(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Mrs Ho, dont worry too much. i understand your concern but do give the little girl sometime to adapt here as well. Before you decide that she is not alright to be in CC.

It will be a total change for her as she has been with your ILs since birth.

She will have to adapt her sleeping habit, her eating habit, her stay with you in Singapore. On top of that she will have to be in the CC full day, so that may take her longer time to understand she will have to adapt.

To my understanding, some babies despite having a lot of exposure may not adapt CC as well as those who dont have much exposure. Example: Like Isaac he is totally fine if the place have familiar faces, once he realize that he is alone with no familiar faces he will be scare.

My friend took almost 3 months before her baby is willing to say bye bye to her and goes into the school w/o kicking fuzz.

I've spoke to the CC (Isaac~{!/~}s gog) the lady told me that seeing Isaac being so attached to me, it won~{!/~}t be advisable for me to bring him to CC at all. i went har??!! hmm... then how i see whether is he ok in CC. hiaz.. confuse har, I see him how he behave but I scare gog thru the drama at the school doorstep.

So dont give up and we will give you good support when the little princess comes to Singapore.

Babe, i didn~{!/~}t do any research either. Neither am I putting him in good schs/cc, to me I just want him to do something in the day coz' i kw that he is starts to feel bored facing 4 walls and 3 faces every weekday.

So my biggest concern is the CC has to be near my In Law house so they can see him and logistic is not a prob (walking distance). Also, cannot be too expensive. I dont have so much spare cash to spend in this area and most important the hygiene and the teachers are nice to little ones.

Hi mummies,

Can we have a show of hands to see how many are keen?? So that the workingm umies can make arrangement on their side?? Since it's only next wed..mummies who are tentatively confrimed, can make ur confirmation asap??

Tentative Date : 5th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) hunniepot (tentatively yes!)
8) terrier (tentatively yes)
9) Petite_chose(tentatively yes)
<font color="ff6000">ruixiangmom</font>
pat's schoolhouse - i'm looking at the ridgewood branch cos it's very near my place.the person i spoke to said they would prob be starting a new toddler group probably after next CNY. i told her my girl would only be 2 in april but she said they can typically take in the kids as long as they are turning 2 in that year.

pat's does seem pretty expensive though, i'm having 2nd thoughts since i'm looking for a playgroup and not childcare. i think i would be prepared to spend more money if i had to leave my girl there for longer hours. spoke to one of my neighbours who sent her son to the pat's near my place for one term when he was K1. she said she thought it was ok, no big deal, no complaints but found it was quite expensive also.she felt they were charging childcare-type prices for a programme that is only abt 3 hrs long. in the end, she switched her kid to a church kindy nearby cos it was cheaper and he was very happy there.

my main reason for sending her to playgroup now is so that she can socialize with other kids, i think hanging out with adults too much isn't too healthy. so for me, my main concerns for playgroup at this age are:
- bright and clean environment
- friendly teachers who speak good english/mandarin
- fun, play-based programme
- not too much emphasis on "academic" stuff
- not too expensive
- near my house
- reasonable teacher:child ratio
3 month very good already. My friend dd need half a year before she stop crying. I almost fainted when I heard that.

After thinking for a long time, I think I will send KJ to a full day CC although I am not working outside. I might sack my part-time maid too. But that will be next year. My husband is not keen to send KJ to CC before 2.
Hi miu66,

can I ask, why do you perceived that there can be a difference in prices for cc and playgroup? To me, there is essentially no difference, just that one is half day, and the other full day. Playgroup (half day) is really more worth it than a cc actually, cos in the pm, they mainly rest and repeat the syllabus in the morning. That was what the teacher at Brighton Montessori said when I asked whether the am or pm session or full day is better...

My friend is actually teaching music at the Pat's at Lim Ah Pin, and she said that the principal is very good and the school is very good. However, she has just left for personal health reasons. She did suggest that if I think the fees at Pat's are too high, I can consider their associate schools which are cheaper but uses their syllabus. Am still considering it. so far, I am still ok with the fees, though it might be an issue when no 2 comes in the future (no, I am not pregnant yet) and i will need to send both there, v xiong!

I think in the end, all playgroups and cc serves the same purpose. But not all will be the best environment for the particular child. Should see how the child behaves in the environment first. So that's where the trials come in i guess.


I must admit that I don't really do home practice with Shawn. am not very conscious about it and will forget. :p But trying to remember these days. Dunno if it is a waste of money, but Shawn seems to like the sessions though he tends to get restless during flashcards.. i think he don't really like flashcards cos he is distracted when I do it with him at home too.
Hi mommies,

came across this website, which might be useful for you. There are reviews of the preschools, cc and playgroups in Singapore. MMI Tampines seems very well rated. Do note that not all MMI are 'created' equal... alot depends on the principals.


Not sure if I shared with you b4 in the class, I dont flash the cards to Amanda anymore cos she doesnt seem interested when I do that to her at home, often distracted but she seems to like it when Wanting does it in the class... maybe I flash too slow or I seemed too preoccupied to flash as fast as possible and fail to neglect the tone of my voice?? *could be many reasons*.. so I just let her play with the flashcards on her own.. used those that I got from popular, cheap and good and with real pictures.. she will play with it or I just throw it in front of her casually and say the words out loud and this catches her attention better.. or I let her play with books, flyers, cards etc and I let her point to the words and I will say out the words as she points..
Hi Ladies, long time din post here le.
Hope you all still remember me.
Something to ask you all here.
How many of you are having #2 now? I mean after our 2006 babies
<font color="ff6000">ruixiangmom</font>
i guess it's because of the actual terms used - playgroup and childcare. for playgroup, i see it as something like a kindy programme where kids play and learn for a fairly short time and that's about it. i don't need my child to have her lunch there or bathe or have a nap, so i suppose that's why i'm not really willing to pay more for these added services, but of course i realise this may not be the case for different ppl.

i definitely agree with you that sending the child to playgroup when s/he can communicate more clearly is prob better (if possible for the parents). for now, i am still looking for a suitable programme that i can attend with her cos i have the time before #2 comes!
Wah..so full after lunch..and sleepy too. Been a long while since I have been to hard rock but I must stay their set lunch is really worth it. $14 nett and the bbq ribs are good!
Hey Rach,

Sorry I wont be able to make it for the outing, almost forgot that I've got something on that day.. you guys enjoy!

RE: Anyone wants to order anything from Amazon?

I am thinking of ordering a toy from amazon, anyone wants to buy anything from there too as we can save on shipping cost? Let me know...
Hi Rach

Fyi, 5 Sep is a school holiday as next week is the school termbreak. Everywhere will be crowded with kids. You may want to suggest another date?

Also, would you ladies mind if I bring along my No. 2 and maid (mayb plus FIL) to go for the gathering?
RE: Getting used to CC
Hmm..3 to 6 mths is a long time! I hope ivec will get used fast..cos we only sign him for the 2 weeks trial..else will stop if he's not ok..part of me really want him to get used to CC..heheh...cos I still prefer leaving him w CC then at home, where he spends his time doing nothing much..
But come to think of it, Ivec might need more time to get used as he's only starting to enjoy his Shichinda class which we hv started him for almost 6 mths already! Sighh..i do only hope that its becos he's still ysmall then & don't understand much

Mrs Ho
not to worry lah..I guess it depends on ur girl's personality as well..knowing my boy, I will seriously worry abt him getting used to CC..if ur girl is easy going type, then shouldn't be a prob ^_^
When are u bringing ur girl over?

RE:Flashing Cards
Su, Hunnie, Ivec's attention for flash card is ok if I give him his bottle to drink water/milk. Its only then he can stay still & watch me/teacher flash e cards. Other than tt, he want to walk/crawl away..or get ultraly restless & scream. Mabbe u can try this method?
I'll try to flash the cards according to the 65 days program as well as some other flash cards i bought from outside.
Talking abt flash cards, u all know abt e hoo ha in the BP for flashcards? Yeah...I'm one of the stupid few to invest so much in the bp & sad to say, only managed to get the Maths dots cards. Luckily I opted for installment payment basis..else will join the rest of the mommies in the Police report.
Go read this thread
yahoh...this week is the sept Sch Holidays..eeks..will hv a lot of kiddos running abt..heheh..but alright w me to go on w e outing..long time since we all meet up..^_^
How long will u all stay there until? I don't want to turn up & nobody's around already..hee

Hmm..rem u slightly..it really has been a long time! So how hv u been? U pregnant/gave birth/ttc? hee..
For me, think i'll stop at one..:p
Hi mummies,

Am sorry that i didn't know it's school term break..Think we would prefer to go on a less croded day that's y we choose to go on weekdays..How about changing the date to a later date( Can anyone advise if it's a school term break again :p)

Tentative Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) hunniepot (tentatively yes!)
8) terrier (tentatively yes)
9) Petite_chose(tentatively yes)
Yes, I will prefer a change of dates, I am scare of the holidays crowds.

Where is the spree you are talking about? I have not join in any spree in this forum because I find the tropics here very confusing here.
Just let everybody here know. There is a free preview of Playhouse disney on Starhub Preview Channel from 1 - 5 Sep. Let your puppy enjoy the shows.
Hi miu66,
Half day play group (am) don't include time for nap. They serves breakfast and lunch though, although I intend for Shawn to take a proper lunch when he gets back from the playgroup.
Playgroup at pat's will include crafts, phonics, chinese lessons, outdoor play, music, etc, so it's not really that they are not doing anything useful...the pm sessions are usually slightly cheaper, but not as good as there is a long naptime.

I brought Shawn to D'story club last sat and it is 1.5 hour long, and is like a shorter version of playgroup. Because of their short attention span, the lesson has many components and includes story time, phonics, crafts, outdoor play and music. When they are older, probably d'story club is too short, but for now, it seems good. If you don't want the meals, you might want to consider sending your child to twice a week d'story sessions available at some pat's schoolhouses
hi ruixiangsmom
thanks for your feedback on the am and pm playgroups.
i wanted to enrol K for the d'story club too but they don't have it at the pat's near my place, nearest one to us would be halifax. did shawn enjoy his d'story club session? would you mind sharing how much it costs?
My boy & I are dw with Fever. My HB complain never go out also can kena fever. My poor boy, kena from me.

Now my boy tempature is going up again. Got to give him panadol to drink later. He sure cry.

So angry with my HB but I gave up scolding or telling him off. He knows that BB having fever but did not give him eat panadol. Must wait for me to come back hm to give him. By the time I came hm, his fever was 38.3. (And my was 38.5.)

<font color="0000ff">Rach</font>, Think should be no prob on the 26 Sep unless I start work aridi. Keep you inform ok?
Hi miu66,

I can't really tell if Shawn is interested in the D'story club per say, as he was really excited and very happy to be in the classroom and new environment and was running around everywhere and touching everything, most of the time ignoring what the teacher's is going through. ;p

He was quite distracted from the proper lesson initially, and so are the other kids, most of them are also here for the trial. Shawn was the youngest there and the teacher said that after a while, they will not be so distracted. We are going for a trial session this sat again to gauge his interest (each child can have up to 2 trial lessons). They have different activities every week, last week for outdoor play was ball kicking, and this week will be water play. The teacher has asked us to bring a change of clothes for him and swim wear. It's the end of the term and there will be a party and parents are to bring titbits for the young ones to potluck

Fees. Once a week, it's $315 per term (based on 5% gst and will have increased now), and for twice a week (weekdays), it's $630 per term (also based on 5%)...
hi mummies, how's everyone doing?? I had MIA again for some time.. hahaha..

petite_chose, i was down with fever 2 weeks back and was hospitalised for a week cos fever come and go and lasted for a week.. and was given mc to rest at home for another week... who knows Nix got it from me, instead of taking rest, i was busy taking care of him... so tiring.. cos he felt uncomfortable sleep through the nite as he was having block nose, cough then running nose.. sigh.. yesterday was my 1st day back to work after 2 weeks mc..

Mummies, ask u something, how do u teach ur kids to name their private part??? I really dunno how to teach leh.. It happened on Sunday when my mil brough nix outside the house and she was teaching nix about nature, like trees, grass, cloud, etc.. and when my mil asked him where's the bird and he pointed his private part!!! gosh!! and my mil came and confront me that i taught him the wrong thing. But the fact is she taught him the private part is "bird".. Gosh!! it is my fault again...

So mummies, how to teach ur kid to name it??? Help!!
Hi Jumbo,

I just teach him that that's his penis and he knows it and will point to it if we ask him where is it.

It's a little embarrassing at first, but it's a body part really, so no big deal after a while.
maybe i am too conservative, really had no idea how to name it.. think i have to be more open to him
thanks ruixiangsmom
petite, just a word of caution not sure wether did you bring the litte one to see a doc. if u did u can ignore what i've mention..

- medicine for bb we are not suppose to give them if the med is after is 3 months.

Rach - 26th count me IN!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm.. Jumbo i didnt name anything for Isaac's pte part. But he does at times play with it, which i guess is common.
mom, nix will play with it if he is not wearing any diaper.. my mil keep telling me dun let him play or else will be impotent!!! I wanna bang my head to the wall when i heard she said this. i think it is normal for them to play with it sometimes cos they are curious about their body part. But not so serious as to be impotent!!
mom, nix will play with it if he is not wearing any diaper.. my mil keep telling me dun let him play or else will be impotent!!! I wanna bang my head to the wall when i heard she said this. i think it is normal for them to play with it sometimes cos they are curious about their body part. But not so serious as to be impotent!!
Tks <font color="0000ff">Mom_yam</font>, I understand what you mean. My house is stock up with bb panadol from Polyclinic. So all the old I will throw if more then 3mths.

Think he is getting better aridi. (I hope so) I have not given him his afternoon dose. Will monitor and see tonite.

Last nite got to sponge him. Temperature went up to 38.8.

For me, I got better today too. I was having very bad back ache for 2 days b4 I came dw with fever. Never had this this before giving bith. Wonder is it due to epidural?

<font color="0000ff">Jumbo</font>, I Will tell my boy is penis. Or 'Gu gu jiao'. My HB will tell him 'bird'. So I told my HB better not tell him that. Like wat you said, where is the bird? he will point there.

But my MIL will also told him is 'Bird'. I just leave it. Cos Is not all hte time she will be taking care of him.

My boy also loves to pull and touch his penis too. Read somewhere is actually part of grwing pharse
Hey hey..I will try to make it on 26 sept. Will try taking leave once you all can confirm..heehee...muz meet up wif u gals before I get too big to bring little Keziah out by myself...

Petite, the baby panadol, pink liquid, I get from PD can last 6 mths. So shouldn't have problem feeding the litte one that. If too high, better feed neurofen. When you taking off again?
Are u gals having any difficulty with this? These days so difficult for me. My gal dun even want to sit in high chair to eat. Sit in normal chair will stand up and wanna reach for dishes. I ask her dun do certain things, she will continue, especially if she super tired. Want is want one..aiyo...

Took my gal for break at sentosa and found she can actually last on 30 min nap. Oh mind! How long do ur kids nap these days? Sometimes it's just so difficult to put her down to nap without rocking her and a struggle.
Hi Babe,

I'm also having some discipline problem with Enya. When you tell her not to do certain things, she will proposely do it. Sometime I will beat her on the thigh and of course, she will cry. So after crying, I will tell her why I beat her. Sometimes it works, but sometime not. So I guess we still have to be patient with them.

RE: Nap
Enya can really sleep for 3 hrs in the afternoon when she is at home over the weekend. I'm not too sure when she is at the nanny's place. I dun have much problem getting her to nap in the afternoon but getting her to bed in the night is a challenge. She doesn't want to sleep until she is very tired. Sometime I fall asleep even before she does.
Hi all,

I'm back after a long MIA. Been really busy putting together my family's immigration application, and now it's finally done and over with! Whew!

Private part
I noted that Aiden likes to pull at his penis whenever his diaper is off, and got a bit worried abt it, until I plough through the thread and saw that many mummies are experiencing the same thing with their DS. Thk goodness that it's developmentally normal and rather common too!

Caning & discipline
Aiden seems to be getting more and more out of hand. He likes to throw a terrible screaming fit when he does not get his way, or hits his head HARD with his palms. And he is climbing furniture like nobody's business. His daddy is suggesting a cane, but I'm very against caning, especially at this age. I would prefer to use it for serious "offences" which he will likely get into when he's much older. But my hb says caning worked on him, why not his son?!?!?! I'm having a problem trying to come to an agreement with him on discipline for our son.

A's appetite seems to be getting much smaller, I'm having trouble trying to think of what food that he can actually enjoy eating without spitting it out after abt 10 mouthfuls. He loves his occasional junk food treats, but I'm thinking of cutting those out altogether so that he can eat properly again.

Speech development
Besides "bus" (which is pronounced without the S sound), "papa", "car", "kaka", "mum mum", and baby-babble which nobody understands, A is not talking much. How are your babies developing in their speech abilities, mummies care to share?

Outing on 26 Sep
Rach, pls count me in, but I do have a problem with the timing, cos A takes only 1 nap a day - after his lunch till late afternoon abt 4pm. Wanna find out from you mummies on your lil' darlings napping schedules? Cos many of you seem to be able to make it at the suggesting timing. I'll need to tweak A's napping time a bit in order to go Bambini's with you all.
Hi mommies,

Like Aiden, Shawn will yell and stomp his feets if he does not get what he want. Usually when he does that, I will laugh actually cos he looks v funny stomping his feet. haha. Sometimes I will ignore him if he continues to do so after my explanation, and after a while, he will give up. Of course sometimes we give in too... think it's just a phase. I think it's too young to hit them now... I will threaten to hit, and will hit him with my hand if he's really naughty, but not cane. I find that it helps if you ask him to do things, rather than ask him not to do things, etc, 'put the bear on the sofa" instead of saying don't throw the bear on the floor!".

Shawn's appetite is getting very big! Everytime he sees someone eating, he will want to eat too! Sometimes after picking him up from the nanny where he already had dinner, he will want to eat ours too when we eat. I can't even munch on my own titbits now with him around, cos he will want that. I put it on the table, he will pull out the chair and climb up on it to get it. *shake head*. V v greedy.

Speech development
Shawn really only started talking 2 weeks or so ago. He can say 'mommy', 'daddy', 'mah mah' 'di' for auntie, 'ker' for uncle, 'gor gor', 'jie jie', 'at' for cat and 'duck', 'bus', 'a' for letter a...
Caning & discipline

Amanda is getting out of hand too. She will deliberately throw the items off her high chair, and she will make sure that Im watching her b4 she throws it..


Amanda has a poor appetite from the beginning to start with.. really at my wit's end, and each mealtime is like a battlefield, used bovril on her, it doesnt work and just started using appeton, hope that it will help solve the problem

Speech Development

My girl is good at pronouncing words that starts with the letter C, like Car, Clock, Cup, Cat, Cake.. and there are some words, which she will replace the first letter with C, such as Door (she pronounces it as Coor)
Hahaha~{!-~}seems like Isaac is also like Shawn eat non stop haha... can u imagine he has finish his dinner at my IL hse, if he sees me eat my packet of rice (due to nowadays packing and gog rd the whole world). he actually ate almost 1/2 packet of my rice!!!!

I seldom snacks so that is not a big prob for me. but if he ever sees us with coke / ice cream he will demand for a bite. BUT at times he do gives us a lot of prob when he don~{!/~}t want to eat his own food or sometimes he play so much that he simply do not wish to be strap on high chair to eat.

He is also another great ~{!0~}actor~{!1~} hahaha.. he will cry and cry and roll on the floor if things don~{!/~}t favor him or do what interest him.
At times I will give in to him, but most of time I will ignore him. However, at my IL's place he gets his way easily.

Talking about discipline, when he is out of hand I will pat his hand. But often that don~{!/~}t work very much, so I don~{!/~}t feel canning works. If they are immune to cane, u may not have other resort to discipline him. Probably be firm on tone and be stern that will help at such young age.

I realise the more we ask him NOT to do so. The more he will do so; recently I also start to adapt Su's method. I will usually ask him to give it to whoever he feels like ex, if he throws the ball; I will ask him "Isaac is that the right way to do so? if not, can u be a darling to pick it up and pass it to papa?" and probably out of 10 time he will do it 6 times? But have to be extremely patient, sometimes when he is in his own world, he will ignore me. sob sob..

Talking - Isaac is very sloooooooooooow in this area. I can tell he is trying very hard, but he rather make animal sounds rather then the name of the animal. Example - dog he will do barking sound non stop. cat, birds.. etcs. Or he will do sign language in his own way to express himself. Only at times, I can hear word like bear, bird. Now he is upgrade everyone now is call MAMA~{!-~} *smack head*
<font color="ff6000">discipline</font>
same as many mummies here, my girl throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way and out of frustration when we don't understand what she wants. like most of you, i sometimes ignore her and she'll stop or i'll give in if it's a trivial thing. when she's very naughty (like purposely putting her hand into the toilet when i tell her not to), i'll smack her hand lightly. sometimes after i do this, she'll smack her own hand hahahahah! my husband sometimes will use his fingers to flick her leg if she is very naughty, i'm not that keen on this but i guess it is better than caning (considering he was caned when he was young). my family has never used a cane, i thought my mum's explanation for it was quite good: she said if you use your hand to smack/beat a child, you know how much pain you have caused him/her cos you can feel it, whereas when you cane, you may not know how much you are hurting the kid.

<font color="ff6000">appetite</font>
my girl has quite a good appetite. in fact, we are worried that she is going to become one of those fat kids who must do extra PE so we are trying to curb her intake and prevent all the grandparents from feeding her nonsense.

<font color="ff6000">speech</font>
words she can say clearly - mama, papa, porpor, kongkong, kaka, ya, wow, more, open, bird, elmo, dirty,apple, cut, uncle,although sometimes ah kong and ah ger (her auntie) are the same as uncle.

words she knows but cannot pronounce well - nice, cat, dog, please, grape, flower, wet.

i sometimes wonder how come she can copy and learn some of the words i teach her so easily and yet she can't repeat some simple ones (like water, 'A', boo, yes and no) at all.
she only just learned to shake her head to indicate no last wk.

<font color="ff6000">naps</font>
K has one nap from about 1.30pm to 3pm usually. i also hope i can re-adjust her timing a bit on the day of the outing.
my girl will have 2 - 3 hrs nap in the afternoon if at home...
if we going out...at least will have 1 - 2 hrs..

she still bubble alot...that we dont understand.
her expert is : baby (very zhun lo)...anything she point she will call "baby"...there is once she pointed Lee Kuan Yew pix and say "BABY"...aiyo...faint...
then follow by: papa, bird, dog, car... rabbit (abbit)
Hi all,

Re discipline
Wld like to share what i learnt from "Demons to Darlings", a OZ show similar to SuperNanny. The nanny in the show adopts "Time-out" method. Give verbal warning 1st and if it dun work, then carry out the "Time Out". Time-out means isolating the child in his/her bedroom (muz b danger free hor) for 5mins. Then when time's up, go to the room n asks if the child is ready to do the task assigned. It miraculously works in all the cases shown in the programme.
For me, I will give out 2 verbal warnings before giving "Time Out". And I wld place R on 1 end of the sofa for her to calm down/ think over while I do my own stuff. Once she stops crying, I wld go over hug her n tell her wat she did wrong. I may only consider isolating her in the room when she is older. Sometimes, when she fusses juz to get my attention while I am bz in the kitchen. I wld first ask if she needs my hug for assurance. After hugging if she still dun behave, I wld give her 2 options to choose - go watch her TV/ play toys or "Time Out". And whenever u want the child to do something, u muz go to the child and give your instructions. Do not shout across the house coz according to the show, it is not gonna to work.
I think generally, girls develop faster in terms of linguistic skills.

Shawn has been signing since a long time ago, and I think out of laziness, he is not saying the words which he can sign since he's understood anyway...
so it might not have been such a wise move to teach signing afterall? hmmm...

how long is the normal timeout period for your girl? won't she run away from the sofa during timeout?
The suggested duration is 5mins but for me, I dun time, I will leave her there until she stop crying/ fussing. Yes, if she run away, I will carry her back to the sofa. N after a few times, she will juz sit there and continue her cries lor.

Looks like we all have a discipline problem at hand. Terrible twos? Tried to ask her to do things rather than not do but working only at times. Tried to smack her on the hand but not of use. Hb tried to beat her on thigh and she actually thought he's playing with her and laugh. Headache...

K is slow with this. Babble alot and best word to say is papa...

She's great appetite. Everything also want to eat. Never know when she is full. Wonder if you all have started on outside food? Quite salty hor?
