(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Thanks for the link on the directions n map to Gogobambini. Tink I cock-eyed ler, can't find it when I surfed the website yesterday.

Can change to either Mon or Fri mid-sept onwards, if possible. No prob if cannot. Will then give it a miss coz my hubby can oni take leave ard that period to bring us there.

mom_yam, what big operation u going?? sound serious leh...plse take care hor....

he kena at ikea tampines, cut by fan coil. we made a complaint n oso seek compensation. n they paid. u go read my blog.
ET - hee hee.. not body operation. is moving house operation haha pai say make u worry for nothing.

i also want yr blog.. give me lei!
HI all,

I will try to make it on the 5th Sep for the outing. Anybody wants to share cab and go together?

Riz fell dw from my bed last nite while sleeping on my bed. Best part, his father is sleepin with him. I was in the other rm, on the computer.

His father shouted at me when I told him why you never keep an eye on him. 'He said he is sleeping. HOw to see!' I am so mad. I also said that this is what you get for leaving him on our bed to sleep. He said then Why I never carry him back to his bed to sleep?

I felt double standard. When I want to carry my boy to his bed to sleep when he had slept soundly on my bed before, he will scold me for waking my boy up, etc...

There was once I woke up in the middle of the nite and saw my HB pillow on top of my boy face & body. So dangerous. I told him abt it, he still turn a deaf ear.

This morning nap, he still put him on our bed to sleep.

Wat can I do???
Will you be taking MRT to the nearest station then take cab from there to GGB? Or cab straight from your place? If its the earlier, then can I meet u?

As to prevent Riz from hurting himself, mayb u can place pillows/ mattress ard your bed to cushion the fall. Gotta to go out now, tok more later.
You also give me a shock. I thought what operation. Aiyah, take half a day leave from your moving house operation and join us lah.

I also need to share cab with somebody. No idea how to go there.
We'll see how the response from the mummies
and also let them decide on the dates lor.. We'll go by majority votes, ok??

U wan to include your name in?

Go Go Bambini Outing

Tentative Date : 5th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
Hi ladies
Hee..I'm so happy today cos Ivec is finally walking steadily today..he has been practising his walking skills but we were always on the lookout for him as he was really unsteady..but today, he managed to walk unassisted throughout my parents' flat..heheh..machiam he know that he will be going somewhere tomo..in fact, we will be bringing him to the Zoo tomo..really excited!

Include me tentatively as well..but like the others, need to know how to get there..heheh..another challenge to bring Ivec out alone again.
Rach, thanks so much for the arrangement..heeheee....
Really like to go..actually on leave on 3 and 4th to go chalet...so 5th might give it a try if not big biz crops up at work.
Like some mommy's if arr on mon or fri might be good coz can take leave and have long weekend.

Petite, if I going, can share cab. Where you cabbing from?
Interested mummies pls add on ur names..

Go Go Bambini Outing

Tentative Date : 5th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
Draik, Momyam & bblim, pm u gals liao

Draik,how KJ hurt himself in ikea?

Momyam, where u moving to?? think of moving house very headache leh...so many things to pack n unpack...now with the little one not easy to do packing oso
did not receive your pm leh.

KJ ran around the furniture, knock his head against one sharp corner and cried so hard. I checked his head for injury but cannot find. I only see a tiny bit of skin coming off from his ear, dun look serious at all. The next day, he cried so hard again when I wash his hair. The third day then I found a scar on his head well hidden behind his hair. You see, what a careless mom I am.

Aiyoyo, I almost broke into tears when reading your descriptions of Keith's incident n the hospital part. Can really feel the heartache. Tink I wld surely break down if was my gal. Poor Keith, hope his wound will be healed in no time.

I pm u again.

poor KJ...sometimes accident is hard to prevent. we just have to be careful. for Keith's case is considered a hidden danger according to my hb's uncle who is a lawyer so we wrote to them for compensation.

now his finger is "golden". nobody can see or touch de. He got phobia oso when we brought him back to the area where he had the accident. He wanted to be carried, refused to come down. We went to check whether they did any follow up action and yes they did.
<font color="0000ff">Accidents</font>
Wow. ET. Hope K is feeling better now.

It is frightening for toddlers to get hurt.

My girl is learning to walk now too and very unstable as she walks and so pretty scared that she got hurt when she fell on the rough surfaces.

This girl is also out to challenge us.

She likes to go up and down the stairs or platforms herself. Refused to let us hold.

<font color="0000ff">Classes for our toddlers</font>
Can I have a show on how many mommies send their toddlers for classes and what are the classes?

I am wondering if I should resume Growing up gifted classes for Xuanting or if I should sign up for Shichida class for her.

She is now full time at my mom's place during the weekdays. My mom is talking to her in chinese most of times except evenings where my sister or when we visit, that we get to speak to her in english.

Time is short with her over the weekends and I don't want to send her for too many classes.

My husband said should send her to kindermusik or some music classes.

How do you pick?

<font color="0000ff">Strollers</font>
I know our toddlers are learning to walk now. Any of your toddlers still want to be carried?

The current stroller i ve, seems to be a little problematic.

My girl sits huchback or sit like no backbone when she is in the stroller. And my girl is a little too tall for the stroller too.

I am wondering if I should change for one.

She is not very light to be carried around shopping and my husband has slipped disc problem and so can't carry heavy weights for long too.

I am looking at Maclaren's Quest/Truimph as these two seems to be the only ones that can sit at any angle close to upright.

Any other comments or feedback that I can note?

Can pm me.

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
Wish I could join in but a pity I only start going on leave between 7 Sep - 17 Sep and so can't join. Unless the gathering is changed to later date. =p
bblim & jumbo,

Thanks for he info on taiwan.. got back yesterday.. and was quite an experience, as we were caught in the middle of the typhoon.. but luckily we were in areas that were not that badly affected.. its a good break.. at least for 1 whole week.. theres no need to worry anout household chores undone etc etc..

Please include me:

Go Go Bambini Outing

Tentative Date : 5th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) hunniepot (tentatively yes!)

jumbo, Su & ET

Hope that your little ones are feeling better now..


No wonder I didnt see you at the class the last 2 weeks.. do u intend to continue on with the class? I will be stopping after this term


Can pm me your blog?

RE: Childcare

My girl will be going to childcare this coming November

RE: Strollers

I have 2 prams now.. 1 combi and 1 peg perego.. the combi one is light but quite unstable.. it toppled a few times with my girl in it, the perego one is good if I need to lug alot of barangs ard
I think my account got some problem. Cannot receive any private message. SOrry, can send your blog to me at [email protected]? thanks.

I did not send KJ to any classes at all. Not even the trial ones. I think I am just lazy. The thought of bringing KJ out on my own frighten me sometime. He refuse the stroller totally. He wants to be carried when you want him to walk, want to walk when you want to carry him.

He love to run around in supermarkets, departmental stores and refuse to be carried. A few days ago, I just realise that if I dun follow him whenever he run, he will not run that far. Now I just stand at one spot, he run off then realise that I am not following him, he will run back to me.
Draik, that's very good!! isaac simply dont care whether am i behind him a not. ONce he is so engross playing in the playground, i told him if u dont hold my hand and go mommy gog off hor.. he show me the sign - bye bye.. i ask him then frd kiss mommy - he did it ask well. grrggghhh see so fast dt want mommy alr sob sob ...

I also want to go.. but har one day prior to shifting hiaz the thot very scary lei.

WELCOME BACK HUNNIEPOT!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad that you have enjoyed yourself in Taiwan and i'm really looking forward for a holiday for myself :p

Enya also like that. Dun want the stroller at all. So I always arrow Daddy to carry her. But Enya is worst. She will just run off and not care whether you are behind her or not. No choice but to carry her. If we go supermarket, then I will put her in the trollery. At least I can concentrate shopping.
petite, isaac also co-slp with us. Hmm.. due to the fact both my hb and me are quite big size and isaac needs a lot of space now.. i'm not getting good space to slp that cause my back spine "out of line" and of coz' we are in fear crashing him and the pillow case you mention as well.

What happen now is my hb downgrade to slp on the floor while me and our king slps on our queen size bed. (regret not getting the king size then).

We bought a toddler bed and plan to fix it just next to our bed in our new hse. so tactically he is still slping next to me.. but he has his own bed and we have ours.. in this case me and my hb have our own space and bed and he has his own.

i'm not sure whether you want to do that, just feel that putting them alone on the adult bed without us or any guards is quite dangerous.

Currently our bed one side is against the wall whereas the other side is cover by me. Day time - he will be in his sarong or on the floor mattress.

I realise he just want my "smell" which is my pillow. seems that has become his comfort "toy", with that he is able to slp on the floor mattress without much fuzz.

U brought Amanda along too? Very brave of you. Until today, I have not brought Enya overseas yet. Dying for a holiday.

I was already looking forward to my next overseas trip when I touched down at changi airport yesterday leh.. next trip will be Perth.. but got to wait till next yr liao


Yeah lor.. brought my girl along.. this is her second overseas trip.. honestly speaking.. it is kinda stressful bringing her around.. esp that she is so hard to feed.. I went to the dream mall at kaoshiong.. and spent so much time feeding her till I had very little time shopping.. and ended up only buying her toys and none for myself and hubby

I was already looking forward to my next overseas trip when I touched down at changi airport yesterday leh.. next trip will be Perth.. but got to wait till next yr liao


Yeah lor.. brought my girl along.. this is her second overseas trip.. honestly speaking.. it is kinda stressful bringing her around.. esp that she is so hard to feed.. I went to the dream mall at kaoshiong.. and spent so much time feeding her till I had very little time shopping.. and ended up only buying her toys and none for myself and hubby
talking about travel,
I was planning going Perth in Sept/Oct a few months back, but then dh says that period peak period for his factory, and also very septical whether we will enjoy the hol since YY will be a troublesome fellow and dunno if she will appreciate the scenery (the flowers specifically since it's the wildflower season) and animals. So, dumped the idea even though I researched on the places to visit and all. Was a little disappointed then but come to think of it, it's not a bad idea to save the $ for a later trip, maybe when she's 3? She will be more dong4shi4 lor ... hopefully. :p

RE: Stroller
Mine is a combi. Yes, will tend to topple over when hang too many / heavy stuff at the handle - the nylon basket below is too darn small to be useful
Aiya, free 2nd hand item so must not complain. But at least it's light enough, my flat is not at lift level so gotta piggyback the stroller down the stirs while carrying her in arms or else carry the stroller with her sitting in it.

<font color="0000ff">BP for foto-u</font> message from David, FYI
This is to kick start the latest BP for all!!! A little token for all the supports!!! C link below. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/450761/556344.html?1187602383 $400 package: /- Suitable for family of 5 members, maternity, couple, makeover/glamour, kids, and pets etc. 1. All images return. 2. 2 hours session (including make up and wardrobe changing) 3. Maximum 5 people. 4. Facial Make up for one female adult 5. 1 x 8R album with 16 to 18 pages layout. You must put ur name, nick and transfer code, internet banking will be better as can put ur nick with it when transfer, color of album, and lastly the photographer you prefer. Example: 1. David, nick fotoudavid, code 11644654, color of album pastel pink, photographer ben. Bank account: 1. David POSB SAVING: 093-92763-0 2. Ben POSB SAVING: 089-90905-8 3. Waipeng: POSB SAVING: 151-23248-5 Transfer of $100 is required as we need to purchase the albums. Also, u are advised to email the photographer to arrange a date. Also, pls cut and paste all when putting ur name. Also, it will end at 28th August. Transfer of $100 is needed. Will be valid for 6 mths. Color of alums: pastel pink, pastel blue, pastel yellow, orange and black. It's the last time we will be doing this packages, as we will be revising our packages to ala carte, so hurry now!!! Inform all ur friends!!! Inform all ur colleagues!!!
Tracy, Draik and hunnie, pm or emailed u gals liao

Hunniepot, u went taiwan??...wow...I went last dec. K's 1st trip...I enjoyed it very much leh...that time still young at 9mths..much easier...my most recent trip to HK 1.5mths ago is a nightmare...he was sick so cling to me like a koala bear...and I carried him for a total of 6 days walking...good workout for me...i ate a lot and still managed to lost some weights.....but hor I not scared leh...now planning a 3rd one end sep for a short trip nearby to beach resort
feel so painful for your son after reading your post.

I also feel like going for a holiday but I dun think we are going anywhere. We did do a little planning to go perth, Hong Kong, Thailand, whereever but my husband could not leave his business behind.

I think if I really want to go for a vacation, I will have to either go by myself or go with my son only.

Mine is a Maclaren Quest. It's very stable and easy to maneuver. Has been serving us for almost 1 yr. So far, my boy still ok with sitting in it, and it becomes a neccesity to bring it out with us.

Re: Go Go Bambini Outing

Tentative Date : 5th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) hunniepot (tentatively yes!)
8) terrier (tentatively yes)
<font color="ff6000">strollers</font>
i have a Graco travel system (stroller + infant car seat , she has now outgrown the car seat) and also a Maclaren Volo (very lightweight but cannot recline). i think i should have gotten a Maclaren Triumph instead (also lightweight but can recline to 1 position).
Can send me your blog?

how I wish i can go? I targetting to go for holiday next year.

sorry gals, cant join again this time round. Think I be due anytime during that period. Plus my boy clings on to me like koala bear thou he can walk very well now and wants me to carry me. My hubby always help me to carry him but he still wants to be carried by me. I hope I can join u the next time round if there's another gathering.

My boy doesnt like to sit in the stroller for long since when he was about 8 or 9months. It depends on his mood and I have to hide away from him.
my boy co-sleep with us also. He will be sleeping in between us and he always like to do turn 360 degrees. I always ended up being kicked or headbutt by him. Most of the times, he likes to sleep on my hand hugging him or share my pillow. This way, he can sleep in peace. My hand would be very aching when i woke up. Guess he's also like issac, like mummy's smell. hahaaaa...

Do you still wan the jumbo crayons? Tot of letting u know dat Yukis_mum has started collecting payment as I happen to see ur name when checking the thread for updates juz now.

I am using Maclaren Quest too. Was deciding betw the two but chose it over Triumph bcoz of it's weight and carry-strap. It is lighter and easier to sling over my shoulder while carrying my gal up and down the bus. But it cannot recline flat like Triumph, only 45degress the most so my gal's head will dingdong abit when sleeping. I would recommend Quest if u need to travel by bus often. But if u drive, then Triumph is a better option.
RE: Sleep
How many mommies here co sleep with ur child? How do u intend to wean ur child? For me, Ivec has been co sleeping with us for the past few mths...I'm worried that he will get too used to sleeping with us & refuse to sleep by himself..in fact, i will be on a 5 days course which might required me to stay in, thus worried whether Ivec can cope w/o me by his side for 5 days..as i hv never leave him ever since he was born..
Hi mummies,

Mmm...will have to see how. Haven't really gone far with the maid and babies since hubby left. Also to see how the maid's performance (only here for a week). It'll be funny if I get my father-in-law to tag along too??

I got a single bed dunlop mattress for Amanda and place it at the corner of the room. Then I push our bed to join the length of her mattress. So in this way, only have to worry her falling off from the only side (breadth of bed). Initially, she will want to climb onto our queen size bed to sleep, but I told her now she has her own bed and think she is happy to have her own bed, so she's been sleeping well alone on her bed. Last month, we add another single dunlop mattress on top and place them in a manner like steps. So it was like a stairs to her bed and also create a place for her to sit to read her books.

Can't imagine having daddy, mummy and bb on the same bed, haha... in the end, it's always the daddy who will be "kicked out"...

I have a haenim and a peg perego strollers. The haenim is light weight, but I find the peg perego quite sturdy. I recommend this stroller for mummies having 2 kids. I bought this cos' it has pedals at the back, so that next time, my No. 2 can sit in the stroller and No. 1 can stand on the pedals together. I quite like this idea.
Hi mommmies,

Shawn actually officially sleeps in his own room on a queen size mattress on the floor which we lifted off the bedframe in the guest room. He slept with us on our bed for some time when he was younger but we will do that and alternate with placing him in the crib. When he was about 1 year old, we moved him to his own bed in his own room and so far, he has been ok with that.

Actually, we change our sleeping arrangements quite frequently too. some nights, we want him in our bed (just want the cuddles!) but most nights he sleeps on his own in his room. one of us might or might not sleep with him in his room. I guess all the switching around makes him quite ok with whatever sleeping arrangements we have and he's not particular with any arrangements. Though he will still wake up a couple of times in the night but will go back to sleep immediately once we pat him or give him a milk feed.

I am actually now in the Netherlands on a working trip and it's my first time away from him and apparently, life goes on v well for him, for which I am thankful of as he is v sticky to me. So Shylyn, don't worry too much, sometimes they are more adaptable than we think they are.

I have a combi travel system as well as a peg perego pliko P3 stroller. The combi is at the nanny's house, while we have the peg perego.

I really like the Peg Perego as it has several incline positions, very sturdy and very comfy. It's wider than the combi that I have though, and can be quite inconvenient sometimes when negotiating the narrow turns around aisles in shopping centres. It's quite big when folded too. I can't imagine how it is like with those huge designer strollers that's coming out in the market now!

Also strongly recommends the Peg perego.
Hey bblim,

Thanks for the info on the jumno crayons.. aiyoo the BP has dragged on for so long till I have forgotten about it already.. have already purchased crayons from ELC in Paragon, $10 for 100 jumbo crayons..

I also co-sleep with Amanda, think I am the one who needs to sleep with her smell.. cant really sleep well without her next to me ;p
At least for u, the sleeping arrangements are not fixed, unlike us, however, as we go over to my parents' place every weekend, we change our sleeping position..though Ivec still sleep in our middle.
I guess he will adjust as well..hee..to him, out of sight, out of mind..wonder whether children at their age know how to miss people a not.

Yaloh..think it will be me who miss Ivec instead...heheh..wonder how am I going to cope w/o him & my hub for 5 days.
Enya sleeps with us ever since she is born. There was one point when she started to flip and fall of the bed a few times. Since then, we have moved to sleep in the living room with 2 single mattresses put together. I really agreed with Stephz. My hubby always end up sleeping on the floor after Enya does her 360 degree stunts.
Right now, I really dun know how to wean her off our bed. I think I'm addicted to her too.

Anyone giving your kids bovril? Is it good? My SIL asked me to add bovril into my girl's food to help boost her appetite but am not too sure about it

Not a problem at all.
What is the ELC crayons like? Non-toxic? Quite cheap hor. Only $0.10 per pc. Tink I will get from there too if good. Me too, waited till neck became giraffe liao, so happy when it finally took off but who knows was cancelled in the end. The organiser shld have cancelled earlier then I can join the Crayola spree instead.

Yes, I gave Mamite to Reanne at times when her appetite is poor. But less than 3x since I bot it.
Re: Sleep
i've placed a single bed next to our queen sized bed in our bedroom. Although matthias is aware of his own bed, he still cannot resist climbing over to our bed to sleep with us. Many a times, i've reminded him and place him back. Sounds cruel, but if i do not do this, daddy ends up on the floor. Hee Hee
<font color="ff6000">bovril</font>
yah it's quite salty. i used to love bovril when i was young. i remember i went through one phase when i drank it a lot cos my mom said her friend's kid grew very tall after drinking it regularly. this didn't work for me though hahahahha...

i intro marmite instead of bovril long time ago ....
is it not advisable to give both so early?..i started since 7 or 8 months old..
