourselves.
Yap, KKH nurses n docs are so cute.. I still can recall that the nurse asked me whether is keane having fever when I told her that he fall from cot bed.. funny right! and also rate the hump that pop out keane's head by 1 - 5 (largest).. so cute.. how to est e size n how to consider largest size.. (really can faint).

I can understand how u feel. Kaelyn has been falling sick for few weeks. She had Diarrhea last 2 wks. After she recovered, she was down with viral infeaction and now having bronchitis. Just brought her to PD today and she has to put on neubulizer for 3 days. Quite heartache to see her falling sick. It is reali not easy to take care of sick baby.. Sleepless nites and worries...
dear mummies,

my little online store (www.mummybabies.com) is up and running...Pls take a look and if possible, spread the word for me. I am also open to BPs.

Those who have viewed it before, pls go in again as there been reduction in prices for most products! (my savings is your savings!)

Hihi Annie,

Sorrie to hear about Keane's fall. I'm sure he will be fine real soon and will forget about his fall. All of us make mistakes; just make sure we learn fr those mistakes and not repeat them.

Tell your hubby that all of us are "supporting" you and that he should understand your predicament. You love Keane as much as he does but you also have to ensure you are healthy and well in order to take good care of him.

Do consider a part-time maid if you seriously are too busy to cope.

Hi Yasmin,

I agree w u tat the kkh staff are weird...when I brought Rayne there for the high fever, they also kept asking about the scale of pain. me so pissed then...anyhow answered...my son also got broncholitis and was on neubulizer for 2 weeks! it took him 1 month to recover from the phelgm n cough....dunno whether its becoz of the recent haze that made it worse

really no joke looking after a sick bb...

Hi Anatasia,

Really scary.so glad that ur bb is ok..me dare not put my boy on the bed unattended..he also flipping a lot now so i put him on a mattress during day n at nite will put him in the cot

Hi Annie,

How did u find the sunday class? did keane enjoy it? me also looking for class to Rayne to...else boring at the weekend
Oh! havent attend, cancel last min due to the Haze.. faint..

little nana,
Oh dear, kaelyn still not feeling well.. yap, true enough, we as parent feel heartache when bb fall sick.. keane has serious blocked nose due to the haze.. sigh! follow my hb genes..
can you imagine that even for normal days, he alway has block nose and using his mouth to breathe...

Last night, he shouted, yelled angrily becos he couldnt sleep firm @ 1 side.. he will fall back straight.. he wants to sleep 1 side, so that he can at least easier to breath..
Hi Ivy,

Do we have to put on diaper for baby when using the wetsuit? If yes what kind of diaper? Can't imagine they poo in the pool while swimming!

Anyone bring baby to swim alredy??
Hi Ivy,

Do we have to put on diaper for baby when using the wetsuit? If yes what kind of diaper? Can't imagine they poo in the pool while swimming!

Anyone bring baby to swim alredy??

i think huggies does hv swimming diapers in a pkt of 15pcs. Cannot remember the price maybe u can check in the supermart
fates, i have brought brayden to the pool 2 weeks ago. erm so far so gd. prob is the 1st time, when he;s in the pool, he keep on frowning n tinking y he is in a pool of water... hee...

mayb i should go check on the swim diapers as well. reali cant imagine if they poo in the pool...
Thanks! I will check out the supermarket

You carried Brayden or put him in a float? He must have enjoyed himself? :p

Same leh..once the air is fresher, am gonna bring Jarrett to swim! My hubby said baby got a natural instinct to swim/float, and wanna release him in the pool leh! Oh my god...i better stick around n go his rescue
I think that "instinct" is only applicable for new born...ya, u better stand by!!

Are we meeting up tomorrow?
Hi mummies, bought a round yellow float from Isetan. Cost about $9.90. It has a seat attached in it.Can remove and use as a normal float when they'r older. I think the brand is Little Floaters. There's a backrest to lean on. My ger loves it!
I really want to cry. Not good to be helpful at all. Some idiot sabbo me!
Wait pp think i earn money - so sian.. if you read my bp thread.. :~(

Hi mummies,

As what i mentioned before, this similac that i get is from my gf's friends whose work inside the Abbott company.

If you read through the recent bulk purchase, i myself also shocked of the cheap price even than me.

If you think seriously, how can Similac Stage 1 is cheaper than follow on? Babies drink or intake most @ newborn.. common senses.. so every brand the Stage 1 (o-6mths) is higher price compare to stage 2 (6 mths & above)..

I started this thread initially to help Nitika to order, ended up she cancel and even start a thread herself. Getting the formula milk from this Annie (bargin..)..

I wont comment where this similac is from and am also not sure whether Nitika earning commission or not.

I also not interested to obtain more orders cos i basically don't get any benefit at all.

If you still interested to order from me. I can help but i do expect fund transfer 1st before i ordered for you. You can directly PM me ( already changed the setting, which allow PM) or email me @[email protected] OR put a post @ May 2006 Mummies.

My gf and I are not supplier. She has to pay upfront to her gf everytime i place the order first.Hence, i don't want to give any trouble to my gf since she is doing a favour.

Pardon for the inconvenice caused, I shouldn't trust anyone so easily when i don't even know them at all. Few gfs already helped me to find Nitika records, she is doing monthly bulk purchase on Similac. You can find her for cheap price.

Anna and i found something great to share with u! We been looking for teething rusk but all are for 6 mths and above.

While shopping at cold storage the other day, we saw this new product by Heinz. Its for 4-6mth babies! haha...we sweep clean the supermarket, all 9 boxes are with us! By the way, there is 3 flavours, banana, original and reduced sugar.

fates, i put brayden in a float. he is so engrossed in the water tat when i call him, he dun even wana look at mi. shd bring jarett go, he will love it...

i know HT have teething biscuit. not sure is it for 6 m above or not. wat the diff between rusk and biscuit?
Hi yvonne du & fairy snowberry,
Thanks for your concern.. keane is much better now. He even starts to play his favour Jumperoo..

Ivy & milo66 & sponge,
Oh! i let keane eats small portion every days since two days ago although the biscuit box stated 6mths & above. I brought Heinz orginal and the Wan Wan biscuits... tasted... no taste at all..

Keane is so adorable, he looked up @ me when i put a small little bite into his mouth. I showed him my mouth "action" and he follow.. how adorable.. so sweet..

Ya will definitely bring Jarrett for a dip in the pool when the sky clears. It's PSI 110 now! Yeee *cough*
Keeping my boy in air con room now..


ya Keane is cute leh, so stop beating him..hee hee


You swept the Heinz rusk away, how we buy huh? Hope you didn't go to the CP cold storage :p

Does your baby like the husk? My no 1 did not like such stuff so thinking of not buying for Sien. Do give me a feedback.


Thank God that yourds is much better....
my son will grap and touch the duckling on the walker, but not anything else..so I guess it's not because he cannot grab them so he's not interested loh....
putting pillow on one side of your bed is not a good protection for your baby coz babies can actually flip over the pillow...also coz pillow is light, sometimes, baby can push the pillow to the floor then they flip and drop to the floor....the best is still to let them sleep on mattress or in a cot/playpen (deep enough) with 4 walls....

Same here..if my boy is sleepin with me on the bed, i will cushion him with pillows, cushions and blankets


Any ways to train baby to sit?

I reckon they will need to learn to sit b4 crawls rite?
Sit before crawl

Some babies can sit up on their own quite fast. My cousin's baby learn how to commando crawl then sit... so think it depends.
Hello mummies..

I'm selling of my Leapfrog exersaucer. kaelyn has been using for less den 2mths. Willing to let go @ S$150. PM me if any mummy is interested;) I'm selling it off becos HB got another activity table for her.
Wahh Anna,

Did your HB buy the Bright Starts thingy for Kaelyn?

gabby's mum,

Really? Then not so bad cos' Jarrett can wriggle around on his tummy already..tat's why pretty dangerous to leave him unattended on the bed.
gabby's mum,

Xavier loves the biscuits! he ate 1 big pc at one go! Faintz...expensive taste..

Sorry, yes we went to CP cold storage! haha..

the ones that we bought is different fr the one that you had. Cos this one is meant for 4-6 mths.
Hi mummies,
i brought the Heinz biscuits that ivy stated @ great world city cold storage. I tasted so hard.. doubt keane can eat it .. mix with veggie mash and milk..
I am using japanese brand biscuit that stated for 5mths bb.. keane loves it.. crispy and smell nice, melt in your mouth ( i tasted)..
